
Last update 7 years 5 months by Takaharu Nakajima
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layer="1"/> <smd name="3" x="-9" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="1" x="-10" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="29" x="4" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="31" x="5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="33" x="6" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="35" x="7" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="37" x="8" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="39" x="9" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="41" x="10" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="M2" x="12.85" y="0" dx="1.3" dy="3.4" layer="1"/> <smd name="M1" x="-12.85" y="0" dx="1.3" dy="3.4" layer="1"/> <smd name="15" x="-3" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="17" x="-2" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="19" x="-1" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="21" x="0" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="23" x="1" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="16" x="-2.5" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="18" x="-1.5" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="20" x="-0.5" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="22" x="0.5" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="24" x="1.5" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <text x="-13.97" y="-1.5875" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="15.24" y="-1.5875" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text> <text x="-11.5" y="2.5" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">1</text> <text x="-11.5" y="-3.8" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">2</text> <text x="10.2" y="-3.9" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">40</text> <text x="10.6" y="2.5" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">41</text> <hole x="11.55" y="0" drill="1.27"/> <hole x="-11.55" y="0" drill="1.27"/> </package> <package name="FH21-6S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="2" x2="-2.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2.3" y1="2" x2="3.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="-3.3" x2="4" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="2" x2="-3.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.5" y1="2.5" x2="-4" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="2.5" x2="-4" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.3" y1="2" x2="3.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="2" x2="3.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.5" y1="2.5" x2="4" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4" y1="2.5" x2="4" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-3.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> 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x2="3.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="0.5" x2="-3.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="0.5" x2="3.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-3.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-3.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> 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x2="-3.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.3" y1="2" x2="4.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="-3.3" x2="5" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="2" x2="-4.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.5" y1="2.5" x2="-5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5" y1="2.5" x2="-5" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="2" x2="4.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.5" y1="2.5" x2="5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5" y1="2.5" x2="5" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-4.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" 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layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.25" y1="0.5" x2="4.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.25" y1="0.5" x2="-4.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.25" y1="0.5" x2="4.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-4.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-4.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-4.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-4.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-4.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-10S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="2" x2="-4.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.3" y1="2" x2="5.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="-3.3" x2="6" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="2" x2="-5.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="2.5" x2="-6" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="2.5" x2="-6" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="2" x2="5.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="2.5" x2="6" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="2.5" x2="6" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-5.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-5.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-4.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-5" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-4" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-10S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-6" y1="-2.05" x2="6" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="2" x2="-6" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6" y1="2" x2="-6" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="6" y1="2" x2="6" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="0.75" x2="5.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="0.75" x2="5.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-5.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-5.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.25" y1="0.5" x2="5.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.25" y1="0.5" x2="5.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.25" y1="0.5" x2="-5.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.25" y1="0.5" x2="5.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-5.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-5.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex 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drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-6.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-6.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-5.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-6" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-5" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-12S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-7" y1="-2.05" x2="7" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7" y1="2" x2="-7" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7" y1="2" x2="-7" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> 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y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-6.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-6.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-6.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-14S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="2" x2="-6.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-6.3" y1="2" x2="7.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-3.3" x2="8" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="2" x2="-7.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="2.5" x2="-8" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="2.5" x2="-8" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7.5" y1="2" x2="7.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="7.5" y1="2.5" x2="8" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="2.5" x2="8" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-7.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-7.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-6.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-7" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-6" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-14S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-8" y1="-2.05" x2="8" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="2" x2="-8" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="2" x2="-8" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8" y1="2" x2="8" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="0.75" x2="7.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.5" y1="0.75" x2="7.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-7.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-7.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.25" y1="0.5" x2="7.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.25" y1="0.5" x2="7.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.25" y1="0.5" x2="-7.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.25" y1="0.5" x2="7.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-7.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-7.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="0.25" x2="-6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="0.25" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> 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drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-3" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-2" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-1" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="0" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="1" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="2" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="3" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="4" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="6" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="7" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-7.972" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-8.026" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-7" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-7.5" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-6.5" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-15S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="-2.05" x2="8.5" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="2" x2="-8.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="2" x2="-8.5" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="2" x2="8.5" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="0.75" x2="8" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8" y1="0.75" x2="8" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8" y1="-0.75" x2="-8" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8" y1="-0.75" x2="-8" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.75" y1="0.5" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.75" y1="0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.75" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.75" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.75" y1="0.5" x2="-8" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-8" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.75" y1="0.5" x2="8" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="8" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-7" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-6" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-4" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-3" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-2" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-1" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="0" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="1" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="2" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="3" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="4" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="6" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="7" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-8.175" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-8.175" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.25" y1="0.25" x2="-6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.25" y1="0.25" x2="-5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.25" y1="0.25" x2="-4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.25" y1="0.25" x2="-3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.25" y1="0.25" x2="-2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.25" y1="0.25" x2="-1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.25" y1="0.25" x2="-0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.75" y1="0.25" x2="1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.75" y1="0.25" x2="2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.75" y1="0.25" x2="4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.75" y1="0.25" x2="3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.75" y1="0.25" x2="5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.75" y1="0.25" x2="6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.75" y1="0.25" x2="7.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="7.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-8" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-8.25" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-7.75" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> 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y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-8.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-8.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-7.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-8" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-7" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-16S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-9" y1="-2.05" x2="9" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9" y1="2" x2="-9" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9" y1="2" x2="-9" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9" y1="2" x2="9" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="0.75" x2="8.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="0.75" x2="8.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-8.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-8.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8.25" y1="0.5" x2="8.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8.25" y1="0.5" x2="8.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8.25" y1="0.5" x2="-8.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8.25" y1="0.5" x2="8.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-7.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="7.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-8.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-8.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="0.25" x2="-7.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="0.25" x2="-6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="0.25" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle 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x="-7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="8.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-9.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-9.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-8.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-9" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-8" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-18S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-10" y1="-2.05" x2="10" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10" y1="2" x2="-10" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10" y1="2" x2="-10" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10" y1="2" x2="10" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="0.75" x2="9.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="0.75" x2="9.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-9.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-9.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="0.5" x2="9.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="0.5" x2="9.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="0.5" x2="-9.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="0.5" x2="9.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-8.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-7.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="7.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="8.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-9.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-9.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="0.25" x2="-8.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="0.25" x2="-7.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="0.25" x2="-6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="0.25" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> 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y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-9.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-9.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-9.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-20S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="2" x2="-9.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.3" y1="2" x2="10.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="-3.3" x2="11" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="2" x2="-10.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="2.5" x2="-11" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="2.5" x2="-11" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="2" x2="10.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="2.5" x2="11" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="11" y1="2.5" x2="11" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-9.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-8.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="8.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="9.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-10.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-10.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-9.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-10" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-9" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-20S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-11" y1="-2.05" x2="11" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="11" y1="2" x2="-11" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-11" y1="2" x2="-11" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="11" y1="2" x2="11" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="0.75" x2="10.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="0.75" x2="10.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-10.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-10.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.25" y1="0.5" x2="10.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.25" y1="0.5" x2="10.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.25" y1="0.5" x2="-10.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.25" y1="0.5" x2="10.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="10.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-9.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-8.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-7.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="7.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="8.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> 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y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="0.25" x2="9.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-10.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-10.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-10.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-22S-1DS"> 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drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="7.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="8.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="9.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="10.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-11.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-11.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="0.25" x2="-10.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" y1="0.25" x2="-9.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="0.25" x2="-8.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="0.25" x2="-7.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="0.25" x2="-6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="0.25" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="0.25" x2="9.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="0.25" x2="10.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="10.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-11.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-11.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-11.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-24S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="2" x2="-11.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-11.3" y1="2" x2="12.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-13" y1="-3.3" x2="13" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="2" x2="-12.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="2.5" x2="-13" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13" y1="2.5" x2="-13" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="2" x2="12.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="2.5" x2="13" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="2.5" x2="13" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-11.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-10.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-9.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-8.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="8.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="9.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="23" x="10.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="11.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-12.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-12.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-11.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-12" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-11" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-24S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-13" y1="-2.05" x2="13" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="2" x2="-13" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13" y1="2" x2="-13" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13" y1="2" x2="13" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="0.75" x2="12.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="0.75" x2="12.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-12.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-12.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-12.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-12.25" y1="0.5" x2="12.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="12.25" y1="0.5" x2="12.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="12.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-12.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-12.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-12.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-12.25" y1="0.5" x2="-12.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-12.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-12.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="12.25" y1="0.5" x2="12.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="12.25" y1="-0.5" x2="12.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-11.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-10.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-9.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-8.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-7.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="7.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="8.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="9.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="23" x="10.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="11.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-12.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-12.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-11.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-11.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.75" y1="0.25" x2="-11.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="0.25" x2="-10.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" y1="0.25" x2="-9.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="0.25" x2="-8.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="0.25" x2="-7.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="0.25" x2="-6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="0.25" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="0.25" x2="9.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="0.25" x2="10.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="0.25" x2="11.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="10.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="-0.5" x2="11.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-12.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-12.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-12.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-26S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="2" x2="-12.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-12.3" y1="2" x2="13.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14" y1="-3.3" x2="14" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="2" x2="-13.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="2.5" x2="-14" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14" y1="2.5" x2="-14" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.5" y1="2" x2="13.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.5" y1="2.5" x2="14" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14" y1="2.5" x2="14" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-12.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-11.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-10.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-9.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-8.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="-0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="8.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="23" x="9.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="10.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="25" x="11.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="26" x="12.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-13.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-13.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-12.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-13" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-12" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-26S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC 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width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-13.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-13.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="13.25" y1="0.5" x2="13.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="13.25" y1="-0.5" x2="13.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-12.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-11.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-10.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-9.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-8.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-7.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="-0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="4.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="5.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="6.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="7.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="8.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="23" x="9.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="10.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="25" x="11.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="26" x="12.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-13.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-13.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-12.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-12.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-12.75" y1="0.25" x2="-12.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.75" y1="0.25" x2="-11.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-11.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="0.25" x2="-10.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" y1="0.25" x2="-9.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="0.25" x2="-8.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-8.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="0.25" x2="-7.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-7.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="0.25" x2="-6.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="0.25" x2="-5.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="0.25" x2="9.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="0.25" x2="10.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="10.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="0.25" x2="11.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="12.25" y1="0.25" x2="12.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="-0.5" x2="11.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> 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y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-13.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-12.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-11.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-10.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-9.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-8.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="-0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="23" x="8.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="9.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="25" x="10.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="26" x="11.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="27" x="12.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="28" x="13.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-14.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-14.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-13.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-14" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-13" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-28S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-15" y1="-2.05" x2="15" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="15" y1="2" x2="-15" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-15" y1="2" x2="-15" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="15" y1="2" x2="15" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.5" y1="0.75" x2="14.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.5" y1="0.75" x2="14.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-14.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-14.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.25" y1="0.5" x2="14.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.25" y1="0.5" x2="14.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-14.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-14.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.25" y1="0.5" x2="-14.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-14.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.25" y1="0.5" x2="14.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.25" y1="-0.5" x2="14.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-13.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> 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x="8.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="9.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="25" x="10.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="26" x="11.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="27" x="12.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="28" x="13.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-14.675" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-14.675" y="-3.4925" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-13.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-13.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-13.75" y1="0.25" x2="-13.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-12.75" y1="0.25" x2="-12.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-12.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-12.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.75" y1="0.25" x2="-11.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-11.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="0.25" x2="-10.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-10.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.75" 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x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="0.25" x2="9.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="0.25" x2="10.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="0.25" x2="11.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="10.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="-0.5" x2="11.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="12.25" y1="0.25" x2="12.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="13.25" y1="0.25" x2="13.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="12.25" y1="-0.5" x2="12.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="13.25" y1="-0.5" x2="13.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-14.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-14.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-14.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-30S-1DS"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, right angle</description> <wire x1="-15.5" y1="2" x2="-14.3" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.3" y1="2" x2="15.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-16" y1="-3.3" x2="16" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-15.5" y1="2" x2="-15.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-15.5" y1="2.5" x2="-16" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-16" y1="2.5" x2="-16" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="15.43" y1="2" x2="15.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="15.5" y1="2" x2="15.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="15.5" y1="2.5" x2="16" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16" y1="2.5" x2="16" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <pad name="1" x="-14.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-13.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-12.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-11.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-10.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-9.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-8.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-7.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-6.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-5.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-4.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-3.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="-1.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="-0.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="0.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="2.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="3.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="20" x="4.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="21" x="5.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="22" x="6.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="23" x="7.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="24" x="8.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="25" x="9.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="26" x="10.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="27" x="11.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="28" x="12.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="29" x="13.5" y="0" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="30" x="14.5" y="2" drill="0.8128"/> <text x="-15.472" y="3.094" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-15.526" y="-5.026" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-14.5" y="-2.5"/> <vertex x="-15" y="-1.5"/> <vertex x="-14" y="-1.5"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH21-30S-1DSA"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; 1 MM, vertical</description> <wire x1="-16" y1="-2.05" x2="16" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16" y1="2" x2="-16" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-16" y1="2" x2="-16" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="16" y1="2" x2="16" y2="-2.05" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-15.5" y1="0.75" x2="15.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.5" y1="0.75" x2="15.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-15.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-15.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.25" y1="0.5" x2="15.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.25" y1="0.5" x2="15.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-15.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-15.25" y2="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.25" y1="0.5" x2="-15.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.25" y1="-0.5" x2="-15.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.25" y1="0.5" x2="15.5" y2="0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.25" y1="-0.5" x2="15.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.0508" layer="51"/> <pad name="1" x="-14.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="2" x="-13.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="3" x="-12.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="4" x="-11.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="5" x="-10.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="6" x="-9.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="7" x="-8.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="8" x="-7.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="9" x="-6.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="10" x="-5.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="11" x="-4.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="12" x="-3.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="13" x="-2.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="14" x="-1.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="15" x="-0.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="16" x="0.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="17" x="1.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="18" x="2.5" y="1" drill="0.8128"/> <pad name="19" x="3.5" y="-1" drill="0.8128"/> 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y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="0.25" x2="-3.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="0.25" x2="-4.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="0.25" x2="-2.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="0.25" x2="-1.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-1.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="0.25" x2="-0.25" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="0.25" x2="0.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.75" y1="-0.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="0.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="0.25" x2="1.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="0.25" x2="2.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.25" y1="-0.5" x2="1.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.25" y1="-0.5" x2="2.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="0.25" x2="3.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="0.25" x2="4.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-0.5" x2="3.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.25" y1="-0.5" x2="4.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="0.25" x2="5.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="0.25" x2="6.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-0.5" x2="6.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="0.25" x2="7.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="0.25" x2="8.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.25" y1="-0.5" x2="7.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.25" y1="-0.5" x2="8.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="0.25" x2="9.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="0.25" x2="10.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.25" y1="-0.5" x2="9.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.25" y1="-0.5" x2="10.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="0.25" x2="11.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="12.25" y1="0.25" x2="12.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.25" y1="-0.5" x2="11.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="12.25" y1="-0.5" x2="12.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="13.25" y1="0.25" x2="13.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="14.25" y1="0.25" x2="14.75" y2="0.5" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="13.25" y1="-0.5" x2="13.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="14.25" y1="-0.5" x2="14.75" y2="-0.25" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-15.5" y="-1.8"/> <vertex x="-15.75" y="-1.4"/> <vertex x="-15.25" y="-1.4"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="DF12-3.0-60"> <description>&lt;b&gt;60 pin connector PN: DF12D(3.0)-60DP-0.5V&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Hirose Electric Co.</description> <wire x1="-2.15" y1="8.6" x2="-2.15" y2="-8.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-8.6" x2="2.15" y2="-8.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="2.15" y1="-8.6" x2="2.15" y2="8.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="2.15" y1="8.6" x2="-2.15" y2="8.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <smd name="1" x="1.8" y="7.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="2" x="1.8" y="6.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="3" x="1.8" y="6.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="4" x="1.8" y="5.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="5" x="1.8" y="5.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="6" x="1.8" y="4.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="7" x="1.8" y="4.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="8" x="1.8" y="3.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="9" x="1.8" y="3.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="10" x="1.8" y="2.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="11" x="1.8" y="2.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="12" x="1.8" y="1.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="14" x="1.8" y="0.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="15" x="1.8" y="0.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="16" x="1.8" y="-0.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="17" x="1.8" y="-0.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="18" x="1.8" y="-1.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="19" x="1.8" y="-1.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="20" x="1.8" y="-2.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="21" x="1.8" y="-2.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="22" x="1.8" y="-3.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="23" x="1.8" y="-3.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="24" x="1.8" y="-4.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="25" x="1.8" y="-4.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="26" x="1.8" y="-5.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="27" x="1.8" y="-5.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="28" x="1.8" y="-6.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="29" x="1.8" y="-6.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="30" x="1.8" y="-7.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="31" x="-1.8" y="-7.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="32" x="-1.8" y="-6.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="33" x="-1.8" y="-6.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="34" x="-1.8" y="-5.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="35" x="-1.8" y="-5.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="36" x="-1.8" y="-4.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="37" x="-1.8" y="-4.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="38" x="-1.8" y="-3.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="39" x="-1.8" y="-3.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="40" x="-1.8" y="-2.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="41" x="-1.8" y="-2.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="42" x="-1.8" y="-1.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="43" x="-1.8" y="-1.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="44" x="-1.8" y="-0.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="45" x="-1.8" y="-0.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="46" x="-1.8" y="0.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="47" x="-1.8" y="0.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="48" x="-1.8" y="1.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="49" x="-1.8" y="1.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="50" x="-1.8" y="2.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="51" x="-1.8" y="2.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="52" x="-1.8" y="3.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="53" x="-1.8" y="3.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="54" x="-1.8" y="4.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="55" x="-1.8" y="4.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="56" x="-1.8" y="5.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="57" x="-1.8" y="5.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="58" x="-1.8" y="6.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="59" x="-1.8" y="6.75" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="60" x="-1.8" y="7.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <smd name="13" x="1.8" y="1.25" dx="0.25" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R270"/> <text x="-3.175" y="-4.445" size="1.778" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="5.08" y="-5.08" size="1.778" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text> <hole x="-1.5" y="8.3" drill="0.6"/> <hole x="1.5" y="8.3" drill="0.6"/> <hole x="1.5" y="-8.3" drill="0.6"/> <hole x="-1.5" y="-8.3" drill="0.6"/> </package> <package name="DF9-51S"> <description>&lt;b&gt;1mm Pitch SMT Board to Board Connector&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; (Standard Interface Connector Compliant with VESA FPDI-1)&lt;br&gt; Source:</description> <wire x1="-14.65" y1="2.1" x2="14.65" y2="2.1" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.65" y1="2.1" x2="14.65" y2="-2.1" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.65" y1="-2.1" x2="-14.65" y2="-2.1" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.65" y1="-2.1" x2="-14.65" y2="2.1" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.75" y1="-0.68" x2="-12.75" y2="-1.68" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.75" y1="-0.68" x2="-13.75" y2="1.68" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.75" y1="1.68" x2="13.75" y2="1.68" width="0.127" layer="51"/> <wire x1="13.75" y1="1.68" x2="13.75" y2="-0.68" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="13.75" y1="-0.68" x2="12.5" y2="-1.68" width="0.127" layer="21"/> <wire x1="12.5" y1="-1.68" x2="-12.75" y2="-1.68" width="0.127" layer="51"/> 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x="-0.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="13" x="-6.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="11" x="-7.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="9" x="-8.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="7" x="-9.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="5" x="-10.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="3" x="-11.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="1" x="-12.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="29" x="1.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="31" x="2.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="33" x="3.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="35" x="4.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="37" x="5.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="39" x="6.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="41" x="7.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="M2" x="15.35" y="0" dx="1.3" dy="3.4" layer="1"/> <smd name="M1" x="-15.35" y="0" dx="1.3" dy="3.4" layer="1"/> <smd name="15" x="-5.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="17" x="-4.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="19" x="-3.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="21" x="-2.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="23" x="-1.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="16" x="-5" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="18" x="-4" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="20" x="-3" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="22" x="-2" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="24" x="-1" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="42" x="8" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="43" x="8.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="44" x="9" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="45" x="9.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="46" x="10" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="47" x="10.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="48" x="11" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="49" x="11.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="50" x="12" y="-2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <smd name="51" x="12.5" y="2.25" dx="0.7" dy="1.5" layer="1"/> <text x="-16.47" y="-1.5875" size="0.8128" layer="25" ratio="18" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="17.74" y="-1.5875" size="0.8128" layer="27" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text> <text x="-14" y="2.5" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">1</text> <text x="-13.5" y="-3.3" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">2</text> <text x="12.7" y="-3.4" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">50</text> <text x="13.6" y="2.5" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="18">51</text> <hole x="14.05" y="0" drill="1.27"/> <hole x="-14.05" y="0" drill="1.27"/> </package> <package name="FH12-53S-0.5SH"> <description>&lt;b&gt;0.5mm Pitch Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="0.5" x2="-15.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.2" y1="0.5" x2="-15.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-15.2" y1="-0.5" x2="-14.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="-0.5" x2="-14.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="-1.9" x2="-14.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-14.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.4" y1="-2.2" x2="-14.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="-2.2" x2="-14.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="-2.9" x2="14.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="-2.2" x2="14.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.4" y1="-2.2" x2="14.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.4" y1="-1.9" x2="14.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="-1.9" x2="14.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="-0.5" x2="15.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.2" y1="-0.5" x2="15.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="15.2" y1="0.5" x2="14.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="0.5" x2="14.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="14.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-14.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="-2.9" x2="-14.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="1.5" x2="14.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="2.5" x2="13.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="-1.5" x2="-14.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="14.7" y1="-1.9" 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dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="13" x="-7" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="14" x="-6.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="15" x="-6" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="16" x="-5.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="17" x="-5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="18" x="-4.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="19" x="-4" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="20" x="-3.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="21" x="-3" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="22" x="-2.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="23" x="-2" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="24" x="-1.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="25" x="-1" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="26" x="-0.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="27" x="0" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="28" x="0.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="29" x="1" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="30" x="1.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="31" x="2" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="32" x="2.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="33" x="3" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="34" x="3.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="35" x="4" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="36" x="4.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" 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stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="49" x="11" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="50" x="11.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="51" x="12" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="52" x="12.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="53" x="13" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <text x="-14.6976" y="4.095" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-13.4976" y="-0.3258" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-13.2" y1="2.55" x2="-12.8" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-13.125" y1="2.625" x2="-12.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-12.7" y1="2.55" x2="-12.3" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-12.625" y1="2.625" x2="-12.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-12.2" y1="2.55" x2="-11.8" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-12.125" y1="2.625" x2="-11.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle 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x2="5.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.125" y1="2.625" x2="5.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="5.55" y1="2.55" x2="5.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.625" y1="2.625" x2="5.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="6.05" y1="2.55" x2="6.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="6.125" y1="2.625" x2="6.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="6.55" y1="2.55" x2="6.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="6.625" y1="2.625" x2="6.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="7.05" y1="2.55" x2="7.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="7.125" y1="2.625" x2="7.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="7.55" y1="2.55" x2="7.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="7.625" y1="2.625" x2="7.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="8.05" y1="2.55" x2="8.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="8.125" y1="2.625" x2="8.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="8.55" y1="2.55" x2="8.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="8.625" y1="2.625" x2="8.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="9.05" y1="2.55" x2="9.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="9.125" y1="2.625" x2="9.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="9.55" y1="2.55" x2="9.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="9.625" y1="2.625" x2="9.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="10.05" y1="2.55" x2="10.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="10.125" y1="2.625" x2="10.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="10.55" y1="2.55" x2="10.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="10.625" y1="2.625" x2="10.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="11.05" y1="2.55" x2="11.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="11.125" y1="2.625" x2="11.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="11.55" y1="2.55" x2="11.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="11.625" y1="2.625" x2="11.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="12.05" y1="2.55" x2="12.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="12.125" y1="2.625" x2="12.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="13.25" y1="-1.1" x2="15.05" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="13.2" y1="-1.175" x2="15.1" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="13.325" y1="-1.025" x2="14.975" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-15.05" y1="-1.1" x2="-13.25" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-15.1" y1="-1.175" x2="-13.2" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-14.975" y1="-1.025" x2="-13.325" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-12.35" y1="2.55" x2="-12.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.85" y1="2.55" x2="-11.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-11.35" y1="2.55" x2="-11.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.85" y1="2.55" x2="-10.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-10.35" y1="2.55" x2="-10.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.85" y1="2.55" x2="-9.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-9.35" y1="2.55" x2="-9.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.85" y1="2.55" x2="-8.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-8.35" y1="2.55" x2="-8.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.85" y1="2.55" x2="-7.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-7.35" y1="2.55" x2="-7.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.85" y1="2.55" x2="-6.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-6.35" y1="2.55" x2="-6.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.85" y1="2.55" x2="-5.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.35" y1="2.55" x2="-5.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.85" y1="2.55" x2="-4.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.35" y1="2.55" x2="-4.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.85" y1="2.55" x2="-3.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.35" y1="2.55" x2="-3.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.85" y1="2.55" x2="-2.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.35" y1="2.55" x2="-2.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.85" y1="2.55" x2="-1.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.35" y1="2.55" x2="-1.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.85" y1="2.55" x2="-0.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.35" y1="2.55" x2="-0.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.15" y1="2.55" x2="0.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.65" y1="2.55" x2="0.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.15" y1="2.55" x2="1.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.65" y1="2.55" x2="1.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.15" y1="2.55" x2="2.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.65" y1="2.55" x2="2.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.15" y1="2.55" x2="3.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.65" y1="2.55" x2="3.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.15" y1="2.55" x2="4.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.65" y1="2.55" x2="4.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.15" y1="2.55" x2="5.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.65" y1="2.55" x2="5.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.15" y1="2.55" x2="6.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="6.65" y1="2.55" x2="6.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.15" y1="2.55" x2="7.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="7.65" y1="2.55" x2="7.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.15" y1="2.55" x2="8.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="8.65" y1="2.55" x2="8.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.15" y1="2.55" x2="9.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="9.65" y1="2.55" x2="9.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.15" y1="2.55" x2="10.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="10.65" y1="2.55" x2="10.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.15" y1="2.55" x2="11.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="11.65" y1="2.55" x2="11.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="12.15" y1="2.55" x2="12.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-12.45" y="-2.2"/> <vertex x="-12.25" y="-2.6"/> <vertex x="-12.05" y="-2.2"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH12-45S-0.5SH"> <description>&lt;b&gt;0.5mm Pitch Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> 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x2="11.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="11.2" y1="-0.5" x2="11.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="11.2" y1="0.5" x2="10.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.7" y1="0.5" x2="10.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.7" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="10.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-14.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.7" y1="-2.9" x2="-14.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-13.5" y1="2.5" x2="-14.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.7" y1="1.5" x2="10.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.7" y1="2.5" x2="9.5" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-14.7" y1="-1.5" x2="-14.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="10.7" y1="-1.9" x2="10.7" y2="-1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <smd name="1" x="-13" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="2" x="-12.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="3" x="-12" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="4" x="-11.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="5" x="-11" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="6" x="-10.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="7" x="-10" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="8" x="-9.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="9" x="-9" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="10" x="-8.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="11" x="-8" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="12" x="-7.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" 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layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="4.375" y1="2.625" x2="4.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="4.8" y1="2.55" x2="5.2" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="4.875" y1="2.625" x2="5.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="5.3" y1="2.55" x2="5.7" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.375" y1="2.625" x2="5.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="5.8" y1="2.55" x2="6.2" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.875" y1="2.625" x2="6.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="7" y1="-1.1" x2="8.8" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="6.95" y1="-1.175" x2="8.85" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="7.075" y1="-1.025" x2="8.725" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.8" y1="-1.1" x2="-7" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.85" y1="-1.175" x2="-6.95" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.725" y1="-1.025" x2="-7.075" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-6.1" y1="2.55" x2="-5.9" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> 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layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.125" y1="2.625" x2="5.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="5.55" y1="2.55" x2="5.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.625" y1="2.625" x2="5.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="6.75" y1="-1.1" x2="8.55" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="6.7" y1="-1.175" x2="8.6" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="6.825" y1="-1.025" x2="8.475" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.55" y1="-1.1" x2="-6.75" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.6" y1="-1.175" x2="-6.7" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.475" y1="-1.025" x2="-6.825" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-5.85" y1="2.55" x2="-5.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-5.35" y1="2.55" x2="-5.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.85" y1="2.55" x2="-4.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-4.35" y1="2.55" x2="-4.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.85" y1="2.55" x2="-3.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.35" y1="2.55" x2="-3.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.85" y1="2.55" x2="-2.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.35" y1="2.55" x2="-2.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.85" y1="2.55" x2="-1.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.35" y1="2.55" x2="-1.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.85" y1="2.55" x2="-0.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.35" y1="2.55" x2="-0.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.15" y1="2.55" x2="0.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.65" y1="2.55" x2="0.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.15" y1="2.55" x2="1.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.65" y1="2.55" x2="1.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.15" y1="2.55" x2="2.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.65" y1="2.55" x2="2.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.15" y1="2.55" x2="3.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.65" y1="2.55" x2="3.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.15" 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x1="3.55" y1="2.55" x2="3.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="3.625" y1="2.625" x2="3.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="4.05" y1="2.55" x2="4.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="4.125" y1="2.625" x2="4.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="4.55" y1="2.55" x2="4.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="4.625" y1="2.625" x2="4.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="5.05" y1="2.55" x2="5.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="5.125" y1="2.625" x2="5.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="6.25" y1="-1.1" x2="8.05" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="6.2" y1="-1.175" x2="8.1" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="6.325" y1="-1.025" x2="7.975" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.05" y1="-1.1" x2="-6.25" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-8.1" y1="-1.175" x2="-6.2" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-7.975" y1="-1.025" x2="-6.325" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle 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y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.65" y1="2.55" x2="2.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.15" y1="2.55" x2="3.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.65" y1="2.55" x2="3.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.15" y1="2.55" x2="4.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="4.65" y1="2.55" x2="4.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="5.15" y1="2.55" x2="5.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-5.45" y="-2.2"/> <vertex x="-5.25" y="-2.6"/> <vertex x="-5.05" y="-2.2"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH12-20S-0.5SH"> <description>&lt;b&gt;0.5mm Pitch Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <wire x1="-6.45" y1="0.5" x2="-6.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6.95" y1="0.5" x2="-6.95" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6.95" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.45" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-6.45" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.45" y2="-1.9" 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y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-4.35" y1="2.55" x2="-4.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.85" y1="2.55" x2="-3.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.35" y1="2.55" x2="-3.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.85" y1="2.55" x2="-2.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.35" y1="2.55" x2="-2.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.85" y1="2.55" x2="-1.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.35" y1="2.55" x2="-1.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.85" y1="2.55" x2="-0.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.35" y1="2.55" x2="-0.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.15" y1="2.55" x2="0.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.65" y1="2.55" x2="0.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.15" y1="2.55" x2="1.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.65" y1="2.55" x2="1.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.15" y1="2.55" x2="2.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.65" y1="2.55" x2="2.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> 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width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.7" y1="-2.2" x2="-5.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="-2.9" x2="5.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="-2.2" x2="5.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.4" y1="-2.2" x2="5.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.4" y1="-1.9" x2="5.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="-1.9" x2="5.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="-0.5" x2="6.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6.2" y1="-0.5" x2="6.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="6.2" y1="0.5" x2="5.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="0.5" x2="5.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="2.5" x2="-5.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.7" y1="2.5" x2="-5.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-5.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="-2.9" x2="-5.7" 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y1="2.55" x2="-1.9" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.6" y1="2.55" x2="-1.4" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.1" y1="2.55" x2="-0.9" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.6" y1="2.55" x2="-0.4" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.1" y1="2.55" x2="0.1" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.4" y1="2.55" x2="0.6" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.9" y1="2.55" x2="1.1" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.4" y1="2.55" x2="1.6" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.9" y1="2.55" x2="2.1" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.4" y1="2.55" x2="2.6" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.9" y1="2.55" x2="3.1" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.4" y1="2.55" x2="3.6" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.9" y1="2.55" x2="4.1" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-4.2" y="-2.2"/> <vertex x="-4" y="-2.6"/> <vertex x="-3.8" y="-2.2"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH12-16S-0.5SH"> <description>&lt;b&gt;0.5mm Pitch Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="0.5" x2="-5.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.95" y1="0.5" x2="-5.95" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.95" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.45" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.45" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="-1.9" x2="-5.15" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.15" y1="-1.9" x2="-5.15" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.15" y1="-2.2" x2="-5.45" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="-2.2" x2="-5.45" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-2.9" x2="5.45" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-2.2" x2="5.15" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.15" y1="-2.2" x2="5.15" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.15" y1="-1.9" x2="5.45" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-1.9" x2="5.45" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-0.5" x2="5.95" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.95" y1="-0.5" x2="5.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.95" y1="0.5" x2="5.45" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="0.5" x2="5.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="2.5" x2="-5.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="2.5" x2="-5.45" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.15" y1="-1.9" x2="-5.15" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-2.9" x2="-5.45" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="2.5" x2="-5.45" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.25" y1="2.5" x2="-5.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="1.5" x2="5.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="2.5" x2="4.25" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.45" y1="-1.5" x2="-5.45" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-1.9" x2="5.45" y2="-1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <smd name="1" x="-3.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="2" x="-3.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="3" x="-2.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="4" x="-2.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="5" x="-1.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="6" x="-1.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="7" x="-0.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="8" x="-0.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="9" x="0.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="10" x="0.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="11" x="1.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="12" x="1.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="13" x="2.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="14" x="2.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="15" x="3.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="16" x="3.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <text x="-5.4476" y="4.095" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text> <text x="-4.2476" y="-0.3258" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text> <rectangle x1="-3.95" y1="2.55" x2="-3.55" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-3.875" y1="2.625" x2="-3.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-3.45" y1="2.55" x2="-3.05" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-3.375" y1="2.625" x2="-3.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-2.95" y1="2.55" x2="-2.55" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-2.875" y1="2.625" x2="-2.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-2.45" y1="2.55" x2="-2.05" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-2.375" y1="2.625" x2="-2.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-1.95" y1="2.55" x2="-1.55" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-1.875" y1="2.625" x2="-1.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-1.45" y1="2.55" x2="-1.05" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-1.375" y1="2.625" x2="-1.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-0.95" y1="2.55" x2="-0.55" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-0.875" y1="2.625" x2="-0.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-0.45" y1="2.55" x2="-0.05" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-0.375" y1="2.625" x2="-0.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="0.05" y1="2.55" x2="0.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="0.125" y1="2.625" x2="0.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="0.55" y1="2.55" x2="0.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="0.625" y1="2.625" x2="0.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="1.05" y1="2.55" x2="1.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="1.125" y1="2.625" x2="1.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="1.55" y1="2.55" x2="1.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="1.625" y1="2.625" x2="1.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="2.05" y1="2.55" x2="2.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="2.125" y1="2.625" x2="2.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="2.55" y1="2.55" x2="2.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="2.625" y1="2.625" x2="2.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="3.05" y1="2.55" x2="3.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="3.125" y1="2.625" x2="3.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="3.55" y1="2.55" x2="3.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="3.625" y1="2.625" x2="3.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="4.75" y1="-1.1" x2="6.55" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="4.7" y1="-1.175" x2="6.6" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="4.825" y1="-1.025" x2="6.475" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-6.55" y1="-1.1" x2="-4.75" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-6.6" y1="-1.175" x2="-4.7" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-6.475" y1="-1.025" x2="-4.825" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-3.85" y1="2.55" x2="-3.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-3.35" y1="2.55" x2="-3.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.85" y1="2.55" x2="-2.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.35" y1="2.55" x2="-2.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.85" y1="2.55" x2="-1.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.35" y1="2.55" x2="-1.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.85" y1="2.55" x2="-0.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.35" y1="2.55" x2="-0.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.15" y1="2.55" x2="0.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.65" y1="2.55" x2="0.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.15" y1="2.55" x2="1.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.65" y1="2.55" x2="1.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> 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width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.9" y1="-2.2" x2="-5.2" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.2" y1="-2.2" x2="-5.2" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-2.9" x2="5.2" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-2.2" x2="4.9" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.9" y1="-2.2" x2="4.9" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.9" y1="-1.9" x2="5.2" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-1.9" x2="5.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-0.5" x2="5.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="-0.5" x2="5.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.7" y1="0.5" x2="5.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="0.5" x2="5.2" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="2.5" x2="-5.2" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.2" y1="2.5" x2="-5.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.9" y1="-1.9" x2="-4.9" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-2.9" x2="-5.2" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.2" y1="2.5" x2="-5.2" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4" y1="2.5" x2="-5.2" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="1.5" x2="5.2" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="2.5" x2="4" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-5.2" y1="-1.5" x2="-5.2" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-1.9" x2="5.2" y2="-1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <smd name="1" x="-3.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="2" x="-3" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="3" x="-2.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="4" x="-2" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="5" x="-1.5" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="6" x="-1" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" 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layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.65" y1="-1.9" x2="-4.65" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.65" y1="-2.2" x2="-4.95" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.95" y1="-2.2" x2="-4.95" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="-2.9" x2="4.95" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="-2.2" x2="4.65" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.65" y1="-2.2" x2="4.65" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.65" y1="-1.9" x2="4.95" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="-1.9" x2="4.95" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="-0.5" x2="5.45" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="-0.5" x2="5.45" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.45" y1="0.5" x2="4.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="0.5" x2="4.95" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="2.5" x2="-4.95" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.95" y1="2.5" 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x1="4.325" y1="-1.025" x2="5.975" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-6.05" y1="-1.1" x2="-4.25" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-6.1" y1="-1.175" x2="-4.2" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-5.975" y1="-1.025" x2="-4.325" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-3.35" y1="2.55" x2="-3.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.85" y1="2.55" x2="-2.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-2.35" y1="2.55" x2="-2.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.85" y1="2.55" x2="-1.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-1.35" y1="2.55" x2="-1.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.85" y1="2.55" x2="-0.65" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="-0.35" y1="2.55" x2="-0.15" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.15" y1="2.55" x2="0.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="0.65" y1="2.55" x2="0.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.15" y1="2.55" x2="1.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="1.65" y1="2.55" x2="1.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.15" y1="2.55" x2="2.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="2.65" y1="2.55" x2="2.85" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <rectangle x1="3.15" y1="2.55" x2="3.35" y2="3.4" layer="51"/> <polygon width="0.2032" layer="21"> <vertex x="-3.45" y="-2.2"/> <vertex x="-3.25" y="-2.6"/> <vertex x="-3.05" y="-2.2"/> </polygon> </package> <package name="FH12-13S-0.5SH"> <description>&lt;b&gt;0.5mm Pitch Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <wire x1="-4.7" y1="0.5" x2="-5.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.2" y1="0.5" x2="-5.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-5.2" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.7" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.7" y1="-1.9" x2="-4.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-4.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.4" y1="-2.2" x2="-4.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.7" y1="-2.2" x2="-4.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.7" y1="-2.9" x2="4.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.7" y1="-2.2" x2="4.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.4" y1="-2.2" x2="4.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.4" y1="-1.9" x2="4.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.7" y1="-1.9" x2="4.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.7" y1="-0.5" x2="5.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="-0.5" x2="5.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.2" y1="0.5" x2="4.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.7" y1="0.5" x2="4.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.7" y1="2.5" x2="-4.7" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.7" y1="2.5" x2="-4.7" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-4.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.7" 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x2="4.95" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="-0.5" x2="4.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.95" y1="0.5" x2="4.45" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="0.5" x2="4.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="2.5" x2="-4.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.45" y1="2.5" x2="-4.45" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.15" y1="-1.9" x2="-4.15" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="-2.9" x2="-4.45" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.45" y1="2.5" x2="-4.45" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.25" y1="2.5" x2="-4.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="1.5" x2="4.45" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="2.5" x2="3.25" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-4.45" y1="-1.5" x2="-4.45" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="-1.9" x2="4.45" y2="-1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <smd name="1" x="-2.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="2" x="-2.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="3" x="-1.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="4" x="-1.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="5" x="-0.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="6" x="-0.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="7" x="0.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="8" x="0.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="9" x="1.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="10" x="1.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="11" x="2.25" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" stop="no" cream="no"/> <smd name="12" x="2.75" y="3.25" dx="0.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" 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layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="-0.2" y1="2.55" x2="0.2" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="-0.125" y1="2.625" x2="0.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="0.3" y1="2.55" x2="0.7" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="0.375" y1="2.625" x2="0.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="0.8" y1="2.55" x2="1.2" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="0.875" y1="2.625" x2="1.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="1.3" y1="2.55" x2="1.7" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="1.375" y1="2.625" x2="1.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="1.8" y1="2.55" x2="2.2" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="1.875" y1="2.625" x2="2.125" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="2.3" y1="2.55" x2="2.7" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="2.375" y1="2.625" x2="2.625" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="3.5" y1="-1.1" x2="5.3" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="3.45" y1="-1.175" x2="5.35" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="3.575" y1="-1.025" x2="5.225" y2="1.025" 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width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.65" y1="-2.2" x2="3.65" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.65" y1="-1.9" x2="3.95" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.95" y1="-1.9" x2="3.95" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.95" y1="-0.5" x2="4.45" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="-0.5" x2="4.45" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.45" y1="0.5" x2="3.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.95" y1="0.5" x2="3.95" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.95" y1="2.5" x2="-3.95" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.95" y1="2.5" x2="-3.95" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="3.65" y1="-1.9" x2="-3.65" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.95" y1="-2.9" x2="-3.95" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.95" y1="2.5" x2="-3.95" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-2.75" y1="2.5" x2="-3.95" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire 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layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="0.125" y1="2.625" x2="0.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="0.55" y1="2.55" x2="0.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="0.625" y1="2.625" x2="0.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="1.05" y1="2.55" x2="1.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="1.125" y1="2.625" x2="1.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="1.55" y1="2.55" x2="1.95" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="1.625" y1="2.625" x2="1.875" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="2.05" y1="2.55" x2="2.45" y2="3.95" layer="29"/> <rectangle x1="2.125" y1="2.625" x2="2.375" y2="3.875" layer="31"/> <rectangle x1="3.25" y1="-1.1" x2="5.05" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="3.2" y1="-1.175" x2="5.1" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="3.325" y1="-1.025" x2="4.975" y2="1.025" layer="31" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-5.05" y1="-1.1" x2="-3.25" y2="1.1" layer="1" rot="R180"/> <rectangle x1="-5.1" y1="-1.175" x2="-3.2" y2="1.175" layer="29" rot="R180"/> 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""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <wire x1="-3.7" y1="0.5" x2="-4.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.2" y1="0.5" x2="-4.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-4.2" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-1.9" x2="-3.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-3.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.4" y1="-2.2" x2="-3.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-2.2" x2="-3.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.7" y1="-2.9" x2="3.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.7" y1="-2.2" x2="3.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.4" y1="-2.2" x2="3.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.4" y1="-1.9" x2="3.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="3.7" y1="-1.9" x2="3.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> 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Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <wire x1="4.437" y1="2.324" x2="4.5532" y2="2.324" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.5532" y1="2.324" x2="4.5532" y2="1.4276" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.5532" y1="1.4276" x2="5.3002" y2="1.4276" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="5.3002" y1="1.4276" x2="5.3002" y2="1.1288" width="0.1016" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.3002" y1="1.1288" x2="5.3998" y2="1.1288" width="0.1016" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.3998" y1="1.1288" x2="5.3998" y2="-0.7304" width="0.1016" layer="21"/> <wire x1="5.3998" y1="-0.7304" x2="4.8022" y2="-0.7304" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.8022" y1="-0.7304" x2="4.8022" y2="-1.1952" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.8022" y1="-1.1952" x2="4.6528" y2="-1.1952" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.6528" y1="-1.1952" x2="4.6528" y2="-1.2616" width="0.1016" layer="51"/> <wire x1="4.6528" y1="-1.2616" x2="3.8892" y2="-1.2616" 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x1="-9.7" y1="0.5" x2="-10.2" y2="0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.2" y1="0.5" x2="-10.2" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-10.2" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.7" y1="-0.5" x2="-9.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="-9.7" y1="-1.9" x2="-9.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.4" y1="-1.9" x2="-9.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.4" y1="-2.2" x2="-9.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="-9.7" y1="-2.2" x2="-9.7" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.7" y1="-2.9" x2="9.7" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.7" y1="-2.2" x2="9.4" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.4" y1="-2.2" x2="9.4" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.4" y1="-1.9" x2="9.7" y2="-1.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/> <wire x1="9.7" y1="-1.9" x2="9.7" y2="-0.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/> <wire x1="9.7" y1="-0.5" x2="10.2" y2="-0.5" 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pin="D08" pad="47"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D09" pad="48"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D10" pad="49"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D11" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D12" pad="28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D13" pad="29"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D14" pad="30"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="D15" pad="31"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="INTRQ" pad="37"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="IORDY" pad="42"/> <connect gate="P" pin="GND1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="P" pin="GND2" pad="50"/> <connect gate="P" pin="VCC1" pad="38"/> <connect gate="P" pin="VCC2" pad="13"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="DF9-31S" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;SMD CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from 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pad="31"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="32" pad="32"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="33" pad="33"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="34" pad="34"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="35" pad="35"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="36" pad="36"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="37" pad="37"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="38" pad="38"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="39" pad="39"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="40" pad="40"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="41" pad="41"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="DF9-41S-1V(32)" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="1798384" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="74R3385" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset 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pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-12S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X12" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-12S-1DSA"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-14S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X14" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-14S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-14S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr 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pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-16S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X16" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-16S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-16S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X16" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-16S-1DSA"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect 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gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-20S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>1&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X20" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-20S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> 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gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-22S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X22" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-22S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-22S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr 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pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-24S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X24" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-24S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-24S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X24" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-24S-1DSA"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-26S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X26" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-26S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> 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name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-26S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X26" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-26S-1DSA"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> 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name="" package="FH21-28S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25" pad="25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26" pad="26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28" pad="28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> 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pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25" pad="25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26" pad="26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28" pad="28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-30S-1DS" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X30" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-30S-1DS"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25" pad="25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26" pad="26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28" pad="28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="29" pad="29"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="30" pad="30"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH21-30S-1DSA" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;FPC CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="CON-1X30" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="FH21-30S-1DSA"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25" pad="25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26" pad="26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28" pad="28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="29" pad="29"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="30" pad="30"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="DF12D-3.0-60" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;60 pin connector&lt;/b&gt; PN: DF12D(3.0)-60DP-0.5V&lt;p&gt; Source: con-hirose-df12d(3.0)60dp0.5v80.lbr from Bob Starr &amp;lt;;gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="DF12-3.0-60" x="0" y="7.62"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="DF12-3.0-60"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25" pad="25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26" pad="26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28" pad="28"/> 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(Standard Interface Connector Compliant with VESA FPDI-1)&lt;br&gt; Source:</description> <gates> <gate name="G$1" symbol="DF9-51S" x="0" y="0"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="" package="DF9-51S"> <connects> <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="10" pad="10"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="11" pad="11"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="12" pad="12"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="13" pad="13"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="14" pad="14"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="15" pad="15"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="16" pad="16"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="17" pad="17"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="18" pad="18"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="19" pad="19"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="21" pad="21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22" pad="22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23" pad="23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24" pad="24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25" pad="25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26" pad="26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27" pad="27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28" pad="28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="29" pad="29"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="30" pad="30"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="31" pad="31"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="32" pad="32"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="33" pad="33"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="34" pad="34"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="35" pad="35"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="36" pad="36"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="37" pad="37"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="38" pad="38"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="39" pad="39"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="40" pad="40"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="41" pad="41"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="42" pad="42"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="43" pad="43"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="44" pad="44"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="45" pad="45"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="46" pad="46"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="47" pad="47"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="48" pad="48"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="49" pad="49"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="50" pad="50"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="51" pad="51"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9" pad="9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""> <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/> <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/> </technology> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> <deviceset name="FH12-53S-0.5S" prefix="X"> <description>&lt;b&gt;0.5mm Pitch Connectors For FPC/FFC&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Source: &lt;a href= ""&gt;Data sheet&lt;/a&gt;&lt;p&gt;</description> <gates> <gate name="-1" symbol="PINV" x="0" y="58.42" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-2" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="55.88" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-3" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="53.34" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-4" symbol="PIN" x="0" 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y="15.24" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-2" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="12.7" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-3" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="10.16" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-4" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="7.62" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-5" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="5.08" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-6" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="2.54" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-7" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="0" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-8" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-2.54" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-9" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-5.08" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-10" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-7.62" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-11" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-10.16" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-12" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-12.7" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-13" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-15.24" addlevel="always"/> <gate name="-14" symbol="PIN" x="0" y="-17.78" addlevel="always"/> </gates> <devices> <device name="H" package="FH12-14S-0.5SH"> <connects> <connect gate="-1" pin="1" pad="1"/> <connect 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