
Last update 6 years 8 months by Mengjiao Hong
#include <xc.h> #include <sys/attribs.h> // __ISR macro #include "i2c_master_noint.h" // DEVCFG0 #pragma config DEBUG = 0b10 // no debugging #pragma config JTAGEN = 0 // no jtag #pragma config ICESEL = 0b11 // use PGED1 and PGEC1 #pragma config PWP = OFF // no write protect #pragma config BWP = 1 // no boot write protect #pragma config CP = 1 // no code protect // DEVCFG1 #pragma config FNOSC = 0b011 // use primary oscillator with pll #pragma config FSOSCEN = 0 // turn off secondary oscillator #pragma config IESO = 0 // no switching clocks #pragma config POSCMOD = 0b10 // high speed crystal mode #pragma config OSCIOFNC = 1 // disable secondary osc #pragma config FPBDIV = 0b00 // divide sysclk freq by 1 for peripheral bus clock #pragma config FCKSM = 0b11 // do not enable clock switch #pragma config WDTPS = 0b10100 // use slowest wdt #pragma config WINDIS = 1 // wdt no window mode #pragma config FWDTEN = 0 // wdt disabled #pragma config FWDTWINSZ = 0b11 // wdt window at 25% // DEVCFG2 - get the sysclk clock to 48MHz from the 8MHz crystal #pragma config FPLLIDIV = 1 // divide input clock to be in range 4-5MHz #pragma config FPLLMUL = 0b111 // multiply clock after FPLLIDIV #pragma config FPLLODIV = 1 // divide clock after FPLLMUL to get 48MHz #pragma config UPLLIDIV = 1 // divider for the 8MHz input clock, then multiplied by 12 to get 48MHz for USB #pragma config UPLLEN = 0 // USB clock on // DEVCFG3 #pragma config USERID = 0 // some 16bit userid, doesn't matter what #pragma config PMDL1WAY = 0 // allow multiple reconfigurations #pragma config IOL1WAY = 0 // allow multiple reconfigurations #pragma config FUSBIDIO = 1 // USB pins controlled by USB module #pragma config FVBUSONIO = 1 // USB BUSON controlled by USB module #define SLAVE_ADDR 0x20 //initialize I/O expander void initExpander(){ ANSELBbits.ANSB2 = 0; ANSELBbits.ANSB3 = 0; i2c_master_setup(); i2c_master_start(); i2c_master_send(SLAVE_ADDR<<1); // R/W = 0 = write i2c_master_send(0x00); // 0x00 = IODIR i2c_master_send(0xF0); // Initialize GP0-3 outputs(off), GP4-7 inputs i2c_master_stop(); } void setExpander(char pin, char level){ i2c_master_start(); i2c_master_send(SLAVE_ADDR<<1); // R/W = 0 = write i2c_master_send(0x0A); // 0x0A = OLAT i2c_master_send(level<<pin); // set pin high/low i2c_master_stop(); } char getExpander(){ char level; i2c_master_start(); i2c_master_send(SLAVE_ADDR<<1); // R/W = 0 = write i2c_master_send(0x09); // 0x09 = GPIO i2c_master_restart(); i2c_master_send((SLAVE_ADDR<<1)|1); // R/W = 1 = read level = i2c_master_recv(); // receive a byte from GP7 i2c_master_ack(1); // send NACK to slave i2c_master_stop(); return level; } int main() { // some initialization function to set the right speed setting __builtin_disable_interrupts(); TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 0; // set LED an output pin TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 1; // set push button an input pin LATAbits.LATA4 = 0; // turn LED off initExpander(); setExpander(0,1); __builtin_enable_interrupts(); while(1) { char level = (getExpander()>>7); setExpander(0,level); } return 0; }
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