Housekeeping update - 1.2.2 Version numbers updated to 1.2.2 for the schematic and PCB Components identified, datasheet and descriptions updated iBOM regenerated PCB plots regenerated PCB : - only thermal reliefs on PTH, not on SMD pads - couple GND islands taken care of - couple rationalisations on the 3v3 rails
by Martin ROGER 1 year 4 months
Merge branch 'Alex-dev'
by Martin ROGER 1 year 4 months
GND fill thermal reliefs Changed the GND plane fill to thermal relief to aid manufacture
by Alex-XNR 1 year 4 months
PCB update Includes 12V switcher updates plus other tweaks and additional ground stitching
by Alex-XNR 1 year 4 months
Updated opamp footprint
by Alex-XNR 1 year 4 months
Updated 12V to 3V3 Simplified 12V to 3V3 switcher
by Alex-XNR 1 year 4 months
Externalised the Iset resistor
by Martin ROGER 1 year 4 months
Minor PCB changes
by Martin ROGER 1 year 4 months
Comments @Alex-XNR Just confirmed with comments to educate me. I think the only point that remains open is the question of Rf and Ri ? I can't remember where I saw they were included and I can't see, to find anymore. For the higher resistance I/O I think I will try with a higher Iset resistor ? With my crappy simulator it seems to run.
by Martin ROGER 1 year 4 months
Added simulation files LTspice simulation files for reference
by Alex-XNR 1 year 4 months
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