/ LMB.kicad_pcb
/ LMB.sch
/ trigger_laser.sch
sch / ADC.sch
sch / ADC_1280.sch
sch / ADC_160.sch
sch / ADC_power.sch
sch / clock.sch
sch / Convert.sch
sch / FE_connect.sch
sch / FPGA_Gb.sch
sch / FPGA_power.sch
sch / GPIO.sch
sch / power.sch
sch / prog.sch
sch / SB_power.sch
sch / SFP.sch
sch / Spy_box.sch
sch / VFE_connect.sch
sch / VFE_power.sch
Last update 4 years 5 months
Input_stage.logCircuit: * gnetlist -v -g spice-sdb -o TIA_6629_6629_6654_BC550_30nH_single_supply.sch Instance "m:_ped:4": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET. Instance "m:_ped:3": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET. Instance "m:_ped:2": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET. Instance "m:_ped:1": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET. Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point. (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.) Starting Gmin stepping Gmin = 10 Gmin = 1.07374 Gmin = 0.115292 Gmin = 0.0123794 Gmin = 0.00132923 vernier = 0.5 vernier = 0.25 vernier = 0.125 vernier = 0.0625 Gmin = 0.00100083 vernier = 0.03125 vernier = 0.015625 vernier = 0.0078125 vernier = 0.00390625 vernier = 0.00195313 Gmin = 0.00100083 vernier = 0.000976563 vernier = 0.000488281 Gmin = 0 Gmin stepping succeeded in finding the operating point. Heightened Def Con from 3.35319e-09 to 3.35321e-09 Date: Mon Apr 27 11:24:12 2020 Total elapsed time: 1.099 seconds. tnom = 27 temp = 18 method = modified trap totiter = 8350 traniter = 6784 tranpoints = 1939 accept = 1673 rejected = 267 matrix size = 162 fillins = 539 solver = Normal Thread vector: 25.8/9.0[4] 7.9/3.9[4] 5.9/3.7[4] 1.5/1.9[1] 2592/500 Matrix Compiler1: 50.04 KB object code size 15.0/9.1/[3.6] Matrix Compiler2: 22.38 KB object code size 4.1/6.7/[2.5]