Last update 5 years 6 months
Petre Rodan
rtc.c/* rtca.c: TI CC430 Hardware Realtime Clock (RTC_A) Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Angelo Arrifano <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include "rtc.h" #include "rtca_now.h" #ifdef CONFIG_RTC_DST #include "rtc_dst.h" #endif void rtca_init(void) { rtca_time.year = COMPILE_YEAR; rtca_time.mon = COMPILE_MON; = COMPILE_DAY; rtca_time.dow = COMPILE_DOW; rtca_time.hour = COMPILE_HOUR; rtca_time.min = COMPILE_MIN; rtca_time.sec = 59; /* Enable calendar mode (date/time registers are automatically reset) and enable read ready interrupts and set time event interrupts at each minute also enable alarm interrupts */ RTCCTL01 |= RTCMODE | RTCRDYIE | RTCAIE | RTCTEVIE; rtca_set_time(); #ifdef CONFIG_RTC_DST /* initialize DST module */ rtc_dst_init(); #endif } void rtca_set_time() { /* Stop RTC timekeeping for a while */ rtca_stop(); /* update RTC registers */ RTCSEC = rtca_time.sec; RTCMIN = rtca_time.min; RTCHOUR = rtca_time.hour; RTCDAY =; RTCDOW = rtca_time.dow; RTCMON = rtca_time.mon; RTCYEARL = rtca_time.year & 0xff; RTCYEARH = rtca_time.year >> 8; /* Resume RTC time keeping */ rtca_start(); } /* void rtca_get_alarm(uint8_t *hour, uint8_t *min) { *hour = RTCAHOUR & 0x1F; *min = RTCAMIN & 0x3F; } void rtca_set_alarm(uint8_t hour, uint8_t min) { RTCAHOUR = (RTCAHOUR & 0x80) | hour; RTCAMIN = (RTCAMIN & 0x80) | min; } void rtca_enable_alarm() { RTCCTL01 &= ~RTCAIE; RTCAHOUR |= 0x80; RTCAMIN |= 0x80; RTCCTL01 |= RTCAIE; } void rtca_disable_alarm() { RTCAHOUR &= 0x7F; RTCAMIN &= 0x7F; RTCCTL01 &= ~RTCAIE; } */ __attribute__ ((interrupt(RTC_VECTOR))) void RTC_A_ISR(void) { /* the IV is cleared after a read, so we store it */ uint16_t iv = RTCIV; /* copy register values */ rtca_time.sec = RTCSEC; /* count system time */ rtca_time.sys++; enum rtca_tevent ev = 0; /* second event (from the read ready interrupt flag) */ if (iv == RTCIV_RTCRDYIFG) { ev = RTCA_EV_SECOND; goto finish; } if (iv == RTCIV_RTCAIFG) { ev = RTCA_EV_ALARM; goto finish; } { if (iv != RTCIV_RTCTEVIFG) /* Minute changed! */ goto finish; ev |= RTCA_EV_MINUTE; rtca_time.min = RTCMIN; if (rtca_time.min != 0) /* Hour changed */ goto finish; ev |= RTCA_EV_HOUR; rtca_time.hour = RTCHOUR; #ifdef CONFIG_RTC_DST rtc_dst_hourly_update(); #endif if (rtca_time.hour != 0) /* Day changed */ goto finish; ev |= RTCA_EV_DAY; = RTCDAY; rtca_time.dow = RTCDOW; if ( != 1) /* Month changed */ goto finish; ev |= RTCA_EV_MONTH; rtca_time.mon = RTCMON; if (rtca_time.mon != 1) /* Year changed */ goto finish; ev |= RTCA_EV_YEAR; rtca_time.year = RTCYEARL | (RTCYEARH << 8); #ifdef CONFIG_RTC_DST /* calculate new DST switch dates */ rtc_dst_calculate_dates(rtca_time.year, rtca_time.mon,, rtca_time.hour); #endif } finish: /* append events, since ISR could be triggered multipe times until rtca_last_event gets parsed */ rtca_last_event |= ev; /* exit from LPM3, give execution back to mainloop */ _BIC_SR_IRQ(LPM3_bits); }