
Last update 6 years 4 months by Nick
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Naumenko ( * All rights reserved * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ /** * @file * @brief Custom data structures and data handling for general use * @details The following functionality is grouped into the namespaces: * * arrays: data structures storing multiple units of data * * checksum: checksum calculation * * dsp: digital signal processing * * quantity: physical quantities */ #ifndef UTIL_DATA_H #define UTIL_DATA_H #include <Arduino.h> //new, placement new and delete are already defined in ESP8266 libraries //void * operator new (size_t size) { return malloc (size); } //void * operator new (size_t size, void * ptr) { return ptr; } //void operator delete (void * ptr) { free (ptr); } namespace util { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TypeSelect ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Selects one of two type based on boolean condition. /// @tparam conditon Boolean expression based on which the type /// will be selected. /// @tparam T1 Type to be used if condition is true /// @tparam T2 Type to be used if condition is false /// @details TypeSelect::data_t is defined as <typename T1> if /// <boolean condition> is true. /// @par TypeSelect::data_t is defined as <typename T2> if /// <boolean condition> is false. template<boolean condition, typename T1, typename T2> struct TypeSelect; /// See TypeSelect template<typename T1, typename T2> struct TypeSelect<false, T1, T2> { typedef T2 data_t; }; /// See TypeSelect template<typename T1, typename T2> struct TypeSelect<true, T1, T2> { typedef T1 data_t; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ref ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief A pointer which also stores memory area (RAM of PROGMEM) /// @tparam T Pointer's type (e.g. Ref<int> uses pointer type /// const int *) /// @warning If pointer is located in RAM, this class does not /// guarantee pointer's validity and does not safely handle situations /// such as "use-after-delete"; it merely stores a pointer. template <typename T> class Ref { public: inline Ref(const T * pointer, boolean progmem) { /// @param pointer Pointer itself /// @param progmem True if memory area referenced by pointer is /// located in PROGMEM, false if memory area is located in RAM this->pointer = pointer; this->progmem = progmem; } public: inline boolean pgm(void) const { /// @return true if memory area referenced by pointer is located in /// PROGMEM, false if memory area is located in RAM return (this->progmem); } public: inline explicit operator const T* () const { /// @return Pointer itself; the pointer contains no information /// whether it refers to RAM or PROGMEM; this information is /// obtained via pgm() method return (pointer); } inline operator bool() const { /// @return true if pointer is nullptr, false otherwise return (pointer); } public: inline boolean operator == (const Ref<T> &rhs) const { /// @details Two nullptr pointers are always considered equal regardless /// of their memory areas return ((pointer == rhs.pointer) && ((progmem == rhs.progmem) || !pointer)); } private: const T * pointer = nullptr; ///< Pointer itself boolean progmem = false; ///< Is reference located in progmem }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StrRef ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Pointer to c-string (const char *) which also stores /// c-string's memory area (RAM or PROGMEM) class StrRef : public Ref<char> { public: /// @brief Initialise default pointer StrRef() : Ref <char>(nullptr, false) {} /// @brief Initialise from c-string in RAM /// @param Pointer to c-string in RAM StrRef (const char * ramPointer) : Ref<char>(ramPointer, false) {} /// @brief Initialise from c-string in PROGMEM /// @param Pointer to c-string in PROGMEM StrRef (const __FlashStringHelper * progmemPointer) : Ref<char>(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(progmemPointer), true) {} public: void get(char * buffer, size_t bufferSize) const { /// @brief Copy c-string referenced by this pointer to a specified buffer /// @details If StrRef object pointer refers to nullptr then buffer will /// contain an empty c-string /// @param buffer Buffer to copy c-string to /// @param bufferSize Size of the buffer in chars; if bufferSize is zero /// then this method exits and buffer is not modified if (!bufferSize) return; static const char nullTerminator = '\0'; static const size_t nullTerminatorSize = 1; if (!static_cast<boolean>(*this)) { buffer[0] = nullTerminator; return; } buffer[bufferSize - nullTerminatorSize] = nullTerminator; if (pgm()) { strncpy_P(buffer, static_cast<const char *>(*this), bufferSize - nullTerminatorSize); return; } strncpy(buffer, static_cast<const char *>(*this), bufferSize - nullTerminatorSize); } void print(Print &dst) const { /// @brief Prints c-string referenced by this pointer /// @param dst Destination to print to if (!static_cast<boolean>(*this)) return; if (pgm()) dst.print(FPSTR(static_cast<const char *>(*this))); else dst.print(static_cast<const char *>(*this)); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Introspection & basic reflection ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define INTROSPECTED_CLASS_TYPE_AUTO() __COUNTER__ #define TYPE_ID uint16_t #define INTROSPECTED_SET_CLASS_TYPE(CLASS_TYPE) \ public: \ static const TYPE_ID classType = CLASS_TYPE #define INTROSPECT_THIS_CLASS() classType #define INTROSPECTED_BASE(CLASS_TYPE) \ public: \ INTROSPECTED_SET_CLASS_TYPE (CLASS_TYPE); \ inline TYPE_ID getObjectType(void) const {return (objectType);} \ protected: \ TYPE_ID objectType = INTROSPECT_THIS_CLASS() #define INTROSPECTED_SET_OBJECT_TYPE() objectType = INTROSPECT_THIS_CLASS() #define INTROSPECT_CLASS(T) T::INTROSPECT_THIS_CLASS() #define INTROSPECT_OBJECT() getObjectType() #define VALIDATE_OBJECT_TYPE(OBJECT) ((OBJECT).INTROSPECT_THIS_CLASS() == (OBJECT).INTROSPECT_OBJECT()) #define REFLECT_OBJECT(TYPE,OBJREF) (reinterpret_cast<TYPE *>(OBJREF)) namespace arrays { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RingBuffer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Circular buffer /// @tparam T Type of the data to be stored in buffer. Must have a trivial /// constructor and copy constructor to compile (or to be a PODtype) /// @warning If <T> has a constructor and its sizeof() is smaller than pointer's /// sizeof(), <T> will be passed by value which results in extra copy constructor /// calls). To avoid this, make sure that sizeof(T) is greater or equal than /// sizeof(T*). /// @details Implements a circular buffer. Data are sent to the circular buffer with /// push() method until buffer is full and oldest data is overwritten. Oldest data /// can be removed from the circular buffer with pop() method. Any element in circular /// buffer is accessible via subscript operator (0 is oldest stored element). template <typename T> class RingBuffer { public: /// Defines the way to pass <typename T>: via value (T) or via reference(const T&), /// depending on which is smaller /// /// @warning If <T> has a constructor and its sizeof() is smaller than pointer's /// sizeof(), <T> will be passed by value which results in extra copy constructor /// calls). If calling constructor is costly or otherwise undesirable, make sure /// that sizeof(T) is greater or equal than sizeof(T*). typedef typename TypeSelect < (sizeof(T*) < sizeof(T)), const T &, T >::data_t data_t; // typedef typename TypeSelect < __is_pod(T), T, const T &>::data_t data_t; public: inline RingBuffer (); inline RingBuffer (void * buffer, size_t itemsInBuffer); inline RingBuffer (size_t itemsInBuffer); inline ~RingBuffer (); inline boolean validate(void) const; void push(data_t item); inline void pop(void); inline void pop(size_t number); inline size_t count(void) const; inline boolean full(void) const; inline boolean empty(void) const; data_t operator [] (size_t index) const; private: inline void popUnsafe(void); private: T * ringBuffer = NULL; boolean memoryAllocated = false; size_t ringBufferSize = 0; size_t indexOldestItem = 0; size_t itemsCount = 0; private: const T defaultItem = T(); }; template <typename T> RingBuffer<T>::RingBuffer () { /// @brief Creates non-initialised ring buffer /// @details Only needed for compatibility /// @par Non-initialised circular buffer behaves as empty /// ring buffer with the following differences: /// * validate() always returns false /// * push() and pop() perform no action /// * count() always returns 0 } template <typename T> RingBuffer<T>::RingBuffer (void * buffer, size_t itemsInBuffer) { /// @brief Creates a ring buffer /// @param buffer Memory area to store buffer data /// @param itemsInBuffer How much items of type T can be stored in the buffer ringBuffer = reinterpret_cast<T*>(buffer); ringBufferSize = itemsInBuffer; } template <typename T> RingBuffer<T>::RingBuffer (size_t itemsInBuffer) { /// @brief Creates a ring buffer and allocates memory to store the data /// @warning Not recommended for repeated use due to possible memory fragmentation /// @param itemsInBuffer How much items of type T can be stored in the buffer ringBuffer = reinterpret_cast<T*> (malloc(itemsInBuffer * sizeof(T))); if (ringBuffer) { new (ringBuffer) T[itemsInBuffer]; ringBufferSize = itemsInBuffer; memoryAllocated = true; } } template <typename T> RingBuffer<T>::~RingBuffer () { /// @brief Performs a ring buffer cleanup /// @details If no memory was allocated by this class, just calls pop() for every item in buffer /// @par If memory was allocated by this class, it is released using delete() if (!validate()) return; if (memoryAllocated) { delete(ringBuffer); } else { const size_t tempCount = itemsCount; //itemsCount field will be modified by popUnsafe() for (size_t i = 0; i < tempCount; i++) popUnsafe(); } } template <typename T> boolean RingBuffer<T>::validate(void) const { /// @brief Checks if the ring buffer is initialised /// @return true if ring buffer is initialised, otherwise returns false return (ringBuffer && ringBufferSize); } template <typename T> void RingBuffer<T>::push(RingBuffer<T>::data_t item) { /// @brief Adds item to the ring buffer /// @details Adds item to the ring buffer. If the ring buffer is full, /// an oldest item is removed from the ring buffer /// @param item Item to be added to the ring buffer if (!validate()) return; if (itemsCount == ringBufferSize) popUnsafe(); size_t nextIndex = indexOldestItem + itemsCount; if (nextIndex >= ringBufferSize) nextIndex -= (ringBufferSize); new (&ringBuffer[nextIndex]) T(item); itemsCount++; } template <typename T> void RingBuffer<T>::popUnsafe(void) { /// @brief Removes an oldest item from the ring buffer without performing any validity check /// @warning Should not be called if the ring buffer is empty or non-initialised. It is /// a caller's responsibility to make sure these conditions are met ringBuffer[indexOldestItem].~T(); indexOldestItem++; if (indexOldestItem >= ringBufferSize) indexOldestItem = 0; itemsCount--; } template <typename T> void RingBuffer<T>::pop(void) { /// @brief Removes an oldest item from the ring buffer if (!validate()) return; if (!itemsCount) return; popUnsafe(); } template <typename T> void RingBuffer<T>::pop(size_t number) { /// @brief Removes a certain amount of oldest items from the ring buffer /// @param number Number of items to remove if (!validate()) return; if (number > itemsCount) number = itemsCount; for (size_t i = 0; i < number; i++) popUnsafe(); } template <typename T> size_t RingBuffer<T>::count(void) const { /// @brief Checks number of items in the ring buffer /// @return Number of items currently stored in the ring buffer if (!validate()) return (0); return (itemsCount); } template <typename T> boolean RingBuffer<T>::full(void) const { /// @brief Checks whether the ring buffer is full /// @return true if the item cannot be pushed to the ring buffer without /// removing an oldest item from the buffer, otherwise returns false if (!validate()) return (false); return (itemsCount == ringBufferSize); } template <typename T> boolean RingBuffer<T>::empty(void) const { /// @brief Checks whether the ring buffer is empty /// @return true if there are no items in the ring buffer, otherwise /// returns false if (!validate()) return (true); return (!itemsCount); } template <typename T> typename RingBuffer<T>::data_t RingBuffer<T>::operator [] (size_t index) const { /// @brief Get an item from the ring buffer /// @param index Index of item in the ring buffer (0 = oldest item in ring buffer) /// @return Item from the ring buffer or defaultItem if error occured during operation if (!validate()) return (defaultItem); if (index >= itemsCount) return (defaultItem); size_t ringBufferIndex = indexOldestItem + index; if (ringBufferIndex >= ringBufferSize) ringBufferIndex -= ringBufferSize; return (ringBuffer[ringBufferIndex]); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CStrRingBuffer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Circular buffer for storing c-strings /// @details Implements a c-string circular buffer. C-strings are sent to the circular /// buffer with push() method until buffer is full, then oldest c-strings are /// overwritten. Oldest c-strings can also be manually removed from the circular /// buffer with pop() method. Circular buffer contents are accessible with get() /// method. class CStrRingBuffer { public: inline CStrRingBuffer (); inline CStrRingBuffer (char * buffer, size_t charsInBuffer); inline boolean validate(void) const; boolean push(const char * item); void pop(void); size_t count(void) const; boolean full(const char * item) const; boolean full(size_t length) const; boolean empty(void) const; size_t get(size_t index, char *dst, size_t dstSize); private: inline boolean fullUnsafe(const char * item) const; inline boolean fullUnsafe(size_t length) const; inline size_t getNextIndex(void) const; private: size_t getCstrStartChar(size_t index); private: char * ringBuffer = NULL; size_t ringBufferSize = 0; size_t indexOldestItem = 0; size_t totalCharCount = 0; size_t cstrCount = 0; static const char nullChar = '\0'; static const size_t nullCharSize = sizeof (nullChar); }; CStrRingBuffer::CStrRingBuffer() { /// @brief Creates non-initialised c-string circular buffer /// @details Only needed for compatibility /// @par Non-initialised circular buffer behaves as empty /// ring buffer with the following differences: /// * validate() always returns false /// * push() and pop() perform no action /// * count() always returns 0 } CStrRingBuffer::CStrRingBuffer(char * buffer, size_t charsInBuffer) { /// @brief Creates a ring buffer /// @param buffer Memory area to store buffer data /// @param charsInBuffer Buffer size in chars if (charsInBuffer < (2 * nullCharSize)) return; if (!buffer) return; //Minimum buffer length 2 chars, 1 char is reserved for '\0' at the end //of the buffer to be able to print cstrings directly from the ring buffer ringBuffer = buffer; ringBufferSize = charsInBuffer - nullCharSize; ringBuffer[charsInBuffer - 1] = '\0'; } boolean CStrRingBuffer::validate(void) const { /// @brief Checks if the c-string ring buffer is initialised /// @return true if ring buffer is initialised, otherwise returns false return ((ringBuffer != NULL) && (ringBufferSize != 0)); } size_t CStrRingBuffer::getNextIndex(void) const { /// @brief Finds next position to store a c-string in buffer /// @return Position in the buffer to store next c-string const size_t nextIndex = indexOldestItem + totalCharCount; if (nextIndex >= ringBufferSize) return (nextIndex - ringBufferSize); return (nextIndex); } /// @brief A Print class which saves to buffer everything was printed with it /// @details Text is saved to buffer until buffer is full. After that new /// text is ignored class PrintToBuffer : public Print { public: inline PrintToBuffer(char * buffer, size_t bufferSize); virtual size_t write(uint8_t character); virtual size_t write(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t size);//TODO private: char * buffer = NULL; size_t bufferSize = 0; size_t bufferPosition = 0; static const char nullChar = '\0'; static const size_t nullCharSize = sizeof (nullChar); }; /// @brief Initialises PrintToBuffer /// @param buffer Buffer to save printed text to /// @param bufferSize Size of the buffer in chars PrintToBuffer::PrintToBuffer(char * buffer, size_t bufferSize) { this->buffer = buffer; this->bufferSize = bufferSize; } }; //namespace arrays namespace checksum { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // crc16 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Calculates checksum crc16 for a memory area /// @details Implementation based on this great guide: /// @param buffer A memory area to calculate crc16 for /// @param bufferSize Memory area size in bytes /// @param poly A polynomial to calculate CRC. High (17th) bit of the polynomial is implicitly set. Default is 0x8005. /// @param reverseIn If true, bit order in every input byte is reversed before performing CRC calculations. True by default. /// @param reverseOut If true, bit order in CRC value is reversed after calculations. True by default. /// @return Calculated CRC16 value uint16_t crc16(const void * buffer, size_t bufferSize, uint16_t poly = 0x8005, uint16_t init = 0x0000, boolean reverseIn = true, boolean reverseOut = true); }; //namespace checksum namespace dsp { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FixedPoint ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Fixed point number with integer and fraction parts /// @tparam T An integer base type for fixed point number. /// @tparam FractionBits Number of least significant bits storing fraction part /// @tparam U A wider range data type, used as intermediary to avoid overflow during calculations. /// Ideally should be twice as wide as T. If U is not specified, T is also used as intermediary ( /// not recommended since it may lead to overflow during multiplication/division and initialisation /// from integer with decimal point shift). /// @tparam TRangeMin Minimum value possible for T /// @tparam TRangeMax Maximum value possible for T /// @details Basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /, +=, -=, *=, /=) and logic (<, <=, >, >=, !=, ==) /// operations are possible. /// @par If as a result of the arithmetic operation the Fixed Point value reaches /// minimum or maximum possible values for integer part, it becames an overflow value. The /// overflow values are capped at minimum and maximum of possible range. Any further arithmetic /// operation with overflow value results in the same overflow value. /// @par Overflow can be detected with overflow() function. /// @par If both TRangeMin or TRangeMax are zero, no range check is performed and the /// fixed-point value is not overflow-safe; overflow() always returns false. /// @par Minimum and maximum possible values for integer part are declared as constants min and max. /// @par Conversion to the integer type T is possible and is performed by rounding (i.e. if fraction /// part is greater or equal to 0.5 the return value is increased by 1). template <typename T, size_t FractionBits, typename U = T, T TMinRange = static_cast<T>(0), T TMaxRange = static_cast<T>(0)> class FixedPoint { public: /// @brief Default constructor, sets value to zero inline FixedPoint() { value.setT(tZero); } /// @brief Copy constructor, copies value from other FixedPoint object /// @param other Other FixedPoint object to copy value from inline FixedPoint(const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &other) { value = other.value; } FixedPoint(T integer, size_t decimalsPrecision = 0); FixedPoint(const char * str); public: /// @brief Convert integer part to integer type T /// @details Conversion is performed by rounding, e.g. conversion of value 1.5 will return 2 /// @return Integer part of the value inline explicit operator T() const { if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (value.get() == TMaxRange) return (TMaxRange); if (value.get() == TMinRange) return (TMinRange); } T absValue = value.get(); boolean negativeValue = false; if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (TMinRange < tZero) { if (absValue < tZero) { absValue = ~absValue + tOne; negativeValue = true; } } } absValue = (absValue >> FractionBits) + ((absValue >> (FractionBits - 1)) & tOne); //add 1 if most significant fraction bit is set (fraction part >= 0.5) return (negativeValue ? ~absValue + tOne : absValue); } /// @brief Assignment operator, copies value from other FixedPoint object /// @param other Other FixedPoint object to copy value from inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>& operator = (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &other) { value.setT(other.value.get()); return (*this); } public: inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>& operator += (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { value.setU(static_cast<U>(value.get()) + static_cast<U>(rhs.value.get())); return (*this); } inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>& operator -= (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { value.setU(static_cast<U>(value.get()) - static_cast<U>(rhs.value.get())); return (*this); } inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>& operator *= (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { value.setU(static_cast<U>(value.get()) * static_cast<U>(rhs.value.get()) / static_cast<U>(fractionBitsPwr2)); return (*this); } inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>& operator /= (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { value.setU(static_cast<U>(value.get()) * static_cast<U>(fractionBitsPwr2) / static_cast<U>(rhs.value.get())); return (*this); } friend inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> operator + (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &lhs, const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> temp = lhs; temp += rhs; return (temp); } friend inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> operator - (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &lhs, const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> temp = lhs; temp -= rhs; return (temp); } friend inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> operator * (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &lhs, const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> temp = lhs; temp *= rhs; return (temp); } friend inline FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> operator / (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &lhs, const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) { FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> temp = lhs; temp /= rhs; return (temp); } public: inline boolean operator == (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) const { return (value.get() == rhs.value.get()); } inline boolean operator != (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) const { return (!(*this == rhs)); } inline boolean operator < (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) const { return (value.get() < rhs.value.get()); } inline boolean operator > (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) const { return (rhs < *this); } inline boolean operator <= (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) const { return (!(*this > rhs)); } inline boolean operator >= (const FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange> &rhs) const { return (!(*this < rhs)); } public: static const T min = TMinRange ? ((TMinRange >> FractionBits) + 1) : TMinRange; ///< Minimum range for integer part of FixedPoint value static const T max = TMaxRange >> FractionBits; ///< Maximum range for integer part of FixedPoint value public: /// @brief Detect overflow /// @par value Value to check for overflow /// @return true if the value of this object is overflow, false otherwise. /// If the minimum/maximum limits are not set, always returns false. inline boolean overflow(void) const { if (!TMinRange && !TMaxRange) return (false); if ((value.get() == TMinRange) || (value.get() == TMaxRange)) return (true); return (false); } public: T getValue(size_t decimalPrecision, boolean *status = nullptr) const; protected: /// @brief Internal value class, created to encapsulate the value and unify value assignment class Value { public: /// @brief Sets value from type T value /// @newValue New value of type T, consists of integer and fraction part at this point /// @return true if no overflow occured, false otherwise inline boolean setT(T newValue) { val = newValue; return (true); } /// @brief Sets value from type U value /// @newValue New value of type U, consists of integer and fraction part at this point /// @return true if no overflow occured, false otherwise inline boolean setU(U newValue) { if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (val == TMaxRange || val == TMinRange) { return (false); } if (newValue < static_cast<U>(TMinRange)) { val = TMinRange; return (false); } if (newValue > static_cast<U>(TMaxRange)) { val = TMaxRange; return (false); } } val = static_cast<T>(newValue); return (true); } /// @brief Returns value of type T (with integer and fraction parts) /// @returns Value of type T, consists of integer and fraction part inline T get(void) const { return (val); } private: T val = {}; ///< Storage for value }; Value value; protected: static const T tZero = static_cast<T>(0); ///< 0 constant of type T static const T tOne = static_cast<T>(1); ///< 1 constant of type T static const T fractionBitsPwr2 = tOne << FractionBits; ///< A number of type T, equals to 2 pow FractionBits //Make sure that FractionBits are less than total bit width of T static_assert(FractionBits < (sizeof(T) * 8), "Too many fraction bits"); //Make sure that more than zero FractionBits are defined (if zero fraction bits required, simply use type T) static_assert(FractionBits > 0, "Too few fraction bits"); }; template <typename T, size_t FractionBits, typename U, T TMinRange, T TMaxRange> FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>::FixedPoint(T value, size_t decimalsPrecision) { /// @brief Creates a Fixed Point value from integer value with known decimal precision /// @details For example Pi can be defined as follows (provided that large number fits into type T): /// FixedPoint(314159265, 8); /// @param value Integer part /// @param decimalsPrecision How many least significant decimal digits are fractions /// (= for how many digits to left-shift decimal point) if (!value) { this->value.setT(tZero); return; } if (decimalsPrecision) { static const T decimalRadix = static_cast<T>(10); T divider = tOne; for (size_t i = 0; i < decimalsPrecision; i++) { if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (divider < (TMaxRange / decimalRadix)) { divider *= decimalRadix; }//if (divider < (TMaxRange / decimalRadix)) else { value /= decimalRadix; if (!value) { this->value.setT(tZero); return; } } } else {//if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) divider *= decimalRadix; } } this->value.setU(static_cast<U>(value) * static_cast<U>(fractionBitsPwr2) / static_cast<U>(divider)); return; } if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (value < min) { this->value.setT(TMinRange); return; } if (value > max) { this->value.setT(TMaxRange); return; } } this->value.setT(value << FractionBits); } template <typename T, size_t FractionBits, typename U, T TMinRange, T TMaxRange> FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>::FixedPoint(const char * str) { const char * currStrChar = str; const char decimalPointChar = '.'; const char minusSignChar = '-'; const char plusSignChar = '+'; const T decimalRadixT = static_cast<T>(10); value.setT(tZero); //make sure str is not NULL and not empty if ((!str) || (!(*currStrChar))) return; //check plus & minus sign boolean negative = false; if ((*currStrChar) == minusSignChar) { currStrChar++; negative = true; if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (TMinRange > tZero) return; } } else { if ((*currStrChar) == plusSignChar) currStrChar++; } //process integer part T integerPart = static_cast<U>(0); while ((*currStrChar) && ((*currStrChar) != decimalPointChar)) { if (((*currStrChar) < '0') || ((*currStrChar) > '9')) { value.setT(tZero); return; } T currentDigit = static_cast<T>((*currStrChar) - '0'); if (negative) currentDigit = ~currentDigit + tOne; integerPart = integerPart * decimalRadixT + currentDigit; if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (integerPart < (min + 1)) { value.setT(TMinRange); return; } if (integerPart > (max - 1)) { value.setT(TMaxRange); return; } }//if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) currStrChar++; }//while integerPart = integerPart << FractionBits; if (!(*currStrChar)) { value.setT(integerPart); return; } //set fraction part pointer to the last digit of the str const char * decimalPointStrChar = currStrChar; while (*(currStrChar + 1)) { currStrChar++; } //process fraction part T fractionPart = tZero; while (currStrChar != decimalPointStrChar) { if (((*currStrChar) < '0') || ((*currStrChar) > '9')) { value.setT(tZero); return; } T currentDigit = static_cast<T>((*currStrChar) - '0'); fractionPart = (fractionPart + (currentDigit << FractionBits)) / decimalRadixT; currStrChar--; } if (negative) fractionPart = ~fractionPart + tOne; value.setT(integerPart + fractionPart); } template <typename T, size_t FractionBits, typename U, T TMinRange, T TMaxRange> T FixedPoint<T, FractionBits, U, TMinRange, TMaxRange>::getValue(size_t decimalPrecision, boolean *status) const { /// @brief Converts a Fixed Point value to the base type with a specified decimal precision /// @details For example, result of conversion of value of 10.573 can be 10 /// (for decimalPrecision 0), 106 (for decimalPrecision 1), 1057 (for decimalPrecision 2), /// 10573 (for decimalPrecision 3), 105730 (for decimalPrecision 4), etc. /// @param decimalPrecision How many least significant decimal digits of the returned value /// are fractions (= for how many digits to left-shift decimal point) /// @param status Pointer to boolean variable which will be set to true if conversion was /// successful and to false otherwise. If not needed, this parameter can be skipped or /// set equal to nullptr /// @return Conversion result or TMinRange/TMaxRange if result is out of range of type T /// (TMinRange...TMaxRange) if (status) { (*status) = false; } U tempValue = static_cast<U>(this->value.get()); static const U decimalRadix = static_cast<U>(10); for (size_t i = 0; i < decimalPrecision; i++) { tempValue *= decimalRadix; if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) { if (tempValue < static_cast<U>(TMinRange)) { return (TMinRange); } if (tempValue > static_cast<U>(TMaxRange)) { return (TMaxRange); } }//if (TMinRange && TMaxRange) }//for if (status) { (*status) = true; } tempValue /= static_cast<U>(fractionBitsPwr2); return (static_cast<T>(tempValue)); } }; //namespace dsp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Value ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef int32_t ValueBase; static const ValueBase ValueBaseMin = INT32_MIN; static const ValueBase ValueBaseMax = INT32_MAX; static const size_t ValueFractionBits = 10; typedef int64_t IntermediaryValue; using Value = dsp::FixedPoint<ValueBase, ValueFractionBits, IntermediaryValue, ValueBaseMin, ValueBaseMax>; static const Value ValuePi = Value(314159265, 8); /// @brief Checks whether the valve is overflown (out of range) /// @details This function is for compatibility only /// @par Reserved for the case when Value is a Plain-Old-Data type (e.g. float) and does not have methods /// @param value Value to check /// @return True if value is overflown, false if value is a regular number inline boolean overflow(const Value & value) { return (value.overflow()); } /// @brief Returns an integer value with known decimal precision /// @par For example for value 10.7 and precision 1 (1 digit after decimal point) will return 107 /// @par This function is for compatibility only /// @par Reserved for the case when Value is a Plain-Old-Data type (e.g. float) and does not have methods /// @param value Value /// @return Converted value or zero if conversion failed inline ValueBase getValue(const Value & value, size_t decimals, boolean *status = nullptr) { return (value.getValue(decimals, status)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Timestamp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef uint32_t Timestamp; inline Timestamp getTimestamp(void) { return (millis()); } const Value timestampPerSecond(1000); // 1000 milliseconds per second namespace dsp { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filter ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename Timestamp> class TemplateFilter { public: enum class Status { NONE, ///< No status returned OK, ///< Filter functions normally ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT, ///< Error: incorrect data provided for filter initialisation ERROR_INIT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, ///< Error: incorrect data provided for filter initialisation ERROR_INIT_FAILED, ///< Error: filter initialisation failed WARNING_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT, ///< Warning: incorrect data provided for filter initialisation; filter may produce unexpected results WARNING_TOO_MANY_INPUTS, ///< Warning: too many inputs provided for the filter; some inputs were ignored ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS, ///< Error: too few inputs provided for the filter }; public: virtual ~TemplateFilter() {}; inline const T& filter(Timestamp timestamp = 0); template <typename... Inputs> const T& filter(Timestamp timestamp, const Inputs... inputs); Status getStatus(void); protected: virtual Status filterProcess(const T *inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T &output, Timestamp timestamp) = 0; protected: Timestamp getDeltaTime(Timestamp currentTime); protected: void setInitStatus(Status initStatus); void setInputsNumber(size_t min, size_t max); private: Status status = Status::NONE; private: T outputValue = static_cast<T>(0); Timestamp lastTime = static_cast<Timestamp>(0); private: size_t minInputs = 0; size_t maxInputs = 0; }; template <typename T, typename Timestamp> const T& TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::filter(Timestamp timestamp) { outputValue = static_cast<T>(0); if ((status == Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT) || (status == Status::ERROR_INIT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) || (status == Status::ERROR_INIT_FAILED)) { lastTime = timestamp; return (outputValue); } if (minInputs) { status = Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS; lastTime = timestamp; return (outputValue); } status = filterProcess(nullptr, 0, outputValue, timestamp); lastTime = timestamp; return (outputValue); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> template <typename... Inputs> const T& TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::filter(Timestamp timestamp, const Inputs... inputs) { T inputsArray[] = { T(inputs)... }; outputValue = static_cast<T>(0); if ((status == Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT) || (status == Status::ERROR_INIT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) || (status == Status::ERROR_INIT_FAILED)) { lastTime = timestamp; return (outputValue); } if (minInputs && maxInputs && (sizeof...(inputs) < minInputs)) { status = Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS; lastTime = timestamp; return (outputValue); } status = filterProcess(inputsArray, sizeof...(inputs), outputValue, timestamp); if ((status == Status::OK) && minInputs && maxInputs && (sizeof...(inputs) > maxInputs)) { status = Status::WARNING_TOO_MANY_INPUTS; } lastTime = timestamp; return (outputValue); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> Timestamp TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::getDeltaTime(Timestamp currentTime) { if (!lastTime) return (static_cast<Timestamp>(0)); return (currentTime - lastTime); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::getStatus(void) { return (status); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> void TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(Status initStatus) { status = initStatus; } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> void TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(size_t min, size_t max) { if (min > max) return; minInputs = min; maxInputs = max; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MovingAverage ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename Timestamp> class MovingAverage : public TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp> { public: MovingAverage(size_t numValues); virtual typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status filterProcess(const T *inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T &output, Timestamp timestamp); virtual ~MovingAverage() {} private: arrays::RingBuffer<T> ringBuffer; T lastValue = static_cast<T>(0); }; template <typename T, typename Timestamp> MovingAverage<T, Timestamp>::MovingAverage(size_t numValues) : ringBuffer(numValues) { static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); if (!ringBuffer.validate()) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status MovingAverage<T, Timestamp>::filterProcess(const T * inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T & output, Timestamp timestamp) { (void)timestamp; if (!inputsNumber) return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS); ringBuffer.push(inputs[0]); T total = static_cast<T>(0); T subtotal = static_cast<T>(0); for (int i = 0; i < ringBuffer.count(); i++) { T backupSubtotal = subtotal; subtotal += ringBuffer[i]; if (overflow(subtotal)) { //When overflow occurs we divide part of the sum (subtotal) by amount of items and add it to total (precision is lost but overflow avoided) total += (backupSubtotal / static_cast<T>(ringBuffer.count())); subtotal = ringBuffer[i]; } } if (ringBuffer.count()) { total += (subtotal / static_cast<T>(ringBuffer.count())); //if there was no overflow, then total is still zero at this point } output = total; return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LowPass ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename Timestamp> class LowPass : public TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp> { public: LowPass(const T &fc, const T &pi, const T & fcDivider = static_cast<T>(1)); virtual typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status filterProcess(const T *inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T &output, Timestamp timestamp); virtual ~LowPass() {} private: T fc = static_cast<T>(0); T fcDivider = static_cast<T>(1); T fcPi2 = static_cast<T>(0); T lastOutput = static_cast<T>(0); }; template <typename T, typename Timestamp> LowPass<T, Timestamp>::LowPass(const T & fc, const T & pi, const T & fcDivider) { static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); if ((fc <= static_cast<T>(0)) || (fcDivider <= static_cast<T>(0)) || overflow (fc / fcDivider)) { this->fc = static_cast<T>(0); this->fcDivider = static_cast<T>(1); TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } this->fc = fc; this->fcDivider = fcDivider; fcPi2 = fc * pi * static_cast<T>(2); TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status LowPass<T, Timestamp>::filterProcess(const T * inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T & output, Timestamp timestamp) { Timestamp deltaTime (this->getDeltaTime(timestamp)); if (!inputsNumber) { return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS); } if (!deltaTime) { output = static_cast<T>(inputs[0]); lastOutput = static_cast<T>(inputs[0]); } else { T dt = static_cast<T>(deltaTime); output = lastOutput + (dt * fcPi2 * (inputs[0] - lastOutput)) / (dt * fcPi2 / fcDivider + static_cast<T>(1)) / fcDivider; lastOutput = output; } return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LinearScale ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename Timestamp> class LinearScale : public TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp> { public: LinearScale(const T &x1, const T &y1, const T &x2, const T &y2); LinearScale(const T &a, const T &b); LinearScale(const T &b); virtual typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status filterProcess(const T *inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T &output, Timestamp timestamp); private: T a = static_cast<T>(1); T b = static_cast<T>(0); }; template <typename T, typename Timestamp> LinearScale<T, Timestamp>::LinearScale(const T & x1, const T & y1, const T & x2, const T & y2) { static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); if (x1 == x2) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } a = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2); b = y1 - a * x1; if (overflow(a) || overflow(b) || (a == static_cast<T>(0))) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_FAILED); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> LinearScale<T, Timestamp>::LinearScale(const T & a, const T & b) { static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); this->a = a; this->b = b; if (overflow(a) || overflow(b)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> LinearScale<T, Timestamp>::LinearScale(const T & b) { static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); this->a = static_cast<T>(1); this->b = b; if (overflow(b)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status LinearScale<T, Timestamp>::filterProcess(const T * inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T & output, Timestamp timestamp) { (void)timestamp; if (!inputsNumber) return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS); output = a * inputs[0] + b; return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SquareScale ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename Timestamp> class SquareScale : public TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp> { public: SquareScale(const T &x1, const T &y1, const T &x2, const T &y2, const T &x3, const T &y3); SquareScale(const T &a, const T &b, const T&c); virtual typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status filterProcess(const T *inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T &output, Timestamp timestamp); private: T a = static_cast<T>(0); T b = static_cast<T>(1); T c = static_cast<T>(0); T h = static_cast<T>(0); }; template <typename T, typename Timestamp> SquareScale<T, Timestamp>::SquareScale( const T & x1, const T & y1, const T & x2, const T & y2, const T & x3, const T & y3) { //Set input number static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); //Calculate square function a, b, c coefficients const T denominator1 = (x1 - x2); const T denominator2 = (x1 - x3); const T denominator3 = (x2 - x3); if ((denominator1 == static_cast<T>(0)) || (denominator2 == static_cast<T>(0)) || (denominator3 == static_cast<T>(0))) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } a = x3 * (y2 - y1) + x2 * (y1 - y3) + x1 * (y3 - y2); a /= denominator1; a /= denominator2; a /= denominator3; b = (y1 - y2) * x3 * x3 + (y3 - y1) * x2 * x2 + (y2 - y3) * x1 * x1; b /= denominator1; b /= denominator2; b /= denominator3; c = y1 * (x2 - x3) * x2 * x3 + y2 * (x3 - x1) * x3 * x1 + y3 * (x1 - x2) * x1 * x2; c /= denominator1; c /= denominator2; c /= denominator3; if (overflow(a) || overflow(b) || overflow(c)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_FAILED); return; } //Check parabola vertex position if (a == static_cast<T>(0)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); return; } h = b / a / static_cast<T>(-2); //k = c - h * h; if (overflow(h)) return; T xmin = x1; if (x2 < xmin) xmin = x2; if (x3 < xmin) xmin = x3; T xmax = x3; if (x2 > xmax) xmax = x2; if (x1 > xmax) xmax = x1; if ((h > xmin) && (h < xmax)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::WARNING_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> SquareScale<T, Timestamp>::SquareScale(const T & a, const T & b, const T & c) { static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); this->a = a; this->b = b; this->c = c; if (overflow(a) || overflow(b) || overflow (c)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status SquareScale<T, Timestamp>::filterProcess(const T * inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T & output, Timestamp timestamp) { (void)timestamp; if (!inputsNumber) return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS); output = a * inputs[0] * inputs[0] + b * inputs[0] + c; return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SplineScale ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template <typename T, typename Timestamp> class SplineScale : public TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp> { public: SplineScale(const T &x1, const T &y1, const T &x2, const T &y2, const T &x3, const T &y3); virtual typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status filterProcess(const T *inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T &output, Timestamp timestamp); private: T a1 = static_cast<T>(0); T b1 = static_cast<T>(1); T a2 = static_cast<T>(0); T b2 = static_cast<T>(1); T x1 = static_cast<T>(0); T y1 = static_cast<T>(0); T x2 = static_cast<T>(0); T y2 = static_cast<T>(0); T x3 = static_cast<T>(0); T y3 = static_cast<T>(0); }; template <typename T, typename Timestamp> SplineScale<T, Timestamp>::SplineScale( const T & xMin, const T & yMin, const T & xMid, const T & yMid, const T & xMax, const T & yMax) { //Set input number static const size_t inputNumber = 1; TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInputsNumber(inputNumber, inputNumber); //Initialise points x1 = xMin; y1 = yMin; x2 = xMid; y2 = yMid; x3 = xMax; y3 = yMax; //Sort points by x in accending order struct TSwapHelper { inline static void swap(T &a, T &b) { T temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } }; if (x1 > x2) { TSwapHelper::swap(x1, x2); TSwapHelper::swap(y1, y2); } if (x2 > x3) { TSwapHelper::swap(x2, x3); TSwapHelper::swap(y2, y3); } if (x1 > x2) { TSwapHelper::swap(x1, x2); TSwapHelper::swap(y1, y2); } //Calculate cubic spline coefficients const T denominator1 = 2 * (x1 - x2); const T denominator2 = x1 - x3; const T denominator3 = x2 - x3; if ((denominator1 == static_cast<T>(0)) || (denominator2 == static_cast<T>(0)) || (denominator3 == static_cast<T>(0))) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_DATA_INCORRECT); return; } a1 = x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * (y1 - y2); a1 /= denominator1; a1 /= denominator2; a1 /= denominator3; a1 /= (x1 - x2); a2 = a1 * (x2 - x1); a2 /= (x2 - x3); b1 = x1 * x1 * (y3 - y2) - x1 * (x2 * (-3 * y1 + y2 + 2 * y3) + 3 * x3 * (y1 - y2)) + x2 * x2 * (y3 - y1) + x2 * x3 * (y2 - y1) + 2 * x3 * x3 * (y1 - y2); b1 /= denominator1; b1 /= denominator2; b1 /= denominator3; b2 = 2 * x1 * x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (x1 * (y3 - y2) + x3 * (2 * y1 + y2 - 3 * y3)) + 3 * x1 * x3 * (y3 - y2) + x2 * x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * x3 * (y2 - y1); b2 /= denominator1; b2 /= denominator2; b2 /= denominator3; //Check validity if (overflow(a1) || overflow(a2) || overflow(b1) || overflow(b2)) { TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_INIT_FAILED); return; } TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::setInitStatus(TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } template <typename T, typename Timestamp> typename TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status SplineScale<T, Timestamp>::filterProcess(const T * inputs, size_t inputsNumber, T & output, Timestamp timestamp) { (void)timestamp; if (!inputsNumber) return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::ERROR_TOO_FEW_INPUTS); output = (inputs[0] < x2) ? (a1 * (inputs[0] - x1) * (inputs[0] - x1) * (inputs[0] - x1) + b1 * (inputs[0] - x1) + y1) : (a2 * (inputs[0] - x3) * (inputs[0] - x3) * (inputs[0] - x3) + b2 * (inputs[0] - x3) + y3); return (TemplateFilter<T, Timestamp>::Status::OK); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using Filter = TemplateFilter<Value, Timestamp>; using FilterMovingAverage = MovingAverage<Value, Timestamp>; using FilterLowPass = LowPass<Value, Timestamp>; using FilterLinearScale = LinearScale<Value, Timestamp>; using FilterSquareScale = SquareScale<Value, Timestamp>; using FilterSplineScale = SplineScale<Value, Timestamp>; enum class FilterType { MOVING_AVERAGE, LOW_PASS, LINEAR_SCALE, SQUARE_SCALE }; }; //namespace dsp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Physical Quantities (temperature, humidity, pressure, luminance, etc) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace quantity { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Quantity ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief A templated/configurable class representing physical quantity, such as temperature, /// humidity, pressure, luminance, etc. /// @details Every Quantity object has the following properties: /// /// * WHAT does the quantity represent? /// /// * WHEN the quantity was measured? /// /// * HOW MUCH is the numerical measurement result? /// /// * IN WHICH UNITS the measurement result is represented? /// /// * IS the measurement result valid? /// /// * IN WHICH RANGE can measurement results possibly be? /// /// @par For example consider the following physical quantity: /// @par "outdoors temperature (id = 12) is 10.25 degrees Celsius as measured at 15381 /// milliseconds from startup, measured in range -50 to 125 degrees Celsius" /// @par It will be represented as follows: /// @par "outdoors temperature (identifier 12, group 3)": /// @par id = 12 /// @par idGroup = 3 /// @par "measured at 15381 milliseconds from startup" /// @par timestamp = 15381 /// @par "the measurement result was 10.25" /// @par value = 10.25 /// @par "the result is in degrees Celsius" /// @par unitText = "C" /// @par "the measurement result is valid (no error occured while getting data /// from sensor)" /// @par valid = true /// @par "measured in range -50 to 125 degrees Celsius" /// @par minRange = -50 /// @par maxRange = 125 /// Acceptable range for the value is optional and can be omitted. If the range is specified, /// the values outside of this range will be clamped to high or low limit. /// @par This is the basic class, intended to be inherited by concrete physical quantity /// classes. It was designed not to make use of virtual methods. The descendant classes /// are able to set some of the fields (via setters). /// @par The quantity can be printed or passed to external systems even without knowing its /// concrete type, by acquiring the field values via getters. /// @par The object of this class is intended to be initialised only by constructor /// (protected and reserved for use by descendant classes) or by copy constructor from another /// quantity. Once initialised, the quantity's information cannot be modified. The numeric /// value cannot be modified as well but it can be converted to a different measurement unit. /// The conversion is handled by descendant classes. /// @par An identifier and identifier group define the meaning of the quantity (location, purpose, /// device, etc...). Identifier and identifier group are only stored in this class and are not /// processed or checked by its methods. The identifying scheme, uniquenes and other rules are /// defined and enforced by the object's creator. /// @par A validate() method can be used to evaluate whether the numeric value can be considered /// as a valid one. /// @par The value and measurment unit used during the initialisation is stored in the object /// (initValue and initUnit). When the conversion to other measurment unit is performed, the /// setValue and setUnit fields are modified via setter methods. This modification is to be /// handled in descendant classes. Obtaining value and unit of the quantity via getter methods /// will return setValue and setUnit. /// @par The class has introspection mechanism allowing to identify concrete type of object, /// even if the object is represented as a pointer to base class type. class Quantity { public: typedef Value value_t; typedef Timestamp timestamp_t; typedef uint8_t unit_t; typedef uint16_t id_t; typedef StrRef text_t; protected: inline Quantity(id_t id, id_t idGroup, value_t value, unit_t unit, text_t unitText, timestamp_t timestamp = {}, boolean valid = true, value_t minRange = value_t(0), value_t maxRange = value_t(0)); public: inline boolean validate(void) const { /// @brief Checks whether the object was initialised /// @return true if the value is valid, false otherwise return (valid); } public: inline id_t getId(void) const { /// @brief Returns physical quantity identifier (location, sensor ID, etc...) /// @returns Physical quantity identifier in numeric form return (id); } inline id_t getIdGroup(void) const { /// @brief Returns physical quantity identifier group /// @returns Physical quantity group identifier in numeric form return (idGroup); } inline timestamp_t getTimestamp(void) const { /// @brief Returns timestamp representing the moment of measurement of /// the physical quantity /// @returns Timestamp for measurement moment return (timestamp); } inline value_t getValue(void) const { /// @return Physical quantity numeric value return (setUnitValue); } inline text_t PROGMEM getUnitText(void) const { /// @return C-string (in PROGMEM) with physical quantity measurement unit in /// human-readable form or nullptr if human-readable form was not provided return (setUnitText); } inline value_t getMinRange(void) { /// @brief Returns minimum range for this quantity (if set) /// @return Minimum range or zero if not set return (setUnitMinRange); } inline value_t getMaxRange(void) { /// @brief Returns minimum range for this quantity (if set) /// @return Minimum range or zero if not set return (setUnitMaxRange); } protected: boolean setConvertedValue(value_t value, unit_t units, text_t unitText = {}, value_t minRange = value_t(0), value_t maxRange = value_t(0)); protected: inline value_t getInitValue(void) const { /// @return Value used to initialise the object return (initValue); } inline unit_t getInitUnit(void) const { /// @return Measurement unit in numeric form used along with /// initValue to initialise the object return (initUnit); } inline value_t getInitMinRange(void) const { /// @return Minimum range at initialisation (or 0 if not defined) return (initMinRange); } inline value_t getInitMaxRange(void) const { /// @return Maximum range at initialisation (or 0 if not defined) return (initMaxRange); } private: //Essential components of the quantity //As an example the following physical quantity will be used: //"outdoors temperature (id=12) is 10.25 degrees Celsius as measured at 15381 milliseconds from startup" //WHAT does the quantity represent, e.g. "outdoors temperature, id=12, group=3" id_t id {}; ///< Identifier id_t idGroup {}; ///< Identifier group //WHEN the quantity was measured, e.g. "at 15381 milliseconds from startup" timestamp_t timestamp {}; ///< Timestamp at the moment of measurement //HOW MUCH is the numerical measurement result, e.g. "10.25" value_t initValue {}; ///< Value when initialised, expressed in initUnits value_t setUnitValue {}; ///< initValue converted from initUnits to setUnits //In WHICH UNITS the measurement result is represented, e.g. in degrees Celsius unit_t initUnit {}; ///< measurment unit when initialised unit_t setUnit {}; ///< measurment unit in which setUnitValue is expressed text_t setUnitText; ///< setUnit in human-readable form //IS the numerical result valid (true/false) boolean valid = false; ///< if false, the value of setUnitValue must be disregarded //IN WHICH RANGE can measurement results possibly be value_t initMinRange {}; ///< minimum range in initUnit units value_t initMaxRange {}; ///< maximum range in initUnit units value_t setUnitMinRange {}; ///< minimum range in setUnit units value_t setUnitMaxRange {}; ///< maximum range in setUnit units private: //Introspection INTROSPECTED_BASE(INTROSPECTED_CLASS_TYPE_AUTO()); }; Quantity::Quantity(id_t id, id_t idGroup, value_t value, unit_t unit, text_t unitText, timestamp_t timestamp, boolean valid, value_t minRange, value_t maxRange) { /// @brief Initialises object by setting its data /// @param id Identifier (designation) of the physical quantity (location, sensor ID, etc...) /// @param idGroup Group to which id belongs /// @param value A numerical value of the physical quantity /// @param unit Identifier of the measurement unit in which value is represented /// @param unitText Human-readable form of unit parameter /// @param timestamp Represents the moment of time when the physical quantity was measured (if /// available) /// @param valid False if value is invalid (e.g. error occured during measurement), true otherwise /// @param minRange Minimum possible value /// @param minRange Maximum possible value /// @details This constructor is reserved for use by descendant classes INTROSPECTED_SET_OBJECT_TYPE(); this->id = id; this->idGroup = idGroup; this->timestamp = timestamp; this->initValue = value; this->initUnit = unit; this->setUnit = unit; this->setUnitText = unitText; this->valid = valid; this->initMinRange = minRange; this->initMaxRange = maxRange; this->setUnitMinRange = this->initMinRange; this->setUnitMaxRange = this->initMaxRange; if ((this->initMinRange != value_t(0)) || (this->initMaxRange != value_t(0))) { if (this->initValue < this->initMinRange) this->initValue = minRange; if (this->initValue > this->initMaxRange) this->initValue = maxRange; } this->setUnitValue = initValue; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generic Quantity ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Generic physical quantity /// @details Used for physical quantities for which no concrete class exists or /// when the nature of quantity is defined by user and cannot be known at /// compile time. /// @par No conversion is possible. /// @par Measurement unit is defined in human-readable form only. /// @par Generic physical quantity value and measurment unit are always returned /// as they were set in constructor class Generic : public Quantity { public: ///@brief Measurement unit: only GENERIC is avaiable enum class Unit : unit_t { GENERIC, }; INTROSPECTED_SET_CLASS_TYPE(INTROSPECTED_CLASS_TYPE_AUTO()); public: inline Generic (id_t id, id_t idGroup, value_t value, text_t genericUnitText, timestamp_t timestamp = {}, boolean valid = true, value_t minRange = {}, value_t maxRange = {}) : Quantity(id, idGroup, value, static_cast<unit_t>(Unit::GENERIC), genericUnitText, timestamp, valid, minRange, maxRange) { INTROSPECTED_SET_OBJECT_TYPE(); } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dimensionless Quantity ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Dimensionless physical quantities /// @details Used for dimensionless quantities such as ratios, factors, /// percentage, etc. /// @par The avaialble measurment units are NONE and PERCENT /// @par Unit NONE used for truly dimensionless qunatity such as factor /// @par Unit PERCENT used for percentages /// @par Conversion from NONE to PERCENT multiplies the value by 100% class Dimensionless : public Quantity { public: enum class Unit : unit_t { NONE, ///< Used for truly dimensionless qunatity such as factor PERCENT, ///< Used for percentages }; public: INTROSPECTED_SET_CLASS_TYPE(INTROSPECTED_CLASS_TYPE_AUTO()); public: inline Dimensionless (id_t id, id_t idGroup, value_t value, Unit unit, timestamp_t timestamp = {}, boolean valid = true, value_t minRange = {}, value_t maxRange = {}) : Quantity(id, idGroup, value, static_cast<unit_t>(unit), getUnitTextByUnit(unit), timestamp, valid, minRange, maxRange) { INTROSPECTED_SET_OBJECT_TYPE(); } public: boolean convertToUnit(Dimensionless::Unit unit); static text_t getUnitTextByUnit(Dimensionless::Unit unit); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Temperature ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Temperature as physical quantity /// @details The avaialble measurment units are CELSIUS and FAHRENHEIT, /// representing degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit respectively class Temperature : public Quantity { public: enum class Unit : unit_t { CELSIUS, ///< Degrees Celsius FAHRENHEIT, ///< Degrees Fahrenheit }; public: INTROSPECTED_SET_CLASS_TYPE(INTROSPECTED_CLASS_TYPE_AUTO()); public: inline Temperature (id_t id, id_t idGroup, value_t value, Unit unit, timestamp_t timestamp = {}, boolean valid = true, value_t minRange = {}, value_t maxRange = {}) : Quantity(id, idGroup, value, static_cast<unit_t>(unit), getUnitTextByUnit(unit), timestamp, valid, minRange, maxRange) { INTROSPECTED_SET_OBJECT_TYPE(); } public: boolean convertToUnit(Temperature::Unit unit); static text_t getUnitTextByUnit(Temperature::Unit unit); private: static value_t celsiusToFahrenheit(value_t celsiusValue); static value_t fahrenheitToCelsius(value_t fahrenheitValue); }; }; //namespace quantity }; //namespace util #endif
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