
Last update 6 years 3 months
FilesBuilding and Calibrating
Building Testing and Calibrating the SPS.docx
% Copyright 2018 Gustav Pettersson, % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see <>. % This script allows to send fixed value to set the DAC to on a SPS % connected to the following COM port. Enter the value (0-4095) and press % enter to send. port = 'COM4'; try fclose(instrfind('Type', 'serial')); %Close all serial ports end serialPort = serial(port,'BaudRate',115200,'OutputBufferSize',10000,'Timeout',10); %% Initiate serial communication fopen(serialPort) flushinput(serialPort) %Test device type fprintf(serialPort,'W\n') response = fscanf(serialPort); assert(strcmp(strtrim(response),'SPS')) %Test device version fprintf(serialPort,'V\n') response = fscanf(serialPort); assert(strcmp(strtrim(response),'1')) %Get device ID fprintf(serialPort,'I\n') response = fscanf(serialPort); DeviceID = str2num(response); assert(DeviceID>0 && DeviceID<256) disp(['Connected to device with hardware ID ' num2str(DeviceID)]) data = zeros(1,4096,'uint16'); %% Stream data while(true) user = input('Stream? ','s'); if (length(user)>0) data = str2num(user)*ones(1,4096,'uint16'); end tic SendDataToTeensy(data,serialPort) toc end %% function SendDataToTeensy( data, serialPort ) %SENDDATATOTEENSY Sends dataset with lookup table to Teensy % data: uint16 array of length 4096. Each value must be 12 bit % serialPort: serial object connected to Teensy and opened % Throws exception if communication fails (check port is open). % Clears serial input buffer. assert(length(data)==4096) assert(isa(data,'uint16')) assert(any(data<4096)) flushinput(serialPort) %Purge input buffer fprintf(serialPort,'D\n') %Ask Teensy to ready response = fscanf(serialPort); assert(strcmp(strtrim(response),'OK')) %Now ready to receive %Time to build datastructure of 8192 unsigned bytes datastruct = uint8(zeros(1,4096*2)); activeBits = uint16(bin2dec('111111')); %Use only last 6 bits of a byte msbID = uint8(bin2dec('10000000')); %Identify MSB by leading 10 lsbID = uint8(bin2dec('01000000')); %Identify LSB by leading 01 for i = 1:4096 %For every datapoint %Assemble bit structure msbs = bitor(uint8(bitand(bitshift(data(i),-6),activeBits)),msbID); lsbs = bitor(uint8(bitand(data(i),activeBits)),lsbID); %Add to output array datastruct(2*i-1:2*i) = [msbs lsbs]; end fwrite(serialPort, datastruct, 'sync'); %Write array to Teensy res = fscanf(serialPort); assert(strcmp(strtrim(res),'F')) %Read and assert acknowledgement end
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