Last update 8 years 4 months
Hu-Cheng Lee
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TimeSerial.ino |
TimeSerial.ino/* * TimeSerial.pde * example code illustrating Time library set through serial port messages. * * Messages consist of the letter T followed by ten digit time (as seconds since Jan 1 1970) * you can send the text on the next line using Serial Monitor to set the clock to noon Jan 1 2013 T1357041600 * * A Processing example sketch to automatically send the messages is included in the download * On Linux, you can use "date +T%s\n > /dev/ttyACM0" (UTC time zone) */ #include <TimeLib.h> #define TIME_HEADER "T" // Header tag for serial time sync message #define TIME_REQUEST 7 // ASCII bell character requests a time sync message void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) ; // Needed for Leonardo only pinMode(13, OUTPUT); setSyncProvider( requestSync); //set function to call when sync required Serial.println("Waiting for sync message"); } void loop(){ if (Serial.available()) { processSyncMessage(); } if (timeStatus()!= timeNotSet) { digitalClockDisplay(); } if (timeStatus() == timeSet) { digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // LED on if synced } else { digitalWrite(13, LOW); // LED off if needs refresh } delay(1000); } void digitalClockDisplay(){ // digital clock display of the time Serial.print(hour()); printDigits(minute()); printDigits(second()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(day()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(month()); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(year()); Serial.println(); } void printDigits(int digits){ // utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0 Serial.print(":"); if(digits < 10) Serial.print('0'); Serial.print(digits); } void processSyncMessage() { unsigned long pctime; const unsigned long DEFAULT_TIME = 1357041600; // Jan 1 2013 if(Serial.find(TIME_HEADER)) { pctime = Serial.parseInt(); if( pctime >= DEFAULT_TIME) { // check the integer is a valid time (greater than Jan 1 2013) setTime(pctime); // Sync Arduino clock to the time received on the serial port } } } time_t requestSync() { Serial.write(TIME_REQUEST); return 0; // the time will be sent later in response to serial mesg }