
#include "knock.h" #include "hal.h" #include "arm_math.h" #include "ipc.h" #include "settings.h" #include "median.h" /* * Knock peripherals: * OPAMP2 (buffer) * ADC2 Ch3 * DAC2 (result output) */ static bool sampling_enabled = false; static adcsample_t knock_samples[FFT_SAMPLES]; static uint16_t knock_value; static EVENTSOURCE_DECL(evt_knock_result_rdy); /* Every 1024 samples at 117.263KHz each, triggers at around 114Hz */ static void adcCallback(ADCDriver *adcp, adcsample_t *buffer, size_t n) { (void)adcp; // Do FFT + Mag in a dedicated thread chSysLockFromISR(); allocSendSamplesI(&knock_mb, (void*)buffer, n); // Send msg with buffer address and size chSysUnlockFromISR(); } static const DACConfig dac_conf = { .init = 2047U, .datamode = DAC_DHRM_12BIT_RIGHT, .cr = 0 }; static const OPAMPConfig opamp2_conf = { OPAMP2_CSR_VPSEL_PB14 | // INP connectd to PB14 OPAMP2_CSR_VMSEL_FOLWR // INM connected to vout (follower) }; /* ADC4 Clk is 72Mhz/1 72Mhz */ static const ADCConversionGroup adcgrpcfg_knock = { TRUE, 1, adcCallback, NULL, ADC_CFGR_CONT | ADC_CFGR_ALIGN, /* CFGR - Align result to left (convert 12 to 16 bits) */ ADC_TR(0, 4095), /* TR1 */ { /* SMPR[2] */ ADC_SMPR1_SMP_AN1(ADC_SMPR_SMP_601P5), /* Sampling rate = 72000000/(601.5+12.5) = 117.263Khz */ 0, }, { /* SQR[4] */ ADC_SQR1_SQ1_N(ADC_CHANNEL_IN3), /* Channel 3 */ 0, 0, 0 } }; CCM_FUNC static uint16_t calculateKnockIntensity(uint16_t tgtFreq, uint16_t ratio, uint16_t smplFreq, const uint16_t* buffer, uint16_t size) { uint16_t i; uint16_t res; float32_t multiplier; const float32_t hzPerBin = (float32_t)smplFreq / (float32_t)size; // 458Hz const float32_t flRatio = ((float32_t)ratio / 100000.0f); const uint16_t range = 5; uint16_t index = (tgtFreq / (uint16_t)hzPerBin); if (index < range) index = range; else if (index > size - range) index = size - range; res = buffer[index]; for (i = 1; i < range; i++) { multiplier = 1.0f / ((float32_t)i / flRatio); res += multiplier * (float32_t)buffer[index + i]; res += multiplier * (float32_t)buffer[index - i]; } return res; } /* * Knock processing thread. */ static q15_t fft_output[FFT_SIZE]; static q15_t fft_mag[SPECTRUM_SIZE]; static uint16_t output_knock[SPECTRUM_SIZE]; static THD_WORKING_AREA(waThreadKnock, 600); THD_FUNCTION(ThreadKnock, arg) { (void)arg; (void)waThreadKnock; chRegSetThreadName("Knock"); q15_t* knock_data_ptr; size_t knock_data_sz; uint16_t i; /* ADC 2 Ch3 Offset. -0x0FFF */ KNOCK_ADC->CFGR |= ADC_CFGR_ALIGN; // Left alignment KNOCK_ADC->OFR1 = ADC_OFR1_OFFSET1_EN | (ADC_OFR1_OFFSET1_CH_0 | ADC_OFR1_OFFSET1_CH_1) | (2048 & 0x0FFF); adcStartConversion(&ADCD3, &adcgrpcfg_knock, knock_samples, FFT_SAMPLES); /* Initialize the CFFT/CIFFT module */ arm_rfft_instance_q15 S1; arm_rfft_init_q15(&S1, FFT_SIZE, 0, 1); while (TRUE) { recvFreeSamples(&knock_mb, (void*)&knock_data_ptr, &knock_data_sz, TIME_INFINITE); /* Process the data through the RFFT module */ arm_rfft_q15(&S1, knock_data_ptr, fft_output); /* Process the data through the Complex Magnitude Module for calculating the magnitude at each bin */ arm_cmplx_mag_q15(fft_output, fft_mag, SPECTRUM_SIZE); // Calculate magnitude, outputs q2.14 // Convert 2.14 to 16 Bits unsigned for (i=0; i < SPECTRUM_SIZE; i++) { uint32_t tmp = (uint32_t)((int32_t)fft_mag[i] + 0x0FFF); if (tmp > 0xFFFF) // Cap to 16b max tmp = 0xFFFF; output_knock[i] = (uint16_t)tmp; // 16 bits minus the 2 fractional bits } knock_value = calculateKnockIntensity( settings.knock_freq, settings.knock_ratio, FFT_FREQ, output_knock, sizeof(output_knock)); chEvtBroadcast(&evt_knock_result_rdy); } return; } /* * We just keep the peak value and output it */ static THD_WORKING_AREA(waThreadKnockOuput, 128); CCM_FUNC THD_FUNCTION(ThreadKnockOuput, arg) { (void)arg; (void)waThreadKnockOuput; chRegSetThreadName("Knock Integrator"); /* Events registration.*/ event_listener_t el0; chEvtRegister(&evt_knock_result_rdy, &el0, 0); while (TRUE) { uint16_t knock_out = 0; while (chEvtWaitOne(EVENT_MASK(0)) == 1 && sampling_enabled) { if (knock_value > knock_out) { knock_out = knock_value; } dacPutChannelX(&KNOCK_DACD, 0, knock_out >> 4); // This sets the knock output DAC to our value. } } } CCM_FUNC static void sample_cb(void *arg) { (void)arg; chSysLockFromISR(); if (palReadLine(LINE_SAMPLE) == PAL_HIGH) { sampling_enabled = true; } else { sampling_enabled = false; } chSysUnlockFromISR(); } void createKnockThread(void) { opampStart(&KNOCK_OPAMPD, &opamp2_conf); adcStart(&KNOCK_ADCD, NULL); dacStart(&KNOCK_DACD, &dac_conf); dacPutChannelX(&KNOCK_DACD, 0, 0); // This sets knock output to 0; /* Events initialization. */ chEvtObjectInit(&evt_knock_result_rdy); chThdCreateStatic(waThreadKnock, sizeof(waThreadKnock), NORMALPRIO, ThreadKnock, NULL); chThdCreateStatic(waThreadKnockOuput, sizeof(waThreadKnockOuput), NORMALPRIO, ThreadKnockOuput, NULL); palEnableLineEvent(LINE_SAMPLE, PAL_EVENT_MODE_BOTH_EDGES); palSetLineCallback(LINE_SAMPLE, sample_cb, NULL); }
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