
/* * ipc.c * * Created on: 21 oct. 2014 * Author: Fabien Poussin */ #include "ipc.h" static msg_t buf1[4]; static msg_t buf2[4]; static msg_t buf3[4]; static msg_t buf4[4]; MAILBOX_DECL(knock_mb, buf1, sizeof(buf1)/sizeof(msg_t)); MAILBOX_DECL(vr1_mb, buf2, sizeof(buf2)/sizeof(msg_t)); MAILBOX_DECL(vr2_mb, buf3, sizeof(buf3)/sizeof(msg_t)); MAILBOX_DECL(vr3_mb, buf4, sizeof(buf4)/sizeof(msg_t)); static samples_message_t samples_messages[POOL_SIZE] __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(stkalign_t)))); static MEMORYPOOL_DECL(samples_pool, sizeof(samples_message_t), PORT_STACK_ALIGN, NULL); void setupIPC(void) { size_t i; chMBObjectInit(&knock_mb, buf1, sizeof(buf1) / sizeof(msg_t)); chMBObjectInit(&vr1_mb, buf2, sizeof(buf2) / sizeof(msg_t)); chMBObjectInit(&vr2_mb, buf3, sizeof(buf3) / sizeof(msg_t)); chMBObjectInit(&vr3_mb, buf4, sizeof(buf4) / sizeof(msg_t)); // We need to init and "free" each place. chPoolObjectInit(&samples_pool, sizeof(samples_message_t), NULL); for(i=0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) chPoolFree(&samples_pool, &samples_messages[i]); } bool allocSendSamplesI(mailbox_t* mb, void * buffer, size_t size) { if (buffer == NULL) return false; samples_message_t* info = chPoolAllocI(&samples_pool); if (info == NULL) return false; info->location = buffer; info->size = size; chMBPostI(mb, (msg_t)info); return true; } bool recvFreeSamples(mailbox_t* mb, void ** buffer, size_t * size, systime_t timeout) { msg_t msg; samples_message_t data; if(chMBFetchTimeout(mb, &msg, timeout) != MSG_OK) return false; data = *(samples_message_t*)mb; chPoolFree(&samples_pool, (void*)mb); if (data.location == NULL) return false; *buffer = data.location; *size = data.size; return true; }
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