Microchip Technology Inc, v1.25 (A) Tool Name: c:\program files (x86)\microchip\xc16\v1.25\bin\bin\..\bin/elf-ld.exe Command: -p33FJ256GP710A \ -o \ dist/default/debug/SD.X.debug.elf \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/.. \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../support/PIC24E/gld \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../support/PIC24F/gld \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../support/PIC24H/gld \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC30F/gld \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC33E/gld \ -Lc:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../support/dsPIC33F/gld \ build/default/debug/SDmain.o \ build/default/debug/FSIO.o \ build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o \ build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o \ -TC:\\tmp00000c7c.00 \ -TC:\\tmp00000c7c.01 \ -TC:\\tmp00000c7c.02 \ -TC:\\tmp00000c7c.03 \ -TC:\\tmp00000c7c.04 \ --defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1 \ --defsym=__MPLAB_DEBUG=1 \ --defsym=__DEBUG=1 \ --defsym=__MPLAB_DEBUGGER_ICD3=1 \ -Tp33FJ256GP710A.gld.05 \ --stack=16 \ --check-sections \ --data-init \ --pack-data \ --handles \ --isr \ --no-gc-sections \ --fill-upper=0 \ --stackguard=16 \ --no-force-link \ --smart-io \ -Map=dist/default/debug/ \ --report-mem \ --memorysummary \ dist/default/debug/memoryfile.xml \ -start-group \ --library=lega-pic30-elf \ --library=m-elf \ --library=lega-c-elf \ -end-group \ Optional library libp33FJ256GP710A.a not found Archive member included because of file (symbol) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) (__resetPRI) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(data_init_standard.o) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) (__data_init_standard) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\libm-elf.a(udivsi3.eo) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (___udivsi3) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(tolower.XXeso) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_tolower) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(toupper.XXeso) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_toupper) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(memset.XXeo) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_memset) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strchr.XXeo) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_strchr) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strcpy.XXeo) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_strcpy) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strlen.XXeo) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_strlen) c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strncpy.XXeo) build/default/debug/FSIO.o (_strncpy) xc16-ld 1.25 (A) Program Memory [Origin = 0x200, Length = 0x2aa00] section address length (PC units) length (bytes) (dec) ------- ------- ----------------- -------------------- .text 0x200 0x136 0x1d1 (465) .const 0x336 0x72 0xab (171) .text 0x3a8 0x5794 0x835e (33630) .dinit 0x5b3c 0x34 0x4e (78) Total program memory used (bytes): 0x8628 (34344) 13% Data Memory [Origin = 0x800, Length = 0x7800] section address alignment gaps total length (dec) ------- ------- -------------- ------------------- reserve_data_0x800 0x800 0x20 0x20 (32) reserve_data_0x820 0x820 0x2 0x2 (2) reserve_data_0x822 0x822 0x2 0x2 (2) reserve_data_0x824 0x824 0x2 0x2 (2) reserve_data_0x826 0x826 0x2a 0x2a (42) .nbss 0x850 0 0x14 (20) .ndata 0x864 0 0xa (10) .nbss 0x86e 0 0x8 (8) _043F1960563bb76a 0x878 0 0x200 (512) _043F1A80563bb76a 0xa78 0 0x200 (512) .bss 0xc78 0 0x18a (394) Total data memory used (bytes): 0x600 (1536) 5% Dynamic Memory Usage region address maximum length (dec) ------ ------- --------------------- heap 0 0 (0) stack 0xe02 0x71fe (29182) Maximum dynamic memory (bytes): 0x71fe (29182) External Symbols in Data Memory (by address): 0x0850 _gNeedFATWrite 0x0852 _gBufferOwner 0x0854 _gNeedDataWrite 0x0855 _nextClusterIsLast 0x0856 _gBufferZeroed 0x0858 _FatRootDirClusterValue 0x085c _FSerrno 0x085e _TempClusterCalc 0x0862 _dirCleared 0x0863 _recache 0x0864 _gLastFATSectorRead 0x0868 _gLastDataSectorRead 0x086c _cwdptr 0x086e _MDD_SDSPI_finalLBA 0x0872 _gMediaSectorSize 0x0874 _gSDMode 0x0878 _gDataBuffer 0x0a78 _gFATBuffer 0x0c78 _gFileArray 0x0d1a _gFileSlotOpen 0x0d1e _tempCWDobj 0x0d54 _gFileTemp 0x0d8a _cwd 0x0dc0 _gDiskData 0x0de4 _defaultString 0x0df1 _defaultArray External Symbols in Data Memory (by name): 0x085c _FSerrno 0x0858 _FatRootDirClusterValue 0x086e _MDD_SDSPI_finalLBA 0x085e _TempClusterCalc 0x0d8a _cwd 0x086c _cwdptr 0x0df1 _defaultArray 0x0de4 _defaultString 0x0862 _dirCleared 0x0852 _gBufferOwner 0x0856 _gBufferZeroed 0x0878 _gDataBuffer 0x0dc0 _gDiskData 0x0a78 _gFATBuffer 0x0c78 _gFileArray 0x0d1a _gFileSlotOpen 0x0d54 _gFileTemp 0x0868 _gLastDataSectorRead 0x0864 _gLastFATSectorRead 0x0872 _gMediaSectorSize 0x0854 _gNeedDataWrite 0x0850 _gNeedFATWrite 0x0874 _gSDMode 0x0855 _nextClusterIsLast 0x0863 _recache 0x0d1e _tempCWDobj External Symbols in Program Memory (by address): 0x000200 __resetPRI 0x00022c __psv_init 0x00023c __data_init_standard 0x00023c __data_init 0x00029a __DefaultInterrupt 0x00029e ___udivsi3 0x0002be _tolower 0x0002cc _toupper 0x0002da _memset 0x0002e8 _strchr 0x000300 _strcpy 0x00030c _strlen 0x000318 _strncpy 0x000336 _sdmmc_cmdtable 0x0003a8 _FSInit 0x00044a _FILEfind 0x00063c _FILEopen 0x000774 _FILEget_next_cluster 0x000854 _DISKmount 0x00090c _LoadMBR 0x000b40 _LoadBootSector 0x001176 _GetFullClusterNumber 0x00119e _Write_File_Entry 0x001278 _FAT_erase_cluster_chain 0x001370 _Cache_File_Entry 0x0015a8 _CreateFileEntry 0x001610 _CreateFirstCluster 0x00168c _FindEmptyEntries 0x0017a6 _PopulateEntries 0x001870 _FILEallocate_new_cluster 0x001910 _FATfindEmptyCluster 0x001a1c _FSfclose 0x001b08 _IncrementTimeStamp 0x001bf6 _Fill_File_Object 0x001d52 _LoadDirAttrib 0x001dd2 _FILEerase 0x001e96 _FSrename 0x002016 _FSfopen 0x00238e _FSftell 0x00239e _FSremove 0x00245c _FSrewind 0x00248e _FSerror 0x002498 _FileObjectCopy 0x0024ce _FILECreateHeadCluster 0x00257e _EraseCluster 0x00260c _ReadByte 0x00261c _ReadWord 0x002650 _ReadDWord 0x002696 _Cluster2Sector 0x002776 _FSattrib 0x002808 _FSfwrite 0x002ac0 _flushData 0x002b14 _FSfeof 0x002b38 _FSfread 0x002d50 _FormatFileName 0x002e50 _FormatDirName 0x002f32 _ValidateChars 0x0030aa _FSfseek 0x00331e _ReadFAT 0x00372c _WriteFAT 0x003b7c _FSchdir 0x003b8c _chdirhelper 0x003f1e _FSgetcwd 0x0042cc _GetPreviousEntry 0x004448 _FSmkdir 0x004458 _mkdirhelper 0x004750 _CreateDIR 0x00487e _writeDotEntries 0x0049cc _FSrmdir 0x0049e0 _rmdirhelper 0x004e9e _eraseDir 0x004f1e _FindFirst 0x005136 _FindNext 0x0052ec _MDD_SDSPI_MediaDetect 0x005300 _MDD_SDSPI_ReadSectorSize 0x005308 _MDD_SDSPI_ReadCapacity 0x005312 _MDD_SDSPI_InitIO 0x005320 _MDD_SDSPI_ShutdownMedia 0x00532c _SendMMCCmd 0x0054d0 _MDD_SDSPI_SectorRead 0x0055be _MDD_SDSPI_SectorWrite 0x0056ba _MDD_SDSPI_WriteProtectState 0x0056c6 _Delayms 0x00570e _CloseSPIM 0x00571c _WriteSPIM 0x00573a _MDD_SDSPI_ReadMedia 0x005752 _OpenSPIM 0x005770 _MDD_SDSPI_MediaInitialize 0x005af2 _main External Symbols in Program Memory (by name): 0x001370 _Cache_File_Entry 0x00570e _CloseSPIM 0x002696 _Cluster2Sector 0x004750 _CreateDIR 0x0015a8 _CreateFileEntry 0x001610 _CreateFirstCluster 0x000854 _DISKmount 0x0056c6 _Delayms 0x00257e _EraseCluster 0x001278 _FAT_erase_cluster_chain 0x001910 _FATfindEmptyCluster 0x0024ce _FILECreateHeadCluster 0x001870 _FILEallocate_new_cluster 0x001dd2 _FILEerase 0x00044a _FILEfind 0x000774 _FILEget_next_cluster 0x00063c _FILEopen 0x0003a8 _FSInit 0x002776 _FSattrib 0x003b7c _FSchdir 0x00248e _FSerror 0x001a1c _FSfclose 0x002b14 _FSfeof 0x002016 _FSfopen 0x002b38 _FSfread 0x0030aa _FSfseek 0x00238e _FSftell 0x002808 _FSfwrite 0x003f1e _FSgetcwd 0x004448 _FSmkdir 0x00239e _FSremove 0x001e96 _FSrename 0x00245c _FSrewind 0x0049cc _FSrmdir 0x002498 _FileObjectCopy 0x001bf6 _Fill_File_Object 0x00168c _FindEmptyEntries 0x004f1e _FindFirst 0x005136 _FindNext 0x002e50 _FormatDirName 0x002d50 _FormatFileName 0x001176 _GetFullClusterNumber 0x0042cc _GetPreviousEntry 0x001b08 _IncrementTimeStamp 0x000b40 _LoadBootSector 0x001d52 _LoadDirAttrib 0x00090c _LoadMBR 0x005312 _MDD_SDSPI_InitIO 0x0052ec _MDD_SDSPI_MediaDetect 0x005770 _MDD_SDSPI_MediaInitialize 0x005308 _MDD_SDSPI_ReadCapacity 0x00573a _MDD_SDSPI_ReadMedia 0x005300 _MDD_SDSPI_ReadSectorSize 0x0054d0 _MDD_SDSPI_SectorRead 0x0055be _MDD_SDSPI_SectorWrite 0x005320 _MDD_SDSPI_ShutdownMedia 0x0056ba _MDD_SDSPI_WriteProtectState 0x005752 _OpenSPIM 0x0017a6 _PopulateEntries 0x00260c _ReadByte 0x002650 _ReadDWord 0x00331e _ReadFAT 0x00261c _ReadWord 0x00532c _SendMMCCmd 0x002f32 _ValidateChars 0x00372c _WriteFAT 0x00571c _WriteSPIM 0x00119e _Write_File_Entry 0x00029a __DefaultInterrupt 0x00029e ___udivsi3 0x00023c __data_init 0x00023c __data_init_standard 0x00022c __psv_init 0x000200 __resetPRI 0x003b8c _chdirhelper 0x004e9e _eraseDir 0x002ac0 _flushData 0x005af2 _main 0x0002da _memset 0x004458 _mkdirhelper 0x0049e0 _rmdirhelper 0x000336 _sdmmc_cmdtable 0x0002e8 _strchr 0x000300 _strcpy 0x00030c _strlen 0x000318 _strncpy 0x0002be _tolower 0x0002cc _toupper 0x00487e _writeDotEntries Memory Configuration Name Origin Length Attributes data 0x000800 0x007800 a !xr reset 0x000000 0x000004 ivt 0x000004 0x0000fc _reserved 0x000100 0x000004 aivt 0x000104 0x0000fc program 0x000200 0x02aa00 xr FBS 0xf80000 0x000002 FSS 0xf80002 0x000002 FGS 0xf80004 0x000002 FOSCSEL 0xf80006 0x000002 FOSC 0xf80008 0x000002 FWDT 0xf8000a 0x000002 FPOR 0xf8000c 0x000002 FICD 0xf8000e 0x000002 FUID0 0xf80010 0x000002 FUID1 0xf80012 0x000002 FUID2 0xf80014 0x000002 FUID3 0xf80016 0x000002 *default* 0x000000 0xffffffff Linker script and memory map LOAD build/default/debug/SDmain.o LOAD build/default/debug/FSIO.o LOAD build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o LOAD build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o reserve_data_0x800 0x0800 0x20 0x0820 . = 0x20 *fill* 0x0800 0x2000 reserve_data_0x820 0x0820 0x2 0x0822 . = 0x2 *fill* 0x0820 0x200 reserve_data_0x822 0x0822 0x2 0x0824 . = 0x2 *fill* 0x0822 0x200 reserve_data_0x824 0x0824 0x2 0x0826 . = 0x2 *fill* 0x0824 0x200 reserve_data_0x826 0x0826 0x2a 0x0850 . = 0x2a *fill* 0x0826 0x2a00 0x0001 __MPLAB_BUILD = 0x1 0x0001 __MPLAB_DEBUG = 0x1 0x0001 __DEBUG = 0x1 0x0001 __MPLAB_DEBUGGER_ICD3 = 0x1 LOAD p33FJ256GP710A LOAD c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\libfx-elf.a 0xf80000 __FBS = 0xf80000 0xf80002 __FSS = 0xf80002 0xf80004 __FGS = 0xf80004 0xf80006 __FOSCSEL = 0xf80006 0xf80008 __FOSC = 0xf80008 0xf8000a __FWDT = 0xf8000a 0xf8000c __FPOR = 0xf8000c 0xf8000e __FICD = 0xf8000e 0xf80010 __FUID0 = 0xf80010 0xf80012 __FUID1 = 0xf80012 0xf80014 __FUID2 = 0xf80014 0xf80016 __FUID3 = 0xf80016 0x0200 __CODE_BASE = 0x200 0x2aa00 __CODE_LENGTH = 0x2aa00 0x0004 __IVT_BASE = 0x4 0x0104 __AIVT_BASE = 0x104 0x0800 __DATA_BASE = 0x800 0x7800 __DATA_LENGTH = 0x7800 0x4800 __YDATA_BASE = 0x4800 0x7800 __DMA_BASE = 0x7800 0x7fff __DMA_END = 0x7fff .reset 0x000000 0x4 0x000000 0x2 SHORT 0x200 ABSOLUTE (__reset) 0x000001 0x2 SHORT 0x4 0x000002 0x2 SHORT 0x0 ((ABSOLUTE (__reset) >> 0x10) & 0x7f) 0x000003 0x2 SHORT 0x0 .text 0x000200 0x136 *(.init) .init 0x000200 0x3c c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) 0x000200 __resetPRI 0x000200 __reset 0x00022c __psv_init .init 0x00023c 0x5e c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(data_init_standard.o) 0x00023c __data_init_standard 0x00023c __data_init *(.user_init) *(.handle) *(.isr*) .isr 0x00029a 0x4 default_isr 0x00029a __DefaultInterrupt *(.libc) *(.libm) *(.libdsp) *(.lib*) .libm.udivsi3 0x00029e 0x20 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\libm-elf.a(udivsi3.eo) 0x00029e ___udivsi3 .libc.tolower 0x0002be 0xe c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(tolower.XXeso) 0x0002be _tolower .libc.toupper 0x0002cc 0xe c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(toupper.XXeso) 0x0002cc _toupper .libc.memset 0x0002da 0xe c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(memset.XXeo) 0x0002da _memset .libc.strchr 0x0002e8 0x18 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strchr.XXeo) 0x0002e8 _strchr .libc.strcpy 0x000300 0xc c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strcpy.XXeo) 0x000300 _strcpy .libc.strlen 0x00030c 0xc c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strlen.XXeo) 0x00030c _strlen .libc.strncpy 0x000318 0x1e c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strncpy.XXeo) 0x000318 _strncpy usercode *(usercode) __FBS *(__FBS.sec*) __FSS *(__FSS.sec*) __FGS *(__FGS.sec*) __FOSCSEL 0xf80006 0x2 *(__FOSCSEL.sec*) __FOSCSEL.sec 0xf80006 0x2 build/default/debug/SDmain.o __FOSC 0xf80008 0x2 *(__FOSC.sec*) __FOSC.sec 0xf80008 0x2 build/default/debug/SDmain.o __FWDT 0xf8000a 0x2 *(__FWDT.sec*) __FWDT.sec 0xf8000a 0x2 build/default/debug/SDmain.o __FPOR *(__FPOR.sec*) __FICD *(__FICD.sec*) __FUID0 *(__FUID0.sec*) __FUID1 *(__FUID1.sec*) __FUID2 *(__FUID2.sec*) __FUID3 *(__FUID3.sec*) .comment *(.comment) .debug_info 0x000000 0x518f *(.debug_info) .debug_info 0x000000 0x5d0 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_info 0x0005d0 0x356f build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_info 0x003b3f 0x1532 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_info 0x005071 0x11e build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o *(.gnu.linkonce.wi.*) .debug_abbrev 0x000000 0x61c *(.debug_abbrev) .debug_abbrev 0x000000 0x107 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_abbrev 0x000107 0x25f build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_abbrev 0x000366 0x297 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_abbrev 0x0005fd 0x1f build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o .debug_line 0x000000 0x53d7 *(.debug_line) .debug_line 0x000000 0x126 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_line 0x000126 0x4971 build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_line 0x004a97 0x91c build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_line 0x0053b3 0x24 build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o .debug_frame 0x000000 0x4ec *(.debug_frame) .debug_frame 0x000000 0x24 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_frame 0x000024 0x3c4 build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_frame 0x0003e8 0x104 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_str 0x000000 0x47a *(.debug_str) .debug_str 0x000000 0x16 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_str 0x000016 0x364 build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_str 0x00037a 0x100 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_loc *(.debug_loc) .debug_macinfo *(.debug_macinfo) .debug_pubnames 0x000000 0x74a *(.debug_pubnames) .debug_pubnames 0x000000 0x3c build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_pubnames 0x00003c 0x561 build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_pubnames 0x00059d 0x1ad build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_ranges *(.debug_ranges) .debug_aranges 0x000000 0x48 *(.debug_aranges) .debug_aranges 0x000000 0x18 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_aranges 0x000018 0x18 build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_aranges 0x000030 0x18 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .ivt 0x000004 0xfc 0x000004 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__ReservedTrap0)?ABSOLUTE (__ReservedTrap0):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000006 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OscillatorFail)?ABSOLUTE (__OscillatorFail):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000008 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AddressError)?ABSOLUTE (__AddressError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00000a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__StackError)?ABSOLUTE (__StackError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00000c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__MathError)?ABSOLUTE (__MathError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00000e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMACError)?ABSOLUTE (__DMACError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000010 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__ReservedTrap6)?ABSOLUTE (__ReservedTrap6):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000012 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__ReservedTrap7)?ABSOLUTE (__ReservedTrap7):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000014 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__INT0Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT0Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000016 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000018 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00001a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00001c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA0Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA0Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00001e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000020 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000022 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000024 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000026 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__SPI1ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI1ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000028 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__SPI1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00002a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__U1RXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U1RXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00002c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__U1TXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U1TXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00002e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__ADC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__ADC1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000030 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000032 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt15)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt15):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000034 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__SI2C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SI2C1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000036 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__MI2C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__MI2C1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000038 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt18)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt18):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00003a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__CNInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__CNInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00003c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__INT1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00003e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__ADC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__ADC2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000040 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000042 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC8Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000044 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000046 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000048 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00004a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00004c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00004e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__INT2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000050 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__U2RXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U2RXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000052 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__U2TXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U2TXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000054 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__SPI2ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI2ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000056 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__SPI2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000058 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__C1RxRdyInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C1RxRdyInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00005a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00005c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00005e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000060 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000062 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000064 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__IC6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000066 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000068 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00006a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00006c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__OC8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC8Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00006e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt45)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt45):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000070 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000072 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000074 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000076 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__SI2C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SI2C2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000078 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__MI2C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__MI2C2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00007a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T8Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00007c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__T9Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T9Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00007e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__INT3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000080 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__INT4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000082 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__C2RxRdyInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C2RxRdyInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000084 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000086 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt57)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt57):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000088 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt58)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt58):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00008a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DCIErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DCIErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00008c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DCIInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DCIInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00008e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000090 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt62)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt62):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000092 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt63)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt63):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000094 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt64)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt64):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000096 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__U1ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U1ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000098 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__U2ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U2ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00009a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt67)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt67):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00009c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00009e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__DMA7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000a0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__C1TxReqInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C1TxReqInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000a2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__C2TxReqInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C2TxReqInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000a4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt72)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt72):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000a6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt73)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt73):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000a8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt74)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt74):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000aa 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt75)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt75):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ac 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt76)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt76):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ae 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt77)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt77):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000b0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt78)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt78):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000b2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt79)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt79):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000b4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt80)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt80):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000b6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt81)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt81):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000b8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt82)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt82):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ba 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt83)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt83):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000bc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt84)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt84):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000be 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt85)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt85):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000c0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt86)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt86):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000c2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt87)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt87):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000c4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt88)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt88):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000c6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt89)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt89):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000c8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt90)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt90):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ca 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt91)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt91):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000cc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt92)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt92):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ce 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt93)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt93):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000d0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt94)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt94):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000d2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt95)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt95):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000d4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt96)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt96):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000d6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt97)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt97):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000d8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt98)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt98):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000da 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt99)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt99):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000dc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt100)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt100):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000de 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt101)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt101):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000e0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt102)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt102):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000e2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt103)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt103):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000e4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt104)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt104):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000e6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt105)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt105):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000e8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt106)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt106):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ea 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt107)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt107):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ec 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt108)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt108):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000ee 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt109)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt109):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000f0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt110)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt110):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000f2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt111)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt111):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000f4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt112)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt112):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000f6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt113)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt113):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000f8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt114)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt114):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000fa 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt115)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt115):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000fc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt116)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt116):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000fe 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__Interrupt117)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt117):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) .aivt 0x000104 0xfc 0x000104 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltReservedTrap0)?ABSOLUTE (__AltReservedTrap0):DEFINED (__ReservedTrap0)?ABSOLUTE (__ReservedTrap0):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000106 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOscillatorFail)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOscillatorFail):DEFINED (__OscillatorFail)?ABSOLUTE (__OscillatorFail):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000108 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltAddressError)?ABSOLUTE (__AltAddressError):DEFINED (__AddressError)?ABSOLUTE (__AddressError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00010a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltStackError)?ABSOLUTE (__AltStackError):DEFINED (__StackError)?ABSOLUTE (__StackError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00010c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltMathError)?ABSOLUTE (__AltMathError):DEFINED (__MathError)?ABSOLUTE (__MathError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00010e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMACError)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMACError):DEFINED (__DMACError)?ABSOLUTE (__DMACError):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000110 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltReservedTrap6)?ABSOLUTE (__AltReservedTrap6):DEFINED (__ReservedTrap6)?ABSOLUTE (__ReservedTrap6):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000112 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltReservedTrap7)?ABSOLUTE (__AltReservedTrap7):DEFINED (__ReservedTrap7)?ABSOLUTE (__ReservedTrap7):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000114 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltINT0Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltINT0Interrupt):DEFINED (__INT0Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT0Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000116 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC1Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000118 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC1Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00011a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT1Interrupt):DEFINED (__T1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00011c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA0Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA0Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA0Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA0Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00011e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC2Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000120 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC2Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000122 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT2Interrupt):DEFINED (__T2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000124 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT3Interrupt):DEFINED (__T3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000126 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltSPI1ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltSPI1ErrInterrupt):DEFINED (__SPI1ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI1ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000128 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltSPI1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltSPI1Interrupt):DEFINED (__SPI1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00012a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltU1RXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltU1RXInterrupt):DEFINED (__U1RXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U1RXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00012c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltU1TXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltU1TXInterrupt):DEFINED (__U1TXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U1TXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00012e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltADC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltADC1Interrupt):DEFINED (__ADC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__ADC1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000130 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA1Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000132 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt15)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt15):DEFINED (__Interrupt15)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt15):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000134 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltSI2C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltSI2C1Interrupt):DEFINED (__SI2C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SI2C1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000136 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltMI2C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltMI2C1Interrupt):DEFINED (__MI2C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__MI2C1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000138 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt18)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt18):DEFINED (__Interrupt18)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt18):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00013a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltCNInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltCNInterrupt):DEFINED (__CNInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__CNInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00013c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltINT1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltINT1Interrupt):DEFINED (__INT1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00013e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltADC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltADC2Interrupt):DEFINED (__ADC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__ADC2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000140 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC7Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000142 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC8Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC8Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000144 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA2Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000146 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC3Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000148 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC4Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00014a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT4Interrupt):DEFINED (__T4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00014c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT5Interrupt):DEFINED (__T5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00014e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltINT2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltINT2Interrupt):DEFINED (__INT2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000150 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltU2RXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltU2RXInterrupt):DEFINED (__U2RXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U2RXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000152 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltU2TXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltU2TXInterrupt):DEFINED (__U2TXInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U2TXInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000154 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltSPI2ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltSPI2ErrInterrupt):DEFINED (__SPI2ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI2ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000156 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltSPI2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltSPI2Interrupt):DEFINED (__SPI2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SPI2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000158 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltC1RxRdyInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltC1RxRdyInterrupt):DEFINED (__C1RxRdyInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C1RxRdyInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00015a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltC1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltC1Interrupt):DEFINED (__C1Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C1Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00015c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA3Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00015e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC3Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000160 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC4Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000162 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC5Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000164 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltIC6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltIC6Interrupt):DEFINED (__IC6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__IC6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000166 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC5Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000168 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC6Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00016a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC7Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00016c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltOC8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltOC8Interrupt):DEFINED (__OC8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__OC8Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00016e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt45)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt45):DEFINED (__Interrupt45)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt45):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000170 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA4Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000172 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT6Interrupt):DEFINED (__T6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000174 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT7Interrupt):DEFINED (__T7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000176 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltSI2C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltSI2C2Interrupt):DEFINED (__SI2C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__SI2C2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000178 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltMI2C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltMI2C2Interrupt):DEFINED (__MI2C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__MI2C2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00017a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT8Interrupt):DEFINED (__T8Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T8Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00017c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltT9Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltT9Interrupt):DEFINED (__T9Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__T9Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00017e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltINT3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltINT3Interrupt):DEFINED (__INT3Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT3Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000180 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltINT4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltINT4Interrupt):DEFINED (__INT4Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__INT4Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000182 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltC2RxRdyInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltC2RxRdyInterrupt):DEFINED (__C2RxRdyInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C2RxRdyInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000184 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltC2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltC2Interrupt):DEFINED (__C2Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C2Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000186 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt57)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt57):DEFINED (__Interrupt57)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt57):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000188 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt58)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt58):DEFINED (__Interrupt58)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt58):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00018a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDCIErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDCIErrInterrupt):DEFINED (__DCIErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DCIErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00018c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDCIInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDCIInterrupt):DEFINED (__DCIInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DCIInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00018e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA5Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA5Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA5Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000190 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt62)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt62):DEFINED (__Interrupt62)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt62):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000192 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt63)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt63):DEFINED (__Interrupt63)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt63):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000194 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt64)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt64):DEFINED (__Interrupt64)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt64):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000196 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltU1ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltU1ErrInterrupt):DEFINED (__U1ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U1ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x000198 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltU2ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltU2ErrInterrupt):DEFINED (__U2ErrInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__U2ErrInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00019a 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt67)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt67):DEFINED (__Interrupt67)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt67):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00019c 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA6Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA6Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA6Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x00019e 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltDMA7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltDMA7Interrupt):DEFINED (__DMA7Interrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__DMA7Interrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001a0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltC1TxReqInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltC1TxReqInterrupt):DEFINED (__C1TxReqInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C1TxReqInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001a2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltC2TxReqInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__AltC2TxReqInterrupt):DEFINED (__C2TxReqInterrupt)?ABSOLUTE (__C2TxReqInterrupt):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001a4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt72)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt72):DEFINED (__Interrupt72)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt72):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001a6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt73)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt73):DEFINED (__Interrupt73)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt73):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001a8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt74)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt74):DEFINED (__Interrupt74)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt74):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001aa 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt75)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt75):DEFINED (__Interrupt75)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt75):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ac 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt76)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt76):DEFINED (__Interrupt76)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt76):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ae 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt77)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt77):DEFINED (__Interrupt77)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt77):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001b0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt78)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt78):DEFINED (__Interrupt78)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt78):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001b2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt79)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt79):DEFINED (__Interrupt79)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt79):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001b4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt80)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt80):DEFINED (__Interrupt80)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt80):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001b6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt81)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt81):DEFINED (__Interrupt81)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt81):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001b8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt82)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt82):DEFINED (__Interrupt82)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt82):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ba 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt83)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt83):DEFINED (__Interrupt83)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt83):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001bc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt84)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt84):DEFINED (__Interrupt84)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt84):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001be 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt85)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt85):DEFINED (__Interrupt85)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt85):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001c0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt86)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt86):DEFINED (__Interrupt86)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt86):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001c2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt87)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt87):DEFINED (__Interrupt87)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt87):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001c4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt88)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt88):DEFINED (__Interrupt88)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt88):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001c6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt89)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt89):DEFINED (__Interrupt89)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt89):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001c8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt90)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt90):DEFINED (__Interrupt90)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt90):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ca 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt91)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt91):DEFINED (__Interrupt91)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt91):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001cc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt92)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt92):DEFINED (__Interrupt92)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt92):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ce 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt93)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt93):DEFINED (__Interrupt93)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt93):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001d0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt94)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt94):DEFINED (__Interrupt94)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt94):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001d2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt95)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt95):DEFINED (__Interrupt95)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt95):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001d4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt96)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt96):DEFINED (__Interrupt96)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt96):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001d6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt97)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt97):DEFINED (__Interrupt97)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt97):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001d8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt98)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt98):DEFINED (__Interrupt98)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt98):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001da 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt99)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt99):DEFINED (__Interrupt99)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt99):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001dc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt100)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt100):DEFINED (__Interrupt100)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt100):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001de 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt101)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt101):DEFINED (__Interrupt101)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt101):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001e0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt102)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt102):DEFINED (__Interrupt102)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt102):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001e2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt103)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt103):DEFINED (__Interrupt103)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt103):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001e4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt104)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt104):DEFINED (__Interrupt104)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt104):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001e6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt105)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt105):DEFINED (__Interrupt105)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt105):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001e8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt106)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt106):DEFINED (__Interrupt106)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt106):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ea 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt107)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt107):DEFINED (__Interrupt107)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt107):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ec 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt108)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt108):DEFINED (__Interrupt108)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt108):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001ee 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt109)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt109):DEFINED (__Interrupt109)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt109):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001f0 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt110)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt110):DEFINED (__Interrupt110)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt110):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001f2 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt111)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt111):DEFINED (__Interrupt111)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt111):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001f4 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt112)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt112):DEFINED (__Interrupt112)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt112):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001f6 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt113)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt113):DEFINED (__Interrupt113)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt113):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001f8 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt114)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt114):DEFINED (__Interrupt114)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt114):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001fa 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt115)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt115):DEFINED (__Interrupt115)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt115):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001fc 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt116)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt116):DEFINED (__Interrupt116)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt116):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0001fe 0x4 LONG 0x29a DEFINED (__AltInterrupt117)?ABSOLUTE (__AltInterrupt117):DEFINED (__Interrupt117)?ABSOLUTE (__Interrupt117):ABSOLUTE (__DefaultInterrupt) 0x0000 WREG0 = 0x0 0x0000 _WREG0 = 0x0 0x0002 WREG1 = 0x2 0x0002 _WREG1 = 0x2 0x0004 WREG2 = 0x4 0x0004 _WREG2 = 0x4 0x0006 WREG3 = 0x6 0x0006 _WREG3 = 0x6 0x0008 WREG4 = 0x8 0x0008 _WREG4 = 0x8 0x000a WREG5 = 0xa 0x000a _WREG5 = 0xa 0x000c WREG6 = 0xc 0x000c _WREG6 = 0xc 0x000e WREG7 = 0xe 0x000e _WREG7 = 0xe 0x0010 WREG8 = 0x10 0x0010 _WREG8 = 0x10 0x0012 WREG9 = 0x12 0x0012 _WREG9 = 0x12 0x0014 WREG10 = 0x14 0x0014 _WREG10 = 0x14 0x0016 WREG11 = 0x16 0x0016 _WREG11 = 0x16 0x0018 WREG12 = 0x18 0x0018 _WREG12 = 0x18 0x001a WREG13 = 0x1a 0x001a _WREG13 = 0x1a 0x001c WREG14 = 0x1c 0x001c _WREG14 = 0x1c 0x001e WREG15 = 0x1e 0x001e _WREG15 = 0x1e 0x0020 SPLIM = 0x20 0x0020 _SPLIM = 0x20 0x0022 ACCAL = 0x22 0x0022 _ACCAL = 0x22 0x0024 ACCAH = 0x24 0x0024 _ACCAH = 0x24 0x0026 ACCAU = 0x26 0x0026 _ACCAU = 0x26 0x0028 ACCBL = 0x28 0x0028 _ACCBL = 0x28 0x002a ACCBH = 0x2a 0x002a _ACCBH = 0x2a 0x002c ACCBU = 0x2c 0x002c _ACCBU = 0x2c 0x002e PCL = 0x2e 0x002e _PCL = 0x2e 0x0030 PCH = 0x30 0x0030 _PCH = 0x30 0x0032 TBLPAG = 0x32 0x0032 _TBLPAG = 0x32 0x0034 PSVPAG = 0x34 0x0034 _PSVPAG = 0x34 0x0036 RCOUNT = 0x36 0x0036 _RCOUNT = 0x36 0x0038 DCOUNT = 0x38 0x0038 _DCOUNT = 0x38 0x003a DOSTARTL = 0x3a 0x003a _DOSTARTL = 0x3a 0x003c DOSTARTH = 0x3c 0x003c _DOSTARTH = 0x3c 0x003e DOENDL = 0x3e 0x003e _DOENDL = 0x3e 0x0040 DOENDH = 0x40 0x0040 _DOENDH = 0x40 0x0042 SR = 0x42 0x0042 _SR = 0x42 0x0042 _SRbits = 0x42 0x0044 CORCON = 0x44 0x0044 _CORCON = 0x44 0x0044 _CORCONbits = 0x44 0x0046 MODCON = 0x46 0x0046 _MODCON = 0x46 0x0046 _MODCONbits = 0x46 0x0048 XMODSRT = 0x48 0x0048 _XMODSRT = 0x48 0x004a XMODEND = 0x4a 0x004a _XMODEND = 0x4a 0x004c YMODSRT = 0x4c 0x004c _YMODSRT = 0x4c 0x004e YMODEND = 0x4e 0x004e _YMODEND = 0x4e 0x0050 XBREV = 0x50 0x0050 _XBREV = 0x50 0x0050 _XBREVbits = 0x50 0x0052 DISICNT = 0x52 0x0052 _DISICNT = 0x52 0x0060 CNEN1 = 0x60 0x0060 _CNEN1 = 0x60 0x0060 _CNEN1bits = 0x60 0x0062 CNEN2 = 0x62 0x0062 _CNEN2 = 0x62 0x0062 _CNEN2bits = 0x62 0x0068 CNPU1 = 0x68 0x0068 _CNPU1 = 0x68 0x0068 _CNPU1bits = 0x68 0x006a CNPU2 = 0x6a 0x006a _CNPU2 = 0x6a 0x006a _CNPU2bits = 0x6a 0x0080 INTCON1 = 0x80 0x0080 _INTCON1 = 0x80 0x0080 _INTCON1bits = 0x80 0x0082 INTCON2 = 0x82 0x0082 _INTCON2 = 0x82 0x0082 _INTCON2bits = 0x82 0x0084 IFS0 = 0x84 0x0084 _IFS0 = 0x84 0x0084 _IFS0bits = 0x84 0x0086 IFS1 = 0x86 0x0086 _IFS1 = 0x86 0x0086 _IFS1bits = 0x86 0x0088 IFS2 = 0x88 0x0088 _IFS2 = 0x88 0x0088 _IFS2bits = 0x88 0x008a IFS3 = 0x8a 0x008a _IFS3 = 0x8a 0x008a _IFS3bits = 0x8a 0x008c IFS4 = 0x8c 0x008c _IFS4 = 0x8c 0x008c _IFS4bits = 0x8c 0x0094 IEC0 = 0x94 0x0094 _IEC0 = 0x94 0x0094 _IEC0bits = 0x94 0x0096 IEC1 = 0x96 0x0096 _IEC1 = 0x96 0x0096 _IEC1bits = 0x96 0x0098 IEC2 = 0x98 0x0098 _IEC2 = 0x98 0x0098 _IEC2bits = 0x98 0x009a IEC3 = 0x9a 0x009a _IEC3 = 0x9a 0x009a _IEC3bits = 0x9a 0x009c IEC4 = 0x9c 0x009c _IEC4 = 0x9c 0x009c _IEC4bits = 0x9c 0x00a4 IPC0 = 0xa4 0x00a4 _IPC0 = 0xa4 0x00a4 _IPC0bits = 0xa4 0x00a6 IPC1 = 0xa6 0x00a6 _IPC1 = 0xa6 0x00a6 _IPC1bits = 0xa6 0x00a8 IPC2 = 0xa8 0x00a8 _IPC2 = 0xa8 0x00a8 _IPC2bits = 0xa8 0x00aa IPC3 = 0xaa 0x00aa _IPC3 = 0xaa 0x00aa _IPC3bits = 0xaa 0x00ac IPC4 = 0xac 0x00ac _IPC4 = 0xac 0x00ac _IPC4bits = 0xac 0x00ae IPC5 = 0xae 0x00ae _IPC5 = 0xae 0x00ae _IPC5bits = 0xae 0x00b0 IPC6 = 0xb0 0x00b0 _IPC6 = 0xb0 0x00b0 _IPC6bits = 0xb0 0x00b2 IPC7 = 0xb2 0x00b2 _IPC7 = 0xb2 0x00b2 _IPC7bits = 0xb2 0x00b4 IPC8 = 0xb4 0x00b4 _IPC8 = 0xb4 0x00b4 _IPC8bits = 0xb4 0x00b6 IPC9 = 0xb6 0x00b6 _IPC9 = 0xb6 0x00b6 _IPC9bits = 0xb6 0x00b8 IPC10 = 0xb8 0x00b8 _IPC10 = 0xb8 0x00b8 _IPC10bits = 0xb8 0x00ba IPC11 = 0xba 0x00ba _IPC11 = 0xba 0x00ba _IPC11bits = 0xba 0x00bc IPC12 = 0xbc 0x00bc _IPC12 = 0xbc 0x00bc _IPC12bits = 0xbc 0x00be IPC13 = 0xbe 0x00be _IPC13 = 0xbe 0x00be _IPC13bits = 0xbe 0x00c0 IPC14 = 0xc0 0x00c0 _IPC14 = 0xc0 0x00c0 _IPC14bits = 0xc0 0x00c2 IPC15 = 0xc2 0x00c2 _IPC15 = 0xc2 0x00c2 _IPC15bits = 0xc2 0x00c4 IPC16 = 0xc4 0x00c4 _IPC16 = 0xc4 0x00c4 _IPC16bits = 0xc4 0x00c6 IPC17 = 0xc6 0x00c6 _IPC17 = 0xc6 0x00c6 _IPC17bits = 0xc6 0x00e0 INTTREG = 0xe0 0x00e0 _INTTREG = 0xe0 0x00e0 _INTTREGbits = 0xe0 0x0100 TMR1 = 0x100 0x0100 _TMR1 = 0x100 0x0102 PR1 = 0x102 0x0102 _PR1 = 0x102 0x0104 T1CON = 0x104 0x0104 _T1CON = 0x104 0x0104 _T1CONbits = 0x104 0x0106 TMR2 = 0x106 0x0106 _TMR2 = 0x106 0x0108 TMR3HLD = 0x108 0x0108 _TMR3HLD = 0x108 0x010a TMR3 = 0x10a 0x010a _TMR3 = 0x10a 0x010c PR2 = 0x10c 0x010c _PR2 = 0x10c 0x010e PR3 = 0x10e 0x010e _PR3 = 0x10e 0x0110 T2CON = 0x110 0x0110 _T2CON = 0x110 0x0110 _T2CONbits = 0x110 0x0112 T3CON = 0x112 0x0112 _T3CON = 0x112 0x0112 _T3CONbits = 0x112 0x0114 TMR4 = 0x114 0x0114 _TMR4 = 0x114 0x0116 TMR5HLD = 0x116 0x0116 _TMR5HLD = 0x116 0x0118 TMR5 = 0x118 0x0118 _TMR5 = 0x118 0x011a PR4 = 0x11a 0x011a _PR4 = 0x11a 0x011c PR5 = 0x11c 0x011c _PR5 = 0x11c 0x011e T4CON = 0x11e 0x011e _T4CON = 0x11e 0x011e _T4CONbits = 0x11e 0x0120 T5CON = 0x120 0x0120 _T5CON = 0x120 0x0120 _T5CONbits = 0x120 0x0122 TMR6 = 0x122 0x0122 _TMR6 = 0x122 0x0124 TMR7HLD = 0x124 0x0124 _TMR7HLD = 0x124 0x0126 TMR7 = 0x126 0x0126 _TMR7 = 0x126 0x0128 PR6 = 0x128 0x0128 _PR6 = 0x128 0x012a PR7 = 0x12a 0x012a _PR7 = 0x12a 0x012c T6CON = 0x12c 0x012c _T6CON = 0x12c 0x012c _T6CONbits = 0x12c 0x012e T7CON = 0x12e 0x012e _T7CON = 0x12e 0x012e _T7CONbits = 0x12e 0x0130 TMR8 = 0x130 0x0130 _TMR8 = 0x130 0x0132 TMR9HLD = 0x132 0x0132 _TMR9HLD = 0x132 0x0134 TMR9 = 0x134 0x0134 _TMR9 = 0x134 0x0136 PR8 = 0x136 0x0136 _PR8 = 0x136 0x0138 PR9 = 0x138 0x0138 _PR9 = 0x138 0x013a T8CON = 0x13a 0x013a _T8CON = 0x13a 0x013a _T8CONbits = 0x13a 0x013c T9CON = 0x13c 0x013c _T9CON = 0x13c 0x013c _T9CONbits = 0x13c 0x0140 IC1BUF = 0x140 0x0140 _IC1BUF = 0x140 0x0142 IC1CON = 0x142 0x0142 _IC1CON = 0x142 0x0142 _IC1CONbits = 0x142 0x0144 IC2BUF = 0x144 0x0144 _IC2BUF = 0x144 0x0146 IC2CON = 0x146 0x0146 _IC2CON = 0x146 0x0146 _IC2CONbits = 0x146 0x0148 IC3BUF = 0x148 0x0148 _IC3BUF = 0x148 0x014a IC3CON = 0x14a 0x014a _IC3CON = 0x14a 0x014a _IC3CONbits = 0x14a 0x014c IC4BUF = 0x14c 0x014c _IC4BUF = 0x14c 0x014e IC4CON = 0x14e 0x014e _IC4CON = 0x14e 0x014e _IC4CONbits = 0x14e 0x0150 IC5BUF = 0x150 0x0150 _IC5BUF = 0x150 0x0152 IC5CON = 0x152 0x0152 _IC5CON = 0x152 0x0152 _IC5CONbits = 0x152 0x0154 IC6BUF = 0x154 0x0154 _IC6BUF = 0x154 0x0156 IC6CON = 0x156 0x0156 _IC6CON = 0x156 0x0156 _IC6CONbits = 0x156 0x0158 IC7BUF = 0x158 0x0158 _IC7BUF = 0x158 0x015a IC7CON = 0x15a 0x015a _IC7CON = 0x15a 0x015a _IC7CONbits = 0x15a 0x015c IC8BUF = 0x15c 0x015c _IC8BUF = 0x15c 0x015e IC8CON = 0x15e 0x015e _IC8CON = 0x15e 0x015e _IC8CONbits = 0x15e 0x0180 OC1RS = 0x180 0x0180 _OC1RS = 0x180 0x0182 OC1R = 0x182 0x0182 _OC1R = 0x182 0x0184 OC1CON = 0x184 0x0184 _OC1CON = 0x184 0x0184 _OC1CONbits = 0x184 0x0186 OC2RS = 0x186 0x0186 _OC2RS = 0x186 0x0188 OC2R = 0x188 0x0188 _OC2R = 0x188 0x018a OC2CON = 0x18a 0x018a _OC2CON = 0x18a 0x018a _OC2CONbits = 0x18a 0x018c OC3RS = 0x18c 0x018c _OC3RS = 0x18c 0x018e OC3R = 0x18e 0x018e _OC3R = 0x18e 0x0190 OC3CON = 0x190 0x0190 _OC3CON = 0x190 0x0190 _OC3CONbits = 0x190 0x0192 OC4RS = 0x192 0x0192 _OC4RS = 0x192 0x0194 OC4R = 0x194 0x0194 _OC4R = 0x194 0x0196 OC4CON = 0x196 0x0196 _OC4CON = 0x196 0x0196 _OC4CONbits = 0x196 0x0198 OC5RS = 0x198 0x0198 _OC5RS = 0x198 0x019a OC5R = 0x19a 0x019a _OC5R = 0x19a 0x019c OC5CON = 0x19c 0x019c _OC5CON = 0x19c 0x019c _OC5CONbits = 0x19c 0x019e OC6RS = 0x19e 0x019e _OC6RS = 0x19e 0x01a0 OC6R = 0x1a0 0x01a0 _OC6R = 0x1a0 0x01a2 OC6CON = 0x1a2 0x01a2 _OC6CON = 0x1a2 0x01a2 _OC6CONbits = 0x1a2 0x01a4 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0x0210 _I2C2RCV = 0x210 0x0212 I2C2TRN = 0x212 0x0212 _I2C2TRN = 0x212 0x0214 I2C2BRG = 0x214 0x0214 _I2C2BRG = 0x214 0x0216 I2C2CON = 0x216 0x0216 _I2C2CON = 0x216 0x0216 _I2C2CONbits = 0x216 0x0218 I2C2STAT = 0x218 0x0218 _I2C2STAT = 0x218 0x0218 _I2C2STATbits = 0x218 0x021a I2C2ADD = 0x21a 0x021a _I2C2ADD = 0x21a 0x021c I2C2MSK = 0x21c 0x021c _I2C2MSK = 0x21c 0x0220 U1MODE = 0x220 0x0220 _U1MODE = 0x220 0x0220 _U1MODEbits = 0x220 0x0222 U1STA = 0x222 0x0222 _U1STA = 0x222 0x0222 _U1STAbits = 0x222 0x0224 U1TXREG = 0x224 0x0224 _U1TXREG = 0x224 0x0224 _U1TXREGbits = 0x224 0x0226 U1RXREG = 0x226 0x0226 _U1RXREG = 0x226 0x0226 _U1RXREGbits = 0x226 0x0228 U1BRG = 0x228 0x0228 _U1BRG = 0x228 0x0230 U2MODE = 0x230 0x0230 _U2MODE = 0x230 0x0230 _U2MODEbits = 0x230 0x0232 U2STA = 0x232 0x0232 _U2STA = 0x232 0x0232 _U2STAbits = 0x232 0x0234 U2TXREG = 0x234 0x0234 _U2TXREG = 0x234 0x0234 _U2TXREGbits = 0x234 0x0236 U2RXREG = 0x236 0x0236 _U2RXREG = 0x236 0x0236 _U2RXREGbits = 0x236 0x0238 U2BRG = 0x238 0x0238 _U2BRG = 0x238 0x0240 SPI1STAT = 0x240 0x0240 _SPI1STAT = 0x240 0x0240 _SPI1STATbits = 0x240 0x0242 SPI1CON1 = 0x242 0x0242 _SPI1CON1 = 0x242 0x0242 _SPI1CON1bits = 0x242 0x0244 SPI1CON2 = 0x244 0x0244 _SPI1CON2 = 0x244 0x0244 _SPI1CON2bits = 0x244 0x0248 SPI1BUF = 0x248 0x0248 _SPI1BUF = 0x248 0x0260 SPI2STAT = 0x260 0x0260 _SPI2STAT = 0x260 0x0260 _SPI2STATbits = 0x260 0x0262 SPI2CON1 = 0x262 0x0262 _SPI2CON1 = 0x262 0x0262 _SPI2CON1bits = 0x262 0x0264 SPI2CON2 = 0x264 0x0264 _SPI2CON2 = 0x264 0x0264 _SPI2CON2bits = 0x264 0x0268 SPI2BUF = 0x268 0x0268 _SPI2BUF = 0x268 0x0280 DCICON1 = 0x280 0x0280 _DCICON1 = 0x280 0x0280 _DCICON1bits = 0x280 0x0282 DCICON2 = 0x282 0x0282 _DCICON2 = 0x282 0x0282 _DCICON2bits = 0x282 0x0284 DCICON3 = 0x284 0x0284 _DCICON3 = 0x284 0x0284 _DCICON3bits = 0x284 0x0286 DCISTAT = 0x286 0x0286 _DCISTAT = 0x286 0x0286 _DCISTATbits = 0x286 0x0288 TSCON = 0x288 0x0288 _TSCON = 0x288 0x0288 _TSCONbits = 0x288 0x028c RSCON = 0x28c 0x028c _RSCON = 0x28c 0x028c _RSCONbits = 0x28c 0x0290 RXBUF0 = 0x290 0x0290 _RXBUF0 = 0x290 0x0292 RXBUF1 = 0x292 0x0292 _RXBUF1 = 0x292 0x0294 RXBUF2 = 0x294 0x0294 _RXBUF2 = 0x294 0x0296 RXBUF3 = 0x296 0x0296 _RXBUF3 = 0x296 0x0298 TXBUF0 = 0x298 0x0298 _TXBUF0 = 0x298 0x029a TXBUF1 = 0x29a 0x029a _TXBUF1 = 0x29a 0x029c TXBUF2 = 0x29c 0x029c _TXBUF2 = 0x29c 0x029e TXBUF3 = 0x29e 0x029e _TXBUF3 = 0x29e 0x02c0 TRISA = 0x2c0 0x02c0 _TRISA = 0x2c0 0x02c0 _TRISAbits = 0x2c0 0x02c2 PORTA = 0x2c2 0x02c2 _PORTA = 0x2c2 0x02c2 _PORTAbits = 0x2c2 0x02c4 LATA = 0x2c4 0x02c4 _LATA = 0x2c4 0x02c4 _LATAbits = 0x2c4 0x02c6 TRISB = 0x2c6 0x02c6 _TRISB = 0x2c6 0x02c6 _TRISBbits = 0x2c6 0x02c8 PORTB = 0x2c8 0x02c8 _PORTB = 0x2c8 0x02c8 _PORTBbits = 0x2c8 0x02ca LATB = 0x2ca 0x02ca _LATB = 0x2ca 0x02ca _LATBbits = 0x2ca 0x02cc TRISC = 0x2cc 0x02cc _TRISC = 0x2cc 0x02cc _TRISCbits = 0x2cc 0x02ce PORTC = 0x2ce 0x02ce _PORTC = 0x2ce 0x02ce _PORTCbits = 0x2ce 0x02d0 LATC = 0x2d0 0x02d0 _LATC = 0x2d0 0x02d0 _LATCbits = 0x2d0 0x02d2 TRISD = 0x2d2 0x02d2 _TRISD = 0x2d2 0x02d2 _TRISDbits = 0x2d2 0x02d4 PORTD = 0x2d4 0x02d4 _PORTD = 0x2d4 0x02d4 _PORTDbits = 0x2d4 0x02d6 LATD = 0x2d6 0x02d6 _LATD = 0x2d6 0x02d6 _LATDbits = 0x2d6 0x02d8 TRISE = 0x2d8 0x02d8 _TRISE = 0x2d8 0x02d8 _TRISEbits = 0x2d8 0x02da PORTE = 0x2da 0x02da _PORTE = 0x2da 0x02da _PORTEbits = 0x2da 0x02dc LATE = 0x2dc 0x02dc _LATE = 0x2dc 0x02dc _LATEbits = 0x2dc 0x02de TRISF = 0x2de 0x02de _TRISF = 0x2de 0x02de _TRISFbits = 0x2de 0x02e0 PORTF = 0x2e0 0x02e0 _PORTF = 0x2e0 0x02e0 _PORTFbits = 0x2e0 0x02e2 LATF = 0x2e2 0x02e2 _LATF = 0x2e2 0x02e2 _LATFbits = 0x2e2 0x02e4 TRISG = 0x2e4 0x02e4 _TRISG = 0x2e4 0x02e4 _TRISGbits = 0x2e4 0x02e6 PORTG = 0x2e6 0x02e6 _PORTG = 0x2e6 0x02e6 _PORTGbits = 0x2e6 0x02e8 LATG = 0x2e8 0x02e8 _LATG = 0x2e8 0x02e8 _LATGbits = 0x2e8 0x0300 ADC1BUF0 = 0x300 0x0300 _ADC1BUF0 = 0x300 0x0300 ADCBUF0 = 0x300 0x0300 _ADCBUF0 = 0x300 0x0320 AD1CON1 = 0x320 0x0320 _AD1CON1 = 0x320 0x0320 _AD1CON1bits = 0x320 0x0322 AD1CON2 = 0x322 0x0322 _AD1CON2 = 0x322 0x0322 _AD1CON2bits = 0x322 0x0324 AD1CON3 = 0x324 0x0324 _AD1CON3 = 0x324 0x0324 _AD1CON3bits = 0x324 0x0326 AD1CHS123 = 0x326 0x0326 _AD1CHS123 = 0x326 0x0326 _AD1CHS123bits = 0x326 0x0328 AD1CHS0 = 0x328 0x0328 _AD1CHS0 = 0x328 0x0328 _AD1CHS0bits = 0x328 0x032a AD1PCFGH = 0x32a 0x032a _AD1PCFGH = 0x32a 0x032a _AD1PCFGHbits = 0x32a 0x032c AD1PCFGL = 0x32c 0x032c _AD1PCFGL = 0x32c 0x032c _AD1PCFGLbits = 0x32c 0x032c ADPCFG = 0x32c 0x032c _ADPCFG = 0x32c 0x032c _ADPCFGbits = 0x32c 0x032e AD1CSSH = 0x32e 0x032e _AD1CSSH = 0x32e 0x032e _AD1CSSHbits = 0x32e 0x0330 AD1CSSL = 0x330 0x0330 _AD1CSSL = 0x330 0x0330 _AD1CSSLbits = 0x330 0x0332 AD1CON4 = 0x332 0x0332 _AD1CON4 = 0x332 0x0332 _AD1CON4bits = 0x332 0x0340 ADC2BUF0 = 0x340 0x0340 _ADC2BUF0 = 0x340 0x0360 AD2CON1 = 0x360 0x0360 _AD2CON1 = 0x360 0x0360 _AD2CON1bits = 0x360 0x0362 AD2CON2 = 0x362 0x0362 _AD2CON2 = 0x362 0x0362 _AD2CON2bits = 0x362 0x0364 AD2CON3 = 0x364 0x0364 _AD2CON3 = 0x364 0x0364 _AD2CON3bits = 0x364 0x0366 AD2CHS123 = 0x366 0x0366 _AD2CHS123 = 0x366 0x0366 _AD2CHS123bits = 0x366 0x0368 AD2CHS0 = 0x368 0x0368 _AD2CHS0 = 0x368 0x0368 _AD2CHS0bits = 0x368 0x036c AD2PCFGL = 0x36c 0x036c _AD2PCFGL = 0x36c 0x036c _AD2PCFGLbits = 0x36c 0x0370 AD2CSSL = 0x370 0x0370 _AD2CSSL = 0x370 0x0370 _AD2CSSLbits = 0x370 0x0372 AD2CON4 = 0x372 0x0372 _AD2CON4 = 0x372 0x0372 _AD2CON4bits = 0x372 0x0380 DMA0CON = 0x380 0x0380 _DMA0CON = 0x380 0x0380 _DMA0CONbits = 0x380 0x0382 DMA0REQ = 0x382 0x0382 _DMA0REQ = 0x382 0x0382 _DMA0REQbits = 0x382 0x0384 DMA0STA = 0x384 0x0384 _DMA0STA = 0x384 0x0386 DMA0STB = 0x386 0x0386 _DMA0STB = 0x386 0x0388 DMA0PAD = 0x388 0x0388 _DMA0PAD = 0x388 0x038a DMA0CNT = 0x38a 0x038a _DMA0CNT = 0x38a 0x038c DMA1CON = 0x38c 0x038c _DMA1CON = 0x38c 0x038c _DMA1CONbits = 0x38c 0x038e DMA1REQ = 0x38e 0x038e _DMA1REQ = 0x38e 0x038e _DMA1REQbits = 0x38e 0x0390 DMA1STA = 0x390 0x0390 _DMA1STA = 0x390 0x0392 DMA1STB = 0x392 0x0392 _DMA1STB = 0x392 0x0394 DMA1PAD = 0x394 0x0394 _DMA1PAD = 0x394 0x0396 DMA1CNT = 0x396 0x0396 _DMA1CNT = 0x396 0x0398 DMA2CON = 0x398 0x0398 _DMA2CON = 0x398 0x0398 _DMA2CONbits = 0x398 0x039a DMA2REQ = 0x39a 0x039a _DMA2REQ = 0x39a 0x039a _DMA2REQbits = 0x39a 0x039c DMA2STA = 0x39c 0x039c _DMA2STA = 0x39c 0x039e DMA2STB = 0x39e 0x039e _DMA2STB = 0x39e 0x03a0 DMA2PAD = 0x3a0 0x03a0 _DMA2PAD = 0x3a0 0x03a2 DMA2CNT = 0x3a2 0x03a2 _DMA2CNT = 0x3a2 0x03a4 DMA3CON = 0x3a4 0x03a4 _DMA3CON = 0x3a4 0x03a4 _DMA3CONbits = 0x3a4 0x03a6 DMA3REQ = 0x3a6 0x03a6 _DMA3REQ = 0x3a6 0x03a6 _DMA3REQbits = 0x3a6 0x03a8 DMA3STA = 0x3a8 0x03a8 _DMA3STA = 0x3a8 0x03aa DMA3STB = 0x3aa 0x03aa _DMA3STB = 0x3aa 0x03ac DMA3PAD = 0x3ac 0x03ac _DMA3PAD = 0x3ac 0x03ae DMA3CNT = 0x3ae 0x03ae _DMA3CNT = 0x3ae 0x03b0 DMA4CON = 0x3b0 0x03b0 _DMA4CON = 0x3b0 0x03b0 _DMA4CONbits = 0x3b0 0x03b2 DMA4REQ = 0x3b2 0x03b2 _DMA4REQ = 0x3b2 0x03b2 _DMA4REQbits = 0x3b2 0x03b4 DMA4STA = 0x3b4 0x03b4 _DMA4STA = 0x3b4 0x03b6 DMA4STB = 0x3b6 0x03b6 _DMA4STB = 0x3b6 0x03b8 DMA4PAD = 0x3b8 0x03b8 _DMA4PAD = 0x3b8 0x03ba DMA4CNT = 0x3ba 0x03ba _DMA4CNT = 0x3ba 0x03bc DMA5CON = 0x3bc 0x03bc _DMA5CON = 0x3bc 0x03bc _DMA5CONbits = 0x3bc 0x03be DMA5REQ = 0x3be 0x03be _DMA5REQ = 0x3be 0x03be _DMA5REQbits = 0x3be 0x03c0 DMA5STA = 0x3c0 0x03c0 _DMA5STA = 0x3c0 0x03c2 DMA5STB = 0x3c2 0x03c2 _DMA5STB = 0x3c2 0x03c4 DMA5PAD = 0x3c4 0x03c4 _DMA5PAD = 0x3c4 0x03c6 DMA5CNT = 0x3c6 0x03c6 _DMA5CNT = 0x3c6 0x03c8 DMA6CON = 0x3c8 0x03c8 _DMA6CON = 0x3c8 0x03c8 _DMA6CONbits = 0x3c8 0x03ca DMA6REQ = 0x3ca 0x03ca _DMA6REQ = 0x3ca 0x03ca _DMA6REQbits = 0x3ca 0x03cc DMA6STA = 0x3cc 0x03cc _DMA6STA = 0x3cc 0x03ce DMA6STB = 0x3ce 0x03ce _DMA6STB = 0x3ce 0x03d0 DMA6PAD = 0x3d0 0x03d0 _DMA6PAD = 0x3d0 0x03d2 DMA6CNT = 0x3d2 0x03d2 _DMA6CNT = 0x3d2 0x03d4 DMA7CON = 0x3d4 0x03d4 _DMA7CON = 0x3d4 0x03d4 _DMA7CONbits = 0x3d4 0x03d6 DMA7REQ = 0x3d6 0x03d6 _DMA7REQ = 0x3d6 0x03d6 _DMA7REQbits = 0x3d6 0x03d8 DMA7STA = 0x3d8 0x03d8 _DMA7STA = 0x3d8 0x03da DMA7STB = 0x3da 0x03da _DMA7STB = 0x3da 0x03dc DMA7PAD = 0x3dc 0x03dc _DMA7PAD = 0x3dc 0x03de DMA7CNT = 0x3de 0x03de _DMA7CNT = 0x3de 0x03e0 DMACS0 = 0x3e0 0x03e0 _DMACS0 = 0x3e0 0x03e0 _DMACS0bits = 0x3e0 0x03e2 DMACS1 = 0x3e2 0x03e2 _DMACS1 = 0x3e2 0x03e2 _DMACS1bits = 0x3e2 0x03e4 DSADR = 0x3e4 0x03e4 _DSADR = 0x3e4 0x0400 C1CTRL1 = 0x400 0x0400 _C1CTRL1 = 0x400 0x0400 _C1CTRL1bits = 0x400 0x0402 C1CTRL2 = 0x402 0x0402 _C1CTRL2 = 0x402 0x0402 _C1CTRL2bits = 0x402 0x0404 C1VEC = 0x404 0x0404 _C1VEC = 0x404 0x0404 _C1VECbits = 0x404 0x0406 C1FCTRL = 0x406 0x0406 _C1FCTRL = 0x406 0x0406 _C1FCTRLbits = 0x406 0x0408 C1FIFO = 0x408 0x0408 _C1FIFO = 0x408 0x0408 _C1FIFObits = 0x408 0x040a C1INTF = 0x40a 0x040a _C1INTF = 0x40a 0x040a _C1INTFbits = 0x40a 0x040c C1INTE = 0x40c 0x040c _C1INTE = 0x40c 0x040c _C1INTEbits = 0x40c 0x040e C1EC = 0x40e 0x040e _C1EC = 0x40e 0x040e _C1ECbits = 0x40e 0x040e C1RERRCNT = 0x40e 0x040e _C1RERRCNT = 0x40e 0x040f C1TERRCNT = 0x40f 0x040f _C1TERRCNT = 0x40f 0x0410 C1CFG1 = 0x410 0x0410 _C1CFG1 = 0x410 0x0410 _C1CFG1bits = 0x410 0x0412 C1CFG2 = 0x412 0x0412 _C1CFG2 = 0x412 0x0412 _C1CFG2bits = 0x412 0x0414 C1FEN1 = 0x414 0x0414 _C1FEN1 = 0x414 0x0414 _C1FEN1bits = 0x414 0x0418 C1FMSKSEL1 = 0x418 0x0418 _C1FMSKSEL1 = 0x418 0x0418 _C1FMSKSEL1bits = 0x418 0x041a C1FMSKSEL2 = 0x41a 0x041a _C1FMSKSEL2 = 0x41a 0x041a _C1FMSKSEL2bits = 0x41a 0x0420 C1BUFPNT1 = 0x420 0x0420 _C1BUFPNT1 = 0x420 0x0420 _C1BUFPNT1bits = 0x420 0x0420 C1RXFUL1 = 0x420 0x0420 _C1RXFUL1 = 0x420 0x0420 _C1RXFUL1bits = 0x420 0x0422 C1BUFPNT2 = 0x422 0x0422 _C1BUFPNT2 = 0x422 0x0422 _C1BUFPNT2bits = 0x422 0x0422 C1RXFUL2 = 0x422 0x0422 _C1RXFUL2 = 0x422 0x0422 _C1RXFUL2bits = 0x422 0x0424 C1BUFPNT3 = 0x424 0x0424 _C1BUFPNT3 = 0x424 0x0424 _C1BUFPNT3bits = 0x424 0x0426 C1BUFPNT4 = 0x426 0x0426 _C1BUFPNT4 = 0x426 0x0426 _C1BUFPNT4bits = 0x426 0x0428 C1RXOVF1 = 0x428 0x0428 _C1RXOVF1 = 0x428 0x0428 _C1RXOVF1bits = 0x428 0x042a C1RXOVF2 = 0x42a 0x042a _C1RXOVF2 = 0x42a 0x042a _C1RXOVF2bits = 0x42a 0x0430 C1RXM0SID = 0x430 0x0430 _C1RXM0SID = 0x430 0x0430 _C1RXM0SIDbits = 0x430 0x0430 C1TR01CON = 0x430 0x0430 _C1TR01CON = 0x430 0x0430 _C1TR01CONbits = 0x430 0x0432 C1RXM0EID = 0x432 0x0432 _C1RXM0EID = 0x432 0x0432 _C1RXM0EIDbits = 0x432 0x0432 C1TR23CON = 0x432 0x0432 _C1TR23CON = 0x432 0x0432 _C1TR23CONbits = 0x432 0x0434 C1RXM1SID = 0x434 0x0434 _C1RXM1SID = 0x434 0x0434 _C1RXM1SIDbits = 0x434 0x0434 C1TR45CON = 0x434 0x0434 _C1TR45CON = 0x434 0x0434 _C1TR45CONbits = 0x434 0x0436 C1RXM1EID = 0x436 0x0436 _C1RXM1EID = 0x436 0x0436 _C1RXM1EIDbits = 0x436 0x0436 C1TR67CON = 0x436 0x0436 _C1TR67CON = 0x436 0x0436 _C1TR67CONbits = 0x436 0x0438 C1RXM2SID = 0x438 0x0438 _C1RXM2SID = 0x438 0x0438 _C1RXM2SIDbits = 0x438 0x043a C1RXM2EID = 0x43a 0x043a _C1RXM2EID = 0x43a 0x043a _C1RXM2EIDbits = 0x43a 0x0440 C1RXD = 0x440 0x0440 _C1RXD = 0x440 0x0440 C1RXF0SID = 0x440 0x0440 _C1RXF0SID = 0x440 0x0440 _C1RXF0SIDbits = 0x440 0x0442 C1RXF0EID = 0x442 0x0442 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= 0x45a 0x045a _C1RXF6EID = 0x45a 0x045a _C1RXF6EIDbits = 0x45a 0x045c C1RXF7SID = 0x45c 0x045c _C1RXF7SID = 0x45c 0x045c _C1RXF7SIDbits = 0x45c 0x045e C1RXF7EID = 0x45e 0x045e _C1RXF7EID = 0x45e 0x045e _C1RXF7EIDbits = 0x45e 0x0460 C1RXF8SID = 0x460 0x0460 _C1RXF8SID = 0x460 0x0460 _C1RXF8SIDbits = 0x460 0x0462 C1RXF8EID = 0x462 0x0462 _C1RXF8EID = 0x462 0x0462 _C1RXF8EIDbits = 0x462 0x0464 C1RXF9SID = 0x464 0x0464 _C1RXF9SID = 0x464 0x0464 _C1RXF9SIDbits = 0x464 0x0466 C1RXF9EID = 0x466 0x0466 _C1RXF9EID = 0x466 0x0466 _C1RXF9EIDbits = 0x466 0x0468 C1RXF10SID = 0x468 0x0468 _C1RXF10SID = 0x468 0x0468 _C1RXF10SIDbits = 0x468 0x046a C1RXF10EID = 0x46a 0x046a _C1RXF10EID = 0x46a 0x046a _C1RXF10EIDbits = 0x46a 0x046c C1RXF11SID = 0x46c 0x046c _C1RXF11SID = 0x46c 0x046c _C1RXF11SIDbits = 0x46c 0x046e C1RXF11EID = 0x46e 0x046e _C1RXF11EID = 0x46e 0x046e _C1RXF11EIDbits = 0x46e 0x0470 C1RXF12SID = 0x470 0x0470 _C1RXF12SID = 0x470 0x0470 _C1RXF12SIDbits = 0x470 0x0472 C1RXF12EID = 0x472 0x0472 _C1RXF12EID = 0x472 0x0472 _C1RXF12EIDbits = 0x472 0x0474 C1RXF13SID = 0x474 0x0474 _C1RXF13SID = 0x474 0x0474 _C1RXF13SIDbits = 0x474 0x0476 C1RXF13EID = 0x476 0x0476 _C1RXF13EID = 0x476 0x0476 _C1RXF13EIDbits = 0x476 0x0478 C1RXF14SID = 0x478 0x0478 _C1RXF14SID = 0x478 0x0478 _C1RXF14SIDbits = 0x478 0x047a C1RXF14EID = 0x47a 0x047a _C1RXF14EID = 0x47a 0x047a _C1RXF14EIDbits = 0x47a 0x047c C1RXF15SID = 0x47c 0x047c _C1RXF15SID = 0x47c 0x047c _C1RXF15SIDbits = 0x47c 0x047e C1RXF15EID = 0x47e 0x047e _C1RXF15EID = 0x47e 0x047e _C1RXF15EIDbits = 0x47e 0x0500 C2CTRL1 = 0x500 0x0500 _C2CTRL1 = 0x500 0x0500 _C2CTRL1bits = 0x500 0x0502 C2CTRL2 = 0x502 0x0502 _C2CTRL2 = 0x502 0x0502 _C2CTRL2bits = 0x502 0x0504 C2VEC = 0x504 0x0504 _C2VEC = 0x504 0x0504 _C2VECbits = 0x504 0x0506 C2FCTRL = 0x506 0x0506 _C2FCTRL = 0x506 0x0506 _C2FCTRLbits = 0x506 0x0508 C2FIFO = 0x508 0x0508 _C2FIFO = 0x508 0x0508 _C2FIFObits = 0x508 0x050a C2INTF = 0x50a 0x050a _C2INTF = 0x50a 0x050a _C2INTFbits = 0x50a 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_C2BUFPNT3bits = 0x524 0x0526 C2BUFPNT4 = 0x526 0x0526 _C2BUFPNT4 = 0x526 0x0526 _C2BUFPNT4bits = 0x526 0x0528 C2RXOVF1 = 0x528 0x0528 _C2RXOVF1 = 0x528 0x0528 _C2RXOVF1bits = 0x528 0x052a C2RXOVF2 = 0x52a 0x052a _C2RXOVF2 = 0x52a 0x052a _C2RXOVF2bits = 0x52a 0x0530 C2RXM0SID = 0x530 0x0530 _C2RXM0SID = 0x530 0x0530 _C2RXM0SIDbits = 0x530 0x0530 C2TR01CON = 0x530 0x0530 _C2TR01CON = 0x530 0x0530 _C2TR01CONbits = 0x530 0x0532 C2RXM0EID = 0x532 0x0532 _C2RXM0EID = 0x532 0x0532 _C2RXM0EIDbits = 0x532 0x0532 C2TR23CON = 0x532 0x0532 _C2TR23CON = 0x532 0x0532 _C2TR23CONbits = 0x532 0x0534 C2RXM1SID = 0x534 0x0534 _C2RXM1SID = 0x534 0x0534 _C2RXM1SIDbits = 0x534 0x0534 C2TR45CON = 0x534 0x0534 _C2TR45CON = 0x534 0x0534 _C2TR45CONbits = 0x534 0x0536 C2RXM1EID = 0x536 0x0536 _C2RXM1EID = 0x536 0x0536 _C2RXM1EIDbits = 0x536 0x0536 C2TR67CON = 0x536 0x0536 _C2TR67CON = 0x536 0x0536 _C2TR67CONbits = 0x536 0x0538 C2RXM2SID = 0x538 0x0538 _C2RXM2SID = 0x538 0x0538 _C2RXM2SIDbits = 0x538 0x053a C2RXM2EID = 0x53a 0x053a _C2RXM2EID = 0x53a 0x053a _C2RXM2EIDbits = 0x53a 0x0540 C2RXD = 0x540 0x0540 _C2RXD = 0x540 0x0540 C2RXF0SID = 0x540 0x0540 _C2RXF0SID = 0x540 0x0540 _C2RXF0SIDbits = 0x540 0x0542 C2RXF0EID = 0x542 0x0542 _C2RXF0EID = 0x542 0x0542 _C2RXF0EIDbits = 0x542 0x0542 C2TXD = 0x542 0x0542 _C2TXD = 0x542 0x0544 C2RXF1SID = 0x544 0x0544 _C2RXF1SID = 0x544 0x0544 _C2RXF1SIDbits = 0x544 0x0546 C2RXF1EID = 0x546 0x0546 _C2RXF1EID = 0x546 0x0546 _C2RXF1EIDbits = 0x546 0x0548 C2RXF2SID = 0x548 0x0548 _C2RXF2SID = 0x548 0x0548 _C2RXF2SIDbits = 0x548 0x054a C2RXF2EID = 0x54a 0x054a _C2RXF2EID = 0x54a 0x054a _C2RXF2EIDbits = 0x54a 0x054c C2RXF3SID = 0x54c 0x054c _C2RXF3SID = 0x54c 0x054c _C2RXF3SIDbits = 0x54c 0x054e C2RXF3EID = 0x54e 0x054e _C2RXF3EID = 0x54e 0x054e _C2RXF3EIDbits = 0x54e 0x0550 C2RXF4SID = 0x550 0x0550 _C2RXF4SID = 0x550 0x0550 _C2RXF4SIDbits = 0x550 0x0552 C2RXF4EID = 0x552 0x0552 _C2RXF4EID = 0x552 0x0552 _C2RXF4EIDbits = 0x552 0x0554 C2RXF5SID = 0x554 0x0554 _C2RXF5SID = 0x554 0x0554 _C2RXF5SIDbits = 0x554 0x0556 C2RXF5EID = 0x556 0x0556 _C2RXF5EID = 0x556 0x0556 _C2RXF5EIDbits = 0x556 0x0558 C2RXF6SID = 0x558 0x0558 _C2RXF6SID = 0x558 0x0558 _C2RXF6SIDbits = 0x558 0x055a C2RXF6EID = 0x55a 0x055a _C2RXF6EID = 0x55a 0x055a _C2RXF6EIDbits = 0x55a 0x055c C2RXF7SID = 0x55c 0x055c _C2RXF7SID = 0x55c 0x055c _C2RXF7SIDbits = 0x55c 0x055e C2RXF7EID = 0x55e 0x055e _C2RXF7EID = 0x55e 0x055e _C2RXF7EIDbits = 0x55e 0x0560 C2RXF8SID = 0x560 0x0560 _C2RXF8SID = 0x560 0x0560 _C2RXF8SIDbits = 0x560 0x0562 C2RXF8EID = 0x562 0x0562 _C2RXF8EID = 0x562 0x0562 _C2RXF8EIDbits = 0x562 0x0564 C2RXF9SID = 0x564 0x0564 _C2RXF9SID = 0x564 0x0564 _C2RXF9SIDbits = 0x564 0x0566 C2RXF9EID = 0x566 0x0566 _C2RXF9EID = 0x566 0x0566 _C2RXF9EIDbits = 0x566 0x0568 C2RXF10SID = 0x568 0x0568 _C2RXF10SID = 0x568 0x0568 _C2RXF10SIDbits = 0x568 0x056a C2RXF10EID = 0x56a 0x056a _C2RXF10EID = 0x56a 0x056a _C2RXF10EIDbits = 0x56a 0x056c C2RXF11SID = 0x56c 0x056c _C2RXF11SID = 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ODCG = 0x6e4 0x06e4 _ODCG = 0x6e4 0x06e4 _ODCGbits = 0x6e4 0x0740 RCON = 0x740 0x0740 _RCON = 0x740 0x0740 _RCONbits = 0x740 0x0742 OSCCON = 0x742 0x0742 _OSCCON = 0x742 0x0742 _OSCCONbits = 0x742 0x0742 OSCCONL = 0x742 0x0742 _OSCCONL = 0x742 0x0743 OSCCONH = 0x743 0x0743 _OSCCONH = 0x743 0x0744 CLKDIV = 0x744 0x0744 _CLKDIV = 0x744 0x0744 _CLKDIVbits = 0x744 0x0746 PLLFBD = 0x746 0x0746 _PLLFBD = 0x746 0x0746 _PLLFBDbits = 0x746 0x0748 OSCTUN = 0x748 0x0748 _OSCTUN = 0x748 0x0748 _OSCTUNbits = 0x748 0x0750 BSRAM = 0x750 0x0750 _BSRAM = 0x750 0x0750 _BSRAMbits = 0x750 0x0752 SSRAM = 0x752 0x0752 _SSRAM = 0x752 0x0752 _SSRAMbits = 0x752 0x0760 NVMCON = 0x760 0x0760 _NVMCON = 0x760 0x0760 _NVMCONbits = 0x760 0x0766 NVMKEY = 0x766 0x0766 _NVMKEY = 0x766 0x0770 PMD1 = 0x770 0x0770 _PMD1 = 0x770 0x0770 _PMD1bits = 0x770 0x0772 PMD2 = 0x772 0x0772 _PMD2 = 0x772 0x0772 _PMD2bits = 0x772 0x0774 PMD3 = 0x774 0x0774 _PMD3 = 0x774 0x0774 _PMD3bits = 0x774 0x0022 ACCA = 0x22 0x0022 _ACCA = 0x22 0x0028 ACCB = 0x28 0x0028 _ACCB = 0x28 0x0440 CAN1 = 0x440 0x0440 _CAN1 = 0x440 0x0540 CAN2 = 0x540 0x0540 _CAN2 = 0x540 0x0140 IC1 = 0x140 0x0140 _IC1 = 0x140 0x0144 IC2 = 0x144 0x0144 _IC2 = 0x144 0x0148 IC3 = 0x148 0x0148 _IC3 = 0x148 0x014c IC4 = 0x14c 0x014c _IC4 = 0x14c 0x0150 IC5 = 0x150 0x0150 _IC5 = 0x150 0x0154 IC6 = 0x154 0x0154 _IC6 = 0x154 0x0158 IC7 = 0x158 0x0158 _IC7 = 0x158 0x015c IC8 = 0x15c 0x015c _IC8 = 0x15c 0x0180 OC1 = 0x180 0x0180 _OC1 = 0x180 0x0186 OC2 = 0x186 0x0186 _OC2 = 0x186 0x018c OC3 = 0x18c 0x018c _OC3 = 0x18c 0x0192 OC4 = 0x192 0x0192 _OC4 = 0x192 0x0198 OC5 = 0x198 0x0198 _OC5 = 0x198 0x019e OC6 = 0x19e 0x019e _OC6 = 0x19e 0x01a4 OC7 = 0x1a4 0x01a4 _OC7 = 0x1a4 0x01aa OC8 = 0x1aa 0x01aa _OC8 = 0x1aa 0x0240 SPI1 = 0x240 0x0240 _SPI1 = 0x240 0x0260 SPI2 = 0x260 0x0260 _SPI2 = 0x260 0x0220 UART1 = 0x220 0x0220 _UART1 = 0x220 0x0230 UART2 = 0x230 0x0230 _UART2 = 0x230 START GROUP LOAD c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a LOAD c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\libm-elf.a LOAD c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a END GROUP OUTPUT(dist/default/debug/SD.X.debug.elf elf32-pic30) LOAD default_isr LOAD data_init .debug_pubtypes 0x000048 0x30e .debug_pubtypes 0x000048 0x5e build/default/debug/SDmain.o .debug_pubtypes 0x0000a6 0x14e build/default/debug/FSIO.o .debug_pubtypes 0x0001f4 0x150 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .debug_pubtypes 0x000344 0x12 build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o __c30_signature 0x000356 0x54 __c30_signature 0x000356 0x6 build/default/debug/SDmain.o __c30_signature 0x00035c 0x6 build/default/debug/FSIO.o __c30_signature 0x000362 0x6 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o __c30_signature 0x000368 0x6 build/default/debug/MP3Codec.o __c30_signature 0x00036e 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(crt0_standard.o) __c30_signature 0x000374 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-pic30-elf.a(data_init_standard.o) __c30_signature 0x00037a 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\libm-elf.a(udivsi3.eo) __c30_signature 0x000380 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(tolower.XXeso) __c30_signature 0x000386 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(toupper.XXeso) __c30_signature 0x00038c 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(memset.XXeo) __c30_signature 0x000392 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strchr.XXeo) __c30_signature 0x000398 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strcpy.XXeo) __c30_signature 0x00039e 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strlen.XXeo) __c30_signature 0x0003a4 0x6 c:/program files (x86)/microchip/xc16/v1.25/bin/bin/../../lib\liblega-c-elf.a(strncpy.XXeo) .nbss 0x0850 0x14 .nbss 0x0850 0x14 build/default/debug/FSIO.o 0x0850 _gNeedFATWrite 0x0852 _gBufferOwner 0x0854 _gNeedDataWrite 0x0855 _nextClusterIsLast 0x0856 _gBufferZeroed 0x0858 _FatRootDirClusterValue 0x085c _FSerrno 0x085e _TempClusterCalc 0x0862 _dirCleared 0x0863 _recache .ndata 0x0864 0xa .ndata 0x0864 0xa build/default/debug/FSIO.o 0x0864 _gLastFATSectorRead 0x0868 _gLastDataSectorRead 0x086c _cwdptr .nbss 0x086e 0x8 .nbss 0x086e 0x8 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o 0x086e _MDD_SDSPI_finalLBA 0x0872 _gMediaSectorSize 0x0874 _gSDMode _043F1960563bb76a 0x0878 0x200 _043F1960563bb76a 0x0878 0x200 build/default/debug/FSIO.o 0x0878 _gDataBuffer _043F1A80563bb76a 0x0a78 0x200 _043F1A80563bb76a 0x0a78 0x200 build/default/debug/FSIO.o 0x0a78 _gFATBuffer .bss 0x0c78 0x18a .bss 0x0c78 0x184 build/default/debug/FSIO.o 0x0c78 _gFileArray 0x0d1a _gFileSlotOpen 0x0d1e _tempCWDobj 0x0d54 _gFileTemp 0x0d8a _cwd 0x0dc0 _gDiskData 0x0de4 _defaultString 0x0df1 _defaultArray .bss 0x0dfc 0x6 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o .const 0x8336 0x72 load address 0x000336 .const 0x8336 0x6c build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o 0x8336 _sdmmc_cmdtable .const 0x83a2 0x4 build/default/debug/FSIO.o .const 0x83a6 0x2 build/default/debug/SDmain.o .text 0x0003a8 0x5794 .text 0x0003a8 0x4f44 build/default/debug/FSIO.o 0x0003a8 _FSInit 0x00044a _FILEfind 0x00063c _FILEopen 0x000774 _FILEget_next_cluster 0x000854 _DISKmount 0x00090c _LoadMBR 0x000b40 _LoadBootSector 0x001176 _GetFullClusterNumber 0x00119e _Write_File_Entry 0x001278 _FAT_erase_cluster_chain 0x001370 _Cache_File_Entry 0x0015a8 _CreateFileEntry 0x001610 _CreateFirstCluster 0x00168c _FindEmptyEntries 0x0017a6 _PopulateEntries 0x001870 _FILEallocate_new_cluster 0x001910 _FATfindEmptyCluster 0x001a1c _FSfclose 0x001b08 _IncrementTimeStamp 0x001bf6 _Fill_File_Object 0x001d52 _LoadDirAttrib 0x001dd2 _FILEerase 0x001e96 _FSrename 0x002016 _FSfopen 0x00238e _FSftell 0x00239e _FSremove 0x00245c _FSrewind 0x00248e _FSerror 0x002498 _FileObjectCopy 0x0024ce _FILECreateHeadCluster 0x00257e _EraseCluster 0x00260c _ReadByte 0x00261c _ReadWord 0x002650 _ReadDWord 0x002696 _Cluster2Sector 0x002776 _FSattrib 0x002808 _FSfwrite 0x002ac0 _flushData 0x002b14 _FSfeof 0x002b38 _FSfread 0x002d50 _FormatFileName 0x002e50 _FormatDirName 0x002f32 _ValidateChars 0x0030aa _FSfseek 0x00331e _ReadFAT 0x00372c _WriteFAT 0x003b7c _FSchdir 0x003b8c _chdirhelper 0x003f1e _FSgetcwd 0x0042cc _GetPreviousEntry 0x004448 _FSmkdir 0x004458 _mkdirhelper 0x004750 _CreateDIR 0x00487e _writeDotEntries 0x0049cc _FSrmdir 0x0049e0 _rmdirhelper 0x004e9e _eraseDir 0x004f1e _FindFirst 0x005136 _FindNext .text 0x0052ec 0x806 build/default/debug/SD-SPI.o 0x0052ec _MDD_SDSPI_MediaDetect 0x005300 _MDD_SDSPI_ReadSectorSize 0x005308 _MDD_SDSPI_ReadCapacity 0x005312 _MDD_SDSPI_InitIO 0x005320 _MDD_SDSPI_ShutdownMedia 0x00532c _SendMMCCmd 0x0054d0 _MDD_SDSPI_SectorRead 0x0055be _MDD_SDSPI_SectorWrite 0x0056ba _MDD_SDSPI_WriteProtectState 0x0056c6 _Delayms 0x00570e _CloseSPIM 0x00571c _WriteSPIM 0x00573a _MDD_SDSPI_ReadMedia 0x005752 _OpenSPIM 0x005770 _MDD_SDSPI_MediaInitialize .text 0x005af2 0x4a build/default/debug/SDmain.o 0x005af2 _main .dinit 0x005b3c 0x34 .dinit 0x005b3c 0x34 data_init
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