Breakout / FTDI Only / ftdi.brd
Breakout / FTDI Only / ftdi.sch
Breakout / IV-CC3200MOD / IV-CC3200MOD.brd
Breakout / IV-CC3200MOD / IV-CC3200MOD.sch
Breakout / RF-WF-S01- With Chip Anttena / BreakoutChip.brd
Breakout / RF-WF-S01- With Chip Anttena / BreakoutChip.sch
Breakout / RF-WF-S01- With Chip Anttena / Soap.brd
Breakout / RF-WF-S01- With Chip Anttena / Soap.sch
Breakout / Stencil / v3 / breakout.brd
Breakout / Stencil / v3 / WeBee.brd
Breakout / Stencil / v4 / breakout.brd
Breakout / Stencil / v4 / WeBee.brd
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / breakout.brd
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / breakout.sch
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutFTDI_V1 / breakout.brd
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutFTDI_V1 / breakout.sch
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutFTDI_V1_1 / breakout.brd
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutFTDI_V1_1 / breakout.sch
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutV3 / breakout.brd
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutV3 / breakout.sch
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutV3 / Soap / Soap.brd
Breakout / Ti CC3200MOD / BreakoutV3 / Soap / Soap.sch
Breakout / WeBee WiFi CC3200MOD / WeBee.brd
Breakout / WeBee WiFi CC3200MOD / WeBee.sch
Breakout / WeBee WiFi CC3200MOD / V1 - Oshpark February 18th 2015 / WeBee.brd
Breakout / WeBee WiFi CC3200MOD / V1 - Oshpark February 18th 2015 / WeBee.sch
Last update 9 years 11 months
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pin="21_JTAG_TCK" pad="P21"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="22_JTAP_TMS" pad="P22"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="23_SOP2" pad="P23"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="24_SOP1" pad="P24"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="25_ANTSEL1" pad="P25"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="26_ANTSEL2" pad="P26"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="27_GND" pad="P27"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="28_GND" pad="P28"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="29_NC" pad="P29"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="2_GND" pad="P2"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="30_GND" pad="P30"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="31_RF_BG" pad="P31"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="32_GND" pad="P32"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="33_NC" pad="P33"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="34_SOP0" pad="P34"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="35_N_RESET" pad="P35"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="36_VBAT_DCDC_ANA" pad="P36"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="37_VBAT_DCDC_PA" pad="P37"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="38_GND" pad="P38"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="39_VDD_ANA2" pad="P39"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="3_GPIO10" pad="P3"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="40_VBAT_DCDC_DIG_IO" pad="P40"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="41_NC" pad="P41"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="42_GPIO30" pad="P42"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="43_GND" pad="P43"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="44_GPIO0" pad="P44"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="45_NC" pad="P45"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="46_GPIO1" pad="P46"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="47_GPO2" pad="P47"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="48_GPIO3" pad="P48"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="49_GPIO4" pad="P49"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="4_GPIO11" pad="P4"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="50_GPIO5" pad="P50"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="51_GPIO6" pad="P51"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="52_GPIO7" pad="P52"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="53_GPIO8" pad="P53"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="54_GPIO9" pad="P54"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="55" pad="P55"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="56" pad="P56"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="57" pad="P57"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="58" pad="P58"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="59_GND" pad="P59"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="5_GPIO14" pad="P5"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="60_GND" pad="P60"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="61_GND" pad="P61"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="62_GND" pad="P62"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="63_GND" pad="P63"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="6_GPIO15" pad="P6"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="7_GPIO16" pad="P7"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="8_GPIO17" pad="P8"/> <connect gate="G$1" pin="9_GPIO12" pad="P9"/> </connects> <technologies> <technology name=""/> </technologies> </device> </devices> </deviceset> </devicesets> </library> </drawing> </eagle>