
// read adc conversions from any of the P6 ports // // at least a 1ms delay should be inserted between two adc10_read()s or // between an adc10_read(port, &rv) and the use of rv. // // author: Petre Rodan <> // available from: // license: GNU GPLv3 #include "adc.h" volatile uint16_t *adc12_rv; volatile uint8_t adcready; // port: 0 = P6.A0, 1 = P6.A1, .., 0xa = P6.A10 = internal temp sensor // vref is one of: REFVSEL_0 - 1.5v vref // REFVSEL_1 - 2.0v vref // REFVSEL_2 - 2.5v vref void adc12_read(const uint8_t port, uint16_t * rv, const uint8_t vref) { //*((uint16_t *)portreg) |= 1 << port; // if ref or adc12 are busy then wait //while (REFCTL0 & REFGENBUSY) ; while (ADC12CTL1 & ADC12BUSY) ; // enable reference if ((REFCTL0 & 0x30) != vref) { // need to change vref REFCTL0 &= ~(0x30 + REFON); REFCTL0 |= REFMSTR + vref + REFON; } else { REFCTL0 |= REFMSTR + REFON; } ADC12CTL0 &= ~ADC12ENC; ADC12CTL0 = ADC12SHT0_8 + ADC12ON; // set sample time ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP; // + ADC12DIV1 + ADC12DIV0; // enable sample timer ADC12MCTL0 = ADC12SREF_1 + port; // select ADC input //ADC12CTL2 |= ADC12PDIV_2 + ADC12SR; adcready = 0; adc12_rv = rv; // trigger conversion ADC12IE = ADC12IE0; ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC + ADC12SC; // sampling and conversion start while (!adcready) ; } // calculate internal temperature based on the linear regression // established by the two calibration registers flashed into the chip // qtemp the adc value on channel 10 with a 1.5V reference // function returns the temperature in degrees C int16_t calc_temp(const uint16_t qtemp) { uint16_t x1 = *(uint16_t *)0x1a1a; // value at 30dC uint16_t x2 = *(uint16_t *)0x1a1c; // value at 85dC, see datasheet uint16_t y1 = 30; uint16_t y2 = 85; int32_t sumxsq; int32_t sumx, sumy, sumxy; int32_t coef1, coef2, t10; int32_t rv = 0; sumx = x1 + x2; sumy = y1 + y2; sumxsq = (int32_t)x1 * (int32_t)x1 + (int32_t)x2 * (int32_t)x2; sumxy = (int32_t)x1 * (int32_t)y1 + (int32_t)x2 * (int32_t)y2; coef1 = ((sumy*sumxsq)-(sumx*sumxy))/((2*sumxsq)-(sumx*sumx))*100; coef2 = 100*((2*sumxy)-(sumx*sumy))/((2*sumxsq)-(sumx*sumx)); t10 = (qtemp * coef2 + coef1)/10; rv = t10/10; // add 1 if first digit after decimal is > 4 if ( (t10 % 10) > 4 ) { if (t10 > 0) { rv += 1; } else { rv -= 1; } } return rv; } void adc12_halt(void) { ADC12CTL0 &= ~ADC12ON; REFCTL0 &= ~REFON; } __attribute__ ((interrupt(ADC12_VECTOR))) void adc12_ISR(void) { uint16_t iv = ADC12IV; if (iv == ADC12IV_ADC12IFG0) { *adc12_rv = ADC12MEM0; adcready = 1; } }
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