
Last update 6 years 5 months by Olivier Gillet
// Copyright 2015 Olivier Gillet. // // Author: Olivier Gillet ( // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // See for more information. #include <stm32f4xx_conf.h> #include "marbles/drivers/clock_inputs.h" #include "marbles/drivers/dac.h" #include "marbles/drivers/debug_pin.h" #include "marbles/drivers/debug_port.h" #include "marbles/drivers/gate_outputs.h" #include "marbles/drivers/rng.h" #include "marbles/drivers/system.h" #include "marbles/ramp/ramp_extractor.h" #include "marbles/random/random_generator.h" #include "marbles/random/random_stream.h" #include "marbles/random/t_generator.h" #include "marbles/random/x_y_generator.h" #include "marbles/clock_self_patching_detector.h" #include "marbles/cv_reader.h" #include "marbles/io_buffer.h" #include "marbles/note_filter.h" #include "marbles/resources.h" #include "marbles/scale_recorder.h" #include "marbles/settings.h" #include "marbles/ui.h" #include "stmlib/dsp/dsp.h" #include "stmlib/dsp/hysteresis_quantizer.h" #include "stmlib/dsp/units.h" #define PROFILE_INTERRUPT 0 #define PROFILE_RENDER 0 using namespace marbles; using namespace std; using namespace stmlib; const bool test_adc_noise = false; const int kSampleRate = 32000; const int kGateDelay = 2; ClockInputs clock_inputs; ClockSelfPatchingDetector self_patching_detector[kNumGateOutputs]; CvReader cv_reader; Dac dac; DebugPort debug_port; GateOutputs gate_outputs; HysteresisQuantizer deja_vu_length_quantizer; IOBuffer io_buffer; NoteFilter note_filter; Rng rng; ScaleRecorder scale_recorder; Settings settings; Ui ui; RandomGenerator random_generator; RandomStream random_stream; TGenerator t_generator; XYGenerator xy_generator; // Default interrupt handlers. extern "C" { int __errno; void NMI_Handler() { } void HardFault_Handler() { while (1); } void MemManage_Handler() { while (1); } void BusFault_Handler() { while (1); } void UsageFault_Handler() { while (1); } void SVC_Handler() { } void DebugMon_Handler() { } void PendSV_Handler() { } void SysTick_Handler() { IWDG_ReloadCounter(); ui.Poll(); if (settings.freshly_baked()) { if (debug_port.readable()) { uint8_t command = debug_port.Read(); uint8_t response = ui.HandleFactoryTestingRequest(command); debug_port.Write(response); } } } } IOBuffer::Slice FillBuffer(size_t size) { if (PROFILE_INTERRUPT) { TIC; } IOBuffer::Slice s = io_buffer.NextSlice(size); gate_outputs.Write(s); clock_inputs.Read(s, size); if (io_buffer.new_block()) { cv_reader.Copy(&s.block->adc_value[0]); clock_inputs.ReadNormalization(s.block); } if (rng.readable()) { random_stream.Write(; } if (PROFILE_INTERRUPT) { TOC; } return s; } inline uint16_t DacCode(int index, float voltage) { CONSTRAIN(voltage, -5.0f, 5.0f); const float scale = settings.calibration_data().dac_scale[index]; const float offset = settings.calibration_data().dac_offset[index]; return ClipU16(static_cast<int32_t>(voltage * scale + offset)); } void ProcessTest(IOBuffer::Block* block, size_t size) { float parameters[kNumParameters]; static float phase; cv_reader.Process(&block->adc_value[0], parameters); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { phase += 100.0f / static_cast<float>(kSampleRate); if (phase >= 1.0f) { phase -= 1.0f; } block->cv_output[0][i] = DacCode( 0, 4.0 * Interpolate(lut_sine, phase, 256.0f)); block->cv_output[1][i] = DacCode( 1, -8.0f * phase + 4.0f); block->cv_output[2][i] = DacCode( 2, (phase < 0.5f ? phase : 1.0f - phase) * 16.0f - 4.0f); block->cv_output[3][i] = DacCode( 3, phase < 0.5f ? -4.0f : 4.0f); for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j) { uint16_t dac_code = ui.output_test_forced_dac_code(j); if (dac_code) { block->cv_output[j][i] = dac_code; } } block->gate_output[0][i] = block->input_patched[0] ? block->input[0][i] : phase < 0.2f; block->gate_output[1][i] = phase < 0.5f; block->gate_output[2][i] = block->input_patched[1] ? block->input[1][i] : phase < 0.8f; } } Ratio y_divider_ratios[] = { { 1, 64 }, { 1, 48 }, { 1, 32 }, { 1, 24 }, { 1, 16 }, { 1, 12 }, { 1, 8 }, { 1, 6 }, { 1, 4 }, { 1, 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 1 }, }; int loop_length[] = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 14, 16 }; float parameters[kNumParameters]; float ramp_buffer[kBlockSize * 4]; bool gates[kBlockSize * 2]; float voltages[kBlockSize * 4]; Ramps ramps; GroupSettings x, y; bool gate_delay_tail[kNumGateOutputs][kGateDelay]; float SineOscillator(float voltage) { static float phase = 0.0f; CONSTRAIN(voltage, -5.0f, 5.0f); float frequency = stmlib::SemitonesToRatio(voltage * 12.0f) * 220.0f / kSampleRate; phase += frequency; if (phase >= 1.0f) { phase -= 1.0f; } return 5.0f * Interpolate(lut_sine, phase, 256.0f); } void Process(IOBuffer::Block* block, size_t size) { if (PROFILE_RENDER) { TIC; } // Filter CV values (3.5%) cv_reader.Process(&block->adc_value[0], parameters); float deja_vu = parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_DEJA_VU_AMOUNT]; // Deadband near 12 o'clock for the deja vu parameter. const float d = fabsf(deja_vu - 0.5f); if (d > 0.03f) { ui.set_deja_vu_lock(false); } else if (d < 0.02f) { ui.set_deja_vu_lock(true); } if (deja_vu < 0.47f) { deja_vu *= 1.06382978723f; } else if (deja_vu > 0.53f) { deja_vu = 0.5f + (deja_vu - 0.53f) * 1.06382978723f; } else { deja_vu = 0.5f; } GateFlags* t_clock = block->input[0]; GateFlags* xy_clock = block->input[1]; // Determine the clock source for the XY section (2%) ClockSource xy_clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_INTERNAL_T1_T2_T3; if (block->input_patched[1]) { xy_clock_source = CLOCK_SOURCE_EXTERNAL; size_t best_score = 8; for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumGateOutputs; ++i) { size_t score = self_patching_detector[i].Process(block, size); if (score >= best_score) { xy_clock_source = ClockSource(CLOCK_SOURCE_INTERNAL_T1 + i); best_score = score; } } } // Generate gates for T-section (16%). ramps.master = &ramp_buffer[0]; ramps.external = &ramp_buffer[kBlockSize]; ramps.slave[0] = &ramp_buffer[kBlockSize * 2]; ramps.slave[1] = &ramp_buffer[kBlockSize * 3]; const State& state = settings.state(); int deja_vu_length = deja_vu_length_quantizer.Lookup( loop_length, parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_DEJA_VU_LENGTH], sizeof(loop_length) / sizeof(int)); t_generator.set_model(TGeneratorModel(state.t_model)); t_generator.set_range(TGeneratorRange(state.t_range)); t_generator.set_rate(parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_T_RATE]); t_generator.set_bias(parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_T_BIAS]); t_generator.set_jitter(parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_T_JITTER]); t_generator.set_deja_vu(state.t_deja_vu ? deja_vu : 0.0f); t_generator.set_length(deja_vu_length); t_generator.set_pulse_width_mean(float(state.t_pulse_width_mean) / 256.0f); t_generator.set_pulse_width_std(float(state.t_pulse_width_std) / 256.0f); t_generator.Process( block->input_patched[0], t_clock, ramps, gates, size); // Generate voltages for X-section (40%). float note_cv_1 =; float note_cv_2 =; float note_cv = 0.5f * (note_cv_1 + note_cv_2); float u = note_filter.Process(0.5f * (note_cv + 1.0f)); if (test_adc_noise) { static float note_lp = 0.0f; float note = note_cv_1; ONE_POLE(note_lp, note, 0.0001f); float cents = (note - note_lp) * 1200.0f * 5.0f; fill(&voltages[0], &voltages[4 * size], cents); } else if (ui.recording_scale()) { float voltage = (u - 0.5f) * 10.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { GateFlags gate = block->input_patched[1] ? block->input[1][i] : GATE_FLAG_LOW; if (gate & GATE_FLAG_RISING) { scale_recorder.NewNote(voltage); } if (gate & GATE_FLAG_HIGH) { scale_recorder.UpdateVoltage(voltage); } if (gate & GATE_FLAG_FALLING) { scale_recorder.AcceptNote(); } } fill(&voltages[0], &voltages[4 * size], voltage); } else { x.control_mode = ControlMode(state.x_control_mode); x.voltage_range = VoltageRange(state.x_range % 3); x.register_mode = state.x_register_mode; x.register_value = u; cv_reader.set_attenuverter( ADC_CHANNEL_X_SPREAD, state.x_register_mode ? 0.5f : 1.0f); x.spread = parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_X_SPREAD]; x.bias = parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_X_BIAS]; x.steps = parameters[ADC_CHANNEL_X_STEPS]; x.deja_vu = state.x_deja_vu ? deja_vu : 0.0f; x.length = deja_vu_length; x.ratio.p = 1; x.ratio.q = 1; y.control_mode = CONTROL_MODE_IDENTICAL; y.voltage_range = VoltageRange(state.y_range); y.register_mode = false; y.register_value = 0.0f; y.spread = float(state.y_spread) / 256.0f; y.bias = float(state.y_bias) / 256.0f; y.steps = float(state.y_steps) / 256.0f; y.deja_vu = 0.0f; y.length = 1; y.ratio = y_divider_ratios[ static_cast<uint16_t>(state.y_divider) * 12 >> 8]; if (settings.dirty_scale_index() != -1) { int i = settings.dirty_scale_index(); xy_generator.LoadScale(i, settings.persistent_data().scale[i]); settings.set_dirty_scale_index(-1); } y.scale_index = x.scale_index = state.x_scale; xy_generator.Process( xy_clock_source, x, y, xy_clock, ramps, voltages, size); } const float* v = voltages; const bool* g = gates; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { block->cv_output[1][i] = DacCode(1, *v++); block->cv_output[2][i] = DacCode(2, *v++); block->cv_output[3][i] = DacCode(3, *v++); block->cv_output[0][i] = DacCode(0, *v++); block->gate_output[0][i + kGateDelay] = *g++; block->gate_output[1][i + kGateDelay] = ramps.master[i] < 0.5f; block->gate_output[2][i + kGateDelay] = *g++; } for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumGateOutputs; ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < kGateDelay; ++j) { block->gate_output[i][j] = gate_delay_tail[i][j]; gate_delay_tail[i][j] = block->gate_output[i][size + j]; } } if (PROFILE_RENDER) { TOC; } } void Init() { System sys; sys.Init(true); settings.Init(); clock_inputs.Init(); dac.Init(kSampleRate, 1); rng.Init(); note_filter.Init(); gate_outputs.Init(); io_buffer.Init(); deja_vu_length_quantizer.Init(); cv_reader.Init(settings.mutable_calibration_data()); scale_recorder.Init(); ui.Init(&settings, &cv_reader, &scale_recorder, &clock_inputs); if (settings.freshly_baked()) { settings.ProgramOptionBytes(); if (PROFILE_INTERRUPT || PROFILE_RENDER) { DebugPin::Init(); } else { debug_port.Init(); } } random_generator.Init(1); random_stream.Init(&random_generator); t_generator.Init(&random_stream, static_cast<float>(kSampleRate)); xy_generator.Init(&random_stream, static_cast<float>(kSampleRate)); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumScales; ++i) { xy_generator.LoadScale(i, settings.persistent_data().scale[i]); } for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumGateOutputs; ++i) { self_patching_detector[i].Init(i); } sys.StartTimers(); dac.Start(&FillBuffer); } int main(void) { Init(); while (1) { ui.DoEvents(); io_buffer.Process(ui.output_test_mode() ? &ProcessTest : &Process); } }
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