circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled.brd
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled.sch
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled2.brd
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled2.sch
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled3.brd
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled3.sch
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled4.brd
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled4.sch
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled5.brd
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled5.sch
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled6.brd
circuit / eagle / projects / Inverted_Pendulum-in-TAHU / untitled6.sch
Last update 7 years 5 months
Takaharu Nakajima
inductor-nkl.lbr<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE eagle SYSTEM "eagle.dtd"> <eagle version="6.0"> <drawing> <settings> <setting alwaysvectorfont="no"/> <setting verticaltext="up"/> </settings> <grid distance="0.05" unitdist="inch" unit="mic" style="lines" multiple="1" display="yes" altdistance="0.025" altunitdist="mm" altunit="mm"/> <layers> <layer number="1" name="Top" color="4" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="16" name="Bottom" color="1" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="17" name="Pads" color="2" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="18" name="Vias" color="2" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="19" name="Unrouted" color="6" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="20" name="Dimension" color="15" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="21" name="tPlace" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="22" name="bPlace" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" 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number="35" name="tGlue" color="7" fill="4" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="36" name="bGlue" color="7" fill="5" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="37" name="tTest" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="38" name="bTest" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="39" name="tKeepout" color="4" fill="11" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="40" name="bKeepout" color="1" fill="11" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="41" name="tRestrict" color="4" fill="10" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="42" name="bRestrict" color="1" fill="10" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="43" name="vRestrict" color="2" fill="10" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="44" name="Drills" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="45" name="Holes" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="46" name="Milling" color="3" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="47" name="Measures" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="48" name="Document" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="49" name="Reference" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="51" name="tDocu" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="52" name="bDocu" color="7" fill="1" visible="no" active="yes"/> <layer number="91" name="Nets" color="2" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="92" name="Busses" color="1" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="93" name="Pins" color="2" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="94" name="Symbols" color="4" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="95" name="Names" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="96" name="Values" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="97" name="Info" color="7" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="98" name="Guide" color="6" fill="1" visible="yes" active="yes"/> <layer number="4" name="Route4" color="1" fill="4" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="5" name="Route5" color="4" fill="4" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="6" name="Route6" color="1" fill="8" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="7" name="Route7" color="4" fill="8" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="8" name="Route8" color="1" fill="2" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="9" name="Route9" color="4" fill="2" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="10" name="Route10" color="1" fill="7" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="11" name="Route11" color="4" fill="7" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="12" name="Route12" color="1" fill="5" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="13" name="Route13" color="4" fill="5" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="14" name="Route14" color="1" fill="6" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="15" name="Route15" color="4" fill="6" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="2" name="Route2" color="1" fill="3" visible="no" active="no"/> <layer number="3" name="Route3" color="4" fill="3" visible="no" active="no"/> </layers> <library> <description>Inductors by NKL® _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Allgemeine Informationen: - können die Pinanschlüsse in Becher- und Sockelversionen, kundenspezifisch, geändert werden; (->Absprache mit NKL®) - sind die Rastermaße nackter Drosseln nur Vorschläge; Layouts für nackte, mehrphasige, Drosseln, in liegender Bauweise, sind nicht erfasst, sondern müssen vom Anwender gemäß Muster entworfen werden; - sollte die Auswahl eines Bauteils mit NKL® abgesprochen werden, da bestimmte Kombinationen (Drossel - Becher - Strom) unwirtschaftlich bzw. nicht produzierbar sind; Generally, - the contacts of cup devices may be selected inividually however only in consultation with NKL®; - grid pinning dimensions of plain chokes are only suggested; layouts for plain, multiphase, flat built in chokes, are not included and need to be designed by the customer according to a sample; - the final selection of a device should be in agreement with NKL® since some combinations (regarding choke, package and current) may be uneconomical or even not producible; Please contact us for more information: NKL GmbH Birkichstr. 15 74549 Wolpertshausen Tel: +49 (0)7904 9781-0 Fax: +49 (0)7904 9781-50 CadSoft and the author do not warrant that this library is error free or will meet someones specific requirements. Created by NKL® 07/42</description> <packages> <package name="B1"> <description>Becher B1 (cup B1) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 19x10(12.5)x19 RM (grid): (12.5x10)mm manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="5" x2="-8" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="5" x2="-7" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="6.5" x2="-5.5" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="6.5" x2="-4.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="5" x2="4.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="5" x2="5.5" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="6.5" x2="7" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7" y1="6.5" x2="8" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8" y1="5" x2="9.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="5" x2="9.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="-5" x2="8" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-5" x2="7" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7" y1="-6.5" x2="5.5" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="-6.5" x2="4.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="-5" x2="-4.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-5" x2="-5.5" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-6.5" x2="-7" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-6.5" x2="-8" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-5" x2="-9.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="-5" x2="-9.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-6.25" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="6.25" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="6.25" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.25" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-5.08" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-5.08" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B2"> <description>Becher B2 (cup B2) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 22x10(12.5)x22 RM (grid): (12.5x10)mm manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-11" y1="5" x2="-8" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="5" x2="-7" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="6.25" x2="-5.5" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="6.25" x2="-4.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="5" x2="4.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="5" x2="5.5" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="6.25" x2="7" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7" y1="6.25" x2="8" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8" y1="5" x2="11" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="11" y1="5" x2="11" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="11" y1="-5" x2="8" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-5" x2="7" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7" y1="-6.25" x2="5.5" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="-6.25" x2="4.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="-5" x2="-4.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-5" x2="-5.5" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-6.25" x2="-7" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-6.25" x2="-8" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-5" x2="-11" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="-5" x2="-11" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.25" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-6.25" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="6.25" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="6.25" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-5.08" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-5.08" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B71"> <description>Becher B7 (cup B7) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 18(20)x9 RM (grid) [mm]: 10x15 / 5x17.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="6.5" y1="-6" x2="6.5" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-8" x2="6.5" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="71.675306"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="8" x2="6.5" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-71.675306"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-6" x2="-6.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-85.41878"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="6" x2="-6.5" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="6" x2="6.5" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-8" x2="-6.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="6" x2="6.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-85.41878"/> <pad name="3" x="5" y="7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="2" x="-5" y="-7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="4" x="5" y="-7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="5" x="-2.5" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="7" x="2.5" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="6" x="-2.5" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="8" x="2.5" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B1/2"> <description>Becher B1/2 (cup B1/2) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 19x10(12.5)x19 RM (grid): (10x10)mm manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="5" x2="-6.75" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.75" y1="5" x2="-6" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="6.25" x2="-4" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="6.25" x2="-3.25" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="5" x2="3.25" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="5" x2="4" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4" y1="6.25" x2="6" y2="6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6" y1="6.25" x2="6.75" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6.75" y1="5" x2="9.25" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="5" x2="9.25" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="-5" x2="6.75" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.75" y1="-5" x2="6" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-6.25" x2="4" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-6.25" x2="3.25" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="-5" x2="-3.25" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="-5" x2="-4" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-6.25" x2="-6" y2="-6.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-6.25" x2="-6.75" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6.75" y1="-5" x2="-9.25" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="-5" x2="-9.25" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="5" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B5"> <description>Becher B5 (cup B5) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 13x6x14 RM (grid): (10x3)mm manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="3" x2="6.5" y2="3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="3" x2="6.5" y2="-3" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="-3" x2="-6.5" y2="-3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-3" x2="-6.5" y2="3" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="1.5" drill="1.27" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="-5" y="-1.5" drill="1.27" shape="long"/> <pad name="4" x="5" y="-1.5" drill="1.27" shape="long"/> <pad name="3" x="5" y="1.5" drill="1.27" shape="long"/> <text x="-6.35" y="3.81" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-6.35" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B3"> <description>Becher B3 (cup B3) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 27x14(18)x27 RM (grid): (15x12.5)mm manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="7" x2="-10" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="7" x2="-8" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="9" x2="-7" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="9" x2="-5" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="7" x2="5" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="7" x2="7" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="9" x2="8" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="9" x2="10" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10" y1="7" x2="13.5" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.5" y1="7" x2="13.5" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.5" y1="-7" x2="10" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10" y1="-7" x2="8" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-9" x2="7" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="-9" x2="5" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="-7" x2="-5" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-7" x2="-7" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-9" x2="-8.25" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8.25" y1="-9" x2="-10" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="-7" x2="-13.5" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="-7" x2="-13.5" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-7.5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="7.5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="7.5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B4"> <description>Becher B4 (cup B4) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 32x18.5(22.5)x31 RM (grid): (17.5x12.5)mm manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-16" y1="9.25" x2="-9.25" y2="9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="9.25" x2="-7" y2="11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="11.5" x2="-5.5" y2="11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="11.5" x2="-3.25" y2="9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="9.25" x2="3.25" y2="9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="9.25" x2="5.5" y2="11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="11.5" x2="7" y2="11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="11.5" x2="9.25" y2="9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="9.25" x2="16" y2="9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16" y1="9.25" x2="16" y2="-9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16" y1="-9.25" x2="9.25" y2="-9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="-9.25" x2="7" y2="-11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="-11.5" x2="5.5" y2="-11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="-11.5" x2="3.25" y2="-9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="-9.25" x2="-3.25" y2="-9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="-9.25" x2="-5.5" y2="-11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-11.5" x2="-7" y2="-11.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-11.5" x2="-9.25" y2="-9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="-9.25" x2="-16" y2="-9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-16" y1="-9.25" x2="-16" y2="9.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.25" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-6.25" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="6.25" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="6.25" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-5.08" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-5.08" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B50"> <description>Becher B50 (cup B50) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 40x21x43 RM (grid) [mm]: 15x25 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-20" y1="10.5" x2="20" y2="10.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="20" y1="10.5" x2="20" y2="-10.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="20" y1="-10.5" x2="-20" y2="-10.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-20" y1="-10.5" x2="-20" y2="10.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="12.5" y="7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="12.5" y="-7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-12.5" y="-7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-12.5" y="7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-8.89" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-19" y="0" drill="4"/> <hole x="19" y="0" drill="4"/> </package> <package name="B40"> <description>Becher B40 (cup B40) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 35x20x36 RM (grid) [mm]: 12.5x20 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-17.5" y1="10" x2="17.5" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="17.5" y1="10" x2="17.5" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="17.5" y1="-10" x2="-17.5" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-17.5" y1="-10" x2="-17.5" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="10" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="10" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-10" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-10" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-7.62" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-16" y="0" drill="4"/> <hole x="16" y="0" drill="4"/> </package> <package name="KS1405"> <description>Kappe KS1405 (case KS1405) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 18x8x17 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5(5)x5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="3.5" y1="5" x2="3.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="-5" x2="-3.5" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="-5" x2="-3.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="5" x2="3.5" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="9" x2="4" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="9" x2="4" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-9" x2="-4" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-9" x2="-4" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="2.5" y="-3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.9304" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="-3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.9304" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-2.5" y="3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.9304" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="2.5" y="3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.9304" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="-2.5" y="1.25" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.9304" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="2.5" y="1.25" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.9304" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-2.54" y="6.35" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-7.62" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="KS1908"> <description>Kappe KS1908 (case KS1908) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 26x16x26 RM (grid) [mm]: 12.5x10 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6.75" y1="-10" x2="-6.75" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.75" y1="10" x2="6.75" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.75" y1="10" x2="6.75" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.75" y1="-10" x2="-6.75" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-13" x2="-8" y2="13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="13" x2="8" y2="13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="13" x2="8" y2="-13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-13" x2="-8" y2="-13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="5" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-5" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="5" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="KS2610"> <description>Kappe KS2610 (case KS2610) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 34x19x34 RM (grid) [mm]: 15x12.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="-11" x2="-8.5" y2="11" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="11" x2="8.5" y2="11" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="11" x2="8.5" y2="-11" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="-11" x2="-8.5" y2="-11" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="-17" x2="-9.5" y2="17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="17" x2="9.5" y2="17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="17" x2="9.5" y2="-17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="-17" x2="-9.5" y2="-17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.25" y="-7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-6.25" y="7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="6.25" y="7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="6.25" y="-7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="KS3213"> <description>Kappe KS3213 (case KS3213) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 40x20x38 RM (grid) [mm]: 17.5x15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="-12.5" x2="-9.5" y2="12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="12.5" x2="9.5" y2="12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="12.5" x2="9.5" y2="-12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="-12.5" x2="-9.5" y2="-12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="-20" x2="-10" y2="20" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="20" x2="10" y2="20" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10" y1="20" x2="10" y2="-20" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10" y1="-20" x2="-10" y2="-20" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-7.5" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="7.5" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="7.5" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-20"> <description>R2006 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 10mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 25x10 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-4" y1="12" x2="-4" y2="-12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-12" x2="4" y2="-12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-12" x2="4" y2="12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="12" x2="-4" y2="12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="0" x2="-4" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4" y1="0" x2="5" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="12" x2="5" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="11" x2="5" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="10" x2="5" y2="10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="9" x2="5" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="8" x2="5" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="7" x2="5" y2="7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="4" x2="5" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="3" x2="5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="2" x2="5" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-2" x2="5" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-3" x2="5" y2="-3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-4" x2="5" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-7" x2="5" y2="-7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-8" x2="5" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-9" x2="5" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-10" x2="5" y2="-10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-11" x2="5" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-12" x2="5" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="0" x2="4" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="2" x="5" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-6.35" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="7.62" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-17"> <description>R1705 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 8mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 21x8 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-3" y1="9" x2="3" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="9" x2="3" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="0" x2="3" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-9" x2="-3" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-9" x2="-3" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="0" x2="-3" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="0" x2="3" y2="0" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="1" x2="4" y2="1" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-1" x2="4" y2="-1" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-2" x2="4" y2="-2" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="2" x2="4" y2="2" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="4" x2="4" y2="4" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="5" x2="4" y2="5" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="6" x2="4" y2="6" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="7" x2="4" y2="7" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="8" x2="4" y2="8" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="9" x2="4" y2="9" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-4" x2="4" y2="-4" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-5" x2="4" y2="-5" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-6" x2="4" y2="-6" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-7" x2="4" y2="-7" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-8" x2="4" y2="-8" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-9" x2="4" y2="-9" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="0" x2="-3" y2="0" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3" y1="0" x2="4" y2="0" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-4" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="2" x="4" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-5.08" y="0" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="6.35" y="0" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="10-17"> <description>R1705 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 8mm (ØxH)[mm]: 21x8 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="0" y1="4" x2="0" y2="10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="0" x2="10" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="-4" x2="0" y2="-10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1.5" y1="-4" x2="3" y2="-9.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1.5" y1="4" x2="3" y2="9.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2.5" y1="3.5" x2="6" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2.5" y1="-3.5" x2="6" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="2.5" x2="8" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="-2.5" x2="8" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-1" x2="9.5" y2="-3.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="1" x2="9.5" y2="3.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="0" x2="-4" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="1" x2="-9.5" y2="3.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-1" x2="-9.5" y2="-3.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="2.5" x2="-8" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="-2.5" x2="-8" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1.5" y1="4" x2="-3" y2="9.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1.5" y1="-4" x2="-3" y2="-9.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2.5" y1="3.5" x2="-6" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2.5" y1="-3.5" x2="-6" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="0" x2="-10" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="0" x2="-4.5" y2="0.5" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-3" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="1" x="-11" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="10-20"> <description>R2006 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 9mm (ØxH)[mm]: 25x12 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="5" y1="0" x2="11" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="0" x2="-11" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="5" x2="0" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="-5" x2="0" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-3" x2="-9" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-3" x2="9" y2="-6.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="3" x2="9" y2="7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="3" x2="-9" y2="7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="-5" x2="2" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2" y1="-11" x2="-1" y2="-5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-1" x2="-11" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="1" x2="-11" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="5" x2="-2" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="5" x2="2" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="1" x2="11" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="-1" x2="11" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2" y1="4.5" x2="4" y2="10.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2" y1="4.5" x2="-4" y2="10.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2" y1="-4.5" x2="-4" y2="-10.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2" y1="-4.5" x2="4" y2="-10.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-4" x2="-6.5" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-4" x2="6.5" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-2" x2="-10.5" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="2" x2="-10.5" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="2" x2="10.5" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="-2" x2="10.5" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="4" x2="6" y2="9.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="4" x2="-6" y2="9.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12" y1="0" x2="-11" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="0.5" x2="-3" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-3" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="1" x="-12" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-13"> <description>R1305 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 8mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 16x8 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-3" y1="7" x2="-3" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="0" x2="-3" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-7" x2="3" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-7" x2="3" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="0" x2="3" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="7" x2="-3" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="0" x2="3" y2="0" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="1.5" x2="4" y2="1.5" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="4.5" x2="4" y2="4.5" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="6" x2="4" y2="6" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="7" x2="4" y2="7" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-1.5" x2="4" y2="-1.5" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-4.5" x2="4" y2="-4.5" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-6" x2="4" y2="-6" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-7" x2="4" y2="-7" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="0" x2="-3" y2="0" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3" y1="0" x2="4" y2="0" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-4" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="2" x="4" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-5.08" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="6.35" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="KS1303"> <description>Kappe KS1303 (case KS1303) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 16x8x17 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5(5)x5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="3.5" y1="-5.5" x2="3.5" y2="5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="5.5" x2="-3.5" y2="5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="5.5" x2="-3.5" y2="-5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="-5.5" x2="3.5" y2="-5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="8" x2="-4" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-8" x2="4" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-8" x2="4" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="8" x2="-4" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="2.5" y="-3.75" drill="0.6096" diameter="1.6764" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="-3.75" drill="0.6096" diameter="1.6764" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="2.5" y="3.75" drill="0.6096" diameter="1.6764" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-2.5" y="3.75" drill="0.6096" diameter="1.6764" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="-2.5" y="1.25" drill="0.6096" diameter="1.6764" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="2.5" y="1.25" drill="0.6096" diameter="1.6764" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-2.54" y="6.35" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-7.62" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="KS1003"> <description>Kappe KS1003 (case KS1003) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 13x6x13 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5(5)x4 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-3" y1="5" x2="-3" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="25"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-5" x2="3" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-5" x2="3" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="25"/> <wire x1="3" y1="5" x2="-3" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="6.5" x2="-3" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-5" x2="-3" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-6.5" x2="3" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-6.5" x2="3" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-5" x2="3" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="6.5" x2="-3" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="3" x="-2" y="3.75" drill="0.4064" diameter="1.4224" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="2" y="-3.75" drill="0.4064" diameter="1.4224" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="2" y="3.75" drill="0.4064" diameter="1.4224" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-2" y="-3.75" drill="0.4064" diameter="1.4224" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="-2" y="1.25" drill="0.4064" diameter="1.4224" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="2" y="1.25" drill="0.4064" diameter="1.4224" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="1.27" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-14"> <description>R1405 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 6x8mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 16x8 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-3" y1="-3.5" x2="-3" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-7" x2="3" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-7" x2="3" y2="-3.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="3.5" x2="-3" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="7" x2="3" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="7" x2="3" y2="3.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="2.5" x2="3" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-2.5" x2="-3" y2="2.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="1" x2="4" y2="1" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-1" x2="4" y2="-1" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2.5" y1="-3" x2="2.5" y2="-3" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-2" x2="4" y2="-2" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-4" x2="4" y2="-4" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-4.73" x2="4" y2="-4.73" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-7" x2="4" y2="-7" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="2" x2="4" y2="2" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="4" x2="4" y2="4" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="4.73" x2="4" y2="4.73" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="7" x2="4" y2="7" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2.5" y1="3" x2="2.5" y2="3" width="0.4064" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="3" x2="-2.5" y2="3" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <wire x1="2.5" y1="3" x2="4" y2="3" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <wire x1="2.5" y1="-3" x2="4" y2="-3" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-3" x2="-2" y2="-3" width="0.4064" layer="51"/> <pad name="3" x="-4" y="3" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="4" y="-3" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="1" x="-4" y="-3" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="4" x="4" y="3" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <text x="-6.35" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="7.62" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-4.5" y1="-0.5" x2="4.5" y2="0.5" layer="21"/> </package> <package name="11-19"> <description>R1908 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 8x12mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 24x12 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6" y1="5" x2="-6" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="6" x2="-6" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="10" x2="-6" y2="12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="12" x2="6" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="10" x2="6" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="6" x2="6" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-5" x2="6" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-8" x2="6" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-10" x2="6" y2="-12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-12" x2="-6" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-10" x2="-6" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-8" x2="-6" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-3" x2="-6" y2="-2" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-2" x2="-6" y2="2" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="2" x2="-6" y2="3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="3" x2="6" y2="2" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="2" x2="6" y2="-2" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-2" x2="6" y2="-3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="2" x2="6" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-2" x2="6" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-8" x2="-6" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-10" x2="6" y2="-10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-12" x2="-6" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="6" x2="6" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="10" x2="6" y2="10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="12" x2="6" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="4" x2="-4" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4" y1="4" x2="6" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-4" x2="4" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-4" x2="-4" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="4" x2="4.5" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-4" x2="4.5" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <pad name="3" x="-6" y="4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="6" y="-4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="1" x="-6" y="-4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="4" x="6" y="4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <text x="-7.62" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="8.89" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-6.5" y1="-0.5" x2="6.5" y2="0.5" layer="21"/> </package> <package name="B10"> <description>Becher B10 (cup B10) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 18x10x21 RM (grid) [mm]: 5x10 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-9" y1="5" x2="9" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9" y1="5" x2="9" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9" y1="-5" x2="-9" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-5" x2="-9" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="5" y="2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="5" y="-2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-5" y="-2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-5" y="2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-7.62" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-1.27" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-8" y="0" drill="3"/> <hole x="8" y="0" drill="3"/> </package> <package name="B30"> <description>Becher B30 (cup B30) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 27x14x30 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5x15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="7" x2="13.5" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.5" y1="7" x2="13.5" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.5" y1="-7" x2="-13.5" y2="-7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="-7" x2="-13.5" y2="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="3.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-3.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="7.5" y="3.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="7.5" y="-3.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-7.5" y="-3.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-7.5" y="3.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-10.16" y="7.62" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-5.08" y="-1.27" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-12.5" y="0" drill="4"/> <hole x="12.5" y="0" drill="4"/> </package> <package name="B34"> <description>Becher B34 (cup B34) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 34x21(27/33) RM (grid) [mm]: 12.5 / 25 / 22.5x15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="6" x="-12.5" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="8" x="12.5" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="-6.25" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="7" x="6.25" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-11.25" y="7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="11.25" y="7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="11.25" y="-7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-11.25" y="-7.5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="8.89" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-8.89" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="0" y="0" drill="3.81"/> </package> <package name="B5O"> <description>Becher B50 rund (cup B50 round) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 50x33 RM (grid) [mm]: 20/40x10 / 30x30 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="25" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="10" x="-5" y="10" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="9" x="5" y="10" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="11" x="5" y="-5" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="12" x="-5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="5" y="20" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="-5" y="20" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="8" x="-5" y="-20" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="7" x="5" y="-20" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-15" y="-15" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="15" y="-15" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="15" y="15" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-15" y="15" drill="1.4224" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="3.81" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-1.27" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B44"> <description>Becher B44 (cup B44) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 44x25(38) RM (grid) [mm]: 2*7.3 / 17.2 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="22" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.3" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="7.3" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="17.3" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-2.54" y="7.62" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-7.62" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-24"> <description>R2408 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 10mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 28x12 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="4" y1="12" x2="4" y2="-12" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-12" x2="-4" y2="12" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="1" x2="5" y2="1" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-1" x2="5" y2="-1" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-2" x2="5" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-3" x2="5" y2="-3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-4" x2="5" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-5" x2="5" y2="-5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-8" x2="5" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-9" x2="5" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-10" x2="5" y2="-10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-11" x2="5" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-12" x2="-4" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-12" x2="4" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-12" x2="5" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="2" x2="5" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="3" x2="5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="4" x2="5" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="5" x2="5" y2="5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="8" x2="5" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="9" x2="5" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="10" x2="5" y2="10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="11" x2="5" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="12" x2="-4" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="12" x2="4" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="12" x2="5" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="7" x2="-4" y2="7" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="6" x2="-4" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="4" y1="7" x2="5" y2="7" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="4" y1="6" x2="5" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-6" x2="5" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-7" x2="5" y2="-7" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-7" x2="-4" y2="-7" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-6" x2="-4" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="27"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-12" x2="-4" y2="-0.7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="12" x2="4" y2="0.7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="0.7" x2="-4" y2="12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-0.7" x2="4" y2="-12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="5" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <text x="-6.35" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="7.62" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-26"> <description>R2610 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 12mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 31x15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-5" y1="13" x2="5" y2="13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="13" x2="5" y2="-13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="-13" x2="-5" y2="-13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-13" x2="-5" y2="13" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="0" x2="7" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-2" x2="7" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-6" x2="7" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-8" x2="7" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-10" x2="7" y2="-10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-11" x2="7" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-12" x2="7" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-13" x2="7" y2="-13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="2" x2="7" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="6" x2="7" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="8" x2="7" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="10" x2="7" y2="10" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="11" x2="7" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="12" x2="7" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="13" x2="7" y2="13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="4" x2="-4" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3" y1="4" x2="7" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-4" x2="7" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-4" x2="-4" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-7" y="4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="7" y="4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="3" x="-7" y="-4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="4" x="7" y="-4" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <text x="-8.89" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="10.16" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-27"> <description>R2711 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 16mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 32x18 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6" y1="14" x2="6" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="14" x2="6" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="0" x2="6" y2="-14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-14" x2="-6" y2="-14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-14" x2="-6" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="0" x2="-6" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="2" x2="8" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="4" x2="8" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="9" x2="8" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="11" x2="8" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="12" x2="8" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="13" x2="8" y2="13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="14" x2="8" y2="14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="6" x2="8" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-2" x2="8" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-4" x2="8" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-6" x2="8" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-9" x2="8" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-11" x2="8" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-12" x2="8" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-13" x2="8" y2="-13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-14" x2="8" y2="-14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="0" x2="6" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="0" x2="-6" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6" y1="0" x2="8" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="15" x2="8" y2="15" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-15" x2="8" y2="-15" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-8" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="8" y="0" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <text x="-8.89" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="10.16" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-32"> <description>R3213 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 18mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 36x18 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-7" y1="16" x2="7" y2="16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="16" x2="7" y2="-16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="-16" x2="-7" y2="-16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-16" x2="-7" y2="16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="17" x2="9" y2="17" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="16" x2="9" y2="16" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="15" x2="9" y2="15" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="14" x2="9" y2="14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="13" x2="9" y2="13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="12" x2="9" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="9" x2="9" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="8" x2="9" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="6" x2="9" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="4" x2="9" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="2" x2="9" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="0" x2="9" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-2" x2="9" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-4" x2="9" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-6" x2="9" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-8" x2="9" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-9" x2="9" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-12" x2="9" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-13" x2="9" y2="-13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-14" x2="9" y2="-14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-15" x2="9" y2="-15" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-16" x2="9" y2="-16" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-17" x2="9" y2="-17" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-9" y="5" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="9" y="5" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="3" x="-9" y="-5" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <pad name="4" x="9" y="-5" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/> <text x="-10.16" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="12.7" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="11-33"> <description>R3311 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 18mm (ØxB(W))[mm]: 38x18 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6" y1="17" x2="6" y2="17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="17" x2="6" y2="-17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-17" x2="-6" y2="-17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-17" x2="-6" y2="17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="0" x2="7" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="2" x2="7" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="4" x2="7" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="6" x2="7" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="8" x2="7" y2="8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="11" x2="7" y2="11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="13" x2="7" y2="13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="14" x2="7" y2="14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="15" x2="7" y2="15" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="16" x2="7" y2="16" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="17" x2="7" y2="17" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="18" x2="7" y2="18" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-2" x2="7" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-4" x2="7" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-6" x2="7" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-8" x2="7" y2="-8" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-11" x2="7" y2="-11" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-13" x2="7" y2="-13" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-14" x2="7" y2="-14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-15" x2="7" y2="-15" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-17" x2="7" y2="-17" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-18" x2="7" y2="-18" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-16" x2="7" y2="-16" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-9" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="9" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <text x="-7.62" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">>NAME</text> <text x="8.89" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="10-24"> <description>R2408 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 9mm (ØxH)[mm]: 29x12 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-12" y1="0" x2="-6" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="0" x2="14" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="4" x2="0" y2="14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="-4" x2="0" y2="-14" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="1" x2="-13.5" y2="2.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-1" x2="-13.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="2" x2="-12.5" y2="5.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="-2" x2="-12.5" y2="-5.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="3" x2="-10" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="-3" x2="-10" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="4" x2="-3.5" y2="13.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="-4" x2="-3.5" y2="-13.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2" y1="-3.5" x2="-7" y2="-11.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2" y1="3.5" x2="-7" y2="11.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="-4" x2="3" y2="-13.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="4" x2="3" y2="13.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="1" x2="13.5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-1" x2="13.5" y2="-3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="2" x2="12.5" y2="5.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="-2" x2="12.5" y2="-5.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="3" x2="10" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2" y1="3.5" x2="7" y2="11.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2" y1="-3.5" x2="7" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-3" x2="10" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="0" x2="-12" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="0" x2="-4.5" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="12" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-13.5" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <pad name="2" x="-4.5" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="10-27"> <description>R2711 - nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 9mm (ØxH)[mm]: 25x12 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="16" y1="0" x2="5" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="5" x2="0" y2="16" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="-5" x2="0" y2="-16" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="1" x2="-15.5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-1" x2="-15.5" y2="-3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="2" x2="-14.5" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-2" x2="-15" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-3" x2="-13" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="3" x2="-13" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3" y1="4" x2="-10.5" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="-12" x2="-3" y2="-4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="-5" x2="-3" y2="-15.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="5" x2="-3" y2="15.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2" y1="4.5" x2="-7" y2="14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-14.5" x2="-2" y2="-4.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="5" x2="3" y2="15.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-15.5" x2="1" y2="-5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2" y1="4.5" x2="7" y2="14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="12" x2="3" y2="4" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3" y1="-4" x2="10.5" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2" y1="-4.5" x2="7" y2="-14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="-3" x2="13" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="9" x2="4" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="1" x2="15.5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="15.5" y1="-3" x2="5" y2="-1" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.5" y1="6" x2="4.5" y2="2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="-2" x2="14.5" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14" y1="0" x2="-7" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-16" y1="0" x2="-14" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="0" x2="-5" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="7" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-5" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <pad name="1" x="-16" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="10-33"> <description>R3311- nackte Drossel (plain choke) ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): RM (grid): 13mm (ØxH)[mm]: 40x16 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-18" y1="0" x2="-9" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="0" x2="19" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="-8" x2="0" y2="-19" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="0" y1="8" x2="0" y2="19" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="1" x2="18.5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-1" x2="18.5" y2="-3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="-4" x2="16.5" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="4" x2="16.5" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="4" x2="-16.5" y2="9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="-4" x2="-16.5" y2="-9" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7.5" y1="2.5" x2="18" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7.5" y1="-2" x2="18" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="2.5" x2="-18" y2="6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="1" x2="-18.5" y2="3" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-18.5" y1="-3" x2="-7.5" y2="-2" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="-3" x2="-18" y2="-6" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="8" x2="3" y2="18.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="8" x2="-3" y2="18.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="1" y1="-8" x2="3" y2="-18.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1" y1="-8" x2="-3" y2="-18.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="7" x2="9" y2="16.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="16.5" x2="-4" y2="7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-16.5" x2="-4" y2="-7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9" y1="-16.5" x2="4" y2="-7" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-18" x2="-2.5" y2="-7.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-18" x2="2.5" y2="-7.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="18" x2="2.5" y2="7.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="18" x2="-2.5" y2="7.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-5" x2="-15" y2="-11.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-6" x2="-12" y2="-14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="-6" x2="12" y2="-14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="-5" x2="14.5" y2="-12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="6" x2="12" y2="14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="5" x2="14.5" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="6" x2="-12" y2="14.5" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="5" x2="-14.5" y2="12" width="0.6096" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-20" y1="0" x2="-18" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="0" x2="-7" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="51"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="17" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-7" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <pad name="1" x="-20" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/> <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B8"> <description>Becher B8 (cup B8) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 18x9 RM (grid) [mm]: 16 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-2.4" y1="8.675" x2="-2.4" y2="-8.675" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="149.056314"/> <wire x1="2.4" y1="-8.675" x2="2.4" y2="8.675" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="149.056314"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="9" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="0" y="8" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="0" y="-8" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B60"> <description>Becher B60 (cup B60) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 53x31x55 RM (grid) [mm]: 22.5x30 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-27" y1="16" x2="27" y2="16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="27" y1="16" x2="27" y2="-16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="27" y1="-16" x2="-27" y2="-16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-27" y1="-16" x2="-27" y2="16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-15" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="15" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-15" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="15" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-17.78" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="3.81" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="20" y="11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="20" y="-11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-20" y="-11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-20" y="11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-25" y="0" drill="5.5"/> <hole x="25" y="0" drill="5.5"/> </package> <package name="B19"> <description>Becher B19 (cup B19) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 18x13x20 RM (grid) [mm]: 10x5(x10/x15)</description> <wire x1="9" y1="5" x2="9" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9" y1="-5" x2="-9" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-5" x2="-9" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9" y1="5" x2="-9" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="1" y1="5" x2="4" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="5" x2="-1" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-5" x2="-1" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="1" y1="-5" x2="4" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-5" x2="9" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-5" x2="-6" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="5" x2="-6" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="6" y1="5" x2="9" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="-3.73" x2="-9" y2="3.73" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9" y1="3.73" x2="9" y2="-3.73" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="7" x="-2.5" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="2.5" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="7.5" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="8" x="-7.5" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-2.5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="2.5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="7.5" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-5.08" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B23"> <description>Becher B23 (cup B23) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 23x16x23 RM (grid) [mm]: 12.5x5(x10/x15/x20) manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-11" y1="6" x2="11" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="11" y1="3.46" x2="11" y2="-3.46" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="11" y1="-6" x2="-11" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="-3.46" x2="-11" y2="3.46" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-1.5" y1="6" x2="1.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="6" x2="-3.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="6" x2="6.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-180"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-6" x2="-3.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="-1.5" y1="-6" x2="1.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="-6" x2="6.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="180"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="-5" x2="-8.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="223.602819"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="6" x2="11" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-223.602819"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="5" x2="-8.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="-223.602819"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="-6" x2="11" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51" curve="223.602819"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="7.5" x2="10" y2="7.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="-7.5" x2="10" y2="-7.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="-6" x2="-11" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="11" y1="6" x2="11" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <pad name="8" x="0" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="0" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="9" x="-5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="10" x="-10" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="7" x="5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="10" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="10" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-10" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-6.35" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="0" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B60RP"> <description>Becher B60 (cup B60) Rastpatent top view, ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 53x31x55 RM (grid) [mm]: 22.5x30 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-27" y1="16" x2="27" y2="16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="27" y1="16" x2="27" y2="-16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="27" y1="-16" x2="-27" y2="-16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-27" y1="-16" x2="-27" y2="16" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="0" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="0" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-15" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="15" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="-15" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="15" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-17.78" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="20" y="11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="20" y="-11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-20" y="-11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-20" y="11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-25" y="0" drill="5.8"/> <hole x="25" y="0" drill="5.8"/> </package> <package name="S60"> <description>Sockel S60 (base S60) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 53x31x55 RM (grid) [mm]: 22.5x30 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-25.5" y1="15" x2="25.5" y2="15" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="25.5" y1="15" x2="25.5" y2="-15" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="25.5" y1="-15" x2="-25.5" y2="-15" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-25.5" y1="-15" x2="-25.5" y2="15" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-15" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="15" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-15" y="-11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="15" y="11.25" drill="1.4224" diameter="5" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-17.78" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="6.35" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="20" y="11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="20" y="-11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-20" y="-11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-20" y="11.25" drill="2.54"/> <hole x="-25" y="0" drill="5.5"/> <hole x="25" y="0" drill="5.5"/> </package> <package name="S50"> <description>Sockel S50 (base S50) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 40x21x43 RM (grid) [mm]: 15x25 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-19.5" y1="10" x2="19.5" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="19.5" y1="10" x2="19.5" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="19.5" y1="-10" x2="-19.5" y2="-10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-19.5" y1="-10" x2="-19.5" y2="10" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="12.5" y="7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="12.5" y="-7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-12.5" y="-7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-12.5" y="7.5" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-7.62" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="1.27" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-19" y="0" drill="4"/> <hole x="19" y="0" drill="4"/> </package> <package name="S40"> <description>Sockel S40 (base S40) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 35x20x36 RM (grid) [mm]: 12.5x20 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-16.5" y1="9" x2="16.5" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16.5" y1="9" x2="16.5" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16.5" y1="-9" x2="-16.5" y2="-9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-16.5" y1="-9" x2="-16.5" y2="9" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="10" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="10" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-10" y="-6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-10" y="6.25" drill="1.016" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-7.62" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="0" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-16" y="0" drill="4"/> <hole x="16" y="0" drill="4"/> </package> <package name="S30"> <description>Sockel S30 (base S30) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 27x14x30 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5x15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-13" y1="6.5" x2="13" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="6.5" x2="13" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="-6.5" x2="-13" y2="-6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13" y1="-6.5" x2="-13" y2="6.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="7.5" y="3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="7.5" y="-3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-7.5" y="-3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-7.5" y="3.75" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.54" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-8.89" y="0" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-1.27" y="-1.27" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-12.5" y="0" drill="4"/> <hole x="12.5" y="0" drill="4"/> </package> <package name="S10"> <description>Sockel S10 (base S10) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 18x10x21 RM (grid) [mm]: 5x10 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="4.5" x2="8.5" y2="4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="4.5" x2="8.5" y2="-4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-8.5" y2="-4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-8.5" y2="4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="-2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="5" y="2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="5" y="-2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-5" y="-2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-5" y="2.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="2.1844" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-7.62" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-1.27" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="-8" y="0" drill="3"/> <hole x="8" y="0" drill="3"/> </package> <package name="SMD"> <description>SMD top view ca. Maße (approx. dim.)[mm]: LxB(W)xH : 17x13x7 pad: 2.8x1.8</description> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="8.5" x2="6.5" y2="8.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="8.5" x2="6.5" y2="-8.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6.5" y1="-8.5" x2="-6.5" y2="-8.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-8.5" x2="-6.5" y2="8.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <smd name="4" x="-4.5" y="6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="3" x="-1.5" y="6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="2" x="1.5" y="6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="1" x="4.5" y="6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="5" x="-4.5" y="-6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="6" x="-1.5" y="-6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="7" x="1.5" y="-6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <smd name="8" x="4.5" y="-6.9" dx="1.8" dy="2.8" layer="1"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="S11-10"> <description>Sockel S11 (base S11) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 12x6x12 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6" y1="3" x2="6" y2="3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="3" x2="6" y2="-3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-3" x2="-6" y2="-3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-3" x2="-6" y2="3" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-3.75" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="3" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="3.75" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="3" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="S11-13"> <description>Sockel S11 (base S11) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 16x9x18 RM (grid) [mm]: 7.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-8" y1="4.5" x2="8" y2="4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="4.5" x2="8" y2="-4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-4.5" x2="-8" y2="-4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-4.5" x2="-8" y2="4.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-3.75" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="3.75" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="S11-17"> <description>Sockel S11 (base S11) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 21x11x23 RM (grid) [mm]: 12.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="5.5" x2="10.5" y2="5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="5.5" x2="10.5" y2="-5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="-5.5" x2="-10.5" y2="-5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="-5.5" x2="-10.5" y2="5.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.25" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="3" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="6.25" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="3" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="S11-20"> <description>Sockel S11 (base S11) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 25x12x27 RM (grid) [mm]: 15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="6" x2="12.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="6" x2="12.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="-6" x2="-12.5" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="-6" x2="-12.5" y2="6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="7.5" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="KS3615"> <description>Kappe KS3615 (case KS3615) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxB(W)xH [mm]: 46x23x43 RM (grid) [mm]: 17.5x20 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-12" y1="-12.5" x2="-12" y2="12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12" y1="12.5" x2="12" y2="12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12" y1="12.5" x2="12" y2="-12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12" y1="-12.5" x2="-12" y2="-12.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13" y1="-23" x2="-13" y2="23" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13" y1="23" x2="13" y2="23" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="23" x2="13" y2="-23" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="-23" x2="-13" y2="-23" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-10" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-10" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="10" y="8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="10" y="-8.75" drill="1.27" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-5.08" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-5.08" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B44(ST)"> <description>Becher B44 (cup B44) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 44x25(38) RM (grid) [mm]: 37.5*15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="22" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-18.75" y="7.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="18.75" y="7.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-18.75" y="-7.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="18.75" y="-7.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-2.54" y="6.35" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B2814"> <description>Becher B28 (cup B28) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 28x14 RM (grid) [mm]: 20*15 / 25 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-9.6" y1="10.2" x2="-9.6" y2="-10.2" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="93.471409"/> <wire x1="-7.2" y1="-12" x2="-1.65" y2="-13.9" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="24.189514"/> <wire x1="7.2" y1="-12" x2="1.65" y2="-13.9" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-24.189695"/> <wire x1="9.6" y1="-10.2" x2="9.6" y2="10.2" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="93.471409"/> <wire x1="7.2" y1="12" x2="1.65" y2="13.9" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="24.189695"/> <wire x1="-7.2" y1="12" x2="-1.65" y2="13.9" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-24.189695"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="14" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <pad name="4" x="7.5" y="10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="7.5" y="-10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-7.5" y="10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="-10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="-12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-6.35" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> <hole x="0" y="0" drill="3"/> </package> <package name="B2818"> <description>Becher B2818 (cup B2818) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): LxBxH [mm]: 28x28x18 RM (grid) [mm]: 37.5*15 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-14" y1="14" x2="14" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14" y1="14" x2="14" y2="-14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14" y1="-14" x2="-14" y2="-14" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14" y1="-14" x2="-14" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14" y1="14" x2="-9.2" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14" y1="-14" x2="9.2" y2="-14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.6" y1="14" x2="5.6" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.2" y1="14" x2="14" y2="14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.2" y1="-14" x2="-14" y2="-14" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="7.5" y="12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="-2.5" y="-12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="2.5" y="-12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="7.5" y="-12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="-7.5" y="-12.5" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="3.81" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B6O"> <description>Becher B60 (cup B60) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 60x34 RM (grid) [mm]: Ø10 + Ø22.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="30" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-10" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="10" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="22.5" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-22.5" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-6.35" y="10.16" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-6.35" y="-11.43" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B70"> <description>Becher B70 (cup B70) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 70x45 RM (grid) [mm]: Ø12.5*Ø30 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="35" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-12.5" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="6.4516" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="2" x="-30" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="6.4516" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="12.5" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="6.4516" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="30" y="0" drill="1.27" diameter="6.4516" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="7.62" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-10.16" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B6"> <description>Becher B6 (cup B6) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 16x11 RM (grid) [mm]: 8.75x10 / 5x12.5 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-5.6" y1="5.7" x2="-5.6" y2="-5.7" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="91.014058"/> <wire x1="-1.6" y1="-7.825" x2="1.6" y2="-7.825" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="23.076403"/> <wire x1="5.6" y1="-5.7" x2="5.6" y2="5.7" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="91.014058"/> <wire x1="1.6" y1="7.825" x2="-1.6" y2="7.825" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="23.076403"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="8" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <pad name="3" x="4.375" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="1" x="-4.375" y="-5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="2" x="-4.375" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="4" x="4.375" y="5" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="5" x="-2.5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="7" x="2.5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="6" x="-2.5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="8" x="2.5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.6764" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B9"> <description>Becher B9 (cup B9) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 18(20)x9 RM (grid) [mm]: 10x12.5 / 16 manufactured by NKL®</description> <wire x1="-6" y1="7.375" x2="-6" y2="-7.375" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="101.739201"/> <wire x1="-4.8" y1="-8.2" x2="-0.95" y2="-9.45" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="24.610398"/> <wire x1="4.8" y1="-8.2" x2="0.95" y2="-9.45" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-24.610127"/> <wire x1="6" y1="-7.375" x2="6" y2="7.375" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="101.739201"/> <wire x1="4.8" y1="8.2" x2="0.95" y2="9.45" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="24.610127"/> <wire x1="-4.8" y1="8.2" x2="-0.95" y2="9.45" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-24.610127"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="9.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <pad name="4" x="5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="2" x="-5" y="6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="1" x="-5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="3" x="5" y="-6.25" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="6" x="0" y="8" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <pad name="5" x="0" y="-8" drill="1.27" diameter="1.778" shape="long" rot="R90"/> <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> <package name="B42"> <description>Becher B42 (cup B42) top view ca. Maße (approx. dimensions): ØxH [mm]: 42x25/36 RM (grid) [mm]: 30x20 / 15 / 35 manufactured by NKL®</description> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="21" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <circle x="0" y="0" radius="2" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <pad name="2" x="-15" y="10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="3" x="15" y="-10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="4" x="-15" y="-10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="5" x="7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="6" x="17.5" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="7" x="-7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="8" x="-17.5" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <pad name="1" x="15" y="10" drill="0.8128" diameter="3.81" shape="octagon"/> <text x="-3.81" y="7.62" size="1.27" layer="25">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-10.16" size="1.27" layer="27">>VALUE</text> </package> 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x="7.62" y="-2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="2" rot="R180"/> </symbol> <symbol name="SINGLE"> <wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.651" x2="3.81" y2="1.651" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <text x="-3.81" y="2.286" size="1.778" layer="95">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.937" y="-3.048" size="1.778" layer="96">>VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="-0.889" x2="3.81" y2="0.889" layer="94"/> <pin name="2" x="7.62" y="0" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/> <pin name="1" x="-7.62" y="0" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1"/> </symbol> <symbol name="3*STROKO"> <wire x1="3.81" y1="1.016" x2="-3.81" y2="1.016" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.016" x2="-3.81" y2="1.016" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.016" x2="3.81" y2="-1.016" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-6.096" x2="-3.81" y2="-4.064" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <wire x1="3.81" y1="-4.064" x2="-3.81" y2="-4.064" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-6.096" x2="3.81" y2="-6.096" width="0.254" layer="94"/> <circle x="-4.572" y="-3.302" radius="0.127" width="0.4064" layer="94"/> <circle x="-4.572" y="1.778" radius="0.127" width="0.4064" layer="94"/> <circle x="-4.572" y="-8.382" radius="0.127" width="0.4064" layer="94"/> <text x="-3.81" y="4.064" size="1.778" layer="95">>NAME</text> <text x="-3.81" y="-10.668" size="1.778" layer="96">>VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="1.651" x2="3.81" y2="3.429" layer="94"/> <rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="-3.429" x2="3.81" y2="-1.651" layer="94"/> <rectangle x1="-3.81" y1="-8.509" x2="3.81" y2="-6.731" layer="94"/> <pin name="2" x="7.62" y="2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/> <pin name="1" x="-7.62" y="2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1"/> <pin name="3" x="-7.62" y="-2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="2"/> <pin name="4" x="7.62" y="-2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="2" rot="R180"/> <pin name="5" x="-7.62" y="-7.62" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="3"/> <pin name="6" x="7.62" y="-7.62" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="3" rot="R180"/> </symbol> </symbols> <devicesets> <deviceset name="R1405X" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (bis typ. 10MHz) common mode choke (up to typ. 10MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B1" package="B1"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> 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name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B8" package="B8"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S10" package="S10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S11" package="S11-13"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B9" package="B9"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1305D" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Speicherdrossel (bis typ. 250kHz) storage choke (up to typ. 250kHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="SINGLE" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B1" package="B1"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B1/2" package="B1/2"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B71" package="B71"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="11" package="11-13"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B10" package="B10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B8" package="B8"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S10" package="S10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S11" package="S11-13"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B9" package="B9"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1908X" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (bis typ. 10MHz) common mode choke (up to typ. 10MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B3" package="B3"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="KS" package="KS1908"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B30" package="B30"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="11" package="11-19"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S30" package="S30"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B2814" package="B2814"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="1"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R2610X" prefix="L"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (bis typ. 10MHz) common mode choke (up to typ. 10MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B4" package="B4"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B40" package="B40"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" 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name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S50" package="S50"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B44" package="B44(ST)"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> 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name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="11" package="11-26"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R3213U" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (über typ. 5MHz) common mode choke (above typ.5MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> 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symbol="SINGLE" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B4" package="B4"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B40" package="B40"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B34" package="B34"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S40" package="S40"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="10" package="10-27"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="11" package="11-27"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R3311D" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Speicherdrossel (bis typ. 250kHz) storage choke (up to typ. 250kHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="SINGLE" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B50" package="B50"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> 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value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="10" package="10-33"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="11" package="11-33"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B42" package="B42"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1607X" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (bis typ. 10MHz) common mode choke (up to typ. 10MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B23" package="B23"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="9"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="7"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> 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value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R5618U" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (über typ. 5MHz) common mode choke (above typ.5MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="S60" package="S60"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B70" package="B70"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R4014F" prefix="L"> <description>Gegentakt-Entstördrossel differential mode choke</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="SINGLE" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="B60" package="B60"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="6"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute 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name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="-SMD" package="SMD"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="8"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S11" package="S11-10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B6" package="B6"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="3"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1003F" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gegentakt-Entstördrossel differential mode choke</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="SINGLE" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="-SMD" package="SMD"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="8"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B5" package="B5"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S11" package="S11-10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B6" package="B6"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="3"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1303X" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (bis typ. 10MHz) common mode choke (up to typ. 10MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="KS" package="KS1303"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1303U" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (über typ. 5MHz) common mode choke (above typ.5MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="KS" package="KS1303"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1003V" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Übertrager (verlustarm) bis typ. 400kHz Power transformer (low loss) up to typ. 400kHz</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="KS" package="KS1003"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="-SMD" package="SMD"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="5"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B5" package="B5"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B6" package="B6"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1303V" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Übertrager (verlustarm) bis typ. 400kHz Power transformer (low loss) up to typ. 400kHz</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="KS" package="KS1303"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R1405V" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Übertrager (verlustarm) bis typ. 400kHz Power transformer (low loss) up to typ. 400kHz</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="KS" package="KS1405"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B1" package="B1"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B10" package="B10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B1/2" package="B1/2"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" 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value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="S10" package="S10"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B71" package="B71"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B9" package="B9"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="R3615X" prefix="L" uservalue="yes"> <description>Gleichtakt-Entstördrossel (bis typ. 10MHz) common mode choke (up to typ. 10MHz)</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="STROKO" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="S50" package="S50"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device name="B50" package="B5O"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="12"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> <device 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