
#include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <LittleFS.h> #include <time.h> #include <TFT_eSPI.h> #include <Timezone.h> #include "Configuration.h" #include "display.h" #include "dbg.h" #include "state.h" #define ICON_W 50 #define ICON_H ICON_W #define SMALL 1 #define LARGE 2 // These read 16- and 32-bit types from the SD card file. // BMP data is stored little-endian, Arduino is little-endian too. // May need to reverse subscript order if porting elsewhere. static uint16_t read16(File &f) { uint16_t result; size_t n = *)&result, sizeof(result)); return result; } static uint32_t read32(File &f) { uint32_t result; size_t n = *)&result, sizeof(result)); return result; } // from Adafruit's spitftbitmap ST7735 example // updated with Bodmer's example in BMP_functions.cpp static int display_bmp(const char *filename, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if ((x >= tft.width()) || (y >= tft.height())) return -1; uint32_t startTime = millis(); char fbuf[32]; strcpy(fbuf, "/"); strcat(fbuf, filename); strcat(fbuf, ".bmp"); File f =, "r"); if (!f) { ERR(print(F("!"))); ERR(print(' ')); ERR(println(filename)); return -1; } // Parse BMP header if (read16(f) != 0x4D42) { ERR(println(F("Unknown BMP signature"))); f.close(); return -1; } uint32_t size = read32(f); DBG(print(F("File size: "))); DBG(println(size)); (void)read32(f); // Read & ignore creator bytes uint32_t bmpImageoffset = read32(f); // Start of image data DBG(print(F("Image Offset: "))); DBG(println(bmpImageoffset, DEC)); // Read DIB header size = read32(f); DBG(print(F("Header size: "))); DBG(println(size)); uint16_t w = read32(f); uint16_t h = read32(f); if (read16(f) != 1) { ERR(println(F("# planes -- must be '1'"))); f.close(); return -1; } uint16_t bmpDepth = read16(f); // bits per pixel DBG(print(F("Bit Depth: "))); DBG(println(bmpDepth)); if ((bmpDepth != 24) || (read32(f) != 0)) { // 0 = uncompressed ERR(println(F("BMP format not recognized."))); f.close(); return -1; } DBG(print(F("Image size: "))); DBG(print(w)); DBG(print('x')); DBG(println(h)); uint32_t rowSize = (w * 3 + 3) & ~3; tft.setSwapBytes(true); y += h-1; uint16_t padding = (4 - ((w * 3) & 3)) & 3; uint8_t lineBuffer[w * 3 + padding]; uint32_t pos = bmpImageoffset; for (uint16_t row = 0; row < h; row++) { if (f.position() != pos);, sizeof(lineBuffer)); uint8_t *bptr = lineBuffer; uint16_t *tptr = (uint16_t *)lineBuffer; for (uint16_t col = 0; col < w; col++) { uint8_t b = *bptr++; uint8_t g = *bptr++; uint8_t r = *bptr++; *tptr++ = tft.color565(r, g, b); } tft.pushImage(x, y--, w, 1, (uint16_t*)lineBuffer); pos += rowSize; } f.close(); DBG(print(F("Loaded in "))); DBG(print(millis() - startTime)); DBG(println(F(" ms"))); return 0; } static int centre_text(const char *s) { return (tft.width() - tft.textWidth(s)) / 2; } static int width(char c) { char buf[2]; buf[0] = c; buf[1] = 0; return tft.textWidth(buf); } static void display_time(time_t &local, bool metric) { tft.setTextSize(SMALL); char buf[32]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), metric? "%H:%M": "%I:%M%p", localtime(&local)); tft.setCursor(centre_text(buf), tft.height() - 2*tft.fontHeight()); tft.print(buf); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%a %e", localtime(&local)); tft.setCursor(centre_text(buf), tft.height() - tft.fontHeight()); tft.print(buf); } static void display_wind(int wind_degrees, int wind_speed) { // int w = tft.width(), h = tft.height(); int rad = w > h? h/3: w/3; int cx = w/2, cy = h/2; const float a = 0.999847695, b = 0.017452406; // wind dir is azimuthal angle with N at 0 float sin = 1.0, cos = 0.0; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < wind_degrees; i++) { const float ns = a*sin + b*cos; const float nc = a*cos - b*sin; cos = nc; sin = ns; } // wind dir rotates clockwise so compensate int ex = cx-rad*cos, ey = cy-rad*sin; tft.fillCircle(ex, ey, 3, TFT_BLACK); tft.drawLine(ex, ey, ex+wind_speed*(cx-ex)/ICON_W, ey+wind_speed*(cy-ey)/ICON_H, TFT_BLACK); } static const __FlashStringHelper *wind_dir(int d) { if (d < 12) return F("N"); if (d < 34) return F("NNE"); if (d < 57) return F("NE"); if (d < 79) return F("ENE"); if (d < 102) return F("E"); if (d < 124) return F("ESE"); if (d < 147) return F("SE"); if (d < 169) return F("SSE"); if (d < 192) return F("S"); if (d < 214) return F("SSW"); if (d < 237) return F("SW"); if (d < 259) return F("WSW"); if (d < 282) return F("W"); if (d < 304) return F("WNW"); if (d < 327) return F("NW"); if (d < 349) return F("NNW"); return F("N"); } static void display_wind_speed(int speed, int deg, bool metric) { tft.setTextSize(LARGE); int h = tft.fontHeight(); tft.setCursor(1, 1); tft.print(speed); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); tft.print(metric? F("kph"): F("mph")); tft.setCursor(1, h+1); tft.print(wind_dir(deg)); } static void display_temperature(int temp, int temp_min, bool metric) { tft.setTextSize(LARGE); int h = tft.fontHeight(); tft.setCursor(1, tft.height() - h); tft.print(temp); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); tft.print(metric? 'C': 'F'); if (temp > temp_min) { tft.setCursor(1, tft.height() - h - tft.fontHeight()); tft.print(temp_min); } } static void display_humidity(int humidity) { tft.setTextSize(LARGE); int h = tft.fontHeight(); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); int w = width('%'); tft.setCursor(tft.width() - w - SMALL, tft.height() - h); tft.print('%'); tft.setTextSize(LARGE); char hum[8]; snprintf(hum, sizeof(hum), "%d", humidity); tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(hum) - w - SMALL, tft.height() - h); tft.print(hum); } void display_weather(struct Conditions &c) { tft.fillScreen(TFT_WHITE); tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK); display_wind_speed(c.wind, c.wind_degrees, cfg.metric? F("kph"): F("mph")); display_temperature(c.temp, c.feelslike, cfg.metric); display_humidity(c.humidity); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); const char *unit = cfg.metric? "mb": "in"; int uw = tft.textWidth(unit); tft.setTextSize(LARGE); char pres[8]; snprintf(pres, sizeof(pres), "%d", c.pressure); tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(pres) - uw - SMALL, 1); tft.print(c.pressure); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); tft.print(unit); const char *trend = 0; if (c.pressure_trend == 1) { trend = "rising"; } else if (c.pressure_trend == -1) { trend = "falling"; } if (trend) { tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(trend) - SMALL, tft.fontHeight()+1); tft.print(trend); } unsigned by = (tft.height() - ICON_H)/2, cy = by - tft.fontHeight(), wy = by + ICON_H; tft.setCursor(centre_text(, cy); tft.print(; tft.setCursor(centre_text(, wy); tft.print(; display_bmp(c.icon, (tft.width() - ICON_W)/2, by); display_time(c.epoch, cfg.metric); if (c.wind > 0) display_wind(c.wind_degrees, c.wind); } void display_astronomy(struct Conditions &c) { tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); tft.setTextSize(LARGE); int h = tft.fontHeight(); tft.setCursor(1, 1); tft.print(F("sun")); const char *moon = "moon"; tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(moon) - LARGE, 1); tft.print(moon); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); tft.setCursor(c.sunrise_hour < 10? 1+width(c.sunrise_hour): 1, 1+h); tft.print(c.sunrise_hour); tft.print(':'); if (c.sunrise_minute < 10) tft.print('0'); tft.print(c.sunrise_minute); tft.setCursor(1, 1+h+tft.fontHeight()); tft.print(c.sunset_hour); tft.print(':'); if (c.sunset_minute < 10) tft.print('0'); tft.print(c.sunset_minute); const char *rise = "rise"; tft.setCursor(centre_text(rise), 1+h); tft.print(rise); const char *set = "set"; tft.setCursor(centre_text(set), 1+h+tft.fontHeight()); tft.print(set); int rl = strlen(c.moonrise_hour); if (rl > 0) { char buf[16]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", c.moonrise_hour, c.moonrise_minute); tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(buf) - SMALL, 1+h); tft.print(buf); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%s", c.moonset_hour, c.moonset_minute); tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(buf) - SMALL, 1+h+tft.fontHeight()); tft.print(buf); } char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "moon%d", c.age_of_moon); unsigned by = (tft.height() - ICON_H)/2, ay = by + ICON_H; display_bmp(buf, (tft.width() - ICON_W)/2, by); tft.setCursor(centre_text(c.moon_phase), ay); tft.print(c.moon_phase); display_time(c.epoch, cfg.metric); } void display_forecast(struct Forecast &f) { tft.fillScreen(TFT_WHITE); tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK); display_wind_speed(f.ave_wind, f.wind_degrees, cfg.metric); display_temperature(f.temp_high, f.temp_low, cfg.metric); display_humidity(f.humidity); tft.setTextSize(LARGE); char day[4]; strftime(day, sizeof(day), "%a", localtime(&f.epoch)); tft.setCursor(tft.width() - tft.textWidth(day) - LARGE, 1); tft.print(day); tft.setTextSize(SMALL); unsigned by = (tft.height() - ICON_H)/2, wy = by + ICON_H; display_bmp(f.icon, (tft.width() - ICON_W)/2, by); tft.setCursor(centre_text(f.conditions), wy); tft.print(f.conditions); display_time(f.epoch, cfg.metric); display_wind(f.wind_degrees, f.ave_wind); } static char *hms(uint32_t t) { static char buf[32]; unsigned s = t % 60; t /= 60; unsigned m = t % 60; t /= 60; unsigned h = t; if (h >= 24) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dd %d:%02d:%02d", h/24, h % 24, m, s); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s); return buf; } void display_about(struct Statistics &s) { tft.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); tft.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); tft.setCursor(1, 1); uint32_t now = millis(); #if defined(WWG_VERSION) tft.print(F("Version: ")); tft.println(F(WWG_VERSION)); #endif tft.print(F("Uptime: ")); tft.println(hms(now / 1000)); tft.println(); tft.print(F("Updates: ")); tft.println(s.num_updates); tft.print(F("Conditions: ")); tft.println(hms((now - s.last_fetch_conditions) / 1000)); tft.print(F("Forecasts: ")); tft.println(hms((now - s.last_fetch_forecasts) / 1000)); tft.print(F("Age: ")); tft.println(s.last_age? hms(s.last_age): ""); tft.print(F("Min: ")); tft.println(s.min_age? hms(s.min_age): ""); tft.print(F("Max: ")); tft.println(s.max_age? hms(s.max_age): ""); tft.print(F("Ave: ")); tft.println(s.num_updates > 1? hms( / (s.num_updates-1)): ""); tft.println(); tft.println(F("Failures")); tft.print("Connect: "); tft.println(s.connect_failures); tft.print("Parse: "); tft.println(s.parse_failures); tft.print("Memory: "); tft.println(s.mem_failures); }
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