
#include <Arduino.h> #include <ArduinoJson.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <time.h> #include <Timezone.h> #include "Configuration.h" #include "dbg.h" #include "state.h" #include "providers.h" const char host[] PROGMEM = ""; static bool update_conditions(JsonDocument &root, struct Conditions &c) { const JsonObject &current_observation = root[F("current_observation")]; if (current_observation.isNull()) return false; time_t epoch = (time_t)atoi(current_observation[F("observation_epoch")] | "0"); if (epoch <= c.epoch) return false; stats.num_updates++; if (c.epoch) stats.update(epoch - c.epoch); c.epoch = epoch; strlcpy(, current_observation[F("weather")] | "", sizeof(; if (cfg.metric) { c.temp = current_observation[F("temp_c")]; c.feelslike = atoi(current_observation[F("feelslike_c")] | "0"); c.wind = current_observation[F("wind_kph")]; c.pressure = atoi(current_observation[F("pressure_mb")] | "0"); } else { c.temp = current_observation[F("temp_f")]; c.feelslike = atoi(current_observation[F("feelslike_f")] | "0"); c.wind = current_observation[F("wind_mph")]; c.pressure = atoi(current_observation[F("pressure_in")] | "0"); } c.humidity = atoi(current_observation[F("relative_humidity")] | "0"); c.pressure_trend = atoi(current_observation[F("pressure_trend")] | "0"); c.wind_degrees = current_observation[F("wind_degrees")]; strlcpy(, current_observation[F("observation_location")][F("city")] | "", sizeof(; const JsonObject &sun = root[F("sun_phase")]; c.sunrise_hour = atoi(sun[F("sunrise")][F("hour")] | "0"); c.sunrise_minute = atoi(sun[F("sunrise")][F("minute")] | "0"); c.sunset_hour = atoi(sun[F("sunset")][F("hour")] | "0"); c.sunset_minute = atoi(sun[F("sunset")][F("minute")] | "0"); const JsonObject &moon = root[F("moon_phase")]; c.age_of_moon = atoi(moon[F("ageOfMoon")] | "0"); strlcpy(c.moon_phase, moon[F("phaseofMoon")] | "", sizeof(c.moon_phase)); strlcpy(c.moonrise_hour, moon[F("moonrise")][F("hour")] | "", sizeof(c.moonrise_hour)); strlcpy(c.moonrise_minute, moon[F("moonrise")][F("minute")] | "", sizeof(c.moonrise_minute)); strlcpy(c.moonset_hour, moon[F("moonset")][F("hour")] | "", sizeof(c.moonset_hour)); strlcpy(c.moonset_minute, moon[F("moonset")][F("minute")] | "", sizeof(c.moonset_minute)); struct tm *tm = localtime(&epoch); const char *icon = current_observation[F("icon")] | ""; if (!tm || (tm->tm_hour >= c.sunrise_hour && tm->tm_hour <= c.sunset_hour)) strlcpy(c.icon, icon, sizeof(c.icon)); else { strcpy_P(c.icon, PSTR("nt_")); strlcat(c.icon, icon, sizeof(c.icon)-3); } return true; } static void update_forecasts(JsonDocument &root, struct Forecast fs[], int n) { const JsonArray &days = root[F("forecast")][F("simpleforecast")][F("forecastday")]; if (!days.isNull()) for (int i = 0; i < days.size() && i < n; i++) { const JsonObject &day = days[i]; struct Forecast &f = fs[i]; f.epoch = (time_t)atoi(day[F("date")][F("epoch")] | "0"); if (cfg.metric) { f.temp_high = atoi(day[F("high")][F("celsius")] | "0"); f.temp_low = atoi(day[F("low")][F("celsius")] | "0"); f.max_wind = day[F("maxwind")][F("kph")]; f.ave_wind = day[F("avewind")][F("kph")]; } else { f.temp_high = atoi(day[F("high")][F("fahrenheit")] | "0"); f.temp_low = atoi(day[F("low")][F("fahrenheit")] | "0"); f.max_wind = day[F("maxwind")][F("mph")]; f.ave_wind = day[F("avewind")][F("mph")]; } f.humidity = day[F("avehumidity")]; f.wind_degrees = day[F("avewind")][F("degrees")]; strlcpy(f.conditions, day[F("conditions")] | "", sizeof(f.conditions)); strlcpy(f.icon, day[F("icon")] | "", sizeof(f.icon)); } } void Wunderground::on_connect(WiFiClient &client, bool conds) { char loc[sizeof(cfg.station)]; client.print(F("/api/")); client.print(cfg.key); client.print('/'); if (cfg.nearest) { client.print(F("geolookup/")); snprintf(loc, sizeof(loc), "%f,%f",, cfg.lon); } else strncpy(loc, cfg.station, sizeof(loc)); DBG(println(loc)); client.print(conds? F("astronomy/conditions"): F("forecast")); client.print(F("/q/")); client.print(loc); client.print(F(".json")); } const unsigned cbytes = JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(0) + 9 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2) + 2 * JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(3) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(8) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(9) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(12) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(56) + 2530; const unsigned fbytes = JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(4) + JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(8) + 2*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + 35*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(2) + JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(3) + 8*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + 8*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(7) + 4*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(17) + 4*JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(20) + 6150; static bool has_memory(unsigned need) { unsigned heap = ESP.getFreeHeap(); if (heap <= need) { DBG(println(F("Insufficient memory to update!"))); stats.mem_failures++; return false; } return true; } bool Wunderground::fetch_conditions(struct Conditions &conditions) { if (!has_memory(cbytes)) return false; bool ret = false; WiFiClient client; if (connect_and_get(client, host, true)) { DynamicJsonDocument doc(cbytes); auto error = deserializeJson(doc, client); if (error) { ERR(println(F("Failed to parse!"))); stats.parse_failures++; } else { update_conditions(doc, conditions); DBG(print(F("Done "))); DBG(println(doc.size())); ret = true; } } client.stop(); return ret; } bool Wunderground::fetch_forecasts(struct Forecast forecasts[], int days) { if (!has_memory(fbytes)) return false; bool ret = false; WiFiClient client; if (connect_and_get(client, host, false)) { DynamicJsonDocument doc(fbytes); auto error = deserializeJson(doc, client); if (error) { ERR(println(F("Failed to parse!"))); stats.parse_failures++; } else { update_forecasts(doc, forecasts, days); DBG(print(F("Done "))); DBG(println(doc.size())); ret = true; } } client.stop(); return ret; }
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