
// // begin license header // // This file is part of Pixy CMUcam5 or "Pixy" for short // // All Pixy source code is provided under the terms of the // GNU General Public License v2 ( // Those wishing to use Pixy source code, software and/or // technologies under different licensing terms should contact us at // Such licensing terms are available for // all portions of the Pixy codebase presented here. // // end license header // // This file is for defining the Block struct and the Pixy template class version 2. // (TPixy2). TPixy takes a communication link as a template parameter so that // all communication modes (SPI, I2C and UART) can share the same code. // #ifndef _PIXY2CCC_H #define _PIXY2CCC_H #define CCC_MAX_SIGNATURE 7 #define CCC_RESPONSE_BLOCKS 0x21 #define CCC_REQUEST_BLOCKS 0x20 // Defines for sigmap: // You can bitwise "or" these together to make a custom sigmap. // For example if you're only interested in receiving blocks // with signatures 1 and 5, you could use a sigmap of // PIXY_SIG1 | PIXY_SIG5 #define CCC_SIG1 1 #define CCC_SIG2 2 #define CCC_SIG3 4 #define CCC_SIG4 8 #define CCC_SIG5 16 #define CCC_SIG6 32 #define CCC_SIG7 64 #define CCC_COLOR_CODES 128 #define CCC_SIG_ALL 0xff // all bits or'ed together struct Block { // print block structure! void print() { int i, j; char buf[128], sig[6], d; bool flag; if (m_signature>CCC_MAX_SIGNATURE) // color code! (CC) { // convert signature number to an octal string for (i=12, j=0, flag=false; i>=0; i-=3) { d = (m_signature>>i)&0x07; if (d>0 && !flag) flag = true; if (flag) sig[j++] = d + '0'; } sig[j] = '\0'; sprintf(buf, "CC block sig: %s (%d decimal) x: %d y: %d width: %d height: %d angle: %d index: %d age: %d", sig, m_signature, m_x, m_y, m_width, m_height, m_angle, m_index, m_age); } else // regular block. Note, angle is always zero, so no need to print sprintf(buf, "sig: %d x: %d y: %d width: %d height: %d index: %d age: %d", m_signature, m_x, m_y, m_width, m_height, m_index, m_age); Serial.println(buf); } uint16_t m_signature; uint16_t m_x; uint16_t m_y; uint16_t m_width; uint16_t m_height; int16_t m_angle; uint8_t m_index; uint8_t m_age; }; template <class LinkType> class TPixy2; template <class LinkType> class Pixy2CCC { public: Pixy2CCC(TPixy2<LinkType> *pixy) { m_pixy = pixy; } int8_t getBlocks(bool wait=true, uint8_t sigmap=CCC_SIG_ALL, uint8_t maxBlocks=0xff); uint8_t numBlocks; Block *blocks; private: TPixy2<LinkType> *m_pixy; }; template <class LinkType> int8_t Pixy2CCC<LinkType>::getBlocks(bool wait, uint8_t sigmap, uint8_t maxBlocks) { blocks = NULL; numBlocks = 0; while(1) { // fill in request data m_pixy->m_bufPayload[0] = sigmap; m_pixy->m_bufPayload[1] = maxBlocks; m_pixy->m_length = 2; m_pixy->m_type = CCC_REQUEST_BLOCKS; // send request m_pixy->sendPacket(); if (m_pixy->recvPacket()==0) { if (m_pixy->m_type==CCC_RESPONSE_BLOCKS) { blocks = (Block *)m_pixy->m_buf; numBlocks = m_pixy->m_length/sizeof(Block); return numBlocks; } // deal with busy and program changing states from Pixy (we'll wait) else if (m_pixy->m_type==PIXY_TYPE_RESPONSE_ERROR) { if ((int8_t)m_pixy->m_buf[0]==PIXY_RESULT_BUSY) { if(!wait) return PIXY_RESULT_BUSY; // new data not available yet } else if ((int8_t)m_pixy->m_buf[0]!=PIXY_RESULT_PROG_CHANGING) return m_pixy->m_buf[0]; } } else return PIXY_RESULT_ERROR; // some kind of bitstream error // If we're waiting for frame data, don't thrash Pixy with requests. // We can give up half a millisecond of latency (worst case) delayMicroseconds(500); } } #endif
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