Version control for:

Open Source Projects

Mark Anderson / HydraNFC
HydraNFC is an open source NFC (13.56MHz) Shield hardware for researcher, hackers, students, embedded software developers or anyone interested in debugging/hacking/developing/penetration testing NFC hardware.
Mark Anderson / RoboCup PCB Repository
Welcome to the Georgia Tech RoboJackets repository for management and storage of RoboCup's hardware files! Additional information about the team and current projects can be found on the RoboJackets Website and the RoboJacket Wiki. If you are a new member to the RoboCup electrical team and have never used git version control before, we highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.
saiteja / Temperature controlled fan using Atmega8 controller
its about controlling a fan using temperature sesnor
Showing 2172 results from 2218
