
** Drc report for C:\local_D\scripts\scripts-PCB\scripts-kicad\joaq\JARS2_receiver\JARS_receiver.kicad_pcb ** ** Created on ** ** Found 9 DRC errors ** ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(2.6423 in, 6.4234 in): Pad 3 of U13 on TOP.Cu and others @(2.6423 in, 6.4431 in): Pad 4 of U13 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(2.7437 in, 6.4037 in): Pad 7 of U13 on TOP.Cu and others @(2.7437 in, 6.4234 in): Pad 6 of U13 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(2.7437 in, 6.4234 in): Pad 6 of U13 on TOP.Cu and others @(2.7437 in, 6.4431 in): Pad 5 of U13 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(2.8848 in, 6.3866 in): Pad 5 of U12 on TOP.Cu and others @(2.8848 in, 6.4062 in): Pad 6 of U12 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(2.8848 in, 6.4062 in): Pad 6 of U12 on TOP.Cu and others @(2.8848 in, 6.4259 in): Pad 7 of U12 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(2.9862 in, 6.3866 in): Pad 4 of U12 on TOP.Cu and others @(2.9862 in, 6.4062 in): Pad 3 of U12 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(3.9692 in, 6.5473 in): Pad 7 of U14 on TOP.Cu and others @(3.9888 in, 6.5473 in): Pad 6 of U14 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(3.9888 in, 6.5473 in): Pad 6 of U14 on TOP.Cu and others @(4.0085 in, 6.5473 in): Pad 5 of U14 on TOP.Cu and others ErrType(19): Pad too close to pad @(3.9888 in, 6.6487 in): Pad 3 of U14 on TOP.Cu and others @(4.0085 in, 6.6487 in): Pad 4 of U14 on TOP.Cu and others ** Found 0 unconnected pads ** ** End of Report **
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