
Last update 7 years 7 months by Hu-Cheng Lee
/* SFE_BMP180.h Bosch BMP180 pressure sensor library for the Arduino microcontroller Mike Grusin, SparkFun Electronics Uses floating-point equations from the Weather Station Data Logger project Forked from BMP085 library by M.Grusin version 1.0 2013/09/20 initial version Verison 1.1.2 - Updated for Arduino 1.6.4 5/2015 Our example code uses the "beerware" license. You can do anything you like with this code. No really, anything. If you find it useful, buy me a (root) beer someday. */ #ifndef SFE_BMP180_h #define SFE_BMP180_h #if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100 #include "Arduino.h" #else #include "WProgram.h" #endif class SFE_BMP180 { public: SFE_BMP180(); // base type char begin(); // call pressure.begin() to initialize BMP180 before use // returns 1 if success, 0 if failure (bad component or I2C bus shorted?) char startTemperature(void); // command BMP180 to start a temperature measurement // returns (number of ms to wait) for success, 0 for fail char getTemperature(double &T); // return temperature measurement from previous startTemperature command // places returned value in T variable (deg C) // returns 1 for success, 0 for fail char startPressure(char oversampling); // command BMP180 to start a pressure measurement // oversampling: 0 - 3 for oversampling value // returns (number of ms to wait) for success, 0 for fail char getPressure(double &P, double &T); // return absolute pressure measurement from previous startPressure command // note: requires previous temperature measurement in variable T // places returned value in P variable (mbar) // returns 1 for success, 0 for fail double sealevel(double P, double A); // convert absolute pressure to sea-level pressure (as used in weather data) // P: absolute pressure (mbar) // A: current altitude (meters) // returns sealevel pressure in mbar double altitude(double P, double P0); // convert absolute pressure to altitude (given baseline pressure; sea-level, runway, etc.) // P: absolute pressure (mbar) // P0: fixed baseline pressure (mbar) // returns signed altitude in meters char getError(void); // If any library command fails, you can retrieve an extended // error code using this command. Errors are from the wire library: // 0 = Success // 1 = Data too long to fit in transmit buffer // 2 = Received NACK on transmit of address // 3 = Received NACK on transmit of data // 4 = Other error private: char readInt(char address, int16_t &value); // read an signed int (16 bits) from a BMP180 register // address: BMP180 register address // value: external signed int for returned value (16 bits) // returns 1 for success, 0 for fail, with result in value char readUInt(char address, uint16_t &value); // read an unsigned int (16 bits) from a BMP180 register // address: BMP180 register address // value: external unsigned int for returned value (16 bits) // returns 1 for success, 0 for fail, with result in value char readBytes(unsigned char *values, char length); // read a number of bytes from a BMP180 register // values: array of char with register address in first location [0] // length: number of bytes to read back // returns 1 for success, 0 for fail, with read bytes in values[] array char writeBytes(unsigned char *values, char length); // write a number of bytes to a BMP180 register (and consecutive subsequent registers) // values: array of char with register address in first location [0] // length: number of bytes to write // returns 1 for success, 0 for fail int16_t AC1,AC2,AC3,VB1,VB2,MB,MC,MD; uint16_t AC4,AC5,AC6; double c5,c6,mc,md,x0,x1,x2,y0,y1,y2,p0,p1,p2; char _error; }; #define BMP180_ADDR 0x77 // 7-bit address #define BMP180_REG_CONTROL 0xF4 #define BMP180_REG_RESULT 0xF6 #define BMP180_COMMAND_TEMPERATURE 0x2E #define BMP180_COMMAND_PRESSURE0 0x34 #define BMP180_COMMAND_PRESSURE1 0x74 #define BMP180_COMMAND_PRESSURE2 0xB4 #define BMP180_COMMAND_PRESSURE3 0xF4 #endif
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