
Last update 6 years 4 months by Nick
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Naumenko ( * All rights reserved * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ /** * @file * @brief Communication protocols and formats (e.g. HTTP, JSON, etc.) */ #ifndef UTIL_COMM_H #define UTIL_COMM_H #include <arduino.h> namespace util { namespace http { /// HTTP status codes for HTTP Response enum class HTTPStatusCode { UNKNOWN = 0, ///< Reserved for the case when status code other than defined here is encountered CONTINUE = 100, ///< 100 CONTINUE SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101, ///< 101 SWITCHING PROTOCOLS OK = 200, ///< 200 OK CREATED = 201, ///< 201 CREATED ACCEPTED = 202, ///< 202 ACCEPTED NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203, ///< 203 NON AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION NO_CONTENT = 204, ///< 204 NO CONTENT RESET_CONTENT = 205, ///< 205 RESET CONTENT PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206, ///< 206 PARTIAL CONTENT MULTIPLE_CHOISES = 300, ///< 300 MULTIPLE CHOISES MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301, ///< 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY FOUND = 302, ///< 302 FOUNT SEE_OTHER = 303, ///< 303 SEE OTHER NOT_MODIFIED = 304, ///< 304 NOT MODIFIED USE_PROXY = 305, ///< 305 USE PROXY SWITCH_PROXY = 306, ///< 306 SWITCH PROXY TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307, ///< 307 TEMPORARY REDIRECT PERMANENT_REDIRECT = 308, ///< 308 PERMANENT REDIRECT BAD_REQUEST = 400, ///< 400 BAD REQUEST UNAUTHORIZED = 401, ///< 401 UNAUTHORIZED FORBIDDEN = 403, ///< 403 FORBIDDEN NOT_FOUND = 404, ///< 404 NOT FOUND METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405, ///< 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406, ///< 406 NOT ACCEPTABLE PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407, ///< 407 PROXY AUTHENTICATION FAILED REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408, ///< 408 REQUEST TIMEOUT CONFLICT = 409, ///< 409 CONFLICT GONE = 410, ///< 410 GONE LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411, ///< 411 LENGTH REQUIRED PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412, ///< 412 PRECONDITION FAILED PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE = 413, ///< 413 PAYLOAD TOO LARGE REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414, ///< 414 REQUEST URI TOO LONG UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415, ///< 415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE = 416, ///< 416 RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE EXPECTATION_FAILED = 417, ///< 417 EXPECTATION FAILED I_M_A_TEAPOT = 418, ///< 418 I'M A TEAPOT MISDIRECTED_REQUEST = 421, ///< 419 MISDIRECTED REQUEST UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426, ///< 426 UPGRADE REQUIRED PRECONDITION_REQUIRED = 428, ///< 428 PRECONDITION REQUIRED TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429, ///< 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE = 431, ///< 431 REQUEST HEADER FIELDS TOO LARGE INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500, ///< 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501, ///< 501 NOT IMPLEMENTED BAD_GATEWAY = 502, ///< 502 BAD GATEWAY SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503, ///< 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504, ///< 504 GATEWAY TIMEOUT HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505, ///< 505 HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES = 506, ///< 506 VARIANT ALSO NEGOTIATES INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507, ///< 507 INSUFFICIENT STORAGE LOOP_DETECTED = 508, ///< 508 LOOP DETECTED NOT_EXTENDED = 510, ///< 510 NOT EXTENDED NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 511, ///< 511 NETWORK AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED }; /// HTTP request methods enum class HTTPRequestMethod { UNKNOWN = -1, ///< Reserved for the case when method other than defined here is encountered OPTIONS = 0, ///< HTTP request method OPTIONS GET = 1, ///< HTTP request method GET HEAD = 2, ///< HTTP request method HEAD POST = 3, ///< HTTP request method POST PUT = 4, ///< HTTP request method PUT DELETE = 5, ///< HTTP request method DELETE TRACE = 6, ///< HTTP request method TRACE CONNECT = 7 ///< HTTP request method CONNECT }; /// Content-types used in this application enum class HTTPContentType { UNKNOWN = -1, ///< Reserved for the case when content-type other than defined here is encountered HTML = 0, ///< text/html PLAINTEXT = 1, ///< text/plain CSV = 2, ///< text/csv JSON = 3, ///< application/json XML = 4 ///< text/xml }; /// Charset for content-type used in this application enum class HTTPContentCharset { UNKNOWN = -1, ///< Reserved for the case when charset other than defined here is encountered UTF8 = 0, ///< UTF-8 }; /// Organises miscellaneous functions which process parts of HTTP requests. class HTTPRequestHelper { public: static HTTPRequestMethod getMethod(const char * method); }; /// Converts two-digit ASCII hexadecimal codes (used in HTTP percent codes) class HTTPHexCode { public: static int decodeHex(const char buffer[]); static int decodeDigit(char hexDigit); static const int decodeError = -1; ///< This value is returned when decoding error occurs. static const size_t size = 2; ///< Percent code size: 2 hex characters. }; /// Processes URL strings class URL { public: static void decode(char buffer[], size_t bufferSize); }; /// Composes typical HTTP Response Headers and their parts class HTTPResponseHeader { public: static void contentHeader(Print &client, HTTPContentType type, HTTPContentCharset charset = HTTPContentCharset::UTF8); static void redirect(Print &client, const __FlashStringHelper * path); static void statusLine(Print &client, HTTPStatusCode statusCode); public: static const __FlashStringHelper * statusCodeText(HTTPStatusCode statusCode); static const __FlashStringHelper * contentTypeText(HTTPContentType contentType); static const __FlashStringHelper * contentCharsetText(HTTPContentCharset contentCharset); }; }; //namespace http namespace json { /// @brief Generates a JSON and sends to Print type client /// @details All JSON nested structures are automatically class JSONOutput { public: JSONOutput(Print & client); ~JSONOutput(); void beginArray(const char * name = NULL); void beginArray(const __FlashStringHelper * name); void beginObject(const char * name = NULL); void beginObject(const __FlashStringHelper * name); void finish(void); void value(const char * name, const char * value = NULL); void value(const char * name, const __FlashStringHelper * value); void value(const char * name, long value); void value(const char * name, unsigned long value); void value(const char * name, boolean value); void value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, const char * value = NULL); void value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, const __FlashStringHelper * value); void value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, long value); void value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, unsigned long value); void value(const __FlashStringHelper * name, boolean value); private: Print * client = NULL; private: static const char charLbrace = '{'; static const char charRbrace = '}'; static const char charQuote = '"'; static const char charLbracket = '['; static const char charRbracket = ']'; static const char charEqual = '='; static const char charColon = ':'; static const char charComma = ','; private: typedef uint8_t Context; static const Context contextNone = 0; static const Context contextObject = 1; static const Context contextArray = 2; Context currentContext = contextNone; static const uint8_t nestingStackSize = 16; Context nestingStack[nestingStackSize]; uint8_t nestingStackCounter = 0; boolean firstValue = true; inline boolean pushContext(Context context); inline void popContext(void); private: inline void printName(const char * name); inline void printName(const __FlashStringHelper * name); inline void printString(const char * string); inline void printString(const __FlashStringHelper * string); }; /// Print json object name from RAM string inline void JSONOutput::printName(const char * name) { if (!firstValue) client->print(charComma); else firstValue = false; if (currentContext == contextObject) { client->print(charQuote); if (name) client->print(name); client->print(charQuote); client->print(charColon); } } /// Print json object name from PROGMEM string inline void JSONOutput::printName(const __FlashStringHelper * name) { if (!firstValue) client->print(charComma); else firstValue = false; if (currentContext == contextObject) { client->print(charQuote); if (name) client->print(name); client->print(charQuote); client->print(charColon); } } /// Print json object value string from RAM inline void JSONOutput::printString(const char * string) { static const char nullString[] = "null"; if (currentContext != contextNone) { if (string) { client->print(charQuote); client->print(string); client->print(charQuote); } else { client->print(FPSTR(nullString)); } } } /// Print json object value string from PROGMEM inline void JSONOutput::printString(const __FlashStringHelper * string) { static const char nullString[] = "null"; if (currentContext != contextNone) { if (string) { client->print(charQuote); client->print(string); client->print(charQuote); } else { client->print(FPSTR(nullString)); } } } /// Go one nesting level deeper inline boolean JSONOutput::pushContext(Context context) { if (nestingStackCounter >= nestingStackSize) return (false); nestingStack[nestingStackCounter++] = currentContext; currentContext = context; return (true); } /// Get back from one nesting level inline void JSONOutput::popContext(void) { if (nestingStackCounter) { currentContext = nestingStack[--nestingStackCounter]; } else { currentContext = contextNone; } } }; //namespace json }; //namespace util #endif
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