
Last update 6 years 8 months by Mengjiao Hong
// functions to operate the ILI9163C on the PIC32 // adapted from // pin connections: // VCC - 3.3V // GND - GND // CS - B7 // RESET - 3.3V // A0 - B15 // SDA - A1 // SCK - B14 // LED - 3.3V // B8 is turned into SDI1 but is not used or connected to anything #include <xc.h> #include "ILI9163C.h" void SPI1_init() { SDI1Rbits.SDI1R = 0b0100; // B8 is SDI1 RPA1Rbits.RPA1R = 0b0011; // A1 is SDO1 TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 0; // SS is B7 LATBbits.LATB7 = 1; // SS starts high // A0 / DAT pin ANSELBbits.ANSB15 = 0; TRISBbits.TRISB15 = 0; LATBbits.LATB15 = 0; SPI1CON = 0; // turn off the spi module and reset it SPI1BUF; // clear the rx buffer by reading from it SPI1BRG = 1; // baud rate to 12 MHz [SPI1BRG = (48000000/(2*desired))-1] SPI1STATbits.SPIROV = 0; // clear the overflow bit SPI1CONbits.CKE = 1; // data changes when clock goes from hi to lo (since CKP is 0) SPI1CONbits.MSTEN = 1; // master operation SPI1CONbits.ON = 1; // turn on spi1 } unsigned char spi_io(unsigned char o) { SPI1BUF = o; while(!SPI1STATbits.SPIRBF) { // wait to receive the byte ; } return SPI1BUF; } void LCD_command(unsigned char com) { LATBbits.LATB15 = 0; // DAT LATBbits.LATB7 = 0; // CS spi_io(com); LATBbits.LATB7 = 1; // CS } void LCD_data(unsigned char dat) { LATBbits.LATB15 = 1; // DAT LATBbits.LATB7 = 0; // CS spi_io(dat); LATBbits.LATB7 = 1; // CS } void LCD_data16(unsigned short dat) { LATBbits.LATB15 = 1; // DAT LATBbits.LATB7 = 0; // CS spi_io(dat>>8); spi_io(dat); LATBbits.LATB7 = 1; // CS } void LCD_init() { int time = 0; LCD_command(CMD_SWRESET);//software reset time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/2) {} //delay(500); LCD_command(CMD_SLPOUT);//exit sleep time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/200) {} //delay(5); LCD_command(CMD_PIXFMT);//Set Color Format 16bit LCD_data(0x05); time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/200) {} //delay(5); LCD_command(CMD_GAMMASET);//default gamma curve 3 LCD_data(0x04);//0x04 time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_GAMRSEL);//Enable Gamma adj LCD_data(0x01); time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_NORML); LCD_command(CMD_DFUNCTR); LCD_data(0b11111111); LCD_data(0b00000110); int i = 0; LCD_command(CMD_PGAMMAC);//Positive Gamma Correction Setting for (i=0;i<15;i++){ LCD_data(pGammaSet[i]); } LCD_command(CMD_NGAMMAC);//Negative Gamma Correction Setting for (i=0;i<15;i++){ LCD_data(nGammaSet[i]); } LCD_command(CMD_FRMCTR1);//Frame Rate Control (In normal mode/Full colors) LCD_data(0x08);//0x0C//0x08 LCD_data(0x02);//0x14//0x08 time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_DINVCTR);//display inversion LCD_data(0x07); time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_PWCTR1);//Set VRH1[4:0] & VC[2:0] for VCI1 & GVDD LCD_data(0x0A);//4.30 - 0x0A LCD_data(0x02);//0x05 time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_PWCTR2);//Set BT[2:0] for AVDD & VCL & VGH & VGL LCD_data(0x02); time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_VCOMCTR1);//Set VMH[6:0] & VML[6:0] for VOMH & VCOML LCD_data(0x50);//0x50 LCD_data(99);//0x5b time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_VCOMOFFS); LCD_data(0);//0x40 time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_CLMADRS);//Set Column Address LCD_data16(0x00); LCD_data16(_GRAMWIDTH); LCD_command(CMD_PGEADRS);//Set Page Address LCD_data16(0x00); LCD_data16(_GRAMHEIGH); LCD_command(CMD_VSCLLDEF); LCD_data16(0); // __OFFSET LCD_data16(_GRAMHEIGH); // _GRAMHEIGH - __OFFSET LCD_data16(0); LCD_command(CMD_MADCTL); // rotation LCD_data(0b00001000); // bit 3 0 for RGB, 1 for GBR, rotation: 0b00001000, 0b01101000, 0b11001000, 0b10101000 LCD_command(CMD_DISPON);//display ON time = _CP0_GET_COUNT(); while (_CP0_GET_COUNT() < time + 48000000/2/1000) {} //delay(1); LCD_command(CMD_RAMWR);//Memory Write } void LCD_drawPixel(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short color) { // check boundary LCD_setAddr(x,y,x+1,y+1); LCD_data16(color); } void LCD_setAddr(unsigned short x0, unsigned short y0, unsigned short x1, unsigned short y1) { LCD_command(CMD_CLMADRS); // Column LCD_data16(x0); LCD_data16(x1); LCD_command(CMD_PGEADRS); // Page LCD_data16(y0); LCD_data16(y1); LCD_command(CMD_RAMWR); //Into RAM } void LCD_clearScreen(unsigned short color) { int i; LCD_setAddr(0,0,_GRAMWIDTH,_GRAMHEIGH); for (i = 0;i < _GRAMSIZE; i++){ LCD_data16(color); } } void LCD_drawCharacter(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, char ch, unsigned short color){ int i,j; if ((x<_GRAMWIDTH-5)&&(y<_GRAMHEIGH-8)){ for (i=0;i<5;i++){ for(j=0;j<8;j++){ if(((ASCII[ch-0x20][i])>>j)&(0x01)) LCD_drawPixel(x+i,y+j,color); else LCD_drawPixel(x+i,y+j,BACKGROUND); } } } } void LCD_drawString(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, char ch[], unsigned short color){ int i=0,k=0; while(1){ if (ch[i] == '\0') break; LCD_drawCharacter(x+k,y,ch[i],color); i++; k+=6; } } void LCD_drawBar(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, char length, unsigned short color){ int i,j; for (i=0;i<length;i++){ for(j=0;j<2;j++){ LCD_drawPixel(x+i,y+j,color); } } if (length < BARLENGTH){ for (i=length;i<BARLENGTH;i++){ for(j=0;j<2;j++){ LCD_drawPixel(x+i,y+j,BACKGROUND); } } } }
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