
Last update 6 years 4 months by Nick
/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Naumenko ( * All rights reserved * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ /** * @file * @brief Diagnostic log. * * Diagnostic log processes, filters, stores and outputs messages. */ #ifndef DIAG_H #define DIAG_H #include <Arduino.h> #include "module.h" #include "util_data.h" #include "util_comm.h" #include "webcc.h" namespace diag { #define MODULE_TEXT(name,value) public: const char name [sizeof(value)] = value /// String literals used internally by Diag module class Texts { MODULE_TEXT(moduleName, "DiagLog"); MODULE_TEXT(diagLogConsolePath, "/diag"); MODULE_TEXT(diagLogJsonPath, "/diag.json"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParTimestamp, "timestamp"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParMessageNumber, "msgNo"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParLog, "log"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParMsgNo, "no"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParMsgTime, "time"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParMsgSev, "sev"); MODULE_TEXT(jsonParMsgText, "msg"); } __attribute__((packed)); /// String literals used in UI and visible to user class TextsUI { MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityEmergency, "Emergency"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityAlert, "Alert"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityCritical, "Critical"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityError, "Error"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityWarning, "Warning"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityNotice, "Notice"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityInformational, "Informational"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityDebug, "Debug"); MODULE_TEXT(messageSeverityUndefined, "Undefined Message Severity"); MODULE_TEXT(messageNumberRollover, "Message number rollover"); MODULE_TEXT(sendingJson, "Sending log in JSON format"); MODULE_TEXT(sendingConsole, "Sending console page"); MODULE_TEXT(sendingFinished, "Finished sending"); MODULE_TEXT(consoleCaption, "Diagnostic Log"); } __attribute__((packed)); extern const Texts PROGMEM texts; extern const TextsUI PROGMEM textsUI; #undef MODULE_TEXT // Interval (in milliseconds) when Diagnostic Log Console sends HTTP // requests in order to receive JSON with messages #define DIAG_CONSOLE_UPDATE_DELAY 5000 // If defined, will produce HTML UI form with formatting, i.e. with // tabs, line breaks and comments. Formatting increases size of the // produced HTML UI form but simplifies debugging #define HTML_FORMATTING #ifdef HTML_FORMATTING #define TAB "\t" #define CRLF "\r\n" #define CSSCOMMENT(comment) "/* " comment " */" #define JSCOMMENT(comment) "// " comment #else #define TAB "" #define CRLF "" #define CSSCOMMENT(comment) "" #define JSCOMMENT(comment) "" #endif #define HTML_CODE(name,value) const char name [sizeof(value)] = value #define STRINGISATION(a) #a #define STRINGISATION_WRAP(a) STRINGISATION(a) /// @brief Contaings console HTML/JS code which will be sent to client via webserver class DiagLogConsoleHTML { public: HTML_CODE(diagLogConsole, "<!DOCTYPE html>" CRLF "<html>" CRLF "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">" CRLF "<head>" CRLF "<title>Diagnostic Log</title>" CRLF "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"all\">" CRLF "html{overflow-y:scroll;}" CRLF "body{font-family:Arial;background-color:#D0FFD0;color:#000000;font-size:85%;}" CRLF "h1{text-align:center;font-size:130%;font-weight:bold;}" CRLF "textarea{color:#000000;background-color:#F0FFF0;width:95%;resize:none;}" CRLF "</style>" CRLF "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" CRLF "/*<![CDATA[*/" CRLF "var currentMessageNumber = 0;" CRLF "function RefreshConsole(){" CRLF TAB "var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();" CRLF TAB "'GET', '', true);" CRLF TAB "xmlhttp.send();" CRLF TAB "xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = ProcessRequest;" CRLF TAB "function ProcessRequest(e){" CRLF TAB TAB "if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {" CRLF TAB TAB TAB "var text = xmlhttp.responseText;" CRLF TAB TAB TAB "var jsonObj = JSON.parse(text);" CRLF TAB TAB TAB "var index;" CRLF TAB TAB TAB "for (index = 0; index < jsonObj.log.length; ++index) {" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB "if (!Number(jsonObj.log[index].no) && currentMessageNumber>=0xFFFFFFF0) currentMessageNumber = 0;" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB "if (Number(jsonObj.log[index].no) > currentMessageNumber) {" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB "currentMessageNumber = Number(jsonObj.log[index].no);" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB "document.getElementById(\"diaglog\").value += '['+jsonObj.log[index].no+\']'" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB "document.getElementById(\"diaglog\").value += '['+jsonObj.log[index].time+']'" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB "document.getElementById(\"diaglog\").value += '['+jsonObj.log[index].sev+']'" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB TAB "document.getElementById(\"diaglog\").value += jsonObj.log[index].msg+'\\r\\n';" CRLF TAB TAB TAB TAB "}" CRLF TAB TAB TAB "}" CRLF TAB TAB "setTimeout(RefreshConsole," STRINGISATION_WRAP(DIAG_CONSOLE_UPDATE_DELAY) ");" CRLF TAB TAB "}" CRLF TAB "}" CRLF "}" CRLF CRLF "function Init(){" CRLF TAB "document.getElementById(\"diaglog\").value=\"\";" CRLF TAB "RefreshConsole();" CRLF "}" CRLF "/*]]>*/" CRLF "</script >" CRLF "</head>" CRLF "<body onload=\"Init();\">" CRLF "<h1>Diagnostic Log</h1>" CRLF "<div align=center>" CRLF "<textarea id=\"diaglog\" rows=\"25\" cols=\"80\" readonly>" CRLF "</textarea>" CRLF "</div>" CRLF "</body>" CRLF "</html>" CRLF ); } __attribute__((packed)); extern const DiagLogConsoleHTML PROGMEM diagLogConsoleHTML; #undef HTML_FORMATTING #undef TAB #undef CRLF #undef CSSCOMMENT #undef JSCOMMENT #undef HTML_CODE #undef STRINGISATION #undef STRINGISATION_WRAP typedef uint32_t MessageNumber; typedef uint32_t MessageTimestamp; template <size_t StorageBufferSize = 3200> class DiagLogStorage; /// @brief Diagnostic log /// @tparam Storage Storage for messages, see DiagLogStorage. /// @tparam LogSeparatorChar Character used to separate parts of the message (timestamp, severity, etc) /// @details Forwards, stores and outputs on request the diagnostic messages supplied by other modules template <class Storage = DiagLogStorage<>, char LogSeparatorChar = '|'> class DiagLog : public Module<DiagLog<Storage>> { public: /// Message severity enum class Severity { EMERGENCY = 0, ///<System is unusable ALERT = 1, ///<Should be corrected immediately CRITICAL = 2, ///<Critical conditions ERROR = 3, ///<Error conditions WARNING = 4, ///<Warning conditions; error might occur if no corrective action taken NOTICE = 5, ///<Normal but significant condition; unusual events but no error INFORMATIONAL = 6,///<Informational messages; related to normal operation DEBUG = 7 ///<Debug-level messages }; public: template <typename... MessageParts> MessageNumber log(Severity severity, const MessageParts... messageParts); public: inline Severity getSeverityFilter(void) const; inline void setSeverityFilter(Severity leastSeverityAllowed = Severity::DEBUG); public: inline void setPrintOutput(Print &output); inline void disablePrintOutput(void); public: inline const char * PROGMEM moduleName (void); inline const char * PROGMEM getMainPath(void); public: inline boolean onHTTPReqStart(void); inline boolean onHTTPReqPath(const char * path); inline boolean onHTTPReqMethod(const char * method); boolean onRespond(Print &client); private: Print * output = NULL; MessageNumber messageNumber = 0; template <typename CurrentPart> inline void printMessagePart(Print &destination, const CurrentPart currentPart); template <typename CurrentPart, typename... MessageParts> inline void printMessagePart(Print &destination, const CurrentPart currentPart, const MessageParts... messageParts); private: static const Severity minAllowedSeverityFilter = Severity::CRITICAL; Severity severityFilter = Severity::DEBUG; private: inline const __FlashStringHelper * severityString(Severity severity); private: Storage storage; private: static const size_t maxMessageSize = 256; char messageBuffer[maxMessageSize]; private: boolean httpConsolePath = false; boolean httpJsonPath = false; }; template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> template <typename... MessageParts> uint32_t DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::log(Severity severity, const MessageParts... messageParts) { /// @brief Logs the message /// @details This method is used by other modules to send messages to Diagnostic Log /// @par Usage example: /// @par diag::DiagLog<>::instance()->log(diag::DiagLog<>::Severity::DEBUG, "My message"); /// @par Message may also consist of multiple parts: /// @par /// int myValue = 0; /// diag::DiagLog<>::instance()->log(diag::DiagLog<>::Severity::DEBUG, "Int value: ", myValue, F(" float value:"), 1.55); /// @par Message is checked against severity filter setting and discarded if its /// severity exceeds (less severe than) severity filter setting. /// @par Message number and timestamp (current millis() value) are automatically /// appended to the message. /// @par Then message is printed to the output and sent to storage. /// @par If the message number is about to roll over (i.e. incremented from 0xFFFFFFFF /// to 0x00000000), this is automatically noted in a message with severity CRITICAL. /// @param severity Message severity. /// @param messageParts Parameter pack which consists of all message parts. if (static_cast<uint8_t>(severity) > static_cast<uint8_t>(severityFilter)) return (messageNumber); MessageTimestamp timestamp = millis(); util::arrays::PrintToBuffer message(messageBuffer, maxMessageSize); message.print(messageNumber); message.print(LogSeparatorChar); message.print(timestamp); message.print(LogSeparatorChar); message.print(severityString(severity)); message.print(LogSeparatorChar); //TODO: print/render message to buffer, then print whole message from buffer and send buffer contents to storage printMessagePart(message, messageParts...); if (output) output->println(messageBuffer);; if (messageNumber == 0xFFFFFFFF) { messageNumber++; return (log(Severity::CRITICAL, FPSTR(textsUI.messageNumberRollover))); } return (messageNumber++); } /// @brief Sets message forwarding output. /// @param newOutput Print instance where messages will be forwarded. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> void DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::setPrintOutput(Print &newOutput) { output = &newOutput; } /// @brief Disables message forwarding to Print output. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> void DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::disablePrintOutput(void) { output = NULL; } /// @brief Get current setting of the message severity filter. /// @details Messages with the severity exceeding (less severe than) /// severity filter setting will be ignored. They will not be stored /// or forwarded to the output. /// @par Messages with severity exactly as specified by severity /// filter will be stored and forwarded to the output. /// @return Current setting of severity filter. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> typename DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::Severity DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::getSeverityFilter(void) const { return (severityFilter); } /// @brief Set message severity filter. /// @details Messages with the severity exceeding (less severe than) /// severity filter setting will be ignored. They will not be stored /// or forwarded to the output. /// @par Messages with severity exactly as specified by severity /// filter will be stored and forwarded to the output. /// @param leastSeverityAllowed Messages with severity exceeding this /// value (less severe) will be ignored. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> void DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::setSeverityFilter(DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::Severity leastSeverityAllowed) { severityFilter = leastSeverityAllowed; if (static_cast<uint8_t>(leastSeverityAllowed) < static_cast<uint8_t>(minAllowedSeverityFilter)) severityFilter = minAllowedSeverityFilter; } /// @brief Prints last part of message from variadic template /// parameter pack. /// @details Terminates the parameter pack expansion and prints last /// part of the message from parameter pack. /// @param currentPart Part of the message to print. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> template <typename CurrentPart> void DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::printMessagePart(Print &destination, const CurrentPart currentPart) { destination.print(currentPart); } /// @brief Prints non-last part of message from variadic template parameter /// pack. /// @details Recursively expands the variadic template parameter pack and prints /// the message parts one at a time. /// @param currentPart Current part of the message to be printed. /// @param messageParts... Rest of the message parts in a parameter pack. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> template <typename CurrentPart, typename... MessageParts> void DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::printMessagePart(Print &destination, const CurrentPart currentPart, const MessageParts... messageParts) { destination.print(currentPart); printMessagePart(destination, messageParts...); } /// @brief Returns human-readable string for the specified message severity. /// @param severity Message severity. /// @return C-string in PROGMEM message severity designation. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> const __FlashStringHelper * DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::severityString(Severity severity) { switch (severity) { case Severity::EMERGENCY: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityEmergency)); case Severity::ALERT: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityAlert)); case Severity::CRITICAL: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityCritical)); case Severity::ERROR: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityError)); case Severity::WARNING: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityWarning)); case Severity::NOTICE: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityNotice)); case Severity::INFORMATIONAL: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityInformational)); case Severity::DEBUG: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityDebug)); default: return (FPSTR(textsUI.messageSeverityUndefined)); } } /// @brief Returns human-readable module name as a c-string in PROGMEM. template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> const char * PROGMEM DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::moduleName (void) { return (texts.moduleName); } /// @brief Returns default webserver path for this module, implements interface method ModuleWebServer::getMainPath(). template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> const char * PROGMEM DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::getMainPath (void) { return (texts.diagLogConsolePath); } /// @brief Interface to integrate into webserver, implements interface method ModuleWebServer::onHTTPReqStart() template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> boolean DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::onHTTPReqStart(void) { httpConsolePath = false; httpJsonPath = false; return (true); } /// @brief Interface to integrate into webserver, implements interface method ModuleWebServer::onHTTPReqPath() template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> boolean DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::onHTTPReqPath(const char * path) { httpConsolePath = !strcmp_P(path, texts.diagLogConsolePath); httpJsonPath = !strcmp_P(path, texts.diagLogJsonPath); return (httpConsolePath || httpJsonPath); } /// @brief Interface to integrate into webserver, implements interface method ModuleWebServer::onHTTPReqMethod() template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> boolean DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::onHTTPReqMethod(const char * method) { return (util::http::HTTPRequestHelper::getMethod(method) == util::http::HTTPRequestMethod::GET); } /// @brief Interface to integrate into webserver, implements interface method ModuleWebServer::onRespond() template <class Storage, char LogSeparatorChar> boolean DiagLog<Storage, LogSeparatorChar>::onRespond(Print & client) { if (httpConsolePath) { util::http::HTTPResponseHeader::contentHeader(client, util::http::HTTPContentType::HTML); client.print(FPSTR(diagLogConsoleHTML.diagLogConsole)); return (true); } if (httpJsonPath) { util::http::HTTPResponseHeader::contentHeader(client, util::http::HTTPContentType::JSON); util::json::JSONOutput json (client); json.value(FPSTR(texts.jsonParTimestamp), millis()); json.value(FPSTR(texts.jsonParMessageNumber), static_cast<unsigned long>(messageNumber) - 1); json.beginArray(FPSTR(texts.jsonParLog)); size_t numberOfMessages = storage.count(); char tokenStr[2] = {}; tokenStr[0] = LogSeparatorChar; for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfMessages; i++) { storage.recall(i, messageBuffer, maxMessageSize); json.beginObject(); char * messagePart = strtok(messageBuffer, tokenStr); json.value(FPSTR(texts.jsonParMsgNo), messagePart); messagePart = strtok(NULL, tokenStr); json.value(FPSTR(texts.jsonParMsgTime), messagePart); messagePart = strtok(NULL, tokenStr); json.value(FPSTR(texts.jsonParMsgSev), messagePart); messagePart = strtok(NULL, tokenStr); json.value(FPSTR(texts.jsonParMsgText), messagePart); json.finish(); } json.~JSONOutput(); return (true); } return (false); } /// @brief Storage for messages in diagnositic log /// @details When there is not enought memory to store an incoming message, /// the oldest stored messages are deleted to free enough memory for an /// incoming message. /// @tparam StorageBufferSize Size of buffer for storing messages, in chars template <size_t StorageBufferSize> class DiagLogStorage { public: inline DiagLogStorage(); public: inline boolean store(char * message); inline size_t count(void); inline size_t recall(size_t index, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize); private: char storageBuffer[StorageBufferSize]; util::arrays::CStrRingBuffer storageRingBuffer; }; template <size_t StorageBufferSize> DiagLogStorage<StorageBufferSize>::DiagLogStorage() : storageRingBuffer(storageBuffer, StorageBufferSize) { } /// @brief Stores a message /// @param message Cstring which contains message text template <size_t StorageBufferSize> boolean DiagLogStorage<StorageBufferSize>::store(char * message) { return (storageRingBuffer.push(message)); } /// @brief Returns number of messages in storage /// @return Number of messages currently in storage template <size_t StorageBufferSize> size_t DiagLogStorage<StorageBufferSize>::count(void) { return (storageRingBuffer.count()); } /// @brief Copies particular message from storage into supplied buffer /// @param index Index of message in the storage, in range 0 to count() /// @param buffer Buffer to copy a message to /// @param bufferSize Length of the buffer to copy message to, in chars /// @return Number of chars copied into buffer template <size_t StorageBufferSize> size_t DiagLogStorage<StorageBufferSize>::recall(size_t index, char *buffer, size_t bufferSize) { return (storageRingBuffer.get(index, buffer, bufferSize)); } }; //namespace diag #endif
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