Version control for:

Open Source Projects

Teichmon / 20kN_dev
KiCad Demo on Version Controll
Peter Dalmaris / KLP 5e - ESP32 sensor board
This project involves the design and development of a custom PCB for an IoT application powered by the ESP32-C3-02 SoC. The board includes integrated power management features using the TP4056 Li-ion battery charger IC, enabling efficient and safe charging of a single-cell Li-ion battery.
Singer Instruments / Big Boy Test
Testing the big boi
NULI-Avionics / FCB V3
A third FCB
Dede Aripin / PWRSPMAKSTM32H503
Desain Power supply menggunakan chip STM32H503 64 PIN
Showing 36 results from 2219
