
Last update 5 years 3 months
!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Universal Ctags Team // !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Universal Ctags /Derived from Exuberant Ctags/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 0.0.0 // $(OBJS) Makefile /^$(OBJS): $(PROJ).cflags$/;" t $(PROJ).cflags Makefile /^$(PROJ).cflags: force$/;" t $(PROJ).dep Makefile /^$(PROJ).dep: $(SRCS)$/;" t $(PROJ).elf Makefile /^$(PROJ).elf: $(OBJS)$/;" t %.o Makefile /^%.o: %.c$/;" t AR Makefile /^AR = msp430-elf-ar$/;" m AS Makefile /^AS = msp430-elf-as$/;" m BASH Makefile /^BASH := $(shell which bash || which bash)$/;" m BITS_12 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define BITS_12 /;" d BITS_14 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define BITS_14 /;" d BITS_15 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define BITS_15 /;" d BITS_16 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define BITS_16 /;" d CC Makefile /^CC = msp430-elf-gcc$/;" m CC_CMACH Makefile /^CC_CMACH = -mmcu=msp430f5510$/;" m CC_DMACH Makefile /^CC_DMACH = -D__MSP430F5510__$/;" m DEBUG Makefile /^DEBUG := $(shell grep "^\\#define CONFIG_DEBUG" config.h)$/;" m ED0 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED0 /;" d ED1 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED1 /;" d ED2 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED2 /;" d ED3 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED3 /;" d ED4 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED4 /;" d ED5 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED5 /;" d ED6 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED6 /;" d ED7 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ED7 /;" d FLASH_ADDR proj.h /^#define FLASH_ADDR /;" d I2C_ACK drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define I2C_ACK /;" d I2C_BR drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_BR /;" d I2C_BUSY drivers/i2c.h /^ I2C_BUSY, \/\/\/< A transfer is in progress.$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c70203 I2C_CLK_DIV drivers/i2c_config.TEMPLATE.h /^#define I2C_CLK_DIV /;" d I2C_CLK_DIV drivers/i2c_config.h /^#define I2C_CLK_DIV /;" d I2C_CLK_SRC drivers/i2c_config.TEMPLATE.h /^#define I2C_CLK_SRC /;" d I2C_CLK_SRC drivers/i2c_config.h /^#define I2C_CLK_SRC /;" d I2C_CTL0 drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_CTL0 /;" d I2C_CTL1 drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_CTL1 /;" d I2C_FAILED drivers/i2c.h /^ I2C_FAILED \/\/\/< Previous transfer failed. Ready for new transfer.$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c70203 I2C_ICTL drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_ICTL /;" d I2C_IDLE drivers/i2c.h /^ I2C_IDLE, \/\/\/< Bus is idle. Ready for new transfer.$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c70203 I2C_IE drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_IE /;" d I2C_IFG drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_IFG /;" d I2C_ISR_VECTOR drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_ISR_VECTOR /;" d I2C_IV drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_IV /;" d I2C_LAST_NAK drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_LAST_NAK /;" d I2C_MASTER_DIR proj.h /^#define I2C_MASTER_DIR /;" d I2C_MASTER_IN proj.h /^#define I2C_MASTER_IN /;" d I2C_MASTER_OUT proj.h /^#define I2C_MASTER_OUT /;" d I2C_MASTER_SCL proj.h /^#define I2C_MASTER_SCL /;" d I2C_MASTER_SDA proj.h /^#define I2C_MASTER_SDA /;" d I2C_MISSING_SCL_PULLUP drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define I2C_MISSING_SCL_PULLUP /;" d I2C_MISSING_SDA_PULLUP drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define I2C_MISSING_SDA_PULLUP /;" d I2C_NAK drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define I2C_NAK /;" d I2C_NO_ADDR_SHIFT drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_NO_ADDR_SHIFT /;" d I2C_OA drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_OA /;" d I2C_OK drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define I2C_OK /;" d I2C_READ drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_READ /;" d I2C_REPEAT_SA_ON_READ drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_REPEAT_SA_ON_READ /;" d I2C_RXBUF drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_RXBUF /;" d I2C_SA drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_SA /;" d I2C_SDA_WAIT drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_SDA_WAIT /;" d I2C_SHT_INIT drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_SHT_INIT /;" d I2C_STAT drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_STAT /;" d I2C_TXBUF drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define I2C_TXBUF /;" d I2C_USE_DEV drivers/i2c_config.TEMPLATE.h /^#define I2C_USE_DEV /;" d I2C_USE_DEV drivers/i2c_config.h /^#define I2C_USE_DEV /;" d I2C_WRITE drivers/i2c.h /^#define I2C_WRITE /;" d LD Makefile /^LD = msp430-elf-ld$/;" m LDFLAGS Makefile /^LDFLAGS =$/;" m OBJS Makefile /^OBJS := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCS))$/;" m PGA_1 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define PGA_1 /;" d PGA_2 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define PGA_2 /;" d PGA_4 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define PGA_4 /;" d PGA_8 drivers/ads1110.h /^#define PGA_8 /;" d PROJ Makefile /^PROJ = proj$/;" m Port_1 proj.c /^__interrupt void Port_1(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:__interrupt void SC drivers/ads1110.h /^#define SC /;" d SEGMENT_B drivers/flash.h /^#define SEGMENT_B /;" d SEGMENT_C drivers/flash.h /^#define SEGMENT_C /;" d SEGMENT_D drivers/flash.h /^#define SEGMENT_D /;" d SM_DONE drivers/i2c.c /^ SM_DONE$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c20103 file: SM_READ_DATA drivers/i2c.c /^ SM_READ_DATA,$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c20103 file: SM_SEND_ADDR drivers/i2c.c /^ SM_SEND_ADDR,$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c20103 file: SM_SEND_RESTART drivers/i2c.c /^ SM_SEND_RESTART,$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c20103 file: SM_WRITE_DATA drivers/i2c.c /^ SM_WRITE_DATA,$/;" e enum:__anonfe5e22c20103 file: SRCS Makefile /^SRCS := $(wildcard *.c)$/;" m ST drivers/ads1110.h /^#define ST /;" d STATE_CONVERT drivers/ads1110.h /^#define STATE_CONVERT /;" d STATE_STANDBY drivers/ads1110.h /^#define STATE_STANDBY /;" d SUBDIRS Makefile /^SUBDIRS = drivers$/;" m SYS_MSG_NONE drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_NONE = 0,$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_P1IFG drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_P1IFG = BIT6, \/\/ button press$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR0 drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR0 = BIT0,$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR1 drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR1 = BIT1, \/\/ timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr1$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR2 drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR2 = BIT2, \/\/ timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR3 drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR3 = BIT3, \/\/ timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr3$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR4 drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CCR4 = BIT4,$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_TIMER0_IFG drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_TIMER0_IFG = BIT5, \/\/ timer0 overflow$/;" e enum:sys_message SYS_MSG_UART1_RX drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ SYS_MSG_UART1_RX = BIT7 \/\/ UART received something$/;" e enum:sys_message TARGET Makefile /^TARGET := DEBUG$/;" m TARGET Makefile /^TARGET := RELEASE$/;" m TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR0 drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR0 = BIT0,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR1 drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR1 = BIT1,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR2 drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR2 = BIT2,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR3 drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR3 = BIT3,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR4 drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_CCR4 = BIT4,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TIMER_A0_EVENT_IFG drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_IFG = BIT5,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TIMER_A0_EVENT_NONE drivers/timer_a0.h /^ TIMER_A0_EVENT_NONE = 0,$/;" e enum:timer_a0_event TRIG1 proj.h /^#define TRIG1 /;" d UART1_EV_NONE drivers/uart1.h /^ UART1_EV_NONE = 0,$/;" e enum:uart1_tevent UART1_EV_RX drivers/uart1.h /^ UART1_EV_RX = BIT0,$/;" e enum:uart1_tevent UART1_EV_TX drivers/uart1.h /^ UART1_EV_TX = BIT1$/;" e enum:uart1_tevent UART1_RXBUF_SZ drivers/uart1.h /^#define UART1_RXBUF_SZ /;" d USCI_A1_ISR drivers/uart1.c /^void USCI_A1_ISR(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void USCI_BX_ISR drivers/i2c.c /^void USCI_BX_ISR(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void USE_WATCHDOG config.h /^#define USE_WATCHDOG$/;" d USE_XT1 config.h /^#define USE_XT1$/;" d VERSION proj.h /^#define VERSION /;" d _10ms drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _10ms /;" d _10s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _10s /;" d _10sp drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _10sp /;" d _1200ms drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _1200ms /;" d _14s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _14s /;" d _1s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _1s /;" d _2s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _2s /;" d _30s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _30s /;" d _3s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _3s /;" d _3sp drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _3sp /;" d _500ms drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _500ms /;" d _5s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _5s /;" d _5sp drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _5sp /;" d _60s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _60s /;" d _6s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _6s /;" d _6sp drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _6sp /;" d _75s drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define _75s /;" d _CONFIG_H_ config.h /^#define _CONFIG_H_$/;" d _I2C_H_ drivers/i2c.h /^#define _I2C_H_$/;" d _I2C_INTERNAL_H_ drivers/i2c_internal.h /^#define _I2C_INTERNAL_H_$/;" d __ADC_H__ drivers/adc.h /^#define __ADC_H__$/;" d __FLASH_H__ drivers/flash.h /^#define __FLASH_H__$/;" d __I2C_CONFIG_H__ drivers/i2c_config.TEMPLATE.h /^#define __I2C_CONFIG_H__$/;" d __PROJ_H__ proj.h /^#define __PROJ_H__$/;" d __SERIAL_BITBANG_ drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define __SERIAL_BITBANG_$/;" d __SYS_MESSAGEBUS_H__ drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^#define __SYS_MESSAGEBUS_H__$/;" d __TIMER_A0_H__ drivers/timer_a0.h /^#define __TIMER_A0_H__$/;" d __UART1_H__ drivers/uart1.h /^#define __UART1_H__$/;" d __ads1110_h_ drivers/ads1110.h /^#define __ads1110_h_$/;" d __anonfe5e22c20103 drivers/i2c.c /^typedef enum {$/;" g file: __anonfe5e22c20208 drivers/i2c.c /^static struct {$/;" s file: __anonfe5e22c70108 drivers/i2c.h /^typedef struct {$/;" s __anonfe5e22c70203 drivers/i2c.h /^typedef enum {$/;" g adc10_ISR drivers/adc.c /^void adc10_ISR(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void adc10_halt drivers/adc.c /^void adc10_halt(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void adc10_read drivers/adc.c /^void adc10_read(const uint8_t port, uint16_t * rv, const uint8_t vref)$/;" f typeref:typename:void adc10_rv drivers/adc.c /^volatile uint16_t *adc10_rv;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile uint16_t * adc_en proj.h /^ uint8_t adc_en; \/\/ enable internal adc for battery check$/;" m struct:settings_t typeref:typename:uint8_t adcready drivers/adc.c /^volatile uint8_t adcready;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile uint8_t addr drivers/i2c.h /^ uint8_t *addr; \/\/\/< register\/command payload$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 typeref:typename:uint8_t * addr_len drivers/i2c.h /^ uint16_t addr_len; \/\/\/< Number of addr bytes to use (1-3)$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 typeref:typename:uint16_t ads1110 drivers/ads1110.h /^struct ads1110 {$/;" s ads1110_config drivers/ads1110.c /^uint8_t ads1110_config(const uint8_t slave_addr, const uint8_t val)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t ads1110_convert drivers/ads1110.c /^void ads1110_convert(struct ads1110 *adc)$/;" f typeref:typename:void ads1110_init drivers/ads1110.c /^uint8_t ads1110_init(const uint8_t slave_address, const uint8_t config_reg)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t ads1110_read drivers/ads1110.c /^uint8_t ads1110_read(const uint8_t slave_addr, struct ads1110 *adc)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t ads1110_state_machine drivers/ads1110.c /^static void ads1110_state_machine(enum sys_message msg)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file: all Makefile /^all: depend config.h tags $(PROJ).elf$/;" t calc_temp drivers/adc.c /^int16_t calc_temp(const uint16_t qtemp)$/;" f typeref:typename:int16_t callback drivers/i2c.c /^ void (*callback) (i2c_status_t result);$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c20208 typeref:typename:void (*)(i2c_status_t result) file: check_events proj.c /^void check_events(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void clean Makefile /^clean: $(SUBDIRS)$/;" t config drivers/ads1110.h /^ uint8_t config; \/\/ adc configuration register$/;" m struct:ads1110 typeref:typename:uint8_t config.h Makefile /^config.h:$/;" t conv drivers/ads1110.h /^ int16_t conv; \/\/ int voltage value *10^4$/;" m struct:ads1110 typeref:typename:int16_t conv_raw drivers/ads1110.h /^ int16_t conv_raw; \/\/ adc raw output$/;" m struct:ads1110 typeref:typename:int16_t data drivers/i2c.h /^ uint8_t *data; \/\/\/< Pointer to data transfer buffer$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 typeref:typename:uint8_t * data_len drivers/i2c.h /^ uint16_t data_len; \/\/\/< Number of bytes to transfer$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 typeref:typename:uint16_t defaults proj.h /^static const struct settings_t defaults = {$/;" v typeref:typename:const struct settings_t delay_c drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define delay_c /;" d delay_s drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define delay_s /;" d depend Makefile /^depend: $(PROJ).dep$/;" t display_menu proj.c /^void display_menu(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void doc Makefile /^doc:$/;" t eadc drivers/ads1110.h /^struct ads1110 eadc;$/;" v typeref:struct:ads1110 eadc_delta proj.h /^ int16_t eadc_delta; \/\/ 0V correction for the EADC$/;" m struct:settings_t typeref:typename:int16_t eadc_en proj.h /^ int8_t eadc_en; \/\/ enable external adc. 0 false, 1 true, -1 false but ADS1110 /;" m struct:settings_t typeref:typename:int8_t false proj.h /^#define false /;" d flash_erase drivers/flash.c /^uint8_t flash_erase(uint8_t *segment_addr)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t flash_read drivers/flash.c /^uint8_t flash_read(uint8_t *segment_addr, void *data, const uint8_t len)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t flash_save drivers/flash.c /^uint8_t flash_save(uint8_t *segment_addr, void *data, const uint8_t len)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t fn drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ void (*fn) (enum sys_message);$/;" m struct:sys_messagebus typeref:typename:void (*)(enum sys_message) i2c_init drivers/i2c.c /^void i2c_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void i2c_package_t drivers/i2c.h /^} i2c_package_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 i2c_state_t drivers/i2c.c /^} i2c_state_t;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anonfe5e22c20103 file: i2c_status_t drivers/i2c.h /^} i2c_status_t;$/;" t typeref:enum:__anonfe5e22c70203 i2c_transfer_start drivers/i2c.c /^void i2c_transfer_start(const i2c_package_t * pkg,$/;" f typeref:typename:void i2c_transfer_status drivers/i2c.c /^i2c_status_t i2c_transfer_status(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:i2c_status_t i2c_uninit drivers/i2c.c /^void i2c_uninit(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void i2cm_rx drivers/serial_bitbang.c /^uint8_t i2cm_rx(uint8_t * buf, const uint16_t length, const uint8_t options)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t i2cm_start drivers/serial_bitbang.c /^uint8_t i2cm_start(uint8_t options)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t i2cm_stop drivers/serial_bitbang.c /^void i2cm_stop(uint8_t options)$/;" f typeref:typename:void i2cm_transfer drivers/serial_bitbang.c /^uint8_t i2cm_transfer(const i2c_package_t * pkg)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t i2cm_tx drivers/serial_bitbang.c /^uint8_t i2cm_tx(const uint8_t data, const uint8_t options)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t i2cm_tx_buff drivers/serial_bitbang.c /^uint8_t i2cm_tx_buff(const uint8_t * data, uint16_t data_len, const uint8_t options)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t idx drivers/i2c.c /^ uint16_t idx;$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c20208 typeref:typename:uint16_t file: install Makefile /^install: $(PROJ).elf$/;" t latch_disable proj.h /^#define latch_disable /;" d latch_enable proj.h /^#define latch_enable /;" d led_off proj.h /^#define led_off /;" d led_on proj.h /^#define led_on /;" d led_switch proj.h /^#define led_switch /;" d listens drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ enum sys_message listens;$/;" m struct:sys_messagebus typeref:enum:sys_message main proj.c /^int main(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:int main_init proj.c /^void main_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void messagebus drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^struct sys_messagebus *messagebus;$/;" v typeref:struct:sys_messagebus * modinit.c Makefile /^modinit.c:$/;" t modinit.o Makefile /^modinit.o: modinit.c$/;" t next drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^ struct sys_messagebus *next;$/;" m struct:sys_messagebus typeref:struct:sys_messagebus * next_state drivers/i2c.c /^ i2c_state_t next_state;$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c20208 typeref:typename:i2c_state_t file: options drivers/i2c.h /^ uint8_t options; \/\/\/< see above the possible option flags$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 typeref:typename:uint8_t pkg drivers/i2c.c /^ i2c_package_t *pkg;$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c20208 typeref:typename:i2c_package_t * file: pkg drivers/i2c.h /^i2c_package_t pkg;$/;" v typeref:typename:i2c_package_t port1_irq proj.c /^static void port1_irq(enum sys_message msg)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file: port1_last_event proj.c /^volatile uint8_t port1_last_event;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile uint8_t s proj.c /^struct settings_t s;$/;" v typeref:struct:settings_t scl_high drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define scl_high /;" d scl_low drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define scl_low /;" d sda_high drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define sda_high /;" d sda_low drivers/serial_bitbang.h /^#define sda_low /;" d settings_init proj.c /^void settings_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void settings_t proj.h /^struct settings_t {$/;" s slave_addr drivers/i2c.h /^ uint8_t slave_addr; \/\/\/< Chip address of slave device$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c70108 typeref:typename:uint8_t standby_time proj.h /^ uint16_t standby_time; \/\/ number of TA0 overflows after which latch is disabled$/;" m struct:settings_t typeref:typename:uint16_t standby_unused proj.h /^ uint16_t standby_unused; \/\/ innactivity timeout after which latch is disabled$/;" m struct:settings_t typeref:typename:uint16_t state drivers/ads1110.h /^ uint8_t state; \/\/ state machine parameter$/;" m struct:ads1110 typeref:typename:uint8_t status drivers/i2c.c /^ i2c_status_t status;$/;" m struct:__anonfe5e22c20208 typeref:typename:i2c_status_t file: str_temp proj.c /^char str_temp[120];$/;" v typeref:typename:char[120] str_to_uint16 proj.c /^uint8_t str_to_uint16(char *str, uint16_t * out, const uint8_t seek,$/;" f typeref:typename:uint8_t sys_message drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^enum sys_message {$/;" g sys_messagebus drivers/sys_messagebus.h /^struct sys_messagebus {$/;" s sys_messagebus_register drivers/sys_messagebus.c /^void sys_messagebus_register(void (*callback) (enum sys_message),$/;" f typeref:typename:void sys_messagebus_unregister drivers/sys_messagebus.c /^void sys_messagebus_unregister(void (*callback) (enum sys_message))$/;" f typeref:typename:void tags Makefile /^tags: $(SRCS)$/;" t timer0_A1_ISR drivers/timer_a0.c /^void timer0_A1_ISR(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr1 drivers/timer_a0.c /^void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr1(uint16_t ticks)$/;" f typeref:typename:void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2 drivers/timer_a0.c /^void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2(uint16_t ticks)$/;" f typeref:typename:void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr3 drivers/timer_a0.c /^void timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr3(uint16_t ticks)$/;" f typeref:typename:void timer_a0_event drivers/timer_a0.h /^enum timer_a0_event {$/;" g timer_a0_init drivers/timer_a0.c /^void timer_a0_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void timer_a0_irq proj.c /^static void timer_a0_irq(enum sys_message msg)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file: timer_a0_last_event drivers/timer_a0.h /^volatile enum timer_a0_event timer_a0_last_event;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile enum timer_a0_event timer_a0_ovf drivers/timer_a0.h /^volatile uint16_t timer_a0_ovf;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile uint16_t transfer drivers/i2c.c /^} transfer;$/;" v typeref:struct:__anonfe5e22c20208 true proj.h /^#define true /;" d tue proj.c /^int16_t tue; \/\/ ticks until end$/;" v typeref:typename:int16_t uart1_init drivers/uart1.c /^void uart1_init(void)$/;" f typeref:typename:void uart1_last_event drivers/uart1.h /^volatile enum uart1_tevent uart1_last_event;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile enum uart1_tevent uart1_p drivers/uart1.h /^volatile uint8_t uart1_p;$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile uint8_t uart1_rx_buf drivers/uart1.h /^volatile char uart1_rx_buf[UART1_RXBUF_SZ];$/;" v typeref:typename:volatile char[] uart1_rx_enable drivers/uart1.h /^uint8_t uart1_rx_enable;$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t uart1_rx_err drivers/uart1.h /^uint8_t uart1_rx_err;$/;" v typeref:typename:uint8_t uart1_rx_irq proj.c /^static void uart1_rx_irq(enum sys_message msg)$/;" f typeref:typename:void file: uart1_tevent drivers/uart1.h /^enum uart1_tevent {$/;" g uart1_tx_str drivers/uart1.c /^uint16_t uart1_tx_str(char *str, uint16_t size)$/;" f typeref:typename:uint16_t uc_disable proj.h /^#define uc_disable /;" d uc_enable proj.h /^#define uc_enable /;" d ver proj.h /^ uint8_t ver; \/\/ firmware version$/;" m struct:settings_t typeref:typename:uint8_t
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