
Last update 5 years 6 months
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/power.h> #include "playa.h" #include "drivers/timer.h" #include "drivers/adc.h" #include "drivers/uart.h" #include "drivers/spi.h" #include "drivers/diskio.h" #include "drivers/vs1063.h" #include "drivers/ir_remote.h" #include "fatfs/ff.h" // vs1063 uint8_t cbuff[CARD_BUFF_SZ]; uint8_t volume = 40; // as negative attenuation. can go from 0x00 lound - 0xfe silent // 0xff is a special case (analog powerdown mode) uint8_t ear_speaker_lvl = 0; // infrared remote uint32_t result_last = 11111; uint16_t ir_delay = 400; // delay between repeated button presses uint32_t ir_delay_prev = 0; uint8_t ir_cmd; uint8_t play_mode = PLAY_RANDOM; uint8_t mute = 0; uint16_t in_number = 0; // fatfs DSTATUS dstatus; // disc status set by disk_initialize() FATFS fs; // mounted entity DIR dir; FIL file; uint8_t path_level; char file_path[MAX_PATH]; char album_path[MAX_PATH]; // misc uint16_t seed; // sleep states volatile uint8_t just_woken; volatile uint8_t sleeping = 0; uint32_t wake_up_time = 0; // systemtime when the uC was woken up uint16_t wake_up_delay = 4000; // the delay until the uC is powered down again //#ifdef DEBUG char str_temp[64]; //#endif int main(void) { setup(); for (;;) { wdt_reset(); ui_ir_decode(); if (play_mode != STOP) { env_check(); } else { sleep_mgmt(); } ui(); } } void setup(void) { timer_init(); sei(); delay(100); // debounce/allow caps to charge //#ifdef DEBUG uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT(9600, F_CPU)); uart_puts_P("?"); //#else // power_usart0_disable(); //#endif wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); // Enable watchdog: max 8 seconds cli(); power_twi_disable(); power_timer1_disable(); sei(); ir_init(); spi_init(); vs_setup(); vs_setup_local(); just_woken = 0; if (f_mount(0, &fs) == FR_OK) { dstatus = disk_initialize(0); if (dstatus & (STA_NOINIT | STA_NODISK | STA_PROTECT)) { play_mode = STOP; } } else { play_mode = STOP; } } void vs_setup_local(void) { //initialize chip vs_deselect_control(); vs_deselect_data(); vs_set_volume(0xff, 0xff); //AVDD is at least 3.3v, so select 1.65v reference to increase //the analog output swing vs_write_register(SCI_STATUS, SS_REFERENCE_SEL); // Declick: Slow sample rate for slow analog part startup vs_write_register_hl(SCI_AUDATA, 0, 10); // 10 Hz // Switch on the analog parts vs_write_register_hl(SCI_AUDATA, 31, 64); // 8kHz vs_soft_reset(); vs_set_volume(volume, volume); } uint8_t ui_ir_decode(void) { uint32_t now; int8_t ir_number = -1; now = millis(); if (ir_decode(&results)) { if ((results.decode_type == RC5) && (results.value >= 2048)) results.value -= 2048; // if we woke up from sleep, only allow a power-up command if ((just_woken) && (results.value != 12)) { ir_resume(); return 1; } if ((just_woken == 0) && (results.value == result_last) && (now - ir_delay_prev < ir_delay)) { ir_resume(); return 1; } #ifdef DEBUG sprintf(str_temp, "%ld\r\n", results.value); uart_puts(str_temp); #endif switch (results.value) { // RC5 codes case 1: // 1 ir_number = 1; break; case 2: // 2 ir_number = 2; break; case 3: // 3 ir_number = 3; break; case 4: // 4 ir_number = 4; break; case 5: // 5 ir_number = 5; break; case 6: // 6 ir_number = 6; break; case 7: // 7 ir_number = 7; break; case 8: // 8 ir_number = 8; break; case 9: // 9 ir_number = 9; break; case 0: // 0 ir_number = 0; break; // case 10: // 10 // ir_number = 10; // break; case 12: // power // wake up from pwr_down if (just_woken == 1) { just_woken = 0; wake_up_time = 0; play_mode = PLAY_RANDOM; } break; case 56: // AV in_number = 0; break; /* case 36: // red break; case 35: // green break; case 14: // yellow break; case 50: // zoom break; */ case 39: // sub ear_speaker_lvl++; vs_ear_speaker(ear_speaker_lvl); //sprintf(str_temp, "ear 0x%04x\r\n", vs_read_wramaddr(earSpeakerLevel)); //uart_puts(str_temp); break; /* case 44: // slow break; case 60: // repeat break; case 15: // disp break; case 38: // sleep break; case 32: // up break; case 33: // down break; case 16: // right break; case 17: // left break; case 59: // ok break; case 34: // back break; case 19: // exit break; case 18: // menu break; */ case 13: case 0x290: // mute mute = 1; vs_set_volume(0xfe, 0xfe); break; case 16: case 0x490: // vol+ mute = 0; if (volume > 3) { volume -= 4; // decrease attenuation by 2dB vs_set_volume(volume, volume); } break; case 17: case 0xc90: // vol- mute = 0; if (volume < 251) { volume += 4; // increase attenuation by 2dB vs_set_volume(volume, volume); } break; case 28: case 0x90: // ch+ ir_cmd = CMD_EXIT; break; case 29: case 0x890: // ch- in_number++; ir_cmd = CMD_EXIT; break; /* case 36: // record //sprintf(str_temp, "SCI_MODE 0x%04x\r\n", vs_read_register(SCI_MODE)); //uart_puts(str_temp); break; */ case 54: case 0xa90: // stop if (play_mode != STOP) { // do this loop only once //vs_write_register(SCI_MODE, SM_CANCEL); // to minimize the power-off transient vs_set_volume(0xfe, 0xfe); delay(10); play_mode = STOP; ir_cmd = CMD_EXIT; } break; // case 14: // play // break; // case 31: // pause // break; case 35: case 0xa50: // rew, AV/TV if (in_number != 0) { in_number = 0; } else { if (play_mode == PLAY_RANDOM) play_mode = SWITCH_TO_ALBUM; if (play_mode == PLAY_ALBUM) play_mode = PLAY_RANDOM; } ir_cmd = CMD_EXIT; break; // case : // fwd // break; default: break; } // switch // vol+ and vol- should not care about ir_delay if ((results.value != 11111) && (results.value != 16) && (results.value != 17) && (results.value != 0xc90) && (results.value != 0x490)) { result_last = results.value; ir_delay_prev = millis(); } // get a number from the ir remote if (ir_number > -1) { in_number = in_number * 10 + ir_number; } ir_resume(); // Receive the next keypress } return 0; } void env_check(void) { uint16_t vbat, jack_detect; uint8_t i; // jack_detect is zero if a stereo jack is physically plugged in. // otherwise the common voltage for the earphones (aka GBUF) is read (1.65v) // // vbat's value is (1024/Vref)*Vbattery*R2/(R1+R2), where // Vref - ADC voltage reference - 3.3v // Vbattery - actual battery voltage (should be between 3 and 4.2v) // R2 - 68Kohm // R1 - 39Kohm // we try to limit current consumption when the Lipo cell reaches about 3.6v. // Note: // this formula is usable only when Vref is actually 3.3v. // in case the cell voltage is below ~3.5v, vbat is not read correctly // and the only thing protecting the cell is the internal cutoff vbat = analogRead(PIN_VBAT_DETECT); jack_detect = analogRead(PIN_JACK_DETECT); // attempt to gather some entropy from the outside // sometimes PIN_RANDOM gives the same values, so keep and increment seed between runs seed += millis(); for (i = 0; i < vbat / 10; i++) { seed += analogRead(PIN_RANDOM); } srandom(seed); for (i = 0; i < vbat / 10; i++) { random(); // apparently randomSeed does not provide proper randomness } if ((vbat < 712) || (jack_detect > 0)) { // shut down vs1063 to protect the Lipo cell play_mode = STOP; } } void ui(void) { switch (play_mode) { case STOP: break; case PLAY_RANDOM: path_level = 0; f_opendir(&dir, "/"); memset(file_path, 0, MAX_PATH); file_find_random(); break; case PLAY_ALBUM: file_find_next(); break; case SWITCH_TO_ALBUM: play_mode = PLAY_ALBUM; get_album_path(); f_opendir(&dir, album_path); f_readdir(&dir, NULL); // rewind dir file_find_next(); break; } } void get_album_path(void) { uint8_t i; uint8_t l = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PATH; i++) { if (file_path[i] == '/') l = i; } strncpy(album_path, file_path, l); album_path[l] = 0; // album_path[] and file_pathp[] have the same size // so there is no buffer overflow here } uint8_t play_file(void) { uint16_t i, tx_len; uint8_t count = 0; uint8_t checked = 0; uint16_t codec = 0x0eaa; // something unused int16_t replaygain_offset = 0; uint8_t replaygain_volume; FRESULT res; UINT r; //#define DEBUG uart_puts(file_path); uart_puts_P("\r\n"); //#endif vs_soft_reset(); if (f_open(&file, file_path, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ)) { return 1; } for (;;) { res = f_read(&file, cbuff, CARD_BUFF_SZ, &r); if (res || r == 0) { vs_deselect_data(); //sprintf(str_temp, "E f_read 0x%x\r\n", res); //uart_puts(str_temp); vs_end_play(); delay(100); break; // file open err or EOF } if (!checked) count++; if (!checked && count > 100) { vs_deselect_data(); // sometimes the decoder never gets busy while reading non-music data // so we exit here if (vs_read_register(SCI_HDAT1) == 0) { uart_puts_P("HDAT1 err\r\n"); f_close(&file); vs_cancel_play(); delay(100); return 1; } } vs_select_data(); i = 0; while (i < r) { while (!(VS_DREQ_PIN & VS_DREQ)) { // the VS chip is busy, so do something else vs_deselect_data(); // Release the SDI bus wdt_reset(); ui_ir_decode(); //if ((ir_cmd == CMD_EXIT) || (codec == 0)) { if (ir_cmd == CMD_EXIT) { ir_cmd = CMD_NULL; f_close(&file); vs_cancel_play(); delay(100); return 0; } if (!checked && count > 1) { vs_deselect_data(); // do a one-time check of the codec status codec = vs_read_register(SCI_HDAT1); if (codec == 0x4f67) { // if ogg, read the replaygain offset replaygain_offset = vs_read_wramaddr(ogg_gain_offset); if (replaygain_offset < 10 && replaygain_offset > -30) { replaygain_volume = volume - (replaygain_offset + 12); if (!mute) { vs_set_volume(replaygain_volume, replaygain_volume); } //uart_putsln(volume); //uart_putsln(replaygain_offset); //uart_putsln(replaygain_volume); } } checked = 1; } vs_select_data(); // Pull XDCS low } // the mint rubbing function if (VS_BUFF_SZ > r) { tx_len = r; } else if (i + VS_BUFF_SZ > r) { tx_len = r % VS_BUFF_SZ; } else { tx_len = VS_BUFF_SZ; } // send up to 32bytes after a VS_DREQ check vs_wait(); spi_transmit_sync(cbuff, i, tx_len); i += tx_len; } vs_wait(); vs_deselect_data(); } vs_write_register(SCI_MODE, SM_CANCEL); f_close(&file); return 0; } uint8_t file_find_next(void) { FILINFO fno; if (f_readdir(&dir, &fno) == FR_OK) { if (fno.fname[0] != 0) { snprintf(file_path, MAX_PATH, "%s/%s", album_path, fno.fname); } else { // the album has ended play_mode = PLAY_RANDOM; return 0; } } else { return 1; } if (!(fno.fattrib & AM_DIR)) { play_file(); return 0; } else { return 1; } return 0; } uint8_t file_find_random(void) { FILINFO fno; uint16_t i = 0, items = 0, rnd; // how many items in the current dir? while (f_readdir(&dir, &fno) == FR_OK) { if (fno.fname[0] == 0) { break; } items++; } // rewind dir f_readdir(&dir, NULL); if (items == 0) return 1; if (path_level == 0) { if (in_number == 0) { // pick one at random, then either play it if it's a file // or cd into it and repeat until a file is found rnd = (random() % items) + 1; } else { rnd = (in_number % items) + 1; } } else { rnd = (random() % items) + 1; } for (i = 1; i <= rnd; i++) { f_readdir(&dir, &fno); #ifdef DEBUG uart_puts(fno.fname); uart_puts_P("\r\n"); #endif } strncat(file_path, "/", 2); strncat(file_path, fno.fname, 14); #ifdef DEBUG sprintf(str_temp, "%d path_lvl, %d items\r\n", path_level, items); uart_puts(str_temp); sprintf(str_temp, "%d seed, %d rnd, %d in_num\r\n", seed, rnd, in_number); uart_puts(str_temp); sprintf(str_temp, "%s path\r\n\r\n", file_path); uart_puts(str_temp); #endif if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR) { path_level++; if (f_opendir(&dir, file_path) == FR_OK) { if (path_level < 5) { file_find_random(); } else { return 1; } } else { return 1; } } else { play_file(); } return 0; } void sleep_mgmt(void) { if (just_woken == 0) { //uart_puts_P("tmout\r\n"); pwr_down(); } else if (just_woken == 1) { if (wake_up_time == 0) { wake_up_time = millis(); } else if (millis() - wake_up_time > wake_up_delay) { //sprintf(str_temp, "%ld %ld\r\n", millis(), wake_up_time); //uart_puts(str_temp); // if an IR signal woke up the uC from sleep, but that signal was not // a power sequence then go back to sleep. pwr_down(); } } } // used when STOP command is issued void pwr_down(void) { // recovery from low power land is not really functional // so it gets commented out wake_up_time = 0; vs_assert_xreset(); wdt_disable(); sleeping = 1; //cli(); // wake up on remote control input (external INT0 interrupt) //EICRA = 0; //Interrupt on low level //EIMSK = (1 << INT0); // enable INT0 interrupt //sei(); spi_disable(); power_all_disable(); // proper sleep_enable sequence. see /usr/avr/include/avr/sleep.h set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); for (;;) { cli(); sleep_enable(); sei(); sleep_cpu(); } /* sleep_disable(); sei(); wdt_enable(WDTO_8S); cli(); EIMSK = 0; // disable INT interrupt sei(); spi_init(); vs_setup(); // initialize chip vs_deselect_control(); vs_deselect_data(); vs_deassert_xreset(); delay(500); vs_write_register(SCI_CLOCKF, 0x8800); vs_write_register(SCI_STATUS, SS_REFERENCE_SEL); vs_write_register_hl(SCI_AUDATA, 31, 64); // 8kHz vs_set_volume(volume, volume); vs_soft_reset(); just_woken = 1; sleeping = 0; */ } /* ISR(INT0_vect) { if (sleeping == 1) { just_woken = 1; } } */
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