
MCU board

During prototyping and testing the MCU might get damaged (over-voltage, faulty currents, water). Once the ESP32-WROOM is soldered to the PCB, it is tricky to remove on the field without the right tools.

For a break-out connector, we need at least these signals:

  1. GND
  2. 3.3V
  3. ADC Vin
  4. NTC
  5. Half Bridge SD
  6. Half Bridge HIN
  7. Half bridge LIN
  8. Bflow SD
  9. SDA
  10. SCL
  11. ALERT
  12. LED
  • 2.54mm pitch might be too clunky
  • 1.27mm appears to be a good fit
  • via-less solution preferred (SMD pin headers)
  • programmer interface and USB on external board


<![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]> <![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]>

Samtec SSM-107-L-SV


Standing <![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]> SMD <![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]>

Power Connectors, Lugs

Terminal Lug CBS35-36-C lug.webpCB35-36-CY CXS35-36-C



img.png 10 pin, 1.27mm pitch, SMD

from <![CDATA[]]><![CDATA[]]> :: 1. Two Seeed Grove® system (I2C/Analog) connectors 2. SparkFun® Qwiic® connector 3. Two Digilent Pmod™ (SPI and UART) connectors 4. Arduino™ (Uno R3) connector 5. MikroElektronika™ mikroBUS connector

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