
function H_unrot = autocalib(image) % black&white im_BW = (image(:,:,1)/3 + image(:,:,2)/3 + image(:,:,3)/3); % crop & threshold threshold = 0.8*255; crop = 30; im_thres = im_BW(crop:size(im_BW,1)-crop,crop:size(im_BW,2)-crop)<threshold; % erode & dilate im_er = single(imopen(im_thres,strel('disk',3))); % apply Gaussian filter sigma = 5; im_gauss = imgaussfilt(im_er,sigma); % find peaks peaks = imregionalmax(im_gauss); [y,x] = find(peaks); y = y + crop - 1; x = x + crop - 1; % sort peaks (approx. sort +-5px) [~,I] = sortrows(round([y x]/5)); x = x(I); y = y(I); % reduce the number of peaks xsize = size(x,1); while (xsize>64) xdiff = diff(x); ydiff = diff(y); p_dist = xdiff.^2 + ydiff.^2; [~,idx] = min(p_dist); new_x = zeros(size(x,1)-1,1); new_y = zeros(size(x,1)-1,1); if (idx>1) new_x(1:idx-1) = x(1:idx-1); new_y(1:idx-1) = y(1:idx-1); end new_x(idx) = (x(idx)+x(idx+1))/2; new_y(idx) = (y(idx)+y(idx+1))/2; new_x(idx+1:end) = x(idx+2:end); new_y(idx+1:end) = y(idx+2:end); x = new_x; y = new_y; xsize = xsize-1; end x_trans_real = [-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035),-1*(-0.035:0.01:0.035)]; y_trans_real = [0.035*ones(1,8),0.025*ones(1,8),0.015*ones(1,8),0.005*ones(1,8),-0.005*ones(1,8),-0.015*ones(1,8),-0.025*ones(1,8),-0.035*ones(1,8)] ; zs1 = [x'; y']; zs2 = [x_trans_real; y_trans_real]; H_unrot = vgg_H_from_x_lin(zs1,zs2);
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