Added simulations for OpAmp circuitry
by Martin ROGER 4 months 4 weeks
Updated LTSpice OpAmp circuit simulation Went and plonked a non-ideal LM358 OpAmp model. Suspicion is that the Common mode voltage is too close so it is non-linear above 80Ohm (which corroborates the observations from before. Suggestions of correction : - Change OPAMP with tighter common mode voltage limit - Change supply voltage of OPAMP to 7V and above -> Risky business - Change Rset and Vref to something lower. Ideally could go down to Vref at 3V and would lose a little bit of resolution between 3V and V3 but could also lose the voltage divider (5.1K and 2.7K) thus reducing stray current . In any case upload a V2 of the circuit with those different options
by Martin ROGER 5 months 16 hours
Create Calibration reference.xlsx Documenting the excessive current through the Rsense...
by Martin ROGER 5 months 17 hours
PCB update To reflect pin reassignments
by Martin ROGER 5 months 1 day
Code refactor act deux Moved a lot of repetitive pattern functions to their own .h files to allow for easier readibility. Same goes for general shared variables. Still compiles !
by Martin ROGER 5 months 1 day
Code refactor for PlatformIO Refactoring and changes of order of declarations
by Martin ROGER 5 months 2 days
Updated schematic and code GPIO4 is reenabled but subject to suspicions Schematic is updated, PCB is not.
by Martin ROGER 5 months 3 days
Multiple issues !! Read comment Counter_3 moved to non-ADC GPIO18 Moved away from trying to put two ISRs on the same pin (you would think the IDE tells you off...) Tried GPIO4 for Counter3 but seemed to perturbate ADC2 for the high KR analog Should retry with the sorted double interrupt but no guarantee this will resolve things Updated schematics with currently GPIO4, may need to move to GPIO18 also in schematics and PCB and kill one of the digitals
by Martin ROGER 1 year 3 weeks
Merge pull request #30 from martinroger/Martin-dev_PulseCounters Implemented based on pulse counting
by Martin ROGER 1 year 3 weeks
Implemented based on pulse counting More stable RPM steps up every 30 RPM -> Map over 50's ? Missing Water check Some doubts on stability of pulse generators
by Martin ROGER 1 year 3 weeks
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