
Last update 8 years 4 months
#include "minunit.h" #include <button_fsm.h> #define PIN_BIT 4 void timer_set(uint16_t value); uint8_t fake_pin = 0xff; uint8_t state = STATE_BUTTON_RELEASED; Button button = { .timer_id = 0, .msg_id_short = 0, .msg_id_long = 1, .pin = &fake_pin, .bit = PIN_BIT }; void tests_setup() { msg_init(2); timers_init(1); fake_pin = 0xff; } void tests_teardown() { msg_destroy(); timer_stop(0); timers_destroy(); state = STATE_BUTTON_RELEASED; } char *test_button_read() { mu_assert(Button_Read(&button), "Incorrect button read, should be true if pin is 1"); fake_pin &= ~(1<<PIN_BIT); mu_assert(! Button_Read(&button), "Incorrect button read, should be false if pin is 0"); return NULL; } char *test_button_not_pressed() { tests_setup(); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_RELEASED, "State shouldn't be changed if button not pressed"); mu_assert(msg_get(button.msg_id_short) == 0 && msg_get(button.msg_id_short) == 0, "Message should not be sent if button not pressed"); tests_teardown(); return NULL; } char *test_button_short_push() { tests_setup(); fake_pin &= ~(1<<PIN_BIT); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_NOISE_DELAY, "State should be changed to NOISE_DELAY after button pressed"); timer_set(BUTTON_NOISE_DELAY + 2); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_COUNT_LENGTH, "FSM should wait button to be released"); mu_assert(msg_get(button.msg_id_short) == 0, "Message should not be sent until button released"); fake_pin = 0xff; state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_RELEASED, "After short button push state should be RELEASED"); msg_process(); mu_assert(msg_get(button.msg_id_short), "Message should be sent after short button push"); mu_assert(timer_get(button.timer_id) == 0, "Timer should be stopped after button released"); msg_process(); tests_teardown(); return NULL; } char *test_button_long_push() { tests_setup(); fake_pin &= ~(1<<PIN_BIT); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_NOISE_DELAY, "State should be changed to NOISE_DELAY after button pressed"); timer_set(BUTTON_NOISE_DELAY + 2); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_COUNT_LENGTH, "FSM should wait button to be released"); timer_set(BUTTON_LONG_PUSH + 5); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_WAIT_RELEASE, "Should wait release after long push"); msg_process(); mu_assert(msg_get(button.msg_id_long), "Message should be sent after long push"); msg_process(); fake_pin = 0xff; state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_RELEASED, "After long button push state should be RELEASED"); msg_process(); tests_teardown(); return NULL; } char *test_button_noise_delay() { tests_setup(); fake_pin &= ~(1<<PIN_BIT); state = button_fsm(state, &button); fake_pin = 0xff; state = button_fsm(state, &button); fake_pin &= ~(1<<PIN_BIT); state = button_fsm(state, &button); msg_process(); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_NOISE_DELAY, "State should not be changed during noise prevention delay"); mu_assert(msg_get(button.msg_id_long) == 0 && msg_get(button.msg_id_short) == 0, "Messages should not be sent during noise prevention delay"); fake_pin = 0xff; timer_set(BUTTON_NOISE_DELAY + 2); state = button_fsm(state, &button); mu_assert(state == STATE_BUTTON_RELEASED, "Button FSM should return to init state if button released during noise timeout"); tests_teardown(); return NULL; } char *all_tests() { mu_suite_start(); mu_run_test(test_button_read); mu_run_test(test_button_not_pressed); mu_run_test(test_button_short_push); mu_run_test(test_button_long_push); mu_run_test(test_button_noise_delay); return NULL; } RUN_TESTS(all_tests);
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