
// timer a0 handling // CCR0 is currently unused // CCR1 is used for timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr1() // CCR2 is used for timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2() // CCR3 is used for timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr3() // CCR4 is currently unused // // author: Petre Rodan <> // available from: // license: GNU GPLv3 #include "timer_a0.h" #include "sim900.h" void timer_a0_init(void) { __disable_interrupt(); _NOP(); timer_a0_ovf = 0; TA0EX0 |= TAIDEX_7; TA0CTL |= TASSEL__ACLK + MC__CONTINOUS + TACLR + ID__8; __enable_interrupt(); } // ticks = microseconds / 30.5175 if no input divider // ticks = microseconds / 244.14 if ID__8 is used // ticks = microseconds / 1953.12 if ID__8 and TAIDEX 0x7 void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr1(uint16_t ticks) { TA0CCTL1 &= ~CCIE; TA0CCTL1 = 0; TA0CCR1 = TA0R + ticks; TA0CCTL1 = CCIE; } // ticks = microseconds / 30.5175 if no input divider // ticks = microseconds / 244.14 if ID__8 is used void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2(uint16_t ticks) { TA0CCTL2 &= ~CCIE; TA0CCTL2 = 0; TA0CCR2 = TA0R + ticks; TA0CCTL2 = CCIE; } // ticks = microseconds / 30.5175 if no input divider // ticks = microseconds / 244.14 if ID__8 is used void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr3(uint16_t ticks) { TA0CCTL3 &= ~CCIE; TA0CCTL3 = 0; TA0CCR3 = TA0R + ticks; TA0CCTL3 = CCIE; } __attribute__ ((interrupt(TIMER0_A1_VECTOR))) void timer0_A1_ISR(void) { uint16_t iv = TA0IV; if (iv == TA0IV_TA0CCR4) { // timer used by timer_a0_delay() timer_a0_last_event |= TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR4; _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits); } else if (iv == TA0IV_TA0CCR1) { // timer used by timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr1() // disable interrupt TA0CCTL1 &= ~CCIE; TA0CCTL1 = 0; timer_a0_last_event |= TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR1; _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits); } else if (iv == TA0IV_TA0CCR2) { // timer used by timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2() // disable interrupt TA0CCTL2 &= ~CCIE; TA0CCTL2 = 0; timer_a0_last_event |= TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR2; _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits); } else if (iv == TA0IV_TA0CCR3) { // timer used by timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr3() // disable interrupt TA0CCTL3 &= ~CCIE; TA0CCTL3 = 0; // use hardware flow control to stop the remote equipment // from sending more data SIM900_RTS_HIGH; timer_a0_last_event |= TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR3; _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits); } else if (iv == TA0IV_TA0IFG) { TA0CTL &= ~TAIFG; timer_a0_ovf++; timer_a0_last_event |= TIMER_A0_EVENT_IFG; _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits); } }
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