
Last update 7 years 1 month by Nick
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Naumenko ( * All rights reserved * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ #include "util_comm.h" #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> namespace util { namespace http { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTTPRequestHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Converts method c-string from HTTP request into enum HTTPRequestMethod /// @param method C-string which contains method extracted from HTTP /// request header /// @return Corresponding value of enum HTTPRequestMethod /// or HTTPRequestMethod::UNKNOWN if the method is other than specified in /// HTTPRequestMethod HTTPRequestMethod HTTPRequestHelper::getMethod(const char * method) { static const char PROGMEM methodOptions[] = "OPTIONS"; static const char PROGMEM methodGet[] = "GET"; static const char PROGMEM methodHead[] = "HEAD"; static const char PROGMEM methodPost[] = "POST"; static const char PROGMEM methodPut[] = "PUT"; static const char PROGMEM methodDelete[] = "DELETE"; static const char PROGMEM methodTrace[] = "TRACE"; static const char PROGMEM methodConnect[] = "CONNECT"; if (!strcmp_P(method, methodOptions)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::OPTIONS); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodGet)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::GET); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodHead)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::HEAD); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodPost)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::POST); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodPut)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::PUT); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodDelete)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::DELETE); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodTrace)) return (HTTPRequestMethod::TRACE); if (!strcmp_P(method, methodConnect))return (HTTPRequestMethod::CONNECT); return (HTTPRequestMethod::UNKNOWN); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTTPPercentCode ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Converts 2 digit hexadecimal number into integer /// @param buffer ASCII representation of hex code, minimum length 2 /// characters /// @return Converted value in range 0..255 or decodeError if conversion /// error occured int HTTPHexCode::decodeHex(const char buffer[]) { if (!buffer) return (decodeError); static const int RADIX_HEXADECIMAL = 16; int mostSignificant = decodeDigit(buffer[0]); if (mostSignificant == decodeError) return (decodeError); int leastSignificant = decodeDigit(buffer[1]); if (leastSignificant == decodeError) return (decodeError); return (mostSignificant * RADIX_HEXADECIMAL + leastSignificant); } /// Converts single hexadecimal ASCII digit into integer /// @param hexDigit character representing hexadecimal digit in /// ASCII format /// @return Converted value in range 0..15 or decodeError if conversion /// error occured int HTTPHexCode::decodeDigit(char hexDigit) { if ((hexDigit >= '0') && (hexDigit <= '9')) return (hexDigit - '0'); if ((hexDigit >= 'A') && (hexDigit <= 'F')) return (hexDigit - 'A' + 10); if ((hexDigit >= 'a') && (hexDigit <= 'f')) return (hexDigit - 'a' + 10); return (decodeError); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // URL ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Converts URL-encoded string into plain text /// @details The following operations are performed with the input string: /// * All '+' characters are substituted with spaces (' ') /// * All percent-codes are substituted with the corresponding charaters /// @par If input string contains percent codes, it is possible for /// string to become shorter after conversion /// @warning This method modifies input string /// @warning Only 2-digit percent codes are supported /// @param buffer Contains input cstring to be decoded (this string will be /// modified by conversion) /// @param bufferSize maximum length of the string to be processed void URL::decode(char buffer[], size_t bufferSize) { if (!buffer || !bufferSize) return; size_t readPosition = 0; size_t writePosition = 0; while ((readPosition < (bufferSize - 1)) && buffer[readPosition]) { char c = buffer[readPosition]; if (c == '%') { //following characters are percent hex code int hexValueDecoded = HTTPHexCode::decodeHex(&buffer[readPosition + 1]); if (hexValueDecoded != HTTPHexCode::decodeError) { buffer[writePosition++] = (char)hexValueDecoded; readPosition += (HTTPHexCode::size + 1); //+1 character for a '%' char } else { writePosition++; readPosition++; } } else { if (c == '+') c = ' '; buffer[writePosition++] = c; readPosition ++; } } buffer[writePosition] = 0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTTPResponseHeader ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Generates HTTP Response header with given Content-type and Charset /// @details Also adds status line with HTTP Status Code "200 OK" to the /// beginning of the response header /// @param client Client to send response header to /// @param type Content-Type to include in the response header /// @param charset Charset to include in response header void HTTPResponseHeader::contentHeader(Print &client, HTTPContentType type, HTTPContentCharset charset) { statusLine(client, HTTPStatusCode::OK); client.print(F("Cache-control: no-cache\r\nConnection: close\r\n")); client.print(F("Content-type: ")); client.print(contentTypeText(type)); client.print(';'); client.print(' '); client.print(contentCharsetText(charset)); client.print(F("\r\n\r\n")); } /// @brief Generates HTTP Response with redirect to other URL /// (HTTP status code "303 See Other") /// @param client Client to send generated response to /// @param path Redirect destination void HTTPResponseHeader::redirect(Print &client, const __FlashStringHelper * path) { statusLine(client, HTTPStatusCode::SEE_OTHER); client.print(F("Location: http://")); client.print(WiFi.softAPIP()); ///@todo remove ESP8266 dependency if (pgm_read_byte(path) != '/') client.print('/'); client.print(path); client.print(F("\r\n\r\n")); } /// @brief Generates HTTP Response Status Line based on HTTP Status Code /// @details HTTP version in the response is always "HTTP/1.1" /// @param client Client to send generated Status Line to /// @param statusCode HTTP Status Code to include in the Status Line void HTTPResponseHeader::statusLine(Print &client, HTTPStatusCode statusCode) { client.print(F("HTTP/1.1 ")); client.print((int)statusCode); client.print(' '); client.print(statusCodeText(statusCode)); client.print(F("\r\n")); } /// @brief Provides human-readable description of HTTP Status Code (e.g. /// "OK" for HTTP Status Code 200) /// @param statusCode HTTP Status Code /// @return Cstring in progmem with details of HTTP Status Code const __FlashStringHelper * HTTPResponseHeader::statusCodeText(HTTPStatusCode statusCode) { switch (statusCode) { case HTTPStatusCode::CONTINUE: return (F("CONTINUE")); case HTTPStatusCode::SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS: return (F("SWITCHING PROTOCOLS")); case HTTPStatusCode::OK: return (F("OK")); case HTTPStatusCode::CREATED: return (F("CREATED")); case HTTPStatusCode::ACCEPTED: return (F("ACCEPTED")); case HTTPStatusCode::NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION: return (F("NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION")); case HTTPStatusCode::NO_CONTENT: return (F("NO CONTENT")); case HTTPStatusCode::RESET_CONTENT: return (F("RESET CONTENT")); case HTTPStatusCode::PARTIAL_CONTENT: return (F("PARTIAL CONTENT")); case HTTPStatusCode::MULTIPLE_CHOISES: return (F("MULTIPLE CHOISES")); case HTTPStatusCode::MOVED_PERMANENTLY: return (F("MOVED PERMANENTLY")); case HTTPStatusCode::FOUND: return (F("FOUND")); case HTTPStatusCode::SEE_OTHER: return (F("SEE OTHER")); case HTTPStatusCode::NOT_MODIFIED: return (F("NOT MODIFIED")); case HTTPStatusCode::USE_PROXY: return (F("USE PROXY")); case HTTPStatusCode::SWITCH_PROXY: return (F("SWITCH PROXY")); case HTTPStatusCode::TEMPORARY_REDIRECT: return (F("TEMPORARY REDIRECT")); case HTTPStatusCode::PERMANENT_REDIRECT: return (F("PERMANENT REDIRECT")); case HTTPStatusCode::BAD_REQUEST: return (F("BAD REQUEST")); case HTTPStatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED: return (F("UNAUTHORIZED")); break; case HTTPStatusCode::FORBIDDEN: return (F("FORBIDDEN")); case HTTPStatusCode::NOT_FOUND: return (F("NOT FOUND")); case HTTPStatusCode::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: return (F("METHOD NOT ALLOWED")); case HTTPStatusCode::NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return (F("NOT ACCEPTABLE")); case HTTPStatusCode::PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: return (F("PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED")); case HTTPStatusCode::REQUEST_TIMEOUT: return (F("REQUEST TIMEOUT")); case HTTPStatusCode::CONFLICT: return (F("CONFLICT")); case HTTPStatusCode::GONE: return (F("GONE")); case HTTPStatusCode::LENGTH_REQUIRED: return (F("LENGTH REQUIRED")); case HTTPStatusCode::PRECONDITION_FAILED: return (F("PRECONDITION FAILED")); case HTTPStatusCode::PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE: return (F("PAYLOAD TOO LARGE")); case HTTPStatusCode::REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: return (F("REQUEST URI TOO LONG")); case HTTPStatusCode::UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE: return (F("UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE")); case HTTPStatusCode::RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE: return (F("RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE")); case HTTPStatusCode::EXPECTATION_FAILED: return (F("EXPECTATION FAILED")); case HTTPStatusCode::I_M_A_TEAPOT: return (F("I'M A TEAPOT")); case HTTPStatusCode::MISDIRECTED_REQUEST: return (F("MISDIRECTED REQUEST")); case HTTPStatusCode::UPGRADE_REQUIRED: return (F("UPGRADE REQUIRED")); case HTTPStatusCode::PRECONDITION_REQUIRED: return (F("PRECONDITION REQUIRED")); case HTTPStatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: return (F("TOO MANY REQUESTS")); case HTTPStatusCode::REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE: return (F("REQUEST HEADER FIELDS TOO LARGE")); case HTTPStatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: return (F("INTERNAL SERVER ERROR")); case HTTPStatusCode::NOT_IMPLEMENTED: return (F("NOT IMPLEMENTED")); case HTTPStatusCode::BAD_GATEWAY: return (F("BAD GATEWAY")); case HTTPStatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: return (F("SERVICE UNAVAILABLE")); case HTTPStatusCode::GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return (F("GATEWAY TIMEOUT")); case HTTPStatusCode::HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED: return (F("HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED")); case HTTPStatusCode::VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES: return (F("VARIANT ALSO NEGOTIATES")); case HTTPStatusCode::INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE: return (F("INSUFFICIENT STORAGE")); case HTTPStatusCode::LOOP_DETECTED: return (F("LOOP DETECTED")); case HTTPStatusCode::NOT_EXTENDED: return (F("NOT EXTENDED")); case HTTPStatusCode::NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: return (F("NETWORK AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED")); default: return (F("")); } } /// @brief Provides text of the Content-Type (e.g. "text/html") /// @param type HTTP Content-type /// @return Cstring in progmem with text of the Content-type const __FlashStringHelper * HTTPResponseHeader::contentTypeText(HTTPContentType type) { switch (type) { case HTTPContentType::HTML: return (F("text/html")); case HTTPContentType::PLAINTEXT: return (F("text/plain")); case HTTPContentType::CSV: return (F("text/csv")); case HTTPContentType::JSON: return (F("application/json")); case HTTPContentType::XML: return (F("text/xml")); default: return (F("")); } } /// @brief Provides text of the Charset-encoding (e.g. "utf-8") /// @param type HTTP Charset-encoding /// @return Cstring in progmem with text of the Charset-encoding const __FlashStringHelper * HTTPResponseHeader::contentCharsetText(HTTPContentCharset charset) { switch (charset) { case HTTPContentCharset::UTF8: return (F("utf-8")); default: return (F("")); } } }; //namespace http namespace json { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JSONOutput ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// @brief Initialises JSONOutput object /// @param client A Print to output generated JSON to JSONOutput::JSONOutput(Print & client) { this->client = &client; beginObject(); } /// @brief Destroys JSONOutput object /// @details Closes all braces and brackets in order to produce a valid JSON JSONOutput::~JSONOutput() { while (currentContext != contextNone) { finish(); } } /// @brief Starts new Array /// @param name Name of the array as a RAM string void JSONOutput::beginArray(const char * name) { printName(name); pushContext(contextArray); client->print(charLbracket); firstValue = true; } /// @brief Starts new Array /// @param name Name of the array as a PROGMEM string void JSONOutput::beginArray(const __FlashStringHelper * name) { printName(name); pushContext(contextArray); client->print(charLbracket); firstValue = true; } /// @brief Starts new Object /// @param name Name of the object as a RAM string void JSONOutput::beginObject(const char * name) { printName(name); pushContext(contextObject); client->print(charLbrace); firstValue = true; } /// @brief Starts new Object /// @param name Name of the object as a PROGMEM string void JSONOutput::beginObject(const __FlashStringHelper * name) { printName(name); pushContext(contextObject); client->print(charLbrace); firstValue = true; } /// @brief Finishes current object or array /// @details Closes brace or bracket in order to produce a valid JSON void JSONOutput::finish(void) { if (currentContext == contextArray) client->print(charRbracket); if (currentContext == contextObject) client->print(charRbrace); popContext(); firstValue = false; } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a RAM string /// @param value Value as a RAM string void JSONOutput::value(const char * name, const char * value) { printName(name); printString(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a RAM string /// @param value Value as a PROGMEM string void JSONOutput::value(const char * name, const __FlashStringHelper * value) { printName(name); printString(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a RAM string /// @param value Value as an integer void JSONOutput::value(const char * name, long value) { printName(name); if (currentContext != contextNone) client->print(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a RAM string /// @param value Value as an unsigned integer void JSONOutput::value(const char * name, unsigned long value) { printName(name); if (currentContext != contextNone) client->print(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a RAM string /// @param value Value as a boolean (output is true/false) void JSONOutput::value(const char * name, boolean value) { static const char PROGMEM valueTrue[] = "true"; static const char PROGMEM valueFalse[] = "false"; printName(name); if (currentContext != contextNone) { if (value) { client->print(FPSTR(valueTrue)); } else { client->print(FPSTR(valueFalse)); } } } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a PROGMEM string /// @param value Value as a RAM string void JSONOutput::value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, const char * value) { printName(name); printString(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a PROGMEM string /// @param value Value as a PROGMEM string void JSONOutput::value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, const __FlashStringHelper * value) { printName(name); printString(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a PROGMEM string /// @param value Value as an integer void JSONOutput::value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, long value) { printName(name); if (currentContext != contextNone) client->print(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a PROGMEM string /// @param value Value as an unsigned integer void JSONOutput::value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, unsigned long value) { printName(name); if (currentContext != contextNone) client->print(value); } /// @brief Produces a Name = Value pair /// @param name Name as a PROGMEM string /// @param value Value as a boolean (output is true/false) void JSONOutput::value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, boolean value) { static const char PROGMEM valueTrue[] = "true"; static const char PROGMEM valueFalse[] = "false"; printName(name); if (currentContext != contextNone) { if (value) { client->print(FPSTR(valueTrue)); } else { client->print(FPSTR(valueFalse)); } } } }; //namespace json }; //namespace util
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