
Last update 2 years 10 months
// C library for the MAX3421E USB peripheral/host controller IC // author: Petre Rodan <> // available from: // license: GNU GPLv3 // USB library stol^W borrowed from /* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Andrew J. Kroll and Copyright (C) 2011 Circuits At Home, LTD. All rights reserved. This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPL2) as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file GPL2.TXT included in the packaging of this file. Please note that GPL2 Section 2[b] requires that all works based on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of the GPL2 ("Copyleft"). Contact information ------------------- Circuits At Home, LTD Web : e-mail : */ #include <inttypes.h> #include <string.h> #include "max3421.h" #include "spi.h" #include "drivers/sys_messagebus.h" #include "drivers/timer_a0.h" #include "drivers/mcp42xxx.h" #include "HIDParser.h" #include "proj.h" #include "usb_spec.h" #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_NONE) #include "drivers/uart0.h" #include "drivers/helper.h" char itoa_buf[18]; #endif volatile uint8_t vbusState; volatile uint16_t sof_countdown; volatile uint8_t bus_event; volatile uint8_t usb_error; volatile uint8_t usb_task_state; volatile uint8_t usb_host_low_speed; // if 0 it's HIGH speed, 1 is LOW speed volatile uint8_t ifg_int_last_event; volatile uint8_t ifg_gpx_last_event; uint16_t HID_bInterval; // bInterval saved from the Endpoint Descriptor (poll time in ms) uint32_t qNextPollTime; // when the next poll will take place (ms based on millis) struct UHS_Device thePool[UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS]; // Endpoint data structure used during enumeration for uninitialized device struct UHS_EpInfo dev0ep; // HID-related epInfo struct UHS_EpInfo hid_epInfo; struct ENUMERATION_INFO ei; HID_ReportInfo_t HID_ri; void VBUS_changed(void) { // modify USB task state because Vbus changed or unknown // start with low speed uint8_t low_speed = 0; uint8_t iostate; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uart0_print("state "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, usb_task_state)); #endif switch (vbusState) { case LSHOST: // ? Low speed low_speed = 1; // Intentional fall-through case FSHOST: // ? Full speed // Start device initialization if we are not initializing // Resets to the device cause an IRQ // usb_task_state == UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RESET_NOT_COMPLETE; //if((usb_task_state & UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_MASK) != UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_DETACHED) { if (!(bus_event & doingreset)) { if (usb_task_state == UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RESET_NOT_COMPLETE) { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_WAIT_BUS_READY; } else if (usb_task_state != UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_WAIT_BUS_READY) { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_DEBOUNCE; } } sof_countdown = 0; break; case SE1: //illegal state sof_countdown = 0; bus_event &= ~doingreset; usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_ILLEGAL; break; case SE0: //disconnected default: sof_countdown = 0; bus_event &= ~doingreset; usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_IDLE; // only one device can be connected and it's currently not FreeAddress(1); // turn green led off iostate = regRd(rIOPINS2) & ~bmGPOUT7; regWr(rIOPINS2, iostate); break; } usb_host_low_speed = low_speed; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uart0_print("-> "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, usb_task_state)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif return; } // state machine void MAX3421_sm(void) { uint8_t x; uint8_t iostate; if (bus_event & condet) { VBUS_changed(); bus_event &= ~condet; } switch (usb_task_state) { case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_INITIALIZE: busprobe(); VBUS_changed(); break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_DEBOUNCE: sof_countdown = UHS_HOST_DEBOUNCE_DELAY_MS; usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_DEBOUNCE_NOT_COMPLETE; break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_DEBOUNCE_NOT_COMPLETE: if (!sof_countdown) { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RESET_DEVICE; } break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RESET_DEVICE: #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) uart0_print("sm rst dev\r\n"); #endif bus_event |= busevent; usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RESET_NOT_COMPLETE; regWr(rHIRQ, bmBUSEVENTIRQ); // see data sheet. regWr(rHCTL, bmBUSRST); // issue bus reset break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RESET_NOT_COMPLETE: if (!busevent) usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_WAIT_BUS_READY; break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_WAIT_BUS_READY: usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CONFIGURING; break; // don't fall through case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CONFIGURING: usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CHECK; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) uart0_print("sm conf\r\n"); #endif x = configure(0, 1, usb_host_low_speed); usb_error = x; if (usb_task_state == UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CHECK) { if (x) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_NONE) uart0_print("sm err "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, x)); #endif if (x == UHS_HOST_ERROR_JERR) { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_IDLE; } else if (x != UHS_HOST_ERROR_DEVICE_INIT_INCOMPLETE) { usb_error = x; usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_ERROR; } } else { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CONFIGURING_DONE; } } break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CHECK: break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_CONFIGURING_DONE: usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RUNNING; // assert led2 (green) iostate = regRd(rIOPINS2) | bmGPOUT7; regWr(rIOPINS2, iostate); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) uart0_print("config done\r\n"); #endif break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_RUNNING: poll_joystick(&ei); break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_VBUS_FLAGGED: usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_REINITIALIZE; // an overcurrent limit was reached, try to re-init in a while timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2(_500ms); break; case UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_REINITIALIZE: x = MAX3421_postinit(); if (x) { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_REINITIALIZE; timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2(_500ms); } else { usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_INITIALIZE; } break; default: // Do nothing break; } } // function that rescales the input value to an unsigned uint8_t // will work as long as max <= 2^16 uint8_t axis_rescale(const int32_t value, const int32_t min, const int32_t max) { uint8_t rv; uint64_t temp; // optimize common values if ((min == 0) && (max == 255)) { rv = (uint8_t) value; } else if ((min == 0) && (max == 1023)) { temp = value >> 2; rv = (uint8_t) temp; } else if ((min == 0) && (max == 127)) { temp = value << 1; rv = (uint8_t) temp; } else if ((min == -127) && (max == 127)) { temp = value + 127; rv = (uint8_t) temp; } else { if (min == max) { return 0; } // actually calculate the result temp = 255 * (value - min) / (max - min); rv = (uint8_t) temp; } return rv; } void poll_joystick(struct ENUMERATION_INFO *ei) { uint8_t rcode; uint8_t buf[8]; uint8_t rep_cnt; uint16_t length = hid_epInfo.maxPktSize; // 5 or 6 HID_ReportItem_t *ReportItem; memset(buf, 0x0, 8); if ((long)(millis() - qNextPollTime) >= 0L) { rcode = inTransfer(ei->address, 1, &length, buf); if (!rcode) { for (rep_cnt = 0; rep_cnt < HID_ri.TotalReportItems; rep_cnt++) { ReportItem = &HID_ri.ReportItems[rep_cnt]; // Update the report item value if it is contained within the current report if (!(USB_GetHIDReportItemInfo(buf, ReportItem))) { continue; } if (ReportItem->Value != ReportItem->PreviousValue) { if (ReportItem->Attributes.Usage.Page == USAGE_PAGE_BUTTON) { switch (ReportItem->Attributes.Usage.Usage) { case 1: if (ReportItem->Value) { b0_on; } else { b0_off; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("b1 "); #endif break; case 2: if (ReportItem->Value) { b1_on; } else { b1_off; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("b2 "); #endif break; case 3: if (ReportItem->Value) { b2_on; } else { b2_off; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("b3 "); #endif break; case 4: if (ReportItem->Value) { b3_on; } else { b3_off; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("b4 "); #endif break; default: #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ReportItem->Attributes.Usage.Usage)); uart0_print(" "); #endif break; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ReportItem->Value)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif } else { // not a button so it's a pot switch (ReportItem->AxisId) { case 1: mcp42_set_pot_ch(0, 1, axis_rescale(ReportItem->Value, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Minimum, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Maximum)); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("a1 "); #endif break; case 2: mcp42_set_pot_ch(0, 0, axis_rescale(ReportItem->Value, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Minimum, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Maximum)); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("a2 "); #endif break; case 3: mcp42_set_pot_ch(1, 1, axis_rescale(ReportItem->Value, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Minimum, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Maximum)); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("a3 "); #endif break; case 4: mcp42_set_pot_ch(1, 0, axis_rescale(ReportItem->Value, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Minimum, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Maximum)); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("a4 "); #endif break; default: #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ReportItem->Attributes.Usage.Usage)); uart0_print(" ignored "); #endif break; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ReportItem->AxisId)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ReportItem->Value)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh (itoa_buf, axis_rescale(ReportItem->Value, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Minimum, ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Maximum))); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif } } } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uint8_t i; uart0_print("IN "); //uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, length)); //uart0_print(" "); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, buf[i])); uart0_print(" "); } uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif } qNextPollTime = millis() + HID_bInterval; } } static void gpx_irq_handler(const uint16_t msg) { uint8_t rgpinirq, ret_rgpinirq = 0x0; uint8_t rusbirq, ret_rusbirq = 0x0; uint8_t iostate; gpx_cnt_hl++; // read io port interrupt register from SIE rgpinirq = regRd(rGPINIRQ); // read usb vbus interrupt register from SIE rusbirq = regRd(rUSBIRQ); if (rgpinirq) { if (rgpinirq & bmGPINIRQ7) { // emergency poweroff since we got flagged by MAX4789 ret_rgpinirq |= bmGPINIRQ7; // red led remains on as warning // remove all VBUS-related interrupts //regWr(rUSBIEN, 0); // MAX4789's enable pin is connected to GPOUT0 // disable VBUS regWr(rIOPINS1, 0); usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_VBUS_FLAGGED; // send the chip into reset MAX3421E_RST_ON; // assert led1 (red) iostate = regRd(rIOPINS2) | bmGPOUT6; regWr(rIOPINS2, iostate); // de-assert green led iostate = regRd(rIOPINS2) & ~bmGPOUT7; regWr(rIOPINS2, iostate); // free peripheral FreeAddress(1); // signal the state machine after a while timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2(_500ms); } else { //uart0_print("unhandled gpx irq "); //uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, )); //uart0_print("\r\n"); } // clear serviced irqs if (ret_rgpinirq) { regWr(rGPINIRQ, ret_rgpinirq); } } if (rusbirq) { if (rusbirq & bmNOVBUSIRQ) { // emergency poweroff ret_rusbirq |= bmNOVBUSIRQ; // red led remains on as warning // remove all VBUS-related interrupts //regWr(rUSBIEN, 0); // MAX4789's enable pin is connected to GPOUT0 // disable VBUS regWr(rIOPINS1, 0); usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_VBUS_FLAGGED; // send the chip into reset MAX3421E_RST_ON; // assert led1 (red) iostate = regRd(rIOPINS2) | bmGPOUT6; regWr(rIOPINS2, iostate); // de-assert green led iostate = regRd(rIOPINS2) & ~bmGPOUT7; regWr(rIOPINS2, iostate); // free peripheral FreeAddress(1); // signal the state machine after a while timer_a0_delay_noblk_ccr2(_500ms); } else { //uart0_print("unhandled gpx irq "); //uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, rusbirq)); //uart0_print("\r\n"); } // clear serviced irqs if (ret_rusbirq) { regWr(rUSBIRQ, ret_rusbirq); } } } static void int_irq_handler(const uint16_t msg) { uint8_t iv, ret_iv = 0x0; int_cnt_hl++; iv = regRd(rHIRQ); bus_event &= ~counted; if (iv & bmBUSEVENTIRQ) { ret_iv |= bmBUSEVENTIRQ; if (!(bus_event & doingreset)) { bus_event |= condet; } busprobe(); bus_event &= ~busevent; } if (iv & bmCONDETIRQ) { if (!(bus_event & doingreset)) { bus_event |= condet; } busprobe(); ret_iv |= bmCONDETIRQ; } if (iv & bmFRAMEIRQ) { // 1ms SOF PID irq if (sof_countdown) { sof_countdown--; bus_event |= counted; } bus_event &= ~sofevent; ret_iv |= bmFRAMEIRQ; } // clear serviced irqs regWr(rHIRQ, ret_iv); if (!sof_countdown && !(bus_event & counted)) { MAX3421_sm(); } } // timer based interrupt that services the state machine static void ccr2_irq_handler(const uint16_t msg) { MAX3421_sm(); } void InitEntry(const uint8_t index) { uint8_t i; thePool[index].address.devAddress = 0; thePool[index].epcount = 1; thePool[index].low_speed = 0; for (i = 0; i < UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS; i++) { thePool[index].epinfo[i] = &dev0ep; } }; uint8_t FindAddressIndex(const uint8_t address) { uint8_t i; for (i = 1; i < UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS; i++) { if (thePool[i].address.devAddress == address) return i; } return 0; } // Returns thePool child index for a given parent uint8_t FindChildIndex(struct UHS_DeviceAddress addr, const uint8_t start) { uint8_t i; for (i = (start < 1 || start >= UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS) ? 1 : start; i < UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS; i++) { if (thePool[i].address.bmParent == addr.bmAddress) return i; } return 0; } // Frees address entry specified by index parameter void FreeAddressByIndex(const uint8_t index) { uint8_t i; // Zero field is reserved and should not be affected if (index == 0) return; struct UHS_DeviceAddress uda = thePool[index].address; // If a hub was switched off all port addresses should be freed if (uda.bmHub == 1) { for (i = 1; (i = FindChildIndex(uda, i));) FreeAddressByIndex(i); } InitEntry(index); } void InitAllAddresses(void) { uint8_t i; for (i = 1; i < UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS; i++) InitEntry(i); } struct UHS_Device *GetUsbDevicePtr(uint8_t addr) { if (!addr) return thePool; uint8_t index = FindAddressIndex(addr); return (!index) ? NULL : &thePool[index]; } uint8_t AllocAddress(const uint8_t parent, const uint8_t port) { struct UHS_DeviceAddress _parent; _parent.devAddress = parent; if (_parent.bmReserved || port > 7) { return 0; } // finds first empty address entry starting from one uint8_t index = FindAddressIndex(0); if (!index) { // if empty entry is not found return 0; } struct UHS_DeviceAddress addr; addr.devAddress = port; addr.bmParent = _parent.bmAddress; thePool[index].address = addr; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uart0_print("* AllocAddress pA "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, parent)); uart0_print(" po "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, port)); uart0_print(" dA "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, addr.devAddress)); uart0_print(" idx "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, index)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif return thePool[index].address.devAddress; } void FreeAddress(const uint8_t addr) { // if the root hub is disconnected all the addresses should be initialized if (addr == 0x41) { InitAllAddresses(); return; } uint8_t index = FindAddressIndex(addr); FreeAddressByIndex(index); } void doHostReset(void) { noInterrupts(); bus_event |= doingreset; bus_event |= busevent; regWr(rSNDBC, 0); // FIXME regWr(rHIRQ, bmBUSEVENTIRQ | bmFRAMEIRQ); // issue bus reset regWr(rHCTL, bmBUSRST); interrupts(); while (bus_event & busevent) { /* uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, regRd(rHIRQ))); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, int_cnt_hl)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, P1IE)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, P1IFG)); uart0_print("\r\n"); timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_500ms); */ int_irq_handler(0); } noInterrupts(); bus_event |= sofevent; interrupts(); while (bus_event & sofevent) { int_irq_handler(0); } noInterrupts(); bus_event &= ~doingreset; interrupts(); } uint8_t MAX3421_postinit(void) { uint16_t i = 0; bus_event = 0; sof_countdown = 0; ifg_int_last_event = 0; ifg_gpx_last_event = 0; // init address space InitEntry(0); //thePool[0].epinfo[0] = &dev0ep; dev0ep.epAddr = 0; dev0ep.maxPktSize = 0x08; dev0ep.epAttribs = 0; dev0ep.bmNakPower = UHS_USB_NAK_MAX_POWER; InitAllAddresses(); // assert red led - it will remain on if init fails in any way regWr(rIOPINS2, bmGPOUT6); // remove RST signal MAX3421E_RST_OFF; // set full duplex SPI - needed for any regRd, edge-active INT interrupt regWr(rPINCTL, bmFDUPSPI | GPX_INIRQ); // reset io pins regWr(rIOPINS1, 0x0); // VBUS related - detect early if there is a large current sink attached to USB // MAX4789 has the FLAG pin tied to GPINIE7 regWr(rGPINIRQ, 0xff); // MAX4789's enable pin is connected to GPOUT0 // enable VBUS regWr(rIOPINS1, bmGPOUT0); // detect if VBUS is up while (++i) { if (regRd(rUSBIRQ) & bmVBUSIRQ) { break; } } if (!i) { // VBUS voltage did not reach 5v after 2^16 ticks // disable VBUS regWr(rIOPINS1, 0); MAX3421E_RST_ON; return EXIT_FAILURE; } if ((regRd(rGPINIRQ) & bmGPINIRQ7) | !(regRd(rIOPINS2) & bmGPIN7)) { // FLAG is asserted, shut down // disable VBUS regWr(rIOPINS1, 0); MAX3421E_RST_ON; usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_VBUS_FLAGGED; return EXIT_FAILURE; } // reset the chip, verify OSCOKIRQ regWr(rUSBCTL, bmCHIPRES); regWr(rUSBCTL, 0x00); while (++i) { if ((regRd(rUSBIRQ) & bmOSCOKIRQ)) { regWr(rUSBIRQ, bmOSCOKIRQ); break; } } if (!i) { // oscilator did not settle after 2^16 ticks return EXIT_FAILURE; } // enable useful interrupts regWr(rUSBIRQ, (bmVBUSIRQ | bmNOVBUSIRQ | bmOSCOKIRQ)); regWr(rUSBIEN, (bmVBUSIE | bmNOVBUSIE)); regWr(rGPINIEN, bmGPINIEN7); // Full duplex, input port interrupt regWr(rPINCTL, bmFDUPSPI | GPX_INIRQ); // set host mode // set pulldowns for peripheral plugin and speed detection regWr(rMODE, bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST | bmSEPIRQ); // peripheral and frame generator interrupt enable regWr(rHIEN, bmCONNIE | bmFRAMEIE | bmBUSEVENTIE); // check if a peripheral is connected regWr(rHCTL, bmSAMPLEBUS); while (!(regRd(rHCTL) & bmSAMPLEBUS)) ; //wait for sample operation to finish usb_task_state = UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_INITIALIZE; busprobe(); VBUS_changed(); // clear connection detect interrupt regWr(rHIRQ, bmCONNIRQ); // enable INT pin regWr(rCPUCTL, bmIE); // status leds off regWr(rIOPINS2, 0); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } uint8_t MAX3421_init(void) { uint8_t rv; int_cnt = 0; int_cnt_hl = 0; gpx_cnt = 0; gpx_cnt_hl = 0; sys_messagebus_register(&gpx_irq_handler, SYS_MSG_P1IFG_GPX); sys_messagebus_register(&int_irq_handler, SYS_MSG_P1IFG_INT); sys_messagebus_register(&ccr2_irq_handler, SYS_MSG_TIMER0_CRR2); rv = MAX3421_postinit(); return rv; } uint8_t MAX3421_getVbusState(void) { return vbusState; }; void regWr(const uint8_t reg, const uint8_t val) { uint8_t data[2]; // data[0] is the command byte, data[1] is the data byte data[0] = reg | MAX3421_WRITE; data[1] = val; MAX3421_CS_SELECT; spi_send_frame(data, 2); MAX3421_CS_DESELECT; } uint8_t *bytesWr(const uint8_t reg, const uint8_t nbytes, uint8_t * data_p) { uint8_t data; data = reg | MAX3421_WRITE; MAX3421_CS_SELECT; spi_send_frame(&data, 1); spi_send_frame(data_p, nbytes); MAX3421_CS_DESELECT; return data_p + nbytes; } uint8_t regRd(const uint8_t reg) { uint8_t rv = 0; MAX3421_CS_SELECT; spi_send_frame((uint8_t *) & reg, 1); spi_read_frame(&rv, 1); MAX3421_CS_DESELECT; return rv; } uint8_t *bytesRd(const uint8_t reg, const uint8_t nbytes, uint8_t * data_p) { MAX3421_CS_SELECT; spi_send_frame((uint8_t *) & reg, 1); spi_read_frame(data_p, nbytes); MAX3421_CS_DESELECT; //data_p += nbytes; return (data_p + nbytes); } /** @brief GPIO write * @retval void */ /* GPOUT bits are in the low nibble. 0-3 in IOPINS1, 4-7 in IOPINS2 */ void gpioWr(const uint8_t data) { uint8_t pins2; regWr(rIOPINS1, data); pins2 = data >> 4; regWr(rIOPINS2, pins2); } /** @brief Reads the current GPI input values * @retval uint8_t Bitwise value of all 8 GPI inputs */ /* GPIN pins are in high nibbles of IOPINS1, IOPINS2 */ uint8_t gpioRd(void) { uint8_t gpin = 0; gpin = regRd(rIOPINS2); gpin &= 0xf0; gpin |= (regRd(rIOPINS1) >> 4); return (gpin); } /** @brief Reads the current GPI output values * @retval uint8_t Bitwise value of all 8 GPI outputs */ /* GPOUT pins are in low nibbles of IOPINS1, IOPINS2 */ uint8_t gpioRdOutput(void) { uint8_t gpout = 0; gpout = regRd(rIOPINS1); gpout &= 0x0f; gpout |= (regRd(rIOPINS2) << 4); return (gpout); } /* if LOWSPEED == 0 J-state means D+ high D- low - full speed peripheral K-state means D+ low D- high - low speed peripheral if LOWSPEED == 1 J-state means D+ low D- high - low speed peripheral K-state means D+ high D- low - full speed peripheral SIE weakly pulls both D- and D+ low via 15K resistors a low speed peripheral pulls D- high via 1.5K resistor D- high, D+ low J state if LOWSPEED == 1 K state if LOWSPEED == 0 a full speed peripheral pulls D+ high via 1.5K resistor to 3.3V D- low, D+ high J state if LOWSPEED == 1 K state if LOWSPEED == 0 */ // probe bus to determine device presence and speed and switch host to this speed void busprobe(void) { uint8_t rhrsl; uint8_t rmode; uint8_t retries = 10; rhrsl = regRd(rHRSL); rmode = regRd(rMODE); if ((rhrsl & (bmJSTATUS | bmKSTATUS | 0x0f)) == hrNAK) { // force a fresh bus sample since we should have never ended up // with CONNIRQ asserted and JSTATUS and KSTATUS zero during a peripheral connect regWr(rHCTL, bmSAMPLEBUS); while (!(regRd(rHCTL) & bmSAMPLEBUS)) { _NOP(); // for breakpoints } // device still not ready, so let's retry while (--retries) { rhrsl = regRd(rHRSL); if (rhrsl & (bmJSTATUS | bmKSTATUS)) { break; } } } // ignore most of the bits from rHRSL from this point on rhrsl &= (bmJSTATUS | bmKSTATUS); switch (rhrsl) { case (bmJSTATUS): if ((rmode & bmLOWSPEED) == 0) { if (rmode != MODE_FS_HOST) { regWr(rMODE, MODE_FS_HOST); } vbusState = FSHOST; } else { if (rmode != MODE_LS_HOST) { regWr(rMODE, MODE_LS_HOST); } vbusState = LSHOST; } break; case (bmKSTATUS): if ((regRd(rMODE) & bmLOWSPEED) == 0) { if (rmode != MODE_LS_HOST) { regWr(rMODE, MODE_LS_HOST); } vbusState = LSHOST; } else { if (rmode != MODE_FS_HOST) { regWr(rMODE, MODE_FS_HOST); } vbusState = FSHOST; } break; case (bmSE1): // illegal state // disable SOF generation if (rmode != (bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST | bmSEPIRQ)) { regWr(rMODE, (bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST | bmSEPIRQ)); } vbusState = SE1; break; case (bmSE0): // disconnected state // disable SOF generation if (rmode != (bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST | bmSEPIRQ)) { regWr(rMODE, (bmDPPULLDN | bmDMPULLDN | bmHOST | bmSEPIRQ)); } vbusState = SE0; break; } } // * Initialize the descriptor stream, works much like opening a file. // * // * @param ei // * @param ucd // * @param pep // * @param data // * @param left // * @param read // * @param offset // * @return zero for success or error code uint8_t initDescrStream(struct ENUMERATION_INFO *ei, USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR * ucd, struct UHS_EpInfo *pep, uint8_t * data, uint16_t * left, uint16_t * read, uint8_t * offset) { if (!ei || !ucd) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT; } if (!pep) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NULL_EPINFO; } *left = ucd->wTotalLength; *read = 0; *offset = 1; uint8_t rcode; pep->maxPktSize = ei->bMaxPacketSize0; rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); return rcode; } uint8_t getNextInterface(struct ENUMERATION_INFO * ei, struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, uint8_t data[], uint16_t * left, uint16_t * read, uint8_t * offset) { uint16_t remain; uint8_t ty; uint8_t rcode = UHS_HOST_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; uint8_t *ptr; uint8_t epc = 0; uint8_t i; ei->interface.numep = 0; ei->interface.klass = 0; ei->interface.subklass = 0; ei->interface.protocol = 0; while (*left + *read) { remain = data[*offset]; // bLength while (remain < 2) { rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) return rcode; remain = data[*offset]; } rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) return rcode; ty = data[*offset]; // bDescriptorType //HOST_DUBUG("bLength: %i ", remain); //HOST_DUBUG("bDescriptorType: %2.2x\r\n", ty); remain--; if (ty == USB_DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE) { //HOST_DUBUG("INTERFACE DESCRIPTOR FOUND\r\n"); ptr = (uint8_t *) (&(ei->interface.bInterfaceNumber)); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) return rcode; *ptr = data[*offset]; ptr++; } rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) return rcode; // Now at iInterface // Get endpoints. //HOST_DUBUG("Getting %i endpoints\r\n", ei->interface.numep); while (epc < ei->interface.numep) { rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) { //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR DIED WAY EARLY\r\n"); return rcode; } remain = data[*offset]; // bLength while (remain < 2) { rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) return rcode; remain = data[*offset]; } rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) { //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR DIED EARLY\r\n"); return rcode; } ty = data[*offset]; // bDescriptorType //HOST_DUBUG("bLength: %i ", remain); //HOST_DUBUG("bDescriptorType: %2.2x\r\n", ty); remain -= 2; if (ty == USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT) { //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR: %i\r\n", epc); ptr = (uint8_t *) (&(ei->interface.epInfo[epc].bEndpointAddress)); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct ENDPOINT_INFO); i++) { rcode = getone(pep, left, read, data, offset); if (rcode) { //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR DIED LATE\r\n"); return rcode; } *ptr = data[*offset]; ptr++; remain--; } epc++; //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR OK\r\n"); } rcode = eat(pep, left, read, data, offset, &remain); if (rcode) { //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR DIED EATING\r\n"); return rcode; } remain = 0; } remain = 1; // queue ahead, but do not report if error. rcode = eat(pep, left, read, data, offset, &remain); if (!ei->interface.numep && rcode) { return rcode; } //HOST_DUBUG("ENDPOINT DESCRIPTORS FILLED\r\n"); return 0; } else { rcode = eat(pep, left, read, data, offset, &remain); if (rcode) return rcode; } rcode = UHS_HOST_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } return rcode; } // * Receive a packet // * // * @param pep pointer to a valid UHS_EpInfo structure // * @param nak_limit how many NAKs before aborting // * @param nbytesptr pointer to maximum number of bytes of data to receive // * @param data pointer to data buffer // * @return 0 on success uint8_t InTransfer(struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, const uint16_t nak_limit, uint16_t * nbytesptr, uint8_t * data) { uint8_t rcode = 0; uint8_t pktsize; uint16_t nbytes = *nbytesptr; uint8_t maxpktsize = pep->maxPktSize; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uart0_print("\r\n* InTransfer "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, nbytes)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif *nbytesptr = 0; regWr(rHCTL, (pep->bmRcvToggle) ? bmRCVTOG1 : bmRCVTOG0); //set toggle value // use a 'break' to exit this loop while (1) { rcode = dispatchPkt(tokIN, pep->epAddr, nak_limit); //IN packet to EP-'endpoint'. Function takes care of NAKS. #if 0 // This issue should be resolved now. if (rcode == UHS_HOST_ERROR_TOGERR) { //MAX_HOST_DEBUG("toggle wrong\r\n"); // yes, we flip it wrong here so that next time it is actually correct! pep->bmRcvToggle = (regRd(rHRSL) & bmSNDTOGRD) ? 0 : 1; regWr(rHCTL, (pep->bmRcvToggle) ? bmRCVTOG1 : bmRCVTOG0); //set toggle value continue; } #endif if (rcode) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) // NAKs are too common to print these while LOG_LEVEL_ERROR uart0_print("! InTransfer err dP "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, rcode)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif break; //should be 0, indicating ACK. Else return error code. } /* check for RCVDAVIRQ and generate error if not present */ /* the only case when absence of RCVDAVIRQ makes sense is when toggle error occurred. Need to add handling for that */ if ((regRd(rHIRQ) & bmRCVDAVIRQ) == 0) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_FATAL) uart0_print("! InTransfer err no RCVDAVIRQ\r\n"); #endif rcode = 0xf0; //receive error break; } pktsize = regRd(rRCVBC); //number of received bytes #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uart0_print("* InTransfer got "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, pktsize)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif if (pktsize > nbytes) { //certain devices send more than asked #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! InTransfer "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, nbytes)); uart0_print("B != "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, pktsize)); uart0_print("B\r\n"); #endif pktsize = nbytes; } int16_t mem_left = (int16_t) nbytes - *((int16_t *) nbytesptr); if (mem_left < 0) mem_left = 0; data = bytesRd(rRCVFIFO, ((pktsize > mem_left) ? mem_left : pktsize), data); regWr(rHIRQ, bmRCVDAVIRQ); // Clear the IRQ & free the buffer *nbytesptr += pktsize; // add this packet's byte count to total transfer length /* The transfer is complete under two conditions: */ /* 1. The device sent a short packet (L.T. maxPacketSize) */ /* 2. 'nbytes' have been transferred. */ if ((pktsize < maxpktsize) || (*nbytesptr >= nbytes)) // have we transferred 'nbytes' bytes? { // Save toggle value pep->bmRcvToggle = ((regRd(rHRSL) & bmRCVTOGRD)) ? 1 : 0; rcode = 0; break; } } return (rcode); } // * Transmit a packet // * // * @param pep pointer to a valid UHS_EpInfo structure // * @param nak_limit how many NAKs before aborting // * @param nbytes number of bytes of data to send // * @param data pointer to data buffer // * @return 0 on success uint8_t OutTransfer(struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, const uint16_t nak_limit, const uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * data) { uint8_t rcode = UHS_HOST_ERROR_NONE; uint8_t retry_count; uint8_t *data_p = data; //local copy of the data pointer uint16_t bytes_tosend; uint16_t nak_count; uint16_t bytes_left = nbytes; uint8_t maxpktsize = pep->maxPktSize; if (maxpktsize < 1 || maxpktsize > 64) return UHS_HOST_ERROR_BAD_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; unsigned long timeout = millis() + UHS_HOST_TRANSFER_MAX_MS; regWr(rHCTL, (pep->bmSndToggle) ? bmSNDTOG1 : bmSNDTOG0); //set toggle value while (bytes_left) { retry_count = 0; nak_count = 0; bytes_tosend = (bytes_left >= maxpktsize) ? maxpktsize : bytes_left; bytesWr(rSNDFIFO, bytes_tosend, data_p); //filling output FIFO regWr(rSNDBC, bytes_tosend); //set number of bytes regWr(rHXFR, (tokOUT | pep->epAddr)); //dispatch packet while (!(regRd(rHIRQ) & bmHXFRDNIRQ)) ; //wait for the completion IRQ regWr(rHIRQ, bmHXFRDNIRQ); //clear IRQ rcode = (regRd(rHRSL) & 0x0f); while (rcode && ((long)(millis() - timeout) < 0L)) { switch (rcode) { case UHS_HOST_ERROR_NAK: nak_count++; if (nak_limit && (nak_count == nak_limit)) goto breakout; break; case UHS_HOST_ERROR_TIMEOUT: retry_count++; if (retry_count == UHS_HOST_TRANSFER_RETRY_MAXIMUM) goto breakout; break; case UHS_HOST_ERROR_TOGERR: // yes, we flip it wrong here so that next time it is actually correct! pep->bmSndToggle = (regRd(rHRSL) & bmSNDTOGRD) ? 0 : 1; regWr(rHCTL, (pep->bmSndToggle) ? bmSNDTOG1 : bmSNDTOG0); //set toggle value break; default: goto breakout; } //switch( rcode /* process NAK according to Host out NAK bug */ regWr(rSNDBC, 0); regWr(rSNDFIFO, *data_p); regWr(rSNDBC, bytes_tosend); regWr(rHXFR, (tokOUT | pep->epAddr)); //dispatch packet while (!(regRd(rHIRQ) & bmHXFRDNIRQ)) ; //wait for the completion IRQ regWr(rHIRQ, bmHXFRDNIRQ); //clear IRQ rcode = (regRd(rHRSL) & 0x0f); } //while( rcode && .... bytes_left -= bytes_tosend; data_p += bytes_tosend; } //while( bytes_left... breakout: pep->bmSndToggle = (regRd(rHRSL) & bmSNDTOGRD) ? 1 : 0; //bmSNDTOG1 : bmSNDTOG0; //update toggle return (rcode); //should be 0 in all cases } // * Send the actual packet. // * // * @param token // * @param ep Endpoint // * @param nak_limit how many NAKs before aborting, 0 == exit after timeout // * @return 0 on success, 0xFF indicates NAK timeout. @see // * // Assumes peripheral address is set and relevant buffer is loaded/empty // If NAK, tries to re-send up to nak_limit times // If nak_limit == 0, do not count NAKs, exit after timeout // If bus timeout, re-sends up to USB_RETRY_LIMIT times // return codes 0x00-0x0f are HRSLT( 0x00 being success ), 0xff means timeout uint8_t dispatchPkt(const uint8_t token, const uint8_t ep, const uint16_t nak_limit) { unsigned long timeout = millis() + UHS_HOST_TRANSFER_MAX_MS; uint8_t tmpdata; uint8_t rcode = UHS_HOST_ERROR_NONE; uint8_t retry_count = 0; uint16_t nak_count = 0; for (;;) { // launch the host transfer regWr(rHXFR, (token | ep)); while ((long)(millis() - timeout) < 0L) { // check if host transfer is complete tmpdata = regRd(rHIRQ); if (tmpdata & bmHXFRDNIRQ) { // clear the interrupt regWr(rHIRQ, bmHXFRDNIRQ); break; } } // read the HRSLT[0-3] register bits // that contain the transfer result rcode = (regRd(rHRSL) & 0x0f); switch (rcode) { case UHS_HOST_ERROR_NAK: nak_count++; if (nak_limit && (nak_count == nak_limit)) { return (rcode); } timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_200us); break; case UHS_HOST_ERROR_JERR: // fallthrough case UHS_HOST_ERROR_KERR: // fallthrough case UHS_HOST_ERROR_TIMEOUT: retry_count++; if (retry_count == UHS_HOST_TRANSFER_RETRY_MAXIMUM) { return (rcode); } break; default: return (rcode); } } } // // * Sets a device table entry for a device. // * Each device is different and has different number of endpoints. // * This function plugs endpoint record structure, defined in application, to devtable // * // * @param addr device address // * @param epcount how many endpoints // * @param eprecord pointer to the endpoint structure // * @return Zero for success, or error code uint8_t setEpInfoEntry(uint8_t addr, uint8_t iface, uint8_t epcount, struct UHS_EpInfo * eprecord) { if (!eprecord) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENT; } struct UHS_Device *p = GetUsbDevicePtr(addr); if (!p) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NO_ADDRESS_IN_POOL; } // p->address.devAddress = addr; the fuck?? p->epinfo[iface] = eprecord; // overwrites epinfo[0] wtf FIXME p->epcount = epcount; return 0; } struct UHS_EpInfo *getEpInfoEntry(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t ep) { uint8_t i, j; struct UHS_Device *p = GetUsbDevicePtr(addr); if (!p || !p->epinfo) { return NULL; } struct UHS_EpInfo *pep; for (j = 0; j < UHS_HOST_MAX_INTERFACE_DRIVERS; j++) { pep = (struct UHS_EpInfo *)(p->epinfo[j]); for (i = 0; i < p->epcount; i++) { if ((pep)->epAddr == ep) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uart0_print("* getEpInfoEntry if "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, pep->bIface)); uart0_print(" ep "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ep)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif return pep; } pep++; } } return NULL; } // * Setup UHS_EpInfo structure // * // * @param addr USB device address // * @param ep Endpoint // * @param ppep pointer to the pointer to a valid UHS_EpInfo structure // * @param nak_limit how many NAKs before aborting // * @return 0 on success uint8_t SetAddress(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t ep, struct UHS_EpInfo ** ppep, uint16_t * nak_limit) { uint16_t nak_lim; struct UHS_Device *p = GetUsbDevicePtr(addr); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uart0_print("* SetAddress "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, addr)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, ep)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif if (!p) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NO_ADDRESS_IN_POOL; } if (!p->epinfo) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NULL_EPINFO; } *ppep = getEpInfoEntry(addr, ep); if (!*ppep) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NO_ENDPOINT_IN_TABLE; } nak_lim = (0x0001UL << (((*ppep)->bmNakPower > UHS_USB_NAK_MAX_POWER) ? UHS_USB_NAK_MAX_POWER : (*ppep)->bmNakPower)); nak_lim--; *nak_limit = nak_lim; regWr(rPERADDR, addr); //set peripheral address // this project does not support multiple peripherals at the same time (or hubs) // so never change the speed in this function //uint8_t mode = regRd(rMODE); // Set bmLOWSPEED and bmHUBPRE in case of low-speed device, reset them otherwise //regWr(rMODE, (p->low_speed) ? mode & ~(bmHUBPRE | bmLOWSPEED) : mode | bmLOWSPEED); // FIXME return 0; } struct UHS_EpInfo *ctrlReqOpen(const uint8_t addr, const uint64_t Request, uint8_t * dataptr) { uint8_t rcode; struct UHS_EpInfo *pep = NULL; uint16_t nak_limit = 0; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) uart0_print("* ctrlReqOpen ad "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, addr)); uart0_print(" rq "); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uint8_t i; uint8_t *req = (uint8_t *) & Request; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, req[i])); uart0_print(" "); } #endif uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif rcode = SetAddress(addr, 0, &pep, &nak_limit); if (!rcode) { bytesWr(rSUDFIFO, 8, (uint8_t *) (&Request)); //transfer to setup packet FIFO rcode = dispatchPkt(tokSETUP, 0, nak_limit); //dispatch packet if (!rcode) { if (dataptr != NULL) { if (((Request) /* bmReqType */ &0x80) == 0x80) { pep->bmRcvToggle = 1; //bmRCVTOG1; } else { pep->bmSndToggle = 1; //bmSNDTOG1; } } } else { pep = NULL; } } return pep; } uint8_t ctrlReqRead(struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, uint16_t * left, uint16_t * read, const uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * dataptr) { *read = 0; uint16_t nak_limit = 0; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uart0_print("* ctrlReqRead "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, *left)); #endif if (*left) { again: *read = nbytes; uint8_t rcode = InTransfer(pep, nak_limit, read, dataptr); if (rcode == UHS_HOST_ERROR_TOGERR) { // yes, we flip it wrong here so that next time it is actually correct! pep->bmRcvToggle = (regRd(rHRSL) & bmSNDTOGRD) ? 0 : 1; goto again; } if (rcode) { //MAX_HOST_DEBUG("ctrlReqRead ERROR: %2.2x, left: %i, read %i\r\n", rcode, *left, *read); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! ctrlReqRead err\r\n"); return rcode; #endif } *left -= *read; #if 0 // (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uart0_print(" left "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, *left)); uart0_print(" read "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, *read)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif } return 0; } uint8_t ctrlReqClose(struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, const uint8_t bmReqType, uint16_t left, const uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * dataptr) { uint8_t rcode = 0; //Serial.println("Closing"); //Serial.flush(); if (((bmReqType & 0x80) == 0x80) && pep && left && dataptr) { //Serial.println("Drain"); //MAX_HOST_DEBUG("ctrlReqRead Sinking %i\r\n", left); // If reading, sink the rest of the data. while (left) { uint16_t read = nbytes; rcode = InTransfer(pep, 0, &read, dataptr); if (rcode == UHS_HOST_ERROR_TOGERR) { // yes, we flip it wrong here so that next time it is actually correct! pep->bmRcvToggle = (regRd(rHRSL) & bmSNDTOGRD) ? 0 : 1; continue; } if (rcode) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! ctrlReqClose IT err\r\n"); #endif break; } left -= read; if (read < nbytes) break; } // } else { // Serial.println("Nothing to drain"); } if (!rcode) { // Serial.println("Dispatching"); rcode = dispatchPkt(((bmReqType & 0x80) == 0x80) ? tokOUTHS : tokINHS, 0, 0); //GET if direction if (rcode) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! ctrlReqClose dP err\r\n"); #endif } // } else { // Serial.println("Bypassed Dispatch"); } return rcode; } uint8_t getone(struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, uint16_t * left, uint16_t * read, uint8_t * dataptr, uint8_t * offset) { uint8_t rcode = 0; *offset += 1; if (*offset < *read) { return 0; } else if (*left > 0) { // uint16_t num = *left; uint16_t num = pep->maxPktSize; if (num > *left) num = *left; *offset = 0; rcode = ctrlReqRead(pep, left, read, num, dataptr); if (rcode == 0) { if (*read == 0) { rcode = UHS_HOST_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } else if (*read < num) *left = 0; } } else { rcode = UHS_HOST_ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } return rcode; } uint8_t eat(struct UHS_EpInfo * pep, uint16_t * left, uint16_t * read, uint8_t * dataptr, uint8_t * offset, uint16_t * yum) { uint8_t rcode = 0; //HOST_DUBUG("eating %i\r\n", *yum); while (*yum) { *yum -= 1; rcode = getone(pep, left, read, dataptr, offset); if (rcode) break; } return rcode; } uint8_t ctrlReq(uint8_t addr, uint64_t Request, uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * dataptr) { uint8_t rcode = 0; struct UHS_EpInfo *pep = ctrlReqOpen(addr, Request, dataptr); if (!pep) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NULL_EPINFO; } uint8_t rt = (uint8_t) (Request & 0xFFU); uint16_t left = (uint16_t) (Request >> 48) /*total */ ; if (dataptr != NULL) { //data stage if ((rt & 0x80) == 0x80) { //IN transfer while (left) { // Bytes read into buffer uint16_t read = nbytes; rcode = ctrlReqRead(pep, &left, &read, nbytes, dataptr); if (rcode) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! ctrlReq err in ctrlReqRead\r\n"); #endif return rcode; } // Should only be used for GET_DESCRIPTOR USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE if (!addr && ((Request & (uint32_t) 0xFF00FF00U) == (((uint32_t) USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR << 8) | ((uint32_t) USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE << 24)))) { left = 0; break; } } } else { // OUT transfer rcode = OutTransfer(pep, 0, nbytes, dataptr); } if (rcode) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! ctrlReq err in OutTransfer\r\n"); #endif return (rcode); } } // Status stage rcode = ctrlReqClose(pep, rt, left, nbytes, dataptr); if (rcode) { #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) uart0_print("! ctrlReq err in cRClose\r\n"); #endif } return rcode; } // * Gets the device descriptor, or part of it from endpoint Zero. // * // * @param addr Address of the device // * @param nbytes how many bytes to return // * @param dataptr pointer to the data to return // * @return status of the request, zero is success. uint8_t getDevDescr(const uint8_t addr, const uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * dataptr) { return (ctrlReq (addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(UHS_bmREQ_GET_DESCR, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, 0x00, USB_DESCRIPTOR_DEVICE, 0x0000, nbytes), nbytes, dataptr)); } // * Gets the config descriptor, or part of it from endpoint Zero. // * // * @param addr Address of the device // * @param nbytes how many bytes to return // * @param conf index to descriptor to return // * @param dataptr ointer to the data to return // * @return status of the request, zero is success. uint8_t getConfDescr(const uint8_t addr, const uint16_t nbytes, const uint8_t conf, uint8_t * dataptr) { return (ctrlReq (addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(UHS_bmREQ_GET_DESCR, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, conf, USB_DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION, 0x0000, nbytes), nbytes, dataptr)); } // * Get the string descriptor from a device // * // * @param addr Address of the device // * @param ns // * @param index // * @param langid language ID // * @param dataptr pointer to the data to return // * @return status of the request, zero is success. uint8_t getStrDescr(const uint8_t addr, const uint16_t ns, const uint8_t index, const uint16_t langid, uint8_t * dataptr) { return (ctrlReq (addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(UHS_bmREQ_GET_DESCR, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, index, USB_DESCRIPTOR_STRING, langid, ns), ns, dataptr)); } // * Get the configuration for the device to use via endpoint Zero. // * // * @param addr Address of the device // * @param conf_value configuration index value // * @param dataptr pointer to the data to return // * @return status of the request, zero is success. uint8_t getConf(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t conf_value, uint8_t * dataptr) { return (ctrlReq (addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(USB_SETUP_DEVICE_TO_HOST, USB_REQUEST_GET_CONFIGURATION, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0000, conf_value), conf_value, dataptr)); } // * Set the address of a device to a new address via endpoint Zero. // * // * @param oldaddr current address // * @param newaddr new address // * @return status of the request, zero is success. uint8_t setAddr(const uint8_t oldaddr, const uint8_t newaddr) { uint8_t rcode = ctrlReq(oldaddr, mkSETUP_PKT8(UHS_bmREQ_SET, USB_REQUEST_SET_ADDRESS, newaddr, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0000), 0x0000, NULL); sof_delay(300); // Older spec says you should wait at least 200ms return rcode; } // * Set the configuration for the device to use via endpoint Zero. // * // * @param addr Address of the device // * @param conf_value configuration index value // * @return status of the request, zero is success. uint8_t setConf(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t conf_value) { return (ctrlReq (addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(UHS_bmREQ_SET, USB_REQUEST_SET_CONFIGURATION, conf_value, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x0000), 0x0000, NULL)); } uint8_t ReportDescr(const uint8_t addr, const uint16_t wIndex, const uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * buffer) { return ctrlReq(addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(0x81U, USB_REQUEST_GET_DESCRIPTOR, 0x00U, 0x22U, wIndex, nbytes), nbytes, buffer); } uint8_t SetIdle(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t iface, const uint8_t reportID, const uint8_t duration) { return ctrlReq(addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(0x21U, 0x0AU, reportID, duration, iface, 0x0000U), 0, NULL); } uint8_t SetProtocol(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t iface, const uint8_t protocol) { return ctrlReq(addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(0x21, 0x0B, protocol, 0x00, iface, 0x0000U), 0, NULL); } uint8_t SetReport(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t iface, const uint8_t report_type, const uint8_t report_id, const uint16_t nbytes, uint8_t * dataptr) { return ctrlReq(addr, mkSETUP_PKT8(0x21U, 0x09U, report_id, report_type, iface, nbytes), nbytes, dataptr); } uint8_t sof_delay(const uint16_t x) { uint16_t ticks = x; if (!(usb_task_state & UHS_USB_HOST_STATE_MASK)) return false; uint8_t current_state = usb_task_state; while (current_state == usb_task_state && ticks--) { timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_1ms); } return (current_state == usb_task_state); }; // //set address // // * Perform a bus reset to the port of the connected device // * // * @param parent index to Parent // * @param port what port on the parent // * @param address address of the device // * @return Zero for success, or error code uint8_t doSoftReset(const uint8_t parent, const uint8_t port, const uint8_t address) { uint8_t rcode = 0; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_WARNING) uart0_print("* doSoftReset "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, parent)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, port)); uart0_print(" "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, address)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif if (parent == 0) { // Send a bus reset on the root interface. doHostReset(); } else { // reset parent port //devConfig[parent]->ResetHubPort(port); // FIXME // well, hubs are not supported at this point } // // Many devices require a delay before setting the address here... // We loop upon fails for up to 2 seconds instead. // Most devices will be happy without a retry. // uint8_t retries = 0; if (address) { do { rcode = setAddr(0, address); if (!rcode) break; retries++; sof_delay(10); } while (retries < 200); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uart0_print("* doSoftReset "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, retries)); uart0_print(" retries\r\n"); #endif } return rcode; } // DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR size is 18bytes // CONFIGURATION is 34bytes // HID report size is 74bytes //#define MAX_PACKET_LEN 0x12 #define MAX_PACKET_LEN 128 // * enumerates interfaces on devices // * // * @param parent index to Parent // * @param port what port on the parent // * @param speed the speed of the device // * @return Zero for success, or error code uint8_t configure(const uint8_t parent, const uint8_t port, const uint8_t low_speed) { uint8_t rcode = 0; uint16_t i; struct UHS_Device *p = NULL; uint8_t buf[MAX_PACKET_LEN]; uint8_t udd_bNumConfigurations = 0; uint8_t ucd_wTotalLength = 0; uint8_t uhd_wDescriptorLength = 0; #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_INFO) uart0_print("* configuring parent "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, parent)); uart0_print(" port "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, port)); uart0_print(" low_speed "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, low_speed)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif sof_delay(200); p = GetUsbDevicePtr(0); if (!p) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NO_ADDRESS_IN_POOL; } p->low_speed = low_speed; p->epinfo[0][0].maxPktSize = 0x08; /////////////////////////////////////// // get device descriptor // memset(buf, 0x00, MAX_PACKET_LEN); timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = getDevDescr(0, MAX_PACKET_LEN, buf); // TX 0x80 0x06 0x0 0x01 0x0 0x0 0x12 0x0 // RX 0x12 0x01 0x10 0x01 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x08 0x6d 0x04 0x14 0xc2 0x05 0x02 0x01 0x02 0x0 0x01 if (rcode) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailGetDevDescr; } { USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR *udd; udd = (USB_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR *) buf; ei.vid = udd->idVendor; = udd->idProduct; ei.bcdDevice = udd->bcdDevice; ei.klass = udd->bDeviceClass; ei.subklass = udd->bDeviceSubClass; ei.protocol = udd->bDeviceProtocol; ei.bMaxPacketSize0 = udd->bMaxPacketSize0; ei.currentconfig = 0; ei.parent = parent; ei.port = port; udd_bNumConfigurations = udd->bNumConfigurations; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) for (i = 0; i < buf[0]; i++) { uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, buf[i])); uart0_print(" "); } uart0_print("\r\nbuf ^\r\n"); #endif ///////////////////////////////////////// // allocate permanent address to device // (it's always 1 since we only support 1 device) ei.address = AllocAddress(parent, port); if (!ei.address) { return UHS_HOST_ERROR_ADDRESS_POOL_FULL; } // shift p to address = 1; p = GetUsbDevicePtr(ei.address); p->low_speed = low_speed; timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = doSoftReset(parent, port, ei.address); if (rcode) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailReset; } // the USB spec requires a 2ms delay after the address is set timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); if (udd_bNumConfigurations < 1) { //uart0_print("err: no interfaces\r\n"); FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_NoConfigurations; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // read the minimal config descriptor // memset(buf, 0x00, MAX_PACKET_LEN); timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = getConfDescr(ei.address, sizeof(USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR), 0, buf); // TX 0x80 0x06 0x00 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x09 0x00 // RX 0x09 0x02 0x22 0x00 0x01 0x01 0x00 0x80 0x0f if (rcode) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailGetConfDescr; } { USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR *ucd; ucd = (USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR *) buf; ucd_wTotalLength = ucd->wTotalLength; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) // size is 9 for (i = 0; i < sizeof(USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR); i++) { uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, buf[i])); uart0_print(" "); } uart0_print("\r\nucd ^\r\n"); #endif //memset(buf, 0x00, MAX_PACKET_LEN); //rcode = getStrDescr(ei.address, 64, 2, 0x0409, data); ///////////////////////////////////////// // read the full config descriptor // memset(buf, 0x00, MAX_PACKET_LEN); timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = getConfDescr(ei.address, ucd_wTotalLength, 0, buf); // TX 0x80 0x06 0x01 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x22 0x00 // RX 0x09 0x02 0x22 0 0x01 0x01 0 0x80 0x0f \ // CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTOR // 0x09 0x04 0 0 0x01 0x03 0 0 0 \ // INTERFACE DESCRIPTOR // 0x09 0x21 0x10 0x01 0 0x01 0x22 0x4a 0 \ // HID DESCRIPTOR // 0x07 0x05 0x81 0x03 0x05 0 0x0a // ENDPOINT DESCRIPTOR if (rcode) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailGetConfDescr_st2; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) for (i = 0; i < ucd_wTotalLength; i++) { uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, buf[i])); uart0_print(" "); } uart0_print("\r\nucd ^\r\n"); #endif // make sure the device is actually a HID thingamabob // and get the HID REPORT descriptor size { USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR *ucd; USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR *uid; USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR *uhd; USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *ued; ucd = (USB_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR *) buf; uid = (USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR *) (buf + ucd->bLength); if (uid->bInterfaceClass != UHS_USB_CLASS_HID) { // hey this ain't no HID device dammit FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } uhd = (USB_HID_DESCRIPTOR *) (buf + ucd->bLength + uid->bLength); uhd_wDescriptorLength = uhd->wDescriptorLength; ued = (USB_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR *) (buf + ucd->bLength + uid->bLength + uhd->bLength); hid_epInfo.epAddr = ued->bEndpointAddress & 0xf; hid_epInfo.bIface = 0; // hardcoded FIXME hid_epInfo.maxPktSize = ued->wMaxPacketSize; hid_epInfo.epAttribs = 0; hid_epInfo.bmNakPower = UHS_USB_NAK_DEFAULT; HID_bInterval = ued->bInterval; } // hardcoded 1 endpoint FIXME setEpInfoEntry(ei.address, 1, 2, &hid_epInfo); #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) uart0_print("wDL "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, uhd_wDescriptorLength)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif if (uhd_wDescriptorLength > MAX_PACKET_LEN) { // too big of a HID report FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // set configuration // timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = setConf(ei.address, 1); // TX 0 0x09 0x01 0 0 0 0 0 if (rcode) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailSetConf; } // test if device considers the configuration set buf[0] = 0; timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = getConf(ei.address, 1, buf); // TX 0x80 0x08 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x01 0x0 // RX 0x01 if (rcode || (buf[0] != 0x01)) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailGetConf; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // get the HID descriptor report // memset(buf, 0x00, MAX_PACKET_LEN); timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); rcode = ReportDescr(ei.address, 0, uhd_wDescriptorLength, buf); // TX 0x81 0x06 0x0 0x22 0x0 0x0 0x4a 0x0 // RX 0x05 0x01 0x09 0x04 0xa1 0x01 0xa1 0x02 0x15 0x0 0x26 0xff 0x0 0x35 // 0x0 0x46 0xff 0x0 0x75 0x08 0x95 0x03 0x09 0x30 0x09 0x31 0x09 0x32 // 0x81 0x02 0x25 0x01 0x45 0x01 0x75 0x01 0x95 0x0b 0x05 0x09 0x19 0x01 // 0x29 0x0b 0x81 0x02 0x75 0x01 0x95 0x05 0x81 0x01 0xc0 0xa1 0x02 0x26 // 0xff 0x0 0x46 0xff 0x0 0x75 0x08 0x95 0x04 0x06 0x0 0xff 0x09 0x01 // 0xb1 0x02 0xc0 0xc0 if (rcode) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailGetHIDr; } #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) for (i = 0; i < uhd_wDescriptorLength; i++) { uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, buf[i])); uart0_print(" "); } uart0_print("\r\nuhd ^\r\n"); #endif rcode = USB_ProcessHIDReport(buf, uhd_wDescriptorLength, &HID_ri); if (rcode) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailParseHIDr; } //#if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) #if (CONFIG_LOG_LEVEL > LOG_LEVEL_NONE) uart0_print("HID items "); uart0_print(_utoh(itoa_buf, HID_ri.TotalReportItems)); uart0_print("\r\n"); #endif if (!(HID_ri.TotalReportItems)) { FreeAddress(ei.address); return UHS_HOST_ERROR_FailItems; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // set up the scaling for all axis // HID_ReportItem_t *ReportItem; uint8_t j = 1; for (i = 0; i < HID_ri.TotalReportItems; i++) { ReportItem = &HID_ri.ReportItems[i]; if (ReportItem->Attributes.Usage.Page != USAGE_PAGE_BUTTON) { if (ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Maximum - ReportItem->Attributes.Logical.Minimum > 126) { // looks like a potentiometer, consider this an axis and give it an id ReportItem->AxisId = j; j++; } } } ///////////////////////////////////////// // set the idle intervals // //timer_a0_delay_ccr4(_4ms); SetIdle(1, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } /** * Reads data from an interface pipe * * @param addr Address of the device * @param ep Endpoint of the pipe * @param nbytesptr number of bytes to transfer * @param data pointer to buffer to hold transfer * @return zero for success or error code */ uint8_t inTransfer(const uint8_t addr, const uint8_t ep, uint16_t * nbytesptr, uint8_t * data) { struct UHS_EpInfo *pep = NULL; uint16_t nak_limit = 0; uint8_t rcode = SetAddress(addr, ep, &pep, &nak_limit); if (!rcode) { rcode = InTransfer(pep, nak_limit, nbytesptr, data); } return rcode; } uint8_t get_ifg_int_event(void) { return ifg_int_last_event; } void rst_ifg_int_event(void) { ifg_int_last_event = 0; } uint8_t get_ifg_gpx_event(void) { return ifg_gpx_last_event; } void rst_ifg_gpx_event(void) { ifg_gpx_last_event = 0; } __attribute__ ((interrupt(PORT1_VECTOR))) void Port1_ISR(void) { uint16_t iv; iv = P1IFG; if (iv & INT_TRIG) { int_cnt++; ifg_int_last_event = 1; P1IFG &= ~INT_TRIG; __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); } if (iv & GPX_TRIG) { gpx_cnt++; ifg_gpx_last_event = 1; P1IFG &= ~GPX_TRIG; __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); } }
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