
#ifndef ODOMETERS_H #define ODOMETERS_H extern "C" { #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <util/atomic.h> } #define INTERRUPTS_PER_ROTATION (2) #define MAX_TIME (50000) //uS class Odometers { public: typedef uint32_t CounterType; static void init() { right_counter_ = 0; left_counter_ = 0; left_time_ = 0; right_time_ = 0; //port direction DDRD &= ~(1<<2 | 1<<3); // INT0, INT1 //external interrupt EICRA = (1<<ISC10) | (1<<ISC00); // Any logical change generates interrupts EIMSK = (1<<INT0) | (1<<INT1); //timer TCCR1A = (0<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10); TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12)| // pwm mode - CTC (1<<CS10); // Clk/1 OCR1A = 799; // 20000 hz TIMSK1 = (1<<OCIE1A); // Output compare A match interrupt Enable } static CounterType getLeftCounter() { CounterType tmp = 0; ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { tmp = left_counter_; } return tmp; } static CounterType getRightCounter() { CounterType tmp = 0; ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { tmp = right_counter_; } return tmp; } static void resetLeftCounter() { ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { left_counter_ = 0; } } static void resetRightCounter() { ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { right_counter_ = 0; } } static bool leftRps(uint16_t* rps) { uint32_t time; ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { time = left_time_; left_time_ = 0; } //if have not information about rps if(time == 0){ return false; } *rps = 1000000UL / (time * 50 * 2); return true; } static bool rightRps(uint16_t* rps) { uint32_t time; ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { time = right_time_; right_time_ = 0; } //if have not information about rps if(time == 0){ return false; } *rps = 1000000UL / (time * 50 * 2); return true; } public: static void leftOdometerInterrupt() { static uint8_t n = 0; n++; if(n == INTERRUPTS_PER_ROTATION){ left_counter_++; n = 0; } ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { if(is_left_tc_overflow_){ left_time_ = MAX_TIME; is_left_tc_overflow_ = false; }else{ left_time_ = left_tc_; // (left_time_ + left_tc_) / 2; } left_tc_ = 0; } } static void rightOdometerInterrupt() { static uint8_t n = 0; n++; if(n == INTERRUPTS_PER_ROTATION){ right_counter_++; n = 0; } ATOMIC_BLOCK(ATOMIC_FORCEON) { if(is_right_tc_overflow_){ right_time_ = MAX_TIME; is_right_tc_overflow_ = false; }else{ right_time_ = right_tc_; // (left_time_ + left_tc_) / 2; } right_tc_ = 0; } } static void timerInterrupt() { left_tc_++; if(left_tc_ >= MAX_TIME){ is_left_tc_overflow_ = true; left_time_ = MAX_TIME; left_tc_ = 0; } right_tc_++; if(right_tc_ >= MAX_TIME){ is_right_tc_overflow_ = true; right_time_ = MAX_TIME; right_tc_ = 0; } } private: volatile static CounterType left_counter_; volatile static CounterType right_counter_; volatile static uint16_t left_tc_; volatile static bool is_left_tc_overflow_; volatile static uint16_t left_time_; volatile static uint16_t right_tc_; volatile static bool is_right_tc_overflow_; volatile static uint16_t right_time_; }; #endif
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