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Open Source Projects

Myles Eftos / DS2482 Breakout
Breakout board for the DS2482 I2C to 1-wire chip
Nicolas Zin / arduinodcc lights
An Arduino stationary dcc decoder, oriented for LED light only
Nicolas Zin / arduinodcc
A versatile Arduino stationary dcc decoder
PaulCav / test
just a test
Peter Artamonov / i2c_kbd
Simple PCB for I2C control plastic KBD
Mengjiao Hong / Car Robot Design
 Designed with SolidWorks, fabricated and programmed a mobile robot made of the 3D printer and laser cut parts  Developed an app with Android Studio to control the robot tracing a designed colored line, adjusted RGB threshold with a slider and live camera of an android phone on the robot  Programmed a PIC32 MCU to receive tracking information via USB CDC and perform PD control on wheel motors
Ajay Meena / uDuino
Arduino compatible AVR Development Board
Showing 2016 results from 2098
