Last update 8 years 5 months
Hu-Cheng Lee
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MAPS_BLE.ino#include <Time.h> // time library #include "DHT.h" // temperature and humidity DHT22 library #include <Wire.h> // Wire library #include <TimerOne.h> // timerone library, we need this to trigger CO2 sensor #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // SoftwareSerial library, we need this for Grove BLE v1.0 #include <SFE_BMP180.h> // bmp180 #include "RTClib.h" // tiny rtc i2c module #define ERROR -999 #define DHTPIN 2 // DHT pin #define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT type #define RxD 6 // connect to BLE tx #define TxD 7 // connect to BLE rx #define pmRxD 4 // connect to pm2.5 G3 tx #define pmTxD 5 // connect to pm2.5 G3 rx #define source_drive 9 // trigger CO2 sensor #define CALIBRATE_CONCENTRATION 1000 #define CO2_a 0.0007 #define CO2_b 0.00041 #define CO2_c 0.897 #define CO2_Ba 0.0005 #define CO2_CLB_RATIO 1.269052 //this should be different for every sensors - ACT/REF #define CO2_ZERO 1.354519 //this should be different for every sensors - ACT0/REF0 #define CO2_Tcal 26.74031 //this should be different for every sensors - calibration temperature #define MAPS_ID "000" //device ID #define SAFE_LIGHT 10 //led pin # #define WARN_LIGHT 11 //led pin # #define DANGER_LIGHT 12 //led pin # #define PM_SAFE 35 //PM2.5 safe threshold #define PM_WARN 53 //PM2.5 warning threshold #define CO2_SAFE 1000 //CO2 safe threshold (indoor) // //#define CO2_CLB_RATIO 1.232713 //#define CO2_ZERO 1.385105 //#define CO2_Tcal 26.512873 #define analog_vol 0.0048875 // 5v/1023 SoftwareSerial BLE(RxD,TxD); // for BLE SoftwareSerial G3(pmRxD,pmTxD); // for pm2.5 G3 module /******** for CO2 temperature and Resistor transform, these values are from CO2 spec ********/ const int Z = 0; const int T = 10; const int TWT = 20; const int THT = 30; const int FT = 40; const int FFT = 50; const int ST = 60; const int Z_R = 8661; const int T_R = 5541; const int TWT_R = 3655; const int THT_R = 2478; const int FT_R = 1723; const int FFT_R = 1225; const int ST_R = 889; /******** BLE tx string ********/ char buff[150]; /******** DHT 22 sensor ********/ DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // get DHT ready float DHT_temperature = 0; // set global temperature float DHT_humidity = 0; // set global humidity /******** CO2 sensor ********/ float ratioResult = 0; // ACT and REF voltage ratio float CO2_temperatureResult = 0;// CO2 sensor's temperature /******** PM2.5 sensors ********/ float pm1_result = 0; float pm25_result = 0; // G3 sensor value float pm10_result = 0; // G3 sensor value /******** Barometer BMP180 ********/ SFE_BMP180 pressure; // barometer double barometer_value; // barometer value /******** get BLE ready ********/ void setupBleConnection() { BLE.begin(9600); // Set BLE BaudRate to default baud rate 9600 BLE.print("AT+CLEAR"); // clear all previous setting BLE.print("AT+ROLE0"); // set the bluetooth name as a slaver BLE.print("AT+SAVE1"); // don't save the connect information } /******** RTC ********/ RTC_DS1307 rtc; /******** CPU tick ********/ unsigned long time_after_booting = 0; /******** package sent ********/ unsigned long packages_num = 0; /******** onboard led ********/ int led = 13; /* sssssss eeeeee ttttttt u u pppppp s e t u u p p sssssss eeeeee t u u pppppp s e t u u p sssssss eeeeee t uuuuuu p */ void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); // BLE pin, set pin 6 as arduino rx, pin 7 as arduino tx, with Software serial library, and start BLE pinMode(RxD, INPUT); pinMode(TxD, OUTPUT); setupBleConnection(); // G3 pin, set pin 3 as arduino rx, pin 4 as arduino tx, with Software serial library, and start G3 pinMode(pmRxD, INPUT); pinMode(pmTxD, OUTPUT); //for CO2 sensor, setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle pinMode(source_drive, OUTPUT); Timer1.initialize(1000000); Timer1.pwm(9, 512, 400000); // DHT temperature and humidity dht.begin(); // Barometer bmp180, uncomment this line, if you want to use it // pressure.begin(); // Check rtc, and set the time if it is not running if (! rtc.begin()) { Serial.println("Couldn't find RTC"); while (1); } // rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); if (! rtc.isrunning()) { Serial.println("RTC is NOT running!"); // Following line sets the RTC to the date & time this sketch was compiled rtc.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); } // set led pinMode(SAFE_LIGHT, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SAFE_LIGHT, HIGH); pinMode(WARN_LIGHT, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(WARN_LIGHT, HIGH); pinMode(DANGER_LIGHT, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(DANGER_LIGHT, HIGH); // set onboard led pinMode(led, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(led, LOW); } /* L OOOOOO OOOOOO pppppp L O O O O p p L O O O O pppppp L O O O O p LLLLLLL OOOOOO OOOOOO p */ void loop(){ // buffer for data value write through BLE char DHT_temp_buff[20]; // temperature value buffer char DHT_humidity_buff[20]; // humidity value buffer char pm_buff[20]; // pm2.5 value buffer char pressure[20]; // barometer value buffer char CO2_buff[20]; double ABSx = 0; // initial value double SPANcal = 0; // initial value double ABS = 0; // initial value double ABSt = 0; // initial value double SPANt = 0; // initial value double CO2_ppm = 0; // initial value // get CPU tick (second) time_after_booting = millis()/1000; // get time DateTime maps_time =; // Reading alpha sense CO2 voltage, parameter: sensing time in millisecond, change it whenever you want ReadVoltage(57000); //try to get the concentration in ppm ABSx = Absorbance(CO2_CLB_RATIO, CO2_ZERO); SPANcal = Span(ABSx, CO2_b, CALIBRATE_CONCENTRATION, CO2_c); ABS = Absorbance(ratioResult, CO2_ZERO); ABSt = AbsorbanceCompensation(ABS, CO2_a, CO2_temperatureResult, CO2_Tcal); SPANt = SpanCompensation(SPANcal, CO2_Ba, CO2_temperatureResult, CO2_Tcal); CO2_ppm = GasConcentration(ABSt, SPANt, CO2_b, CO2_c, CO2_temperatureResult, CO2_Tcal); Serial.print("T+"); Serial.print(maps_time.year(), DEC); Serial.print('+'); Serial.print(maps_time.month(), DEC); Serial.print('+'); Serial.print(, DEC); Serial.print("+"); Serial.print(maps_time.hour(), DEC); Serial.print('+'); Serial.print(maps_time.minute(), DEC); Serial.print('+'); Serial.print(maps_time.second(), DEC); Serial.print('+'); Serial.print("C+"); Serial.print(ratioResult, 6); Serial.print("+"); Serial.print(CO2_temperatureResult, 6); Serial.print("+"); Serial.print(CO2_ppm); Serial.print("+"); // read temperature and humidity from DHT TmpHmd(); Serial.print("D+"); Serial.print(DHT_temperature); Serial.print("+"); Serial.print(DHT_humidity); Serial.print("+"); // PM2.5 pm25sensorG3(pm1_result, pm25_result, pm10_result); Serial.print("P+"); Serial.print(pm1_result); //PM1 Serial.print("+"); Serial.print(pm25_result); //PM2.5 Serial.print("+"); Serial.print(pm10_result); //PM10 Serial.print("+"); // get barometer pressure value barometer_value = -1; // getPressure(); Serial.print("B+"); Serial.print(barometer_value); Serial.print("+"); // get CPU tick Serial.print("U+"); Serial.print(time_after_booting); Serial.print("+"); // get package sequence Serial.print("K+"); Serial.print(packages_num); packages_num+=1; Serial.print("+"); // get MAPS ID Serial.print("I+"); Serial.print(MAPS_ID); // get float value to string, and send by BLE, sprintf is not support for %f on Arduino due to some performance issue (from google XD) BLE.listen(); dtostrf(DHT_temperature, 2, 2, DHT_temp_buff); dtostrf(DHT_humidity, 2, 2, DHT_humidity_buff); dtostrf(pm25_result, 2, 2, pm_buff); dtostrf(CO2_ppm, 2, 2, CO2_buff); sprintf(buff, "tmp,%s", DHT_temp_buff); BLE.print(buff); delay(250); sprintf(buff, "hmd,%s", DHT_humidity_buff); BLE.print(buff); delay(250); sprintf(buff, "pm25,%s", pm_buff); BLE.print(buff); delay(250); sprintf(buff, "co2,%s", CO2_buff); BLE.print(buff); // set led light state if(pm25_result <= PM_SAFE && CO2_ppm <= CO2_SAFE){ //both value are in safe state, green light digitalWrite(SAFE_LIGHT, HIGH); digitalWrite(WARN_LIGHT, LOW); digitalWrite(DANGER_LIGHT, LOW); } else if(pm25_result > PM_SAFE && pm25_result <= PM_WARN){ // pm2.5 are in the warning state, yellow light digitalWrite(SAFE_LIGHT, LOW); digitalWrite(WARN_LIGHT, HIGH); digitalWrite(DANGER_LIGHT, LOW); } else if(pm25_result > PM_WARN || CO2_ppm > CO2_SAFE){ // one of the value is over the limit, red light digitalWrite(SAFE_LIGHT, LOW); digitalWrite(WARN_LIGHT, LOW); digitalWrite(DANGER_LIGHT, HIGH); } else{ // keep the same state } } /******** CO2 sensor's temperature, use Linear interpolation method high = high temperature, low = low temperature, high_R = resistance value @ high, low_R = resistance value @ low, R2 = current resistance value input: high, low temperature & resistance value and current resistance value output: CO2 sensor's temperature ********/ float CO2_Temperature(float high, float low, float high_R, float low_R, float R2){ float temperature = 0; temperature = (((high * R2) + (high_R * low) - (low * R2) - (high * low_R)) / (high_R - low_R)); return temperature; } /******** CO2 sensor's temperature, need to read CO2 spec, use thermal resistance input: current resistance value output: CO2 sensor temperature ********/ float Resis2Temp(float R2){ float temperature = 0; if(R2 <= Z_R && R2 > T_R){ temperature = CO2_Temperature(T, Z, T_R, Z_R, R2); } else if(R2 <= T_R && R2 > TWT_R){ temperature = CO2_Temperature(TWT, T, TWT_R, T_R, R2); } else if(R2 <= TWT_R && R2 > THT_R){ temperature = CO2_Temperature(THT, TWT, THT_R, TWT_R, R2); } else if(R2 <= THT_R && R2 > FT_R){ temperature = CO2_Temperature(FT, THT, FT_R, THT_R, R2); } else if(R2 <= FT_R && R2 > FFT_R){ temperature = CO2_Temperature(FFT, FT, FFT_R, FT_R, R2); } else if(R2 <= FFT_R && R2 > ST_R){ temperature = CO2_Temperature(ST, FFT, ST_R, FFT_R, R2); } else{ temperature = ERROR; //error :( } return temperature; } /******** CO2 sensor's voltage reading we read Active, Reference voltage and resistance value input: sensing time in millisecond output: ********/ void ReadVoltage(unsigned int sensingSecond){ float tempActVol = 0; float tempRefVol = 0; float tempResisVol = 0; float sumRatioVol = 0; float sumResisVol = 0; float currentMaxActVol = 0; float currentMaxRefVol = 0; float ratioNum = 0; float resNum = 0; unsigned long now; unsigned long startTime = millis(); //Read voltage for 'sensingSecond' while(1){ now = millis(); tempActVol = analogRead(A0); // Act tempRefVol = analogRead(A1); // Ref tempResisVol = analogRead(A2);// Resistance // to measure the current resistance for CO2 sensor it self, I learn from these place: //,+21614.0.html // // for R1, I use 10k Ohm, and Vin 5V tempResisVol = tempResisVol * analog_vol; sumResisVol += Resis2Temp(((10.0/((5.0 / tempResisVol)-1.0))*1000.0)); resNum += 1; /* CO2 voltage (both Act and Ref) is a wave, ex: 0, 0.45, 0.9, localMax, 1.0, 0.5, 0,.....,0, 0.43, 0.79, localMax, 1.1, 0.7, 0,...... we only need the localMax value, the code below is doing this job, I use Act voltage as the main target */ if(tempActVol > currentMaxActVol){ currentMaxActVol = tempActVol; currentMaxRefVol = tempRefVol; } else if(tempActVol == 0 && currentMaxActVol != 0 && currentMaxRefVol != 0){ sumRatioVol += (currentMaxActVol/currentMaxRefVol); ratioNum += 1; currentMaxActVol = 0; currentMaxRefVol = 0; } else{ //nothing } if(now - startTime >= sensingSecond){ break; } } if(ratioNum > 0){ ratioResult = sumRatioVol/ratioNum; } else{ ratioResult = ERROR; } if(resNum > 0){ CO2_temperatureResult = sumResisVol/resNum; } else{ CO2_temperatureResult = ERROR; } } /******** CO2 concentration (ppm) converter ********/ double Span(double ABSx, double b, double x, double c){ double SPAN; double temp_denominator; double temp_xc; temp_xc = pow(x,c); temp_denominator = (1-exp(-(b * temp_xc))); SPAN = (ABSx/temp_denominator); return SPAN; } double Absorbance(double RATIO, double ZERO){ double ABS; ABS = (1 - (RATIO/ZERO)); return ABS; } double AbsorbanceCompensation(double ABS, double a, double T, double Tcal){ double ABSt; ABSt = (1 - ((1 - ABS) * (1 + a * (T - Tcal)))); return ABSt; } double SpanCompensation(double SPANcal, double Ba, double T, double Tcal){ double SPANt; SPANt = (SPANcal + (Ba * (T - Tcal))); return SPANt; } double GasConcentration(double ABSt, double SPANt, double b, double c, double T, double Tcal){ double temperature_para; double numerator; double denominator; double base; double main_para; double pow_num; double ppm; temperature_para = (T / Tcal); numerator = log( (1-(ABSt / SPANt)) ); denominator = 0-b; base = (numerator / denominator); pow_num = (1 / c); main_para = pow(base, pow_num); ppm = temperature_para * main_para; return ppm; } /*==========Temperature and Humidity sensor function==========*/ void TmpHmd(){ DHT_temperature = dht.readTemperature(); DHT_humidity = dht.readHumidity(); } /*==========PM2.5 function==========*/ void pm25sensorG3(float &pm1, float &pm25, float &pm10){ int count=0; float pm25result = 0; byte incomeByte[24]; boolean startcount=false; byte data; G3.begin(9600); while (1){ if(G3.available()){; if(data==0x42 && !startcount){ startcount = true; incomeByte[count]=data; count++; } else if(startcount){ incomeByte[count]=data; count++; if(count>=24){ break; } } } } G3.end(); G3.flush(); unsigned int calcsum = 0; unsigned int exptsum; // reference for(int i = 0; i < 22; i++) { calcsum += (unsigned int)incomeByte[i]; } exptsum = ((unsigned int)incomeByte[22] << 8) + (unsigned int)incomeByte[23]; if(calcsum == exptsum){ pm1 = ((unsigned int)incomeByte[10] << 8) + (unsigned int)incomeByte[11]; pm25 = ((unsigned int)incomeByte[12] << 8) + (unsigned int)incomeByte[13]; pm10 = ((unsigned int)incomeByte[14] << 8) + (unsigned int)incomeByte[15]; } else{ // Serial.println("#[exception] PM2.5 Sensor CHECKSUM ERROR!"); } } /*==========BMP180 Atmosphere pressure function==========*/ double getPressure() { char status; double T,P,p0,a; // You must first get a temperature measurement to perform a pressure reading. // Start a temperature measurement: // If request is successful, the number of ms to wait is returned. // If request is unsuccessful, 0 is returned. status = pressure.startTemperature(); if (status != 0){ // Wait for the measurement to complete: delay(status); // Retrieve the completed temperature measurement: // Note that the measurement is stored in the variable T. // Use '&T' to provide the address of T to the function. // Function returns 1 if successful, 0 if failure. status = pressure.getTemperature(T); if (status != 0){ // Start a pressure measurement: // The parameter is the oversampling setting, from 0 to 3 (highest res, longest wait). // If request is successful, the number of ms to wait is returned. // If request is unsuccessful, 0 is returned. status = pressure.startPressure(3); if (status != 0){ // Wait for the measurement to complete: delay(status); // Retrieve the completed pressure measurement: // Note that the measurement is stored in the variable P. // Use '&P' to provide the address of P. // Note also that the function requires the previous temperature measurement (T). // (If temperature is stable, you can do one temperature measurement for a number of pressure measurements.) // Function returns 1 if successful, 0 if failure. status = pressure.getPressure(P,T); if (status != 0){ return(P); } else{ // Serial.println("error retrieving pressure measurement\n"); } } else{ // Serial.println("error starting pressure measurement\n"); } } else{ // Serial.println("error retrieving temperature measurement\n"); } } else{ // Serial.println("error starting temperature measurement\n"); } }