
/********************************************************************** * © 2005 Microchip Technology Inc. * * FileName: adcDrv1.c * Dependencies: Header (.h) files if applicable, see below * Processor: dsPIC33Fxxxx * Compiler: MPLAB® C30 v3.00 or higher * * SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT: * Microchip Technology Incorporated ("Microchip") retains all ownership and * intellectual property rights in the code accompanying this message and in all * derivatives hereto. You may use this code, and any derivatives created by * any person or entity by or on your behalf, exclusively with Microchip's * proprietary products. Your acceptance and/or use of this code constitutes * agreement to the terms and conditions of this notice. * * CODE ACCOMPANYING THIS MESSAGE IS SUPPLIED BY MICROCHIP "AS IS". NO * WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS CODE, ITS INTERACTION WITH MICROCHIP'S * PRODUCTS, COMBINATION WITH ANY OTHER PRODUCTS, OR USE IN ANY APPLICATION. * * YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT, IN NO EVENT, SHALL MICROCHIP BE LIABLE, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY), * STRICT LIABILITY, INDEMNITY, CONTRIBUTION, OR OTHERWISE, FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, * PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS, DAMAGE, FOR COST OR EXPENSE OF * ANY KIND WHATSOEVER RELATED TO THE CODE, HOWSOEVER CAUSED, EVEN IF MICROCHIP HAS BEEN * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OR THE DAMAGES ARE FORESEEABLE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT * ALLOWABLE BY LAW, MICROCHIP'S TOTAL LIABILITY ON ALL CLAIMS IN ANY WAY RELATED TO * THIS CODE, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE YOU PAID DIRECTLY TO MICROCHIP SPECIFICALLY TO * HAVE THIS CODE DEVELOPED. * * You agree that you are solely responsible for testing the code and * determining its suitability. Microchip has no obligation to modify, test, * certify, or support the code. * * REVISION HISTORY: *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Author Date Comments on this revision *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Settu D 07/09/06 First release of source file *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * ADDITIONAL NOTES: **********************************************************************/ #include "p33fxxxx.h" #include <dsp.h> #include "ADC.h" #include "VFDbar.h" // Set the twiddle factor for fft //const fractcomplex twiddleFactors[] __attribute__ ((space(auto_psv), aligned (fftPoints * 2))) = { // 0x7FFF, 0x0000, 0x7F62, 0xF374, 0x7D8A, 0xE707, 0x7A7D, 0xDAD8, // 0x7642, 0xCF04, 0x70E3, 0xC3A9, 0x6A6E, 0xB8E3, 0x62F2, 0xAECC, // 0x5A82, 0xA57E, 0x5134, 0x9D0E, 0x471D, 0x9592, 0x3C57, 0x8F1D, // 0x30FC, 0x89BE, 0x2528, 0x8583, 0x18F9, 0x8276, 0x0C8C, 0x809E, // 0x0000, 0x8000, 0xF374, 0x809E, 0xE707, 0x8276, 0xDAD8, 0x8583, // 0xCF04, 0x89BE, 0xC3A9, 0x8F1D, 0xB8E3, 0x9592, 0xAECC, 0x9D0E, // 0xA57D, 0xA57D, 0x9D0E, 0xAECC, 0x9592, 0xB8E3, 0x8F1D, 0xC3A9, // 0x89BE, 0xCF04, 0x8583, 0xDAD8, 0x8276, 0xE707, 0x809E, 0xF374 //}; //int DMA_counter = 0; // //fractional inputData[fftPoints]; //// Initial FFTdata //fractcomplex fftData[fftPoints] __attribute__ ((section (".ybss, bss, ymemory"), aligned (fftPoints * 2 * 2))); //fractional powerSpec[fftPoints/2]; // Number of locations for ADC buffer = 14 words // Align the buffer to 128 words or 256 bytes. This is needed for peripheral indirect mode //int BufferA[SAMP_BUFF_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(256))); //int BufferB[SAMP_BUFF_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(256))); // Number of locations for ADC buffer = 2 (AN4 and AN5) x 16 = 32 words // Align the buffer to 32words or 64 bytes. This is needed for peripheral indirect mode //int BufferA[MAX_CHNUM+1][SAMP_BUFF_SIZE] __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(64))); //int BufferB[64]; int peakFrequencyBin = 0; /* Declare post-FFT variables to compute the */ unsigned long peakFrequency = 0; /* frequency of the largest spectral component */ void FFT(int* inputData); /*============================================================================= ADC Initialisation for Channel Scan =============================================================================*/ //void initAdc1(void) //{ // AD1CON1bits.FORM = 3; // Data Output Format: Signed Fraction (Q15 format) // AD1CON1bits.SSRC = 2; // Sample Clock Source: GP Timer starts conversion // AD1CON1bits.ASAM = 1; // ADC Sample Control: Sampling begins immediately after conversion // AD1CON1bits.AD12B = 0; // 10-bit ADC operation // // // AD1CON2bits.ALTS=1; // Alternate Input Sample Mode Select Bit // AD1CON2bits.CHPS = 0; // Converts CH0 // // AD1CON3bits.ADRC = 0; // ADC Clock is derived from Systems Clock // AD1CON3bits.ADCS = 1300; // ADC Conversion Clock Tad=Tcy*(ADCS+1)= (1/40M)*64 = 1.6us (625Khz) // // ADC Conversion Time for 10-bit Tc=12*Tab = 19.2us // // AD1CON1bits.ADDMABM = 0; // DMA buffers are built in scatter/gather mode // AD1CON2bits.SMPI = 0; // SMPI Must be programmed to 1 for this case // AD1CON4bits.DMABL = 6; // Each buffer contains 64 words // // //AD1CHS0: A/D Input Select Register // AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 10; // MUXA +ve input selection (AIN10) for CH0 // AD1CHS0bits.CH0NA=0; // MUXA -ve input selection (Vref-) for CH0 // AD1CSSLbits.CSS10 = 1; // select AN10 for input scan // //// AD1CHS0bits.CH0SB=10; // MUXB +ve input selection (AIN5) for CH0 //// AD1CHS0bits.CH0NB=0; // MUXB -ve input selection (Vref-) for CH0 // // //AD1PCFGH/AD1PCFGL: Port Configuration Register // // AD1PCFGL=0xFFFF; // // AD1PCFGH=0xFFFF; // AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG10 = 0; // AN10 as Analog Input // // AD1PCFGLbits.PCFG10 = 0; // AN5 as Analog Input // // IFS0bits.AD1IF = 0; // Clear the A/D interrupt flag bit // IEC0bits.AD1IE = 0; // Do Not Enable A/D interrupt // AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1; // Turn on the A/D converter // // //} /*============================================================================= Timer 3 is setup to time-out every 125 microseconds (8Khz Rate). As a result, the module will stop sampling and trigger a conversion on every Timer3 time-out, i.e., Ts=125us. =============================================================================*/ //void initTmr3() //{ //// TMR3 = 0x0000; //// PR3 = 17578; //// IFS0bits.T3IF = 0; //// IEC0bits.T3IE = 0; //// //// //Start Timer 3 //// T3CONbits.TON = 1; // // T3CONbits.TON = 0; // Disable Timer // T3CONbits.TCS = 0; // Select internal instruction cycle clock // T3CONbits.TGATE = 0; // Disable Gated Timer mode // T3CONbits.TCKPS = 0b11;// Select 1:256 Prescaler // // TMR3 = 0x00; // Clear timer register // PR3 = 2000; // // IPC2bits.T3IP = 0x03; // Set Timer2 Interrupt Priority Level // IFS0bits.T3IF = 0; // Clear Timer2 Interrupt Flag // IEC0bits.T3IE = 1; // Enable Timer2 interrupt // T3CONbits.TON = 1; // //} // DMA0 configuration // Direction: Read from peripheral address 0-x300 (ADC1BUF0) and write to DMA RAM // AMODE: Peripheral Indirect Addressing Mode // MODE: Continuous, Ping-Pong Mode // IRQ: ADC Interrupt // ADC stores results stored alternatively between DMA_BASE[0]/DMA_BASE[16] on every 16th DMA request //void initDma0(void) //{ // DMA0CONbits.AMODE = 2; // Configure DMA for Peripheral indirect mode // DMA0CONbits.MODE = 2; // Configure DMA for Continuous Ping-Pong mode // IPC1bits.DMA0IP = 1; // // DMA0PAD=(int)&ADC1BUF0; // DMA0CNT = (SAMP_BUFF_SIZE*2)-1; // // DMA0REQ=13; // // DMA0STA = __builtin_dmaoffset(BufferA); // //DMA0STB = __builtin_dmaoffset(BufferB); // // IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0; //Clear the DMA interrupt flag bit // IEC0bits.DMA0IE = 1; //Set the DMA interrupt enable bit // // DMA0CONbits.CHEN=1; // //} /*============================================================================= _DMA0Interrupt(): ISR name is chosen from the device linker script. =============================================================================*/ // //void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _DMA0Interrupt(void) //{ // if(play == 1) // ProcessADCSamples(&BufferA[10][0]); //// int i; //// for(i=0;i<16;i++) //// { //// BufferB[j] = BufferA[10][i]; //// j++; //// } //// if( DMA_counter == 3) //// { //// ProcessADCSamples(&BufferB); //// DMA_counter = 0; //// j = 0; //// } //// DMA_counter ++; // // IFS0bits.DMA0IF = 0; //Clear the DMA0 Interrupt Flag //} //void ProcessADCSamples(int * AdcBuffer) //{ // /* Do something with ADC Samples */ // int indata; // int writedata; // for(writedata = 0; writedata < fftPoints; writedata++){ // indata = *AdcBuffer++ - 2048; // // inputData[writedata] = indata << 4; // if(writedata == fftPoints - 1){ // FFT(inputData); // writedata = 0; // } // } //} //void FFT(int * inputData) //{ // int VFDdata[10]; // fractional VFD[10]; // int index = 0; // int i; // for(i = 0; i < fftPoints; i++) // { // fftData[i].real = inputData[i]; // fftData[i].imag = 0; // } // // FFTComplexIP( log2N, fftData, (fractcomplex *)twiddleFactors,(int) __builtin_psvpage(&twiddleFactors[0])); // BitReverseComplex( log2N, fftData ); // // // SquareMagnitudeCplx( fftPoints, fftData, powerSpec ); // for(i=0;i<30;i++) // { // if((i%3)==2) // { // VFD[index] = (powerSpec[i] + powerSpec[i-1] + powerSpec[i-2]) / 3; // index++; // } // } // // for(index=0;index<10;index++) // { // if(VFD[index]>0x100) // VFDdata[index] = 0; // else if(VFD[index] > 0xDC) // VFDdata[index] = 1; // else if(VFD[index] > 0xB8) // VFDdata[index] = 2; // else if(VFD[index] > 0x94) // VFDdata[index] = 3; // else if(VFD[index] > 0x70) // VFDdata[index] = 4; // else if(VFD[index] > 0x4C) // VFDdata[index] = 5; // else if(VFD[index] > 0x28) // VFDdata[index] = 6; // else // VFDdata[index] = 7; // } // // VFDbar(VFDdata); // //// /* Find the frequency Bin ( = index into the SigCmpx[] array) that has the largest energy*/ //// /* i.e., the largest spectral component */ //// VectorMax(fftPoints/2, powerSpec, &peakFrequencyBin); //// /* Compute the frequency (in Hz) of the largest spectral component */ //// peakFrequency = peakFrequencyBin*(SAMPLING_RATE/fftPoints); // i = 0; //}
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