hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / High-Level PCB v3.0.brd
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / High-Level PCB v3.0.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / High-Level PCB v3.0 - 100 auto route.brd
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / High-Level PCB v3.0 - SAVE 1.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / High-Level PCB v3.0 - SAVE 2.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / High-Level PCB v3.0 - SAVE 3.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / High-Level PCB v3.0 - SAVE 5.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / High-Level PCB v3.0 - SAVE 6 footprints.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / Large ground pour test.brd
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / Large ground pour test.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / PCB moved parts 2.brd
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / PCB moved parts 2.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / PCB moved parts 3.brd
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / PCB moved parts 3.sch
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / PCB moved parts.brd
hardware / EAGLE / High-Level PCB v3.0 / Backup / PCB moved parts.sch
hardware / EAGLE / New Eagle Libraries / Arduino-DUE-V03.brd
hardware / EAGLE / New Eagle Libraries / Arduino-DUE-V03.sch
hardware / EAGLE / Original Elcano Eagle Files / HighLevel.brd
hardware / EAGLE / Original Elcano Eagle Files / HighLevel.sch
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Repo for the Elcano high-level redesign project (BEE capstone project)
The Elcano High-Level system is responsible for setting a desired vehicle speed and direction based on localization, pathfinding, and obstacle detection. The Low-Level system then has the job of making the vehicle execute the desired commands. At present, the High-Level system is partitioned among several processors: · C7 (Raspberry Pi) processes visual information · C6 (Arduino Mega) localization based on GPS, speed, and INU · C5 (Arduino Micro) Lidar/sonar obstacle detection · C4 (Arduino Mega) computes path from digital map · C3 (Arduino Micro) processes all data and sends instructions to Low-Level
The High-Level Redesign project seeks to port the C6, C4, and C3 processors to a single Arduino DUE. The new processor is designated as the C643 processor and has the following features: · Elcano Low-Level Backwards Compatibility · Simplified Serial Communication · Single Processor Operation · Arduino IDE Friendly · Smaller Footprint · CAN Bus Support · 32-bit processing