We already wrote in our blog about an issue of what to choose for your maker's project: Arduino microcontroller or Raspberry Pi computer.
Makezine also has interesting solvation of this dilemma and we want to share it with our readers.
So, how to make the right choice?
Via Makezine.com:
Think about what you want your project to do. If you can describe it with less than two ‘and’s, get an Arduino. If you need more than two ‘and’s, get a Raspberry Pi.
“I want to monitor my plants and have them Tweet me when they need water.” That can best be done by an Arduino.“I want to monitor my plants and have them Tweet me when they need water and check the National Weather Service and, if the forecast is for fair weather, turn on the irrigation system and if the forecast is for rain, do nothing.” That would best be handled by a Raspberry Pi.
Someone may say that this method is unclear and doesn't fit for all situation, but the author of a topic claims that if you still doubting it's better to buy Arduino board.
Also see:
Play LEGO Trains —Now With Arduino
XLR8: Arduino-Compatible Application Accelerator Based On FPGA
Arduino Powered Bluetooth Enabled Door Locker