
Last update 6 years 3 months
% Copyright 2018 Gustav Pettersson, % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see <>. function SPSoutput = LoadAllSPS(idlist,typelist,labellist) % FUNCTION TO LOAD ALL SPSs CONNECTED TO THE PC. INPUT: % idlist: LIST THE HARDWARE IDS OF THE CONNECTED SPSs IN ROW VECTOR % eg: idlist = [7 6]; % typelist: LIST THE TYPE OF EACH OF THE CONNECTED SPSs IN CELL OF STRINGS % HV: 24V and fan (21V 1.1A) % HC: 12V and fan (8V 2.1A) % NO: 12V no fan (8V 1A) % eg: typelist = {'NO' 'HV'}; % labellist: LIST THE LABEL TO ATTACH TO EACH OF THE CONNECTED SPSs IN CELL % OF STRINGS. USE FORMAT 'MPPT x' OR 'PANEL x' % eg: labellist = {'MPPT 1' 'MPPT 2'}; assert(iscell(typelist)) assert(iscell(labellist)) assert(isnumeric(idlist)) assert(length(idlist)==length(typelist)) assert(length(idlist)==length(labellist)) try load('SPSCalibrationData') catch disp('Could not load calibration data for devices') end try fclose(instrfind('Type', 'serial')); %Close all serial ports end % Get all serial ports available on system serialInfo = instrhwinfo('serial'); COMports = serialInfo.SerialPorts; % Counter for found serial ports with SPSs numSPS = 0; clear SPSserial disp('Scanning COM ports') % For every available com port for i = 1:length(COMports) %Grab the serial port serials(i) = serial(COMports{i},'BaudRate',115200,'OutputBufferSize',10000,'Timeout',.5); %Open it fopen(serials(i)); %Test device type fprintf(serials(i),'W\n'); response = strtrim(fscanf(serials(i))); if ~strcmpi(response,'SPS') disp([serials(i).port ': No SPS']) else disp([serials(i).port ': Found SPS']) numSPS = numSPS+1; SPSserial(numSPS) = serials(i); end end %SPSserial now has all found SPSs and their serial ports. disp(['Found ' num2str(numSPS) ' Solar Panel Simulators']) %Load all SPSs as devices assert(numSPS>=length(idlist)) clear SPSdevices for j = 1:numSPS SPSdevices(j) = deviceClassSPS(SPSserial(j)); end clear SPSoutput %Get a list of all available hardware IDs foundHwIds = [SPSdevices.hardwareID]; %Sort by hardware IDs and attach attributes for i = 1:length(idlist) listPos = find(idlist(i)==foundHwIds); if ~isempty(listPos) % Save device in correct position in output struct SPSoutput(i) = SPSdevices(listPos); % Set correct input voltage type SPSoutput(i).setInputType(typelist{i}); % Set label SPSoutput(i).setLabel(labellist{i}); % Find and set calibration if exist('calibrationData','var') calibListPos = find(idlist(i)==calibrationData(:,1)); if ~isempty(calibListPos) SPSoutput(i).setCalibration(calibrationData(calibListPos,2:5)); else disp(['Did not find calibration for device with ID ' num2str(idlist(i))]) end end else disp(['Could not find device with ID ' num2str(idlist(i))]) assert(false) end end end
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