Last update 4 years 5 months
Petre Rodan
BD140.lib***************************************************************** ******STMicroelectronics MOSFET, IGBT and Bipolar Library ******* ***************************************************************** * * * Models provided by STMicroelectronics are not guaranteed to * * fully represent all the specifications and operating * * characteristics of the product behavior that they reproduce. * * The model describes the characteristics of a typical device. * * In all cases, the current product data sheet contains all * * information to be used like final design guidelines and the * * only actual performance specification. * * Altough models can be a useful tool in evaluating device * * performance, they cannot model exact device performance under * * all conditions. * * STMicroelectronics therefore does not assume any * * responsibility arising from their use. * * STMicroelectronics reserves the right to change models * * without prior notice. * * * ***************************************************************** .SUBCKT BD140 1 2 3 RB 2 5 1E-06 RC 1 4 1E-06 RE 3 6 1E-06 Q1 4 5 6 Q .MODEL Q PNP +Is = 0.188E-16 +Bf = 201.325 +Vaf = 39.764 +Ikf = 0.521 +Ise = 0.447E-15 +Ne = 2.771 +Br = 0.671E-01 +Var = 131.148 +Ikr = 0.494 +Isc = 0.921E-12 +Nc = 1.674 +Nk = 0.515 +Rb = 0.572E-01 +Rbm = 0.335E-02 +Nf = 0.981 +Re = 0.185E-02 +Rc = 0.127 +Qco = 0.214E-09 +Rco = 1.681 +Vo = 10.359 +Gamma = 0.579E-10 +Cjc = 0.469E-12 +Vjc = 0.715 +Mjc = 0.313 +Cje = 0.297E-12 +Vje = 0.735 +Mje = 0.384 +Fc = 0.526 +Tr = 0.129E-07 +Tf = 0.849E-10 +Itf = 0.332 +Vtf = 6.784 +Xtf = 0.505 .ENDS BD140 * END OF MODELLING