Added Simple Moving Average filters Surely more elegant things can be done. Will branch from here to make a pulse_count version
by Martin ROGER 9 months 3 weeks
Update VXDash.ino Added implementation for RPM, tried to stabilise with pulldowns but it doesn't really change anything
by Martin ROGER 9 months 3 weeks
Speed estimation implementation Basic implementation of reciprocate (time period) speed estimation. Requires filtering, and possibly a different branch exploring pulse counting instead (every 100ms or so and some exit condition if three times 0 new pulses counted) Interrupt created for both speed and RPM Still need to study for the water PWM
by Martin ROGER 9 months 3 weeks
Update VXDash.ino Introducing timers
by Martin ROGER 11 months 3 weeks
Update VXDash.ino Introduction of raw values with correct type, sent to screen.
by Martin ROGER 12 months 9 hours
HMI adaptation + serial debug - HMI showing raw values - Pulsator with normal serial - Duty Cycle pot enabled 20 -> 80 - ESP sends raw values but not scaled currently
by Martin ROGER 12 months 10 hours
Minor changes, ADC correction - R4 ADC pin was not correctly set - logic on the overheat lamp
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 week
Minor corrections - C35 and C36 were swapped on the silkscreen - RV1 holes were too small, enlarged to 0.85mm - Regenerated BOM and schematic files - Updated HMI and Code to latest versions from benchboard
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 week
Merge pull request #29 from martinroger/Martin-dev Housekeeping update - 1.2.2
by Alex Miller 1 year 3 weeks
Reverted GND plane thermal reliefs Everyone gets thermal reliefs... you get thermal reliefs, YOU GET THERMAL RELIEFS !
by Martin ROGER 1 year 1 month
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