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Open Source Projects

Jakob Faltisek / USB AC Adapter with PD Sink
A USB Type A plug to USB Type C receptacle adapter featuring a power delivery sink.
Solar Car at UVa / Template
Template PCB Schematics files for all teams to use
Kihun Song / NodeMCU DEVKIT V1.0
UdeA desarrollos / Tarjeta de Delastre de Generación
Desarrollo de una tarjeta de delastre de generación para control de la microred de Oriente en la Universidad de Antioquia
Sabin Zarrandikoetxea / KiCAD Libraries
Self-developed and collected KiCAD component libraries.
Solar Car at UVa / Solar
PCB Layout for the solar system in the car.
Solar Car at UVa / PowerAux
PCB for Power System and Lights
Showing 960 results from 2137
