
Last update 6 years 3 months
FilesPanel IV Calculation
% FUNCTION TO CALCULATE THE IV CURVE OF A SOLAR PANEL WITH KNOWN % ILLUMINATION. INPUT: % i: Illumination of each cell, row vector. Order cells by which series % string they belong to. % nSer: Number of cells in series. % nPar: Number of cells in parallel. % N: Number of sampling points. Defaults to 50. (Outputs nSer*N points). % OUTPUT: % [Ip, Vp]: Current and voltage sample points, column vectors. % Copyright 2018 Gustav Pettersson, % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see <>. function [Ip,Vp,Ic,Vc,Is,Vs] = getPanelIVCurve(i,nSer,nPar,N) nCells = length(i); if nargin < 4 N = 50; end % Parameters Vrng = [-.4 2.6]; Irng = [0 0.6]; Vt_spd = .03; Isat_spd = 1e-3; %%%%% START assert(length(i) == nSer*nPar) % Sample each cell Vc = linspace(Vrng(1),Vrng(2),N)'; Vp = linspace(0,Vrng(2)*nSer,N*nSer)'; Ip = zeros(N*nSer,1); Ic = zeros(N,nCells); for j = 1:nCells Ic(:,j) = getCellCurrent(Vc,i(j)); end for k = 1:nPar a = (1:nSer)+nSer*(k-1); Icells = Ic(:,a); IoldInside = (Icells>Irng(1))&(Icells<Irng(2)); Iold = unique(Icells(IoldInside)); Inew = linspace(Irng(1),Irng(2),(nSer+1)*N-length(Iold))'; Is = sort([Iold;Inew]); Vs = -Vt_spd*log(Is/Isat_spd+1); %Series diode for l = 1:nSer %Add each cell Vs = Vs + interp1(Ic(:,a(l)),Vc,Is,'pchip'); end Ip = Ip + interp1(Vs,Is,Vp,'pchip',0); end end
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