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Open Source Projects

Dejardin / FEM_v1
FEM_v1 consists of 2 small PCB : - One to handle the PN diodes (FEM_v1_PN) and - one which support the MONACAL chip (FEM_v1_MONACAL). This should fit on the allowed place on the Super-Module front face between 2 fibers raws
Dejardin / FEM_v0
Test board for MONACAL-v1 : - 1 MONACAL soldered for accurate tests and 1 MONACAL on test socket for fast production validation - 1 CATIA-v1.3 for Vinj generation - To be connected to ADC board used for CATIA irradiation tests (read by FEAD board) - Possibility for external charge injection - Possibility to insert long cable for MONACAL powering and signal return
Dejardin / HL_MEM_2C
2-channel HL_MEM to readout 1 FEM (2 PN diodes and one MONACAL) Use of LITE-DTU V1.2 in test mode to get only other samples To be plugged on a FEAD board
Dejardin / LiTEDTU_test
Almost same schematics as LiTE-DTU_calib, but with a test socket to be able to fast validate LiTE-DTU_v1.2 after production.
Dejardin / LiTEDTU_calib
VFE-like board with 1 CATIA and 1 LiTE-DTU to test CATIA-LiTEDTU interface and also noise from DCDC converters. Use CATIA-V1 and LiTE-DTU-V1.2
Hashmat J / DEMO converter
Original version Boost converter
Showing 1044 results from 2148
