
Last update 5 years 4 months by Petre Rodan
#!/usr/bin/perl # perl script that calculates the geometric center of the polygon # defined by GSM cell tower coordinates # # Author: Petre Rodan <> # Available from: # License: GNU GPLv3 # use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Math::Trig; use DBI; #use diagnostics; use feature ':5.10'; $ENV{PATH}=''; my $database = undef; my $database_cell = "/var/lib/tracking/cell_cache.db"; my $verbose = 0; my $dryrun = 0; GetOptions( "db=s" => \$database, "verbose" => \$verbose, "dryrun" => \$dryrun, ); if (!$database) { die 'ERROR: no such db file'; } my $tr; my @cell; my $row; my $sth; my $sth_update; my $dsn = "DBI:SQLite:database=$database"; my $username = undef; my $password = undef; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr; my $dsn_cell = "DBI:SQLite:database=$database_cell"; my $dbh_cell = DBI->connect($dsn_cell, $username, $password, { RaiseError => 1 }) or die $DBI::errstr; my $valid_elem; sub cell_tower_pos { my ($cell_id, $lac, $mcc, $mnc) = @_; # try to get the values from local cache db my $sth = $dbh_cell->prepare('SELECT lat, long FROM live where cell_id = "' . $cell_id . '" and lac = "' . $lac . '" and mnc = "' . $mnc . '" and mcc = "' . $mcc . '";'); $sth->execute(); my $row_cell = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref(); if (!$row_cell) { my $coord_cell = `/usr/bin/python ./ $cell_id $lac $mcc $mnc`; $coord_cell =~ s/[()]//g; (@$row_cell[0], @$row_cell[1]) = split(', ', $coord_cell, 2); if (( defined @$row_cell[0] ) && ( defined @$row_cell[1] )) { if (( @$row_cell[0] ne "" ) && ( @$row_cell[1] ne "" )) { # insert into local cache my $u = time; my $sth = $dbh_cell->prepare('INSERT INTO live (date, cell_id, lac, mnc, mcc, lat, long) VALUES ("' . $u . '", "' . $cell_id . '", "' . $lac . '", "' . $mnc . '", "' . $mcc .'", "' . @$row_cell[0] . '", "' . @$row_cell[1] . '")'); $sth->execute(); } } } return (@$row_cell[0], @$row_cell[1]); } sub avg_coord { if ($valid_elem == 0) { return (undef, undef); } my $X = 0; my $Y = 0; my $Z = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $valid_elem; $i++) { my $lat = deg2rad($cell[$i]->{'latitude'}); my $lon = deg2rad($cell[$i]->{'longitude'}); my $x = cos($lat) * cos($lon); my $y = cos($lat) * sin($lon); my $z = sin($lat); $X += $x; $Y += $y; $Z += $z; } $X /= $valid_elem; $Y /= $valid_elem; $Z /= $valid_elem; my $Lon = atan2($Y, $X); my $Hyp = sqrt($X * $X + $Y * $Y); my $Lat = atan2($Z, $Hyp); return (rad2deg($Lat), rad2deg($Lon)); } if ( -z "$database_cell" ) { $dbh_cell->do('CREATE TABLE live (row_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, date DATE NOT NULL, hits INTEGER, cell_id INTEGER NOT NULL, lac INTEGER NOT NULL, mnc INTEGER NOT NULL, mcc INTEGER NOT NULL, lat FLOAT NOT NULL, long FLOAT NOT NULL )'); } $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT row_id, payload, calc_status, c0_rxl, c0_mcc, c0_mnc, c0_cellid, c0_lac, c1_rxl, c1_mcc, c1_mnc, c1_cellid, c1_lac, c2_rxl, c2_mcc, c2_mnc, c2_cellid, c2_lac, c3_rxl, c3_mcc, c3_mnc, c3_cellid, c3_lac FROM live WHERE calc_status is NULL'); $sth->execute(); my @list = (); while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { ($tr->{'row_id'}, $tr->{'payload'}, $tr->{'calc_status'}, $cell[0]->{'rxl'}, $cell[0]->{'mcc'}, $cell[0]->{'mnc'}, $cell[0]->{'id'}, $cell[0]->{'lac'}, $cell[1]->{'rxl'}, $cell[1]->{'mcc'}, $cell[1]->{'mnc'}, $cell[1]->{'id'}, $cell[1]->{'lac'}, $cell[2]->{'rxl'}, $cell[2]->{'mcc'}, $cell[2]->{'mnc'}, $cell[2]->{'id'}, $cell[2]->{'lac'}, $cell[3]->{'rxl'}, $cell[3]->{'mcc'}, $cell[3]->{'mnc'}, $cell[3]->{'id'}, $cell[3]->{'lac'}) = @$row; if ($verbose) { print $tr->{'row_id'} . ' {'; } for (my $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { ($cell[$i]->{'latitude'}, $cell[$i]->{'longitude'}) = ("", ""); } ($tr->{'avg_latitude'}, $tr->{'avg_longitude'}) = ("", ""); $valid_elem = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < ($tr->{'payload'} & 0x7); $i++) { my $temp_lat; my $temp_lon; if (($cell[$i]->{'rxl'} > 0) && ($cell[$i]->{'mcc'} > 0) && ($cell[$i]->{'mnc'} > 0) && ($cell[$i]->{'id'} > 0) && ($cell[$i]->{'lac'} > 0)) { #print "cell_tower_pos($cell[$i]->{'id'}, $cell[$i]->{'lac'}, $cell[$i]->{'mcc'}, $cell[$i]->{'mnc'})\n"; ($temp_lat, $temp_lon) = cell_tower_pos($cell[$i]->{'id'}, $cell[$i]->{'lac'}, $cell[$i]->{'mcc'}, $cell[$i]->{'mnc'}); if (( defined $temp_lat ) && ( defined $temp_lon )) { if (( $temp_lat ne "" ) && ( $temp_lon ne "" )) { $cell[$valid_elem]->{'latitude'} = $temp_lat; $cell[$valid_elem]->{'longitude'} = $temp_lon; $valid_elem++; } } if ($verbose) { print '+'; } } } if ( $valid_elem > 0 ) { ($tr->{'avg_latitude'}, $tr->{'avg_longitude'}) = avg_coord(); } #if ((!defined $tr->{'avg_latitude'} ) || ( !defined $tr->{'avg_longitude'} )) { # ($tr->{'avg_latitude'}, $tr->{'avg_longitude'}) = ("", ""); #} if ($verbose) { print '}, '; } $sth_update = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE live SET c0_latitude = "' . $cell[0]->{'latitude'} . '", c0_longitude = "' . $cell[0]->{'longitude'} . '", c1_latitude = "' . $cell[1]->{'latitude'} . '", c1_longitude = "' . $cell[1]->{'longitude'} . '", c2_latitude = "' . $cell[2]->{'latitude'} . '", c2_longitude = "' . $cell[2]->{'longitude'} . '", c3_latitude = "' . $cell[3]->{'latitude'} . '", c3_longitude = "' . $cell[3]->{'longitude'} . '", avg_latitude = "' . $tr->{'avg_latitude'} . '", avg_longitude = "' . $tr->{'avg_longitude'} . '", calc_status = "' . 0x1 . '" WHERE row_id = ' . $tr->{'row_id'}); $sth_update->execute(); } $sth->finish(); if ($sth_update) { $sth_update->finish(); } $dbh->disconnect(); $dbh_cell->disconnect();
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