Last update 7 years 2 weeks
stringmap.cpp/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Naumenko ( * All rights reserved * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ #include "stringmap.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StringMapLite ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int StringMapLite::find (const char * strings, const char * toFind) { if (!strings || !toFind) return (NOT_FOUND); if (!strlen_P(strings) || !strlen(toFind)) return (NOT_FOUND); const char * currentString = strings; int index = 0; while (strlen_P(currentString)) { if (!strcmp_P(toFind, currentString)) return (index); currentString += (strlen_P(currentString) + 1); index++; } return (NOT_FOUND); } const char * PROGMEM StringMapLite::find (const char * strings, int index) { if (!strings) return (NULL); if (!strlen_P(strings)) return (NULL); const char * currentString = strings; int currentIndex = 0; while (strlen_P(currentString)) { if (currentIndex == index) return (currentString); currentString += (strlen_P(currentString) + 1); currentIndex++; } return (NULL); } size_t StringMapLite::count(const char * strings) { if (!strings) return (0); if (!strlen_P(strings)) return (0); const char * currentString = strings; int index = 0; while (strlen_P(currentString)) { currentString += (strlen_P(currentString) + 1); index++; } return (index); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StringMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// char * StringMap::find(StringMapKey toFind) const { if (toFind == this->getDefaultKey()) return (NULL); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->count(); i++) if (this->getKey(i) == toFind) return (this->getString(i)); return (NULL); } StringMapKey StringMap::find(const char * toFind) const { if (!toFind || !strlen(toFind)) return (this->getDefaultKey()); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->count(); i++) if (!this->compare(i, toFind)) return (this->getKey(i)); return (this->getDefaultKey()); } boolean StringMap::contains(StringMapKey toFind) const { if (toFind == this->getDefaultKey()) return (false); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->count(); i++) if (this->getKey(i) == toFind) return (true); return (false); } boolean StringMap::contains(const char * toFind) const { if (!toFind || !strlen(toFind)) return (false); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->count(); i++) if (!this->compare(i, toFind)) return (true); return (false); } boolean StringMap::isProgmem (StringMapKey toFind) const { if (toFind == this->getDefaultKey()) return (false); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->count(); i++) if (this->getKey(i) == toFind) return (this->isStringProgmem(i)); return (false); } int StringMap::compare (size_t index, const char * toCompare) const { const int errorRetVal = 1; //arbitrary non-zero number to make sure comparison result is not match if (index >= this->count()) return (errorRetVal); if (!toCompare || !strlen(toCompare)) return (errorRetVal); if (isStringProgmem(index)) return (strcmp_P(toCompare, getString(index))); else return (strcmp(toCompare, getString(index))); } void StringMap::print(Print &client, StringMapKey key) const { if (!this->contains(key)) return; char * s = this->find(key); if (!s) return; if (isProgmem(key)) client.print((__FlashStringHelper *)s); else client.print(s); } StringMapKey StringMap::getDefaultKey(void) const { return (this->defaultKey); } void StringMap::setDefaultKey(StringMapKey defaultKey) { this->defaultKey = defaultKey; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ConstStringMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// size_t ConstStringMap::count(void) const { return (this->itemsCount); } boolean ConstStringMap::isStringProgmem(size_t index) const { if (index >= this->count()) return (false); return (true); } void ConstStringMap::initItems(void) { size_t i = 0; this->itemsCount = 65535;//since actual item count at this point is not known yet, temporarily set itemsCount to max possible value, so that range check in getString/getKey never fails while (this->getString(i) && (this->isStringProgmem(i) ? strlen_P(this->getString(i)) : strlen(this->getString(i)))) { i++; } this->setDefaultKey(this->getKey(i)); this->itemsCount = i; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // QuickStringMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QuickStringMap::QuickStringMap(const QuickStringMapItem source[]) { this->source = source; this->initItems(); } char * QuickStringMap::getString(size_t index) const { if (index >= this->count()) return (NULL); return ((char *)source[index].string); } StringMapKey QuickStringMap::getKey(size_t index) const { if (index >= this->count()) return (this->getDefaultKey()); uint32_t * stringMapKeyPointer = (uint32_t *) &this->source[index].key; return ((StringMapKey)pgm_read_dword(stringMapKeyPointer)); static_assert (sizeof(this->source[0].key) == 4, "source[].key is expected to be dword"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ProgmemStringMap ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ProgmemStringMap::ProgmemStringMap(const ProgmemStringMapItem source[]) { this->source = source; this->initItems(); } char * ProgmemStringMap::getString(size_t index) const { if (index >= this->count()) return (NULL); return ((char *)source[index].string); } StringMapKey ProgmemStringMap::getKey(size_t index) const { if (index >= this->count()) return (this->getDefaultKey()); uint32_t * stringMapKeyPointer = (uint32_t *) &this->source[index].key; return ((StringMapKey)pgm_read_dword(stringMapKeyPointer)); static_assert (sizeof(source[0].key) == 4, "source[].key is expected to be dword"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StringMapIterator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StringMapIterator::StringMapIterator (const StringMap &source) { this->iteratorIndex = 0; this->source = &source; } void StringMapIterator::first(void) { this->iteratorIndex = 0; } void StringMapIterator::next(void) { if (!this->source) return; if (this->iteratorIndex < this->source->count()) this->iteratorIndex++; } boolean StringMapIterator::isDone(void) { if (!this->source) return (true); return (this->iteratorIndex >= this->source->count()); } StringMapKey StringMapIterator::currentKey(void) { if (!this->source) return (this->source->getDefaultKey()); return (this->source->getKey(this->iteratorIndex)); } boolean StringMapIterator::isCurrentStringProgmem(void) { if (!this->source) return (false); return (this->source->isStringProgmem(this->iteratorIndex)); } char * StringMapIterator::currentString(void) { if (!this->source) return (NULL); return (this->source->getString(this->iteratorIndex)); }