blinds / hardware_design / pcb / blinds_v60.brd
blinds / hardware_design / pcb / blinds_v60.sch
braids / hardware_design / pcb / braids_v50.brd
braids / hardware_design / pcb / braids_v50.sch
branches / hardware_design / pcb / branches_v40.brd
branches / hardware_design / pcb / branches_v40.sch
clouds / hardware_design / pcb / clouds_v30.brd
clouds / hardware_design / pcb / clouds_v30.sch
ears / hardware_design / panel / ears_panel_v30.brd
ears / hardware_design / panel / ears_panel_v30.sch
ears / hardware_design / pcb / ears_v40.brd
ears / hardware_design / pcb / ears_v40.sch
edges / hardware_design / pcb / edges_expander_v01.brd
edges / hardware_design / pcb / edges_expander_v01.sch
edges / hardware_design / pcb / edges_v20.brd
edges / hardware_design / pcb / edges_v20.sch
elements / hardware_design / pcb / elements_v02.brd
elements / hardware_design / pcb / elements_v02.sch
frames / hardware_design / pcb / frames_v03.brd
frames / hardware_design / pcb / frames_v03.sch
grids / hardware_design / pcb / grids_v02.brd
grids / hardware_design / pcb / grids_v02.sch
kinks / hardware_design / pcb / kinks_v41.brd
kinks / hardware_design / pcb / kinks_v41.sch
links / hardware_design / pcb / links_v40.brd
links / hardware_design / pcb / links_v40.sch
marbles / hardware_design / pcb / marbles_v70.brd
marbles / hardware_design / pcb / marbles_v70.sch
peaks / hardware_design / pcb / peaks_v30.brd
peaks / hardware_design / pcb / peaks_v30.sch
plaits / hardware_design / pcb / plaits_v50.brd
plaits / hardware_design / pcb / plaits_v50.sch
rings / hardware_design / pcb / rings_v30.brd
rings / hardware_design / pcb / rings_v30.sch
ripples / hardware_design / pcb / ripples_v40.brd
ripples / hardware_design / pcb / ripples_v40.sch
shades / hardware_design / pcb / shades_v30.brd
shades / hardware_design / pcb / shades_v30.sch
shelves / hardware_design / pcb / shelves_expander_v10.brd
shelves / hardware_design / pcb / shelves_expander_v10.sch
shelves / hardware_design / pcb / shelves_v05.brd
shelves / hardware_design / pcb / shelves_v05.sch
stages / hardware_design / pcb / stages_v70.brd
stages / hardware_design / pcb / stages_v70.sch
streams / hardware_design / pcb / streams_v02_bargraph.brd
streams / hardware_design / pcb / streams_v02_bargraph.sch
streams / hardware_design / pcb / streams_v05.brd
streams / hardware_design / pcb / streams_v05.sch
tides / hardware_design / pcb / tides_v40.brd
tides / hardware_design / pcb / tides_v40.sch
veils / hardware_design / pcb / veils_v40.brd
veils / hardware_design / pcb / veils_v40.sch
volts / hardware_design / pcb / volts_v01.brd
volts / hardware_design / pcb / volts_v01.sch
warps / hardware_design / pcb / warps_v30.brd
warps / hardware_design / pcb / warps_v30.sch
yarns / hardware_design / pcb / yarns_v03.brd
yarns / hardware_design / pcb / yarns_v03.sch
Last update 6 years 5 months
Olivier Gillet Copyright 2012 Olivier Gillet. // // Author: Olivier Gillet ( // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // // See for more information. #include <stm32f10x_conf.h> #include <algorithm> #include "stmlib/utils/dsp.h" #include "stmlib/utils/ring_buffer.h" #include "stmlib/system/system_clock.h" #include "stmlib/system/uid.h" #include "braids/drivers/adc.h" #include "braids/drivers/dac.h" #include "braids/drivers/debug_pin.h" #include "braids/drivers/gate_input.h" #include "braids/drivers/internal_adc.h" #include "braids/drivers/system.h" #include "braids/envelope.h" #include "braids/macro_oscillator.h" #include "braids/quantizer.h" #include "braids/signature_waveshaper.h" #include "braids/vco_jitter_source.h" #include "braids/ui.h" #include "braids/quantizer_scales.h" // #define PROFILE_RENDER 1 using namespace braids; using namespace std; using namespace stmlib; const size_t kNumBlocks = 4; const size_t kBlockSize = 24; MacroOscillator osc; Envelope envelope; Adc adc; Dac dac; DebugPin debug_pin; GateInput gate_input; InternalAdc internal_adc; Quantizer quantizer; SignatureWaveshaper ws; System sys; VcoJitterSource jitter_source; Ui ui; uint8_t current_scale = 0xff; size_t current_sample; volatile size_t playback_block; volatile size_t render_block; int16_t audio_samples[kNumBlocks][kBlockSize]; uint8_t sync_samples[kNumBlocks][kBlockSize]; bool trigger_detected_flag; volatile bool trigger_flag; uint16_t trigger_delay; extern "C" { void HardFault_Handler(void) { while (1); } void MemManage_Handler(void) { while (1); } void BusFault_Handler(void) { while (1); } void UsageFault_Handler(void) { while (1); } void NMI_Handler(void) { } void SVC_Handler(void) { } void DebugMon_Handler(void) { } void PendSV_Handler(void) { } } extern "C" { void SysTick_Handler() { ui.Poll(); } void TIM1_UP_IRQHandler(void) { if (!(TIM1->SR & TIM_IT_Update)) { return; } TIM1->SR = (uint16_t)~TIM_IT_Update; dac.Write(-audio_samples[playback_block][current_sample] + 32768); bool trigger_detected = gate_input.raised(); sync_samples[playback_block][current_sample] = trigger_detected; trigger_detected_flag = trigger_detected_flag | trigger_detected; current_sample = current_sample + 1; if (current_sample >= kBlockSize) { current_sample = 0; playback_block = (playback_block + 1) % kNumBlocks; } bool adc_scan_cycle_complete = adc.PipelinedScan(); if (adc_scan_cycle_complete) { ui.UpdateCv(,,,; if (trigger_detected_flag) { trigger_delay = settings.trig_delay() ? (1 << settings.trig_delay()) : 0; ++trigger_delay; trigger_detected_flag = false; } if (trigger_delay) { --trigger_delay; if (trigger_delay == 0) { trigger_flag = true; } } } } } void Init() { sys.Init(F_CPU / 96000 - 1, true); settings.Init(); ui.Init(); system_clock.Init(); adc.Init(false); gate_input.Init(); #ifdef PROFILE_RENDER debug_pin.Init(); #endif dac.Init(); osc.Init(); quantizer.Init(); internal_adc.Init(); for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumBlocks; ++i) { fill(&audio_samples[i][0], &audio_samples[i][kBlockSize], 0); fill(&sync_samples[i][0], &sync_samples[i][kBlockSize], 0); } playback_block = kNumBlocks / 2; render_block = 0; current_sample = 0; envelope.Init(); ws.Init(GetUniqueId(1)); jitter_source.Init(); sys.StartTimers(); } const uint16_t bit_reduction_masks[] = { 0xc000, 0xe000, 0xf000, 0xf800, 0xff00, 0xfff0, 0xffff }; const uint16_t decimation_factors[] = { 24, 12, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; void RenderBlock() { static int16_t previous_pitch = 0; static int16_t previous_shape = 0; static uint16_t gain_lp; #ifdef PROFILE_RENDER debug_pin.High(); #endif envelope.Update( settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_ATTACK) * 8, settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_DECAY) * 8); uint32_t ad_value = envelope.Render(); if (ui.paques()) { osc.set_shape(MACRO_OSC_SHAPE_QUESTION_MARK); } else if (settings.meta_modulation()) { int16_t shape =; shape -=; if (shape > previous_shape + 2 || shape < previous_shape - 2) { previous_shape = shape; } else { shape = previous_shape; } shape = MACRO_OSC_SHAPE_LAST * shape >> 11; shape += settings.shape(); if (shape >= MACRO_OSC_SHAPE_LAST_ACCESSIBLE_FROM_META) { shape = MACRO_OSC_SHAPE_LAST_ACCESSIBLE_FROM_META; } else if (shape <= 0) { shape = 0; } MacroOscillatorShape osc_shape = static_cast<MacroOscillatorShape>(shape); osc.set_shape(osc_shape); ui.set_meta_shape(osc_shape); } else { osc.set_shape(settings.shape()); } // Set timbre and color: CV + internal modulation. uint16_t parameters[2]; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { int32_t value = settings.adc_to_parameter(i,; Setting ad_mod_setting = i == 0 ? SETTING_AD_TIMBRE : SETTING_AD_COLOR; value += ad_value * settings.GetValue(ad_mod_setting) >> 5; CONSTRAIN(value, 0, 32767); parameters[i] = value; } osc.set_parameters(parameters[0], parameters[1]); // Apply hysteresis to ADC reading to prevent a single bit error to move // the quantized pitch up and down the quantization boundary. int32_t pitch = quantizer.Process( settings.adc_to_pitch(, (60 + settings.quantizer_root()) << 7); if (!settings.meta_modulation()) { pitch += settings.adc_to_fm(; } // Check if the pitch has changed to cause an auto-retrigger int32_t pitch_delta = pitch - previous_pitch; if ( && (pitch_delta >= 0x40 || -pitch_delta >= 0x40)) { trigger_detected_flag = true; } previous_pitch = pitch; pitch += jitter_source.Render(settings.vco_drift()); pitch += internal_adc.value() >> 8; pitch += ad_value * settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_FM) >> 7; if (pitch > 16383) { pitch = 16383; } else if (pitch < 0) { pitch = 0; } if (settings.vco_flatten()) { pitch = Interpolate88(lut_vco_detune, pitch << 2); } osc.set_pitch(pitch + settings.pitch_transposition()); if (trigger_flag) { osc.Strike(); envelope.Trigger(ENV_SEGMENT_ATTACK); ui.StepMarquee(); trigger_flag = false; } uint8_t* sync_buffer = sync_samples[render_block]; int16_t* render_buffer = audio_samples[render_block]; if (settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_VCA) != 0 || settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_TIMBRE) != 0 || settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_COLOR) != 0 || settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_FM) != 0) { memset(sync_buffer, 0, kBlockSize); } osc.Render(sync_buffer, render_buffer, kBlockSize); // Copy to DAC buffer with sample rate and bit reduction applied. int16_t sample = 0; size_t decimation_factor = decimation_factors[]; uint16_t bit_mask = bit_reduction_masks[]; int32_t gain = settings.GetValue(SETTING_AD_VCA) ? ad_value : 65535; uint16_t signature = settings.signature() * settings.signature() * 4095; for (size_t i = 0; i < kBlockSize; ++i) { if ((i % decimation_factor) == 0) { sample = render_buffer[i] & bit_mask; } sample = sample * gain_lp >> 16; gain_lp += (gain - gain_lp) >> 4; int16_t warped = ws.Transform(sample); render_buffer[i] = Mix(sample, warped, signature); } render_block = (render_block + 1) % kNumBlocks; #ifdef PROFILE_RENDER debug_pin.Low(); #endif } int main(void) { Init(); while (1) { if (current_scale != settings.GetValue(SETTING_QUANTIZER_SCALE)) { current_scale = settings.GetValue(SETTING_QUANTIZER_SCALE); quantizer.Configure(scales[current_scale]); } while (render_block != playback_block) { RenderBlock(); } ui.DoEvents(); } }