Last update 5 years 5 months
Petre Rodan
Filesserverscripts | |
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u1#!/usr/bin/perl -T # perl script that parses POST packets that contain tracking information # # it can be used as a CGI in which case it stores incoming packets into # sqlite3 databases, or as a CLI to debug the binary data received. # # failed packets are stored on disk # # TODO: # - implement CRC checksum for packets # # Authors: Petre Rodan <> # George Pătrășcan # Available from: # License: GNU GPLv3 # use strict; #use warnings; #no strict 'subs'; use Getopt::Long; use IO::String; use File::Basename; use File::Temp; use DBI; use feature ':5.10'; ##################################################################### # # configurable variables # # directory where the sqlite databases are kept my $db_dir = '/var/lib/tracking/'; # disk location where invalid packets are stored my $dir = '/tmp/'; my $template = "XXXXXXXXX"; # set save_pkt to 1 if you want ALL incoming POST requests # to be stored on disk my $save_pkt = 1; ##################################################################### # # end of configurable section, leave the rest unchanged # my $filename = undef; my $filesize = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $dryrun = 0; my $nosave = 0; GetOptions( "file=s" => \$filename, "verbose" => \$verbose, "dryrun" => \$dryrun, "nosave" => \$nosave ); my $buf; my $binstr; my $io = IO::String->new($binstr); my $fh; # sometimes the imei is not part of the first subpacket # so we parse the entire packet in search of a valid IMEI and then use it to fill # subpackets that miss it my $missing_imei = 0; my $found_imei = 0; my $imei_proper; sub save_pkt{ if ($nosave) { return; } $filename = File::Temp->new( UNLINK => 0, SUFFIX => '', TEMPLATE => $template, DIR => $dir ); open ($fh, '>', $filename); binmode($fh); syswrite ($fh, $binstr); close ($fh); if ($verbose) { say fileparse($filename) . ' created'; } } sub unpack_pkt{ # HTTP POST header my $head; # HTTP POST packet ending byte my $suffix; my $crc_ok = 1; # simplified equivalent to the nmea_gprmc_t struct present in the firmware my $mc_f; # geo struct equivalent my $geo; # sim900_cell_t struct equivalent my @cell; if (read( $io, $buf, 35 ) != 35) { return 'EOF'; } ( $head->{'version'}, $head->{'imei'}, $head->{'settings'}, $head->{'v_bat'}, $head->{'v_raw'}, $head->{'errors'}, $head->{'msg_id'}, $head->{'payload_content_desc'}, $mc_f->{'year'}, $mc_f->{'month'}, $mc_f->{'day'}, $mc_f->{'hour'}, $mc_f->{'minute'}, $mc_f->{'second'}) = unpack( "S A15 S5 C S C5", $buf ); if ($head->{'imei'} =~ /[^0-9]/) { if ($verbose) { print "FAILED: imei invalid\r\n"; } return 'ERR_IMEI'; } if ($head->{'imei'} != 0) { $imei_proper = $head->{'imei'}; if ($missing_imei == 1) { return 'FOUND_IMEI'; } } $head->{'v_bat'} /= 100; $head->{'v_raw'} /= 100; $mc_f->{'timestamp'} = sprintf "%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $mc_f->{'year'},$mc_f->{'month'},$mc_f->{'day'},$mc_f->{'hour'},$mc_f->{'minute'},$mc_f->{'second'}; # payload_content_desc is a byte that describes what info is present in the packet # # binary representation: # # | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | # | x x x | -> how many sim900_cell_t structures are present # | x | -> geofence data is present # | x | -> gps fix is present # | x x x | -> currently unused # my $cells = $head->{'payload_content_desc'} & 0x07; my $geofence = $head->{'payload_content_desc'} & 0x08; my $fix = $head->{'payload_content_desc'} & 0x10; if ($fix) { read( $io, $buf, 18 ); ( $mc_f->{'latitude'}, $mc_f->{'longitude'}, $mc_f->{'pdop'}, $mc_f->{'speed'}, $mc_f->{'heading'}, $mc_f->{'fixtime'} ) = unpack( "f2 S3 L", $buf ); $mc_f->{'pdop'} /= 100.0; if ($geofence) { read( $io, $buf, 6 ); ( $geo->{'distance'}, $geo->{'bearing'} ) = unpack( "f S", $buf ); } } if ($cells) { for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $cells ; $i++ ) { read( $io, $buf, 10 ); ( $cell[$i]->{'rxl'}, $cell[$i]->{'mcc'}, $cell[$i]->{'mnc'}, $cell[$i]->{'id'}, $cell[$i]->{'lac'} ) = unpack( "S5", $buf ); } } read( $io, $buf, 1 ); $suffix = unpack( "C", $buf ); if ( $suffix != 0xff ) { return 'ERR_SUFFIX'; } else { $crc_ok = 0; } if ($imei_proper == 0) { return 'ZERO_IMEI'; } if (!$dryrun) { my $database = $db_dir . '/' . $imei_proper . '.db'; my $dsn = "DBI:SQLite:database=$database"; my $username = undef; my $password = undef; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 0, PrintError => $verbose, PrintWarn => $verbose}); if ( -z "$database" ) { $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE live (row_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, v_bat FLOAT, v_raw FLOAT, settings INTEGER, errors INTEGER, msg_id INTEGER, payload INTEGER, crc INTEGER, timestamp DATE NOT NULL UNIQUE, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT, pdop FLOAT, speed INTEGER, heading INTEGER, fixtime INTEGER, geo_distance FLOAT, geo_bearing INTEGER, c0_rxl INTEGER, c0_mcc INTEGER, c0_mnc INTEGER, c0_cellid INTEGER, c0_lac INTEGER, c1_rxl INTEGER, c1_mcc INTEGER, c1_mnc INTEGER, c1_cellid INTEGER, c1_lac INTEGER, c2_rxl INTEGER, c2_mcc INTEGER, c2_mnc INTEGER, c2_cellid INTEGER, c2_lac INTEGER, c3_rxl INTEGER, c3_mcc INTEGER, c3_mnc INTEGER, c3_cellid INTEGER, c3_lac INTEGER, calc_status INTEGER, c0_latitude FLOAT, c0_longitude FLOAT, c1_latitude FLOAT, c1_longitude FLOAT, c2_latitude FLOAT, c2_longitude FLOAT, c3_latitude FLOAT, c3_longitude FLOAT, avg_latitude FLOAT, avg_longitude FLOAT, wavg_latitude FLOAT, wavg_longitude FLOAT )'); } my $stmt = qq(INSERT INTO live (v_bat, v_raw, settings, errors, msg_id, payload, crc, timestamp, latitude, longitude, pdop, speed, heading, fixtime, geo_distance, geo_bearing, c0_rxl, c0_mcc, c0_mnc, c0_cellid, c0_lac, c1_rxl, c1_mcc, c1_mnc, c1_cellid, c1_lac, c2_rxl, c2_mcc, c2_mnc, c2_cellid, c2_lac, c3_rxl, c3_mcc, c3_mnc, c3_cellid, c3_lac) VALUES ( "$head->{'v_bat'}", "$head->{'v_raw'}", "$head->{'settings'}", "$head->{'errors'}" , "$head->{'msg_id'}", "$head->{'payload_content_desc'}", "$crc_ok", "$mc_f->{'timestamp'}", "$mc_f->{'latitude'}", "$mc_f->{'longitude'}", "$mc_f->{'pdop'}", "$mc_f->{'speed'}", "$mc_f->{'heading'}", "$mc_f->{'fixtime'}", "$geo->{'distance'}", "$geo->{'bearing'}", "$cell[0]->{'rxl'}", "$cell[0]->{'mcc'}", "$cell[0]->{'mnc'}", "$cell[0]->{'id'}", "$cell[0]->{'lac'}", "$cell[1]->{'rxl'}", "$cell[1]->{'mcc'}", "$cell[1]->{'mnc'}", "$cell[1]->{'id'}", "$cell[1]->{'lac'}", "$cell[2]->{'rxl'}", "$cell[2]->{'mcc'}", "$cell[2]->{'mnc'}", "$cell[2]->{'id'}", "$cell[2]->{'lac'}", "$cell[3]->{'rxl'}", "$cell[3]->{'mcc'}", "$cell[3]->{'mnc'}", "$cell[3]->{'id'}", "$cell[3]->{'lac'}" )); if ($dbh->do($stmt)) { #print "SAVED\r\n"; } else { if ($verbose) { print "FAILED: db insert\r\n"; } } $dbh->disconnect(); } if ($verbose) { # for CLI mode # display all we got say '---- 8< -----------------------------------------------'; say ' * header {'; say ' version: ' . $head->{'version'}; say ' imei: ' . $head->{'imei'}; say ' imei_p: ' . $imei_proper; say ' settings: ' . $head->{'settings'}; say ' v_bat: ' . $head->{'v_bat'}; say ' v_raw: ' . $head->{'v_raw'}; say ' errors: ' . $head->{'errors'}; say ' msg_id: ' . $head->{'msg_id'}; say ' payload: ' . $head->{'payload_content_desc'}; say ' timestamp: ' . $mc_f->{'timestamp'}; say '}'; if ($fix) { say ' loc: ' . $mc_f->{'latitude'} . ', ' . $mc_f->{'longitude'}; say ' pdop: ' . $mc_f->{'pdop'} . ', speed: ' . $mc_f->{'speed'} . ' knots, heading: ' . $mc_f->{'heading'} . ' deg, uptime: ' . $mc_f->{'fixtime'}; if ($geofence) { say ' * geofence distance: ' . $geo->{'distance'} . ' m, bearing: ' . $geo->{'bearing'} . ' deg'; } else { say ' - geofence data not present'; } } else { say ' - gps fix not present'; } if ($cells) { say ' * ' . $cells . ' cells present'; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $cells ; $i++ ) { say 'cell #' . $i . ': {'; say ' rxl ' . $cell[$i]->{'rxl'}; say ' mcc ' . $cell[$i]->{'mcc'}; say ' mnc ' . $cell[$i]->{'mnc'}; say ' id ' . $cell[$i]->{'id'}; say ' lac ' . $cell[$i]->{'lac'}; say '}'; } } else { say ' - cell tower data not present'; } if ( $suffix != 0xff ) { if ($verbose) { die 'FAILED: mangled packet'; } } } return 'OK'; } # fill $binstr scalar with the binary data using one of 3 ways if ($filename) { # CLI mode, read file $filesize = -s $filename; open( $fh, '<', $filename ) or die "cannot open file $filename"; sysread($fh, $binstr, $filesize); close($fh); } else { # if pipe is from HTTP POST then we have the size of the packet $filesize = $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}; binmode(STDIN); if ($filesize) { # HTTP POST sysread(STDIN, $binstr, $filesize); } else { # CLI pipe my $tmp; while (sysread STDIN, $tmp, 200) { $binstr .= $tmp; } } if ($save_pkt) { save_pkt(); } print 'Content-Type: text/html' . "\n\n"; } if (!$binstr) { say 'FAILED: no data'; die; } # microcontroller expects this string once the data is received by server print 'RCVD OK' . "\r\n"; my $ret = 'OK'; while (($ret eq 'OK') || ($ret eq 'ZERO_IMEI' )) { $ret = unpack_pkt(); if ($ret eq 'ZERO_IMEI') { $missing_imei = 1; } elsif ($ret eq 'FOUND_IMEI') { $found_imei = 1; } } if (($missing_imei == 1) && ($found_imei = 0)) { $ret = 'ERR_IMEI'; } elsif (($missing_imei == 1) && ($found_imei = 1)) { # found the IMEI in a later subpacket. use that value for earlier subpackets seek($io, 0, SEEK_SET); $missing_imei = 0; $ret = 'OK'; while ($ret eq 'OK') { $ret = unpack_pkt(); } } if ($ret eq 'EOF') { if ($verbose) { print "SAVED\r\n"; } } elsif ($ret eq 'ERR_SUFFIX') { $template = "err_suffix_XXXXXXXXX"; save_pkt(); if ($verbose) { say 'FAILED: wrong suffix'; } die; } elsif ($ret eq 'ERR_IMEI') { $template = 'err_imei_XXXXXXXXX'; save_pkt(); if ($verbose) { say 'FAILED: malformed imei'; } die; }